E/C Slash Recs Needed

Saturday March 20, 2010 at 7:15 AM

I have a fondness for Edward/Carlisle slash, but it seems like E/J is all I can find out in fic-land. Does anyone have any E/C stories or one-shots to rec me? I've read 'Wood', 'If This is What You Want', and 'Bittersweet Hurt'.

I also read a one-shot a few weeks featuring vamp E/C. Carlisle was plowing into Edward from behind, calling out 'Who's your maker?!'. I wish SMeyer could have read it.... 


How to cope?

Saturday March 20, 2010 at 1:43 AM

One of my cousins just died quite literally not more than four hours ago.

My family is shambles, not because we don’t lose people in our family but because we do it too often. I don’t know how to express myself; members of my family cried and went back to bed, we quite honestly still lost in how to deal even though we done so many times. I’m sick and tired of dealing with cancer, I lost more family to that thing than I have any other diseases combined, this was a sweet little nine year old girl who had been dealing with that crap for too long, she was brave and didn’t give up the first time around, but this time it didn’t let her get away.
So tell me how you cope, give something to do because I have the feeling I’m not sleeping tonight at all. Give me some good fluff fanfics, anything that gets you through the day and makes it a little better.
p.s. I’m not quite sure if it’s still free Friday.

Eclipse sneak peek

Friday March 19, 2010 at 11:30 PM


Um, Im tired of the emo. How about you?

(sorry if this has already been posted)


Hola Chicas

Friday March 19, 2010 at 11:20 PM

so yeah who here is not watching New Moon right now?? I am in fact watching Juno cuz its only 11:30 here...and I am not going anywhere at midnight...mostly cuz I dont have transportation and the closest place that is still open is an hour and a half away from me :(


What are you listening to?

Friday March 19, 2010 at 9:20 PM

So it is technically the first official day of spring here on the East Coast, which means summer isn't all that far away. Summer is prime concert-going time.

In fact, I just bought my KoL tickets. Better late than never (considering they went on sale this morning) but I can deal with no-so-great seats just to hear Caleb croon.

My question to you all is: who are you going to see in concert this summer? Who do you want to see in concert this summer? Who do you wish would make a stop in your town?

I'm hoping to add Band of Horses and The Black Keys to my list as well.

Tanya Denali

Free for All . . . .

Friday March 19, 2010 at 9:08 PM

I've heard it was a "Free for All Friday," personally I believe that everyday should be a free for all, but that's neither here nor there.

Through the help of some family friends I've recently discovered Twilight fanfiction. And I must say I'm a bit disappointed. Most adaptations of characters, who I'm assuming were fashioned after me, are completely false.

So my question is this, why am I painted in such a negative light?

Also I would love to read any of these fanfictions that do me justice . . . can any woodland creatures recommend some?

For your time, a song that Rosie sent me awhile back and has since become an underground theme song of sorts for us both!



Friday March 19, 2010 at 8:33 PM


ok so i have such a HUGE problem


me and my girl SKYLAR ARE SO BUMMED.....does anyone know if its going to be on on demand at midnight?


Can I have some cheese with my whine?

Friday March 19, 2010 at 7:46 PM

I went to physical therapy today for the first visit. 


My shoulder seized and I hurt.  Please feel sorry for me as I wait for my pain meds to kick in.

That is my official whiney post for this evening.

Carry On.



Say hi to Tor & Wolvesnvamps in NYC

Friday March 19, 2010 at 6:44 PM

I just got a call from Wolvesnvamps letting me know that she and Tor are milling around in the crowd at Borders AT COLUMBUS CIRCLE waiting for P-Fac to show up for the New Moon DVD Release event. And they're wondering if any Campers are there too.

So if you're there in NYC waiting on Peter's fine ass, you might as well mingle with Tor and Wolvesnvamps, yes?



Betcha My Life is Sadder than Yours...

Friday March 19, 2010 at 6:26 PM

Campers, I'm going to spend the rest of this evening depotting my MAC eyeshadows and putting them into a palette.  Once I'm done with that I will probably try and see if I can pull of blue eyeshadow without looking like an early 80's hooker.  Then I'll probably get drunk or something.


What are you up to tonight, ADF?


What I did on my spring break.

Friday March 19, 2010 at 5:51 PM

I'm thinking about dropping out of school and becoming a full time camper. I feel like it could lucrative.
Here's my plan:
I'll write Forest jingles!

about fanfiction, about fandom drama, about Rpatz. I don't care.

From there, I'll write the Twilight musical, and we'll all be famous.

Seriously, get me out of school. I'm done. I was so exhausted that this week, I just caught up on sleep.

gimme something you want a jingle about. I'll snazz it up with my Aliabobbwa brand of humor and post the video for you, yeah?

I just wanna say I did something fun on my Spring Break...well, something that didn't involve copious amounts of booze and first reach arounds...

(kidding, kidding....mebbe)

pianome.jpg picture by aliabobbwa



I want a MacBook. Do you have one?

Friday March 19, 2010 at 5:31 PM

I am an Apple girl. The iPhone, the iPod, but alas no MacBook.

Should I go balls out even though I have a perfectly good laptop?

Srsly-- I want the pluses and minuses.

Or a slap in the face.

(If my sister saw this, she would do that slap in the face)

Got one? Spill!


New Moon Release?

Friday March 19, 2010 at 5:26 PM

Hey everyone, I was wondering if any of you are going to the new moon release party is seattle? I dont wanna be theonly one there!



