Jasper Hale

Curiousity killed the vamp...

Monday March 22, 2010 at 7:48 PM

Hello, Darlin's. So Edward told me there's this thing called "fan fict-ion" or whatnot, and I was curious. He said there's even some about me and Alice. Anyone care to share some of these that feature me and Ali? It's greatly appreciated.



The New Moon drinking game

Monday March 22, 2010 at 7:27 PM

Howdy campers. This is obviously a post that will be a bit tongue-in-cheek - I have a love-hate relationship with the Twilight saga and no offense is meant (I'm here, aren't I?)

BUT. I'm sure most of us can agree how cheesy and ridiculous the movies can be.

My roommate can't wait to get her copy of NM from netflix, so I decided to invite some girls over and make a game of it- the New Moon drinking game. We will be using something with a low low alcohol content as to not poison everyone, because these are my ideas so far:

A shot for:
Every time Kristen Steward blinks too much
Every time KS has the same blank expression
Every time RP looks self-loathing for being in this role
Every time a vampire sparkles
Every time a vampire/other supernatural creature growls
Every time a vampire/other supernatural creature is not even a little realistic
Every gratuitous ab shot
Every gratuitous hair flip from KS

Anyone else have ideas? 'smooches' Sorry if this has already been done. There is so much content on this blog, all of it lovely ('sucks up') so I can never be sure. Thanks for your input XD


Nurse Jackie...

Monday March 22, 2010 at 6:54 PM

Starring our favorite fatherly vampire, and favorite Remember Me little sister, is back on tonight! Who's excited? I'm actually not watching it til it replays at 1:30, because Castle is on, but I still can't wait.

So, discuss:


Nurse Jackie

Peter Facinelli


Music is Inspiration!

Monday March 22, 2010 at 6:23 PM

Music makes my world go 'round. In everyday life, to lift a mood or to get the anger out. It's naturally taken on a huge part of my fandom life too.

All of my writing revolves around music. A song can inspire a one-shot and I have a ton of playlists for the longer stories and such. I use it for everything. When I see the bad here, I put my music on and try to share it - spread the love to whoever will listen! I also can't read without music, I've made playlists for stories I've read.

I made a page by page playlist for the original Twilight Saga. Yup. Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. Took me over a month to do Twilight, and that's the shortest book. That's how much I love music.....

So I want to know.... does music play an important role in your life? In your Fanfic life? Do you use music to inspire your writing?



And for the rangers and campers... some Twilight pretty!



Oh Shit - She's Back

Monday March 22, 2010 at 5:14 PM

Yeah, it's Pollyfreakinganna - deal with it peeps.

I'm disheartened, and I'm not going to lie about it.

I'm disappointed by the negativity of late.  I got a screamer ripping me a new one on something this weekend for the Indies that was totally misinformed and incorrect. I am dealing with people tearing each other down thinking that by doing so, they'll get ahead.  

We've all used the excuse before, 'it's just fan fic people," but I've been saying it to myself a lot lately.  When did we lose the fun?  Where is the giddiness over an update? The excitement when we see a friend succeed?  When did it become dog eat dog?

I've come close to flouncing twice in the month of March.  Me. Flouncing. Seriously. But then I walk away and cool down, and come back with my head in the game.

But enough is enough. I am not going to give in or compromise anymore.  I want the fun back.  I want to feel excited about stories, and  I want to laugh with all of you.  Enjoyment to me is helping other writers craft wonderful stories, develop my writing, and promote the fics that should be getting more attention.  It may be naive - but I want to focus on that, and not the petty bullshit of fandom politics.

What do you want? What would you like to wish for?  As you watch this fandom evolve. what would you like it to be?  Come on, spill it - this is a smart, wise group of women.  

What do you want?

(BRB - refilling wine glass.  GAW - if you leave now, you can be here in time for the 2nd bottle)



From bad, to worse, to...just plain wrong!

Monday March 22, 2010 at 5:12 PM

So campers, I want to talk about Jasper's hair.

I think it's pretty much agreed that it wasn't at all great in Twilight. Then came New Moon with the God awful perm that was truly terrible. But personally I took a little comfort in the NM wig, I thought to myself, 'Yes it's terrible and makes poor Jackson look like a poodle, but at least it can't get worse and I'm sure they will fix it in Eclipse'


I present Jasper's hair in Eclipse:




Seriously, who thought this looked good? Do they not realize that I will not be able to pay any attention to the film, I will be too busy looking at this monstrous wig! Further more, vampires are dead, their hair doesn't grow! How are you going to explain that away Summit?!?



