Thank goodness for the FFAF, because I need help.
I HATE my job. I want to quit, my husband wants me to quit, so does my father in law.
My mother in law got me the job so she doesn't want me to....ANYWAY
This is why I hate my job
I make 15000 gross a year, no health coverage and I am by myself all day, as I am the only on site employee.
I pay 120.00 a week in daycare, and about 150 in gas, plus frequent oil changes. My job is 75 mins from my house.
When I took the job it was supposed to be for 3 days a week, but I was out of work for 3 weeks in Nov/Dec because I had the swine flu. When I came back they asked if I could work everyday to make up for time missed, I said sure and did. I asked if I could go back to my reg schedule when I had everything caught up in January, and they came up with bs for me to do to be here everyday. I asked again and they said to keep up with the everyday until the end of May. We have an audit in May and they want to make everything is in order. Well that is all fine well and good, but when I signed on it was supposed to be 3 days a week, so now I am spending more and gas and daycare and actually losing money from working. (my paycheck for 2 weeks is 507.86 and I spend 540 for gas and daycare)
I am never home, I miss my kid. I work 8-6 so I am gone from 6 to 8. Plus whenever there is a weekend or overnight emergency (and there are about 2 a week minimum) I have to drive down here to deal with it.
Plus my actual work sucks and I get pepper sprayed once in a while.
Reasons I don't want to quit
I am scared I won't find another job right away. I was out of work from Oct 08 to March 09 last year and that blew our savings. My husband doesn't work right now. Yes I am losing money right now, but if I actually go back to 3 days a week in May I will be bringing a little something home.
And I don't want to make my mother in law look bad because she did vouch for me. Plus this job is hard to fill, it would make it really hard on the company with the audit coming up. They just sent me for a training so how am I gonna just quit after they paid for me to learn stuff?