Friday March 19, 2010 at 5:15 PM

Show me shoes that make you drool.



Fan Fiction Trailers

Friday March 19, 2010 at 5:09 PM

 Okay so and increasing number of authors have been either making trailers or having a friend make a trailer for them. I (personally) think it's an AWESOME idea. What do you campers think??

Also, do any of you make fan fic trailers or know someone that does? I tried to make my own and.... well... I'll just let you see how that turned out. WARNING: It sucks. 

And if you don't, feel free to post some awesome trailers that you have seen! :) 

That is all. 


Will you JUST review the freaking movie?!

Friday March 19, 2010 at 4:57 PM

okay, I almost started a fire about foxp2 but this is probably something we can all relate to on a more personal note. I'll expose people to my nerdcore level later...

I've been having this problem lately. You see, generally when I click on a title, I know what I'm in for. 9 times out of 10 I choose to read a topic/blog/article whatever because I'm interested in said topic. I want to know about the history behind white lions (not the band) or see if the racehorse "catch a bird" was really a chimera as some researchers suspect. Unless I'm fooling around reading something for lols, I expect to get what I paid for (with my personal time). So what the HELL is with all the movie reviews (I use that term loosely) that end up being nothing more than a pile of senseless drabble about "omg rob was so hawt I tried to watch but I just couldn't pay attention *fangirl giggle* did you see his ass in [insert scene here] zomg I'm such a naughty fangirl *teehee*"

Really?....can I punch you yet?

I'm sure this isn't the only fandom where this happens. Depp probably inspires similar bullshit on a regular basis, I'm just writing from the examples I see constantly in reference to the twilight movies and now remember me. Can we, i dunno, grow up a little bit? I haven't seen any of this behavior here (in a serious context anyway) but it's ridiculous! Yes, I don't HAVE to read anyone else's reviews but I'd like a little variety if possible. The forest provided great reviews which were a pleasure to read, but I like to try and find other opinions too. It just drives me up a wall that these same people will bitch and moan when they're treated like overgrown children and talked down to by [insert identity here] and yet they fuel each other by making these asinine displays of word vomit and giving each other high fives for it! Don't act like you haven't seen it. I like the idea of blogs, I really do. But I'll be DAMNED if i can find 1/3 as many decent blogs out there as total wastes of time. All in my opinion of course, but I feel like I can't possibly be the only one who's seeing this.

I'm not saying we should sap the fun out of being a fan. I'm just saying, there's a time and a place and it's NOT ALL THE TIME!


NO, this is not a personal attack on any one person.

Ryan Ninea

Can you advise me please???

Friday March 19, 2010 at 2:48 PM

Thank goodness for the FFAF, because I need help.

I HATE my job. I want to quit, my husband wants me to quit, so does my father in law.

My mother in law got me the job so she doesn't want me to....ANYWAY

This is why I hate my job

I make 15000 gross a year, no health coverage and I am by myself all day, as I am the only on site employee.

I pay 120.00 a week in daycare, and about 150 in gas, plus frequent oil changes. My job is 75 mins from my house.

When I took the job it was supposed to be for 3 days a week, but I was out of work for 3 weeks in Nov/Dec because I had the swine flu. When I came back they asked if I could work everyday to make up for time missed, I said sure and did. I asked if I could go back to my reg schedule when I had everything caught up in January, and they came up with bs for me to do to be here everyday. I asked again and they said to keep up with the everyday until the end of May. We have an audit in May and they want to make everything is in order. Well that is all fine well and good, but when I signed on it was supposed to be 3 days a week, so now I am spending more and gas and daycare and actually losing money from working.  (my paycheck for 2 weeks is 507.86 and I spend 540 for gas and daycare)

I am never home, I miss my kid. I work 8-6 so I am gone from 6 to 8. Plus whenever there is a weekend or overnight emergency (and there are about 2 a week minimum) I have to drive down here to deal with it.

Plus my actual work sucks and I get pepper sprayed once in a while.

Reasons I don't want to quit

I am scared I won't find another job right away. I was out of work from Oct 08 to March 09 last year and that blew our savings. My husband doesn't work right now. Yes I am losing money right now, but if I actually go back to 3 days a week in May I will be bringing a little something home.

And I don't want to make my mother in law look bad because she did vouch for me. Plus this job is hard to fill, it would make it really hard on the company with the audit coming up. They just sent me for a training so how am I gonna just quit after they paid for me to learn stuff?




Tracks go on & on & on & on

Friday March 19, 2010 at 1:53 PM

What song can you not get out of your head today?

Mine: I Wish I Was Someone Better by Blood Red Shoes


Esme Cullen

Ask Esme Cullen

Friday March 19, 2010 at 1:35 PM

Hello Campers at A Different Forest! 

Some of your Rangers thought it would be a nice idea for me to answer some of your questions about my family. I have been around a while and, while I may not have the appeal that the boys do, I think that you may find that I know them better than anyone!

I have also been a mother for many, many years and have been known to be a good person to turn to when you have those tough questions and want some advice. Just a thought if you'd like to share. I only want you to feel comfortable!



Friday March 19, 2010 at 1:30 PM

I'm back. Muwahahahaha (lol)

This Friday, i want you to rec me the ONE book that you think everyone should read at least once in their lives. ONLY ONE! (Please add the genre, it'll be rather helpful)

My rec

The Bronze horseman by Paullina Simons (romance)


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