Monday March 22, 2010 at 4:46 PM

I am sort of embarrassed to admit this (Jandco please forgive me) but I just finished reading M.A.D. Wow! I have no idea why I hadn't read it sooner, its been on the list. It was absolutely prefect. My kids had to eat Lucky Charms for dinner. The five year old was happy, 10 & 14 yr old not so much (Hey, they're magically delicious!)

So what fic did you put off reading for too long only to kick yourself later for denying yourself twific perfection?


(also, there was beginning part of a fic listed here a few weeks back about Edward and Bella blowing off Jasper's B-day party and ihe obviously dies or something but I never saw the whole thing...where can I find that?)


Let's play...

Monday March 22, 2010 at 4:08 PM


What with Aro and Tanya and Edward and Bella and...gah, too many of them running around, I'm wondering who's behind who.

IDK, I totes think the rangers are behind this...

ETA: and even if the rangers aren't the trolls, I'm absolutely postive they know who is.


Fan Fiction Weekly Sneak Peek

Monday March 22, 2010 at 2:53 PM

 Do you write fan fiction? Want to give a peek of what's to come in your upcoming chapters?

Post upcoming excerpts from your stories here!


Don't forget to include a link! :)

Aro Volturi

Hello Hello...

Monday March 22, 2010 at 2:19 PM

How...extraodinary! This...forest, as you call it, is really quite interesting.

I am here now. Feel free to ask me...anything.


Deleted scenes on New Moon DVD?

Monday March 22, 2010 at 1:07 PM

I was doing my daily rounds at the atrocious PerezHilton.com when I noticed a post saying there was no Deleted Scenes on the Dvd. Is that true because I've been seeing tons of Clips that say they're Deleted scenes. I havent looked at any of them because I wanted to when I got the DVD. Bet if there aren't any on there I might as well start watching all the clips everyones posting.

So are there Deleted Scenes?



Monday March 22, 2010 at 11:50 AM

So, you guys might remember me...the girl who started the 'Small-Time Fics' thread a while ago *waves awkwardly* Yes, no, maybe?

Okay! Well, anyway, on that thread I mentioned that my friend and I would be starting a blog dedicating to pimping small-time fics and their wonderful authors. With that being said, I am happy to introduce the first edition of Twimpage!


We are already affiliated with Fanficers Anonymous, and in the works with several other blogs, but we need the help of small-time authors, and the readers that love them, to keep this going.

(Sorry to A Different Forest mods if this type of post isn't allowed, but I'm so excited!)


Dare to Ask

Monday March 22, 2010 at 11:34 AM

Recently, someone said to me “information is the most powerful commodity on Earth, with great potential for good or evil.”

It’s true that possessing information can be a good thing. By holding information, one can easily control perceptions and appearances. 


On the other hand, by seeking information, one holds power simply by asking questions, forcing the issue, bringing the dark into light.  And this is what we should do, right?  Ask questions, seek answers, search for knowledge and information.


But what if, in asking the questions, instead of finding answers, we only find more…questions?  Then what?  Do we stop?  Do we give up and assume the answers do not exist?  Or do we press on; demand that the information sought be given to us?  Do we go along with the crowd that isn't asking anything at all?  Do we just accept the status quo?


I was conducting research for an article called Redefining the Twilight Fan, where I hoped to help change the perception that all Twilight fans are screaming thirteen year old girls or bored, lonely housewives.


One thing I wanted to do is bring some attention to all of the charities that this enormous fandom has participated in; charities such as The Fandom Gives Back, which raised money for Alex’s Lemonade Stand, and TwiFans for Haiti. I emailed a few people, asked a bunch of questions, and received all the answers I was looking for, and then some.  The people I communicated with were extremely helpful and forthcoming with information regarding their fundraising efforts.  


All except one.


When I began asking questions about a particular organization, Support Stacie, I became confused.  What I found was not answers, but only more questions.  Unlike the people involved with other fundraising efforts, those involved with Support Stacie were not very forthcoming with information.  In fact, from the very beginning, I uncovered red flag after red flag.


And then I realized something: if I had questions, perhaps other people did too.  If I had doubts, perhaps others shared my doubts as well.  So I did what I do best…. I asked more questions.  I contacted as many people as I could that knew anything about Support Stacie, people who had been involved with the fundraising, who had participated in the author auctions, and who have donated money.  Together we uncovered, not answers, but more questions.


Let me start from the beginning.


Support Stacie is an organization that is raising money for Stacie Holeman, a Kentucky woman who is battling breast cancer and ovarian cancer.  They raise money by holding various fundraising events, including craft and author auctions online.  To date, over $95,000 has been raised by this multi-fandom effort.  All proceeds are meant to help pay for Stacie’s growing medical bills and expenses.


Stacie has been a part of a fan-fiction community for several years, and her cause quickly spread throughout different fandoms, creating a multi-fandom effort to help raise money.  I was impressed with the scope of her support, but initially I was lazy in my research.  I simply asked the following questions:


~How it [Support Stacie] got started?
~How much money was raised?
~What other fandoms were involved?


I later realized that the answers to these simple questions could easily be found on the Support Stacie website.  However, the initial response I received only garnered more questions. 


The first person I contacted with my inquiries had been very involved with the Support Stacie effort just last year. Instead of direct, forthcoming responses to my three simple questions, I was informed that they were “not able to comment on anything related to Support Stacie”. This person did, however, point me to the Support Stacie website where the information I originally wanted was readily available. This only piqued my curiosity further at the apparently cautious response. When I questioned it, the only answer I received was “It’s better that I’m not involved”. I found the wording to be rather curious


I was then put in contact with a woman named Gioia, who, after a quick internet search, I learned not only ran the Support Stacie website and auction boards, but is also a good friend of Stacie Holeman. I asked her the same questions as above.  She informed me that because of privacy issues, the Support Stacie people did not seek publicity outside of the fan-fiction communities. Again, I found this to be a curious response to three simple and direct questions, as well as an odd policy for fundraising. 


Why wouldn’t an organization that is trying to raise money for a woman in need want extra publicity that would only help their effort?  Not only that, but it could also help to bring awareness to Stacie’s illness, and perhaps help another woman who may be suffering from the same thing. 


Unlike the other responses I received from various fandom fundraisers, Support Stacie constantly evaded my simple questions.  Instead of answers, I was directed to a completely different fundraiser that had nothing to do with Support Stacie.


At this point, I could have left it all alone.  I could have just written about the stuff I already knew, even included the Support Stacie effort in my intended article based on information I found on their website, but the unanswered questions remained and glowed brighter red by the day. 



After speaking to a few online friends about my research and what I did (and did not) uncover, I was made aware that I was not the only person to question the Support Stacie fundraising effort.  In fact, I learned that as far back as a year ago, there was a group of people who questioned the legitimacy of the SS effort, but their research was left unfinished when the questions they asked were unanswered.


It occurred to me that perhaps many people would feel squeamish about doubting this particular subject. Maybe we have a doubt or two, but since so many people we know are involved with the fundraising and the auctions, perhaps there were those of us who easily pushed our doubts aside, choosing to go along with the confidence of the masses.  It occurred to me that perhaps those who choose to take advantage of others are counting on this mentality.


I questioned myself, was there a legitimate reason for my doubts? Speaking to several other people, some of whom have donated large amounts of money, time and effort to the Support Stacie cause, I realized I was not alone in my misgivings.  I was surprised to learn that they shared my exact concerns.  So with their help, I decided to keep looking.  I wanted to find out as much about Support Stacie as I could.


On the Support Stacie website, it says that they are not a legitimate charity.  It states:


Support Stacie is not a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization as defined by the U.S. tax codes. Unfortunately, the tax attorney and accountant we consulted have both informed us that it is impossible to obtain non-profit status for an organization which benefits only one individual, even when it is not for personal gain or profit. We do have the ability for a few large donations to be routed through a non-profit organization in order to obtain tax credit for the donor, should the need arise. However the auction donations as a whole are not tax-deductible.

All proceeds from the auction go towards Stacie Holeman’s ongoing medical expenses for breast cancer and ovarian cancer. These expenses include (but are not limited to) medication, hospital bills, doctor bills, radiation treatments, surgical procedures, and any other expense directly related to Stacie’s cancer treatment. Authors and auction participants do not benefit financially in any way, directly or indirectly, as a result of the Author Auctions.


If they are not a 501c3, then what are they?  Because clearly, a group that has collected over $95,000 should be something, right?  So I asked.

I sent Gioia another email, this time with a specific list of questions:  What kind of organizations is SS?  A DBA? LLC? In what state is SS located and registered? Is Support Stacie registered with the IRS?  Why can’t people use their donation as a tax deduction?  The website says that larger donations can be routed through a third party to gain tax deduction status…what is this third party? Where is the money that is being raised going?  Who is handling it?  Who is paying the medical bills?

Instead of answers to my direct questions I was told all about the Holeman family’s request for privacy, and then I was given a list of conditions in which these questions would be answered. 


Instead of answers, I felt like I was given the run-around once-again.  I made it clear in my response that I was not asking anything specific about the Holeman family, nor did I wish to learn anything about the Holeman family; I simply had questions regarding the legal rendering of the Support Stacie organization and how the donated money was handled.


The answer I received looked as though it was taken directly from the website.  And although I was well aware of Support Stacie’s lack of 501c3 status, I was still not told in what state the organization was located, nor was I given any information regarding this third party that was funneling money for tax credit.


I did have a little piece of information from one of the groups who researched the SS organization in the past.  I had the name of a church in Texas that was given to an individual who asked a lot of these similar questions.  Evidently, the church was being used to route the money to Stacie so that larger donors could receive the tax credit.  I contacted this church but was unable to reach anyone who could tell me anything about their involvement with Support Stacie.


From the very beginning I was struck by one thing: the Support Stacie volunteers appear to be doing a great thing for a woman in need.  But their lack of transparency about the intricacies of their organization leaves one wondering if someone was hiding something.  Their unwillingness to receive the small bit of publicity that a line or two of my initial article would have given them only amplifies that point.


In one of the email correspondences, Gioia states: “As I mentioned before, we do not pursue publicity outside of the fanfic communities.  We aren't like most charitable organizations which seek publicity in order to help their causes.”


Coincidentally, a recent update to the Support Stacie website includes a Q&A done by Stacie where she answers various questions about her illness and her day to day life.  It offers no solid information regarding the Support Stacie organization, but it is heartfelt, and offers a glimpse into the life of someone battling a horrific illness.


Another very recent update is a reminder of an author auction that SS is holding this weekend.  At the end of that post it states:


“Promotional help for this auction is always needed!   Please spread the word to all the fandom friends and fandom boards you know.” 


Yet when I offered to promote the auction, I was told they aren’t interested. Moreover, I don’t understand why someone who is struggling in real life wouldn’t welcome all the help others are willing to give.


The bottom line is this…


I’m not saying whether or not Support Stacie is a fraudulent organization.  I’m not accusing anyone of lying or scamming the fandom. But if there is a group who is trying to collect money from the general public - because whether it’s in the fan-fic community or not, it’s still the public - and people have questions about the organization and how and where the funds are being handled, it’s wise to be open and forthcoming with the information. 


If you want the public’s help, then you need to answer the public’s questions.


It is our right to ask.


Ginger lovin

Monday March 22, 2010 at 11:15 AM

In honor of the fact that I Isla Fisher got married this weekend,  I think it's time for a good red-head post.

Rec me some of your favorite stories with the Twi-verse redheads - Victoria or Tanya. I know neither of them have the best reputation in fics, but have you ever come across one where they're so wonderfully written that it makes them amazing?


 FYT: have a macaroon with me Isla and her hubby


Girls strip off for him, fans mob his set,

Monday March 22, 2010 at 10:01 AM

Rober Pattinson

Excerpt from Sunday Times Style Mag. More in comments.

Poor Pattinson! Eyeing the bed in his suite, I dare a question about those sex scenes with girls. He famously had to pop a Valium to get through the audition for Twilight, in which he needed to make out on a bed with Stewart. For the love scenes in Remember Me, his co-star Emilie de Ravin “was very, very, very comfortable”, he sighs. “I’m always the one who’s the most uncomfortable. So we came into the room, and they said ‘It’s a closed set,’ blah, blah, and we got on to the bed and the director was like, ‘I got you these things, if just maybe you wanted to use them. You don’t have to use them, maybe it will make you more comfortable.’ They were these bondage things: lube and handcuffs and porn videos. It was so funny!

"And when you end up doing it, you have this little patch on your privates. I didn’t really tape it up properly, so I’d spent so long taping it round myself and then literally it falls off within one second and it’s taped to the sheet. And you realize the whole crew are looking directly at your butt crack.” He blanches. “I can’t think of anything exciting for them about this. It gives you a lot of respect for porn stars.”

I decide to dive in and ask him about Stewart. Does he believe in love at first sight? “Yes,” he says. Has he... ever been in love? “Ah, yes, I think so.” “What’s...” Nick looks up from his BlackBerry. “Let’s keep to the film,” he snaps. Pattinson looks embarrassed, but the moment has passed, and I am to leave. He gets up and gives me a kiss on the cheek: light and soft and not at all unfresh. I read somewhere one girl’s parents paid £20,000 in a charity auction for one of those.

What do you think Campers? Isn't he funny and awkward. I dare say as awkward as K-Stew. They make a great couple. Sorry if it has been posted before


wolvesnvamps made me do it

Monday March 22, 2010 at 8:50 AM

So after an obscene amount of time I have finally started to publish the story wolvesnvamps bought LAST SEPTEMBER. 



Summary: Edward's life changes in a way he never imagined. The ultimate

measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience,

but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. M.L. King, Jr

Eclipse AU



Chapter 1 will be published on Wednesday, but here is an exclusive ADF teaser:


"Please, Bella," I begged, "please stay right next to me."

"Edward, you're scaring me. Please just tell me what happened."

"Bella..." I said, trying to choose my next words to her carefully, but before I could say anything she moved her head to peer around me. "No! Don't look–" 

My words were too late as Bella wrenched herself from my grasp and stepped around me to look upon the clearing. It only took a moment as the understanding of what had happened dawned on her and she screamed out in terror and grief. She covered her face as tears I wished I could cry myself fell through her fingers. 




Edward needs a stake to the heart

Monday March 22, 2010 at 8:45 AM

Sooooo...I'm reading Ultio and....

I'd like Edward to die a long, slow painful death.

It's making me crazy how much I hate him.

Give me another fic where you didn't want them to end up togehter. Not a fic where Jasper was the better man or anything but where Bella was just freaking better off without this jerk.

I hate everyone in this fic. 



New True Blood Season 3 promo

Monday March 22, 2010 at 8:31 AM

Can't wait!


Fic Prompt Monday!

Monday March 22, 2010 at 7:57 AM

It's that time!  Okay, in case you missed our previous fic prompt post, here's the deal:

If you have a prompt, a slight or major idea, a quote, a song, ANYTHING to inspire a fic, post it here. 

If you are a fic author looking for an idea, come on in and see if anything appeals to you.

Remember, however, anything posted here is up for grabs, so if you don't want someone coming along and using your idea, please don't post it.


Did you see The Runaways? Remember Me? (spoilers)

Monday March 22, 2010 at 5:31 AM

Please Beware there are spoilers and I dont know how to add Comments to my own post


Since there was a rather large group of people from ADF who went to see Remember me I thought we could discuss. I saw Remember me Saturday and The Runaways Sunday.

What did you think about RM? I thought it was really good and I was quite Surprised it didn't do better in the theaters. The chemistry between Tyler and Ally (Rob and Emilie) was really good imo. And how hot was that love seen. Robert Pattinson panting is an imagine I don't ever want out of my head...

And the ending??? How awful was that? I had suspicions the entire movie that he was going to commit suicide like his brother but I didn't expect that to happen, But I knew once I saw the teacher write the date on the chalk board I knew what was going to happen. I did cry and the very end.

Now what about The Runaways?? That movie is limited release until April 9th (Kstew's Bday), when it will be a wide release. For a limited release it did ok.  A gross revenue of $803,000. and it got decent reviews.

Did you see The Runaways? Its one of my favorites for 2010. Kristen gets alot of hate for her movies but she did really good in this film, probably her best. She seemed really comfortable in her acting. As for Dakota i'm kind of on the fence about her. Her roles usually have her playing innocence and once you have that mold its hard to break it. Since I don't really know much about Cherie Curry I cant really say if she was a good portrayal or not but I don't think her acting was bad at all. But I was second hand embarrassed for some of Dakota's dance moves. It was a shock to see innocent Dakota hip thrust.

I'm kind of embarrassed to say that I was really turned on by a Joan Jett Version of Kristen, more so than I was Robert Pattinson (when usually the mere thought of him makes me tingly). She was really hot and it made me really hot and Kristen seemed really comfortable playing Lesbian? Bisexual? Straight? Joan Jett. I am Definitely not opposed to seeing more Girl on Girl action from Kristen.

And Lastly what did you think about the singing? Everyone said They were Lip Syncing but I really don't think they were. You could hear their voice sound? in the songs. I'm going to add the Soundtrack to my Zune for sure!

Share your thoughts with me people, I'm honestly curious about what you think.


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