

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 6:53 PM


As ALL of you campers know, A Different Forest is all about being a Collective meeting of the Minds.

We are all for one and one for all.

So Give me your Recs for fantastic reading. Link us up. I want to know what EVERYONE is reading. I want to know if you agree with someone's recs. I want you to pimp out your friends and your friends friends and by all means, I want you to pimp out YOURSELF.




Edward Cullen: The Early Years

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 6:48 PM

(I don't know if we're technically into Friday Free For All yet or not, but hopefully this will be approved.)

My beta and younger sister Jezunya has finally joined us here in the forest, and in celebration I thought I would start a campfire asking you all the question she just asked me, to prove to her how welcoming and friendly and helpful every one here is.  

So Jezunya is looking for recs of fics focused on Edward's first years as a vampire.  She's a stickler for good writing (I've felt the beta stick often!), I think generally prefers canon in both background and pairings, and easy on the citrus.  Tell us your favorites, or just come in and say hi to the newbie!  :D


I Need Love

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 6:44 PM

I have had a day straight from the fiery depths of Hades and I need a hug and a booby rub. Since I have no one in RL to turn to right now, I turning to you, my fandom family.

I woke up with a ripping headache and a sore throat.

Went to school and got back my math exam with a lovely grade of 64%...a fucking D.

Picked up a cake for my daughters 11th birthday on Saturday, and that sucka slide off the back seat on the way home.

My washing machine broke, so my 6 year old has no clean jeans to wear to school tomorrow.

And....hubby and I have been having a fight of WWIII proportions since last night.

Before I drown my sorrows in cheap wine...SHOW ME SOME LOVE.

*I know it's not Free For All Friday yet, and I didn't get approval from a ranger for this post, but for the love of god please give me a pass. I've suffered enough.


Need recs

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 5:36 PM

Hi! I'm new to this site... I've gone through a lot of fics to be honest. I'm reading a lot of the usual popular ones and the some of them have wrapped up. So I need suggestions on some really good ones that are hard to stop reading. I like geek edward/bella, unpopular bella/ popular edward, angsty tourtured soul edward/bella... get my drift? So if any of you can help me out that would be great! Thanks!


Really Bella?

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 5:28 PM

Ok, first off, this is my first campfire. I know, I suck.

So Twilight was on Showtime today, which is cool because it's a free showtime weekend! I started watching it until my 2 year old noticed what was going on. Anyway, this is what's bugging me. At the very beginning Bella is explaining how she used to come to Forks every summer when she was younger, but then stopped. In the book I'm pretty sure she explains that she forced Charlie to meet her in California for vacations instead. Really? I mean, come on. This is Bella we're talking about. It makes no sense that she would put her foot down and force Charlie to do something, when she's all about being a pushover and making other people happy. Grr. This is just bothering me. Thoughts?

Edward Cullen

The Skin of a Killer on the Killer of Skin

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 5:27 PM

 Attention, Forest Dwellers.  This is a Public Service Announcement!

Today my dearest Bella and I took a leisurely jog up to our favorite meadow.  It was a glorious early spring day, and the sun, for once, was shining.  As we sat in the middle of the downy grass and blooming flowers, I admired the way the sunlight bounced off of my Bella's delicate vampire skin.  Entranced by the myriad colors reflecting from her, I instantly closed my first edition of War and Peace (a bit of light reading for such a nice day) to admire her beauty.  

I felt my silent heart clench when my mind wandered to years ago, when my Bella was still a vulnerable human.  How easily her milky skin could've been tarnished by the heavy-handed rays of the sun!   All that fine, smooth skin pure as ivory marked with red, blistering splotches.  I shudder at the thought.

Over eight thousand Americans are diagnosed with melanoma each and every year, which means that approximately A MILLION AMERICANS have succumbed to this vicious disease over the course of my wretched lifetime!  Unacceptable!  Your epidermis is the largest organ in your body, and it must be appropriately cared for.  You want to keep your skin youthful and supple.  I can tell you from experience that there's nothing more indulgent than sinking your teeth into a smooth, silky neck.  Find a woman who's been too friendly with a tanning bed, and it's a bit like gnawing on a piece of beef jerky.

Campers, as you frolic through the trees this spring and summer, please heed this advice: Use copious amounts of sunblock!

And for the love of all that is holy, don't venture too far off the trails.  You never know who what may be lurking.

Eternally yours,

Edward A. Cullen





Thursday March 25, 2010 at 4:37 PM

Okay campers. I've been wondering about something. It's one of those niggling little canon questions that always bugs me when I'm thinking about sparkly vamps (don't give me that look, I know you know what I'm talking about).

How, in the name of SM, do vamps travel by air without totally blowing everything? 

Think about it. When you get on an airplane, you're in an enclosed space with no real mobility, No lightening fast reflexes allowed in tiny spaces. It's gotta smell extra appetizing, and there's the added problem of not being in control of the light coming through the windows and changing time zones! Maybe this is a stupid question, and maybe the answer is: duh, justaskalice, vamps are richer than God. They fly their OWN planes.

Still. It bugs me. Help a girl out. What do YOU think, campers? Am I crazy, or just plain dumb?






Remember Me

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 4:05 PM

 It has been awhile sense I have made an appearance (eh, you get what I mean) on here, so if someone has already made this campfire, I apologize. I Remember Me and I was wonder what those of you who saw it thought. I don't want to say more on my post so I don't ruin it. So if you have not seen it, please please please do not read these comments! I don't want to ruin it, but I'm not going to hold back detail. I want to talk in depth. So please don't ruin it for yourselves. Even tho I warned you, I would still feel bad. :)





Ok, I dunno if that worked. But eh, I tried.

I loved when he was with his little sister. It wormed my heart and made him oh so hotter! (Yes I am aware that it is just a movie. No need to be worried for my sanity.) :)


A Message From The Forest

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 3:23 PM

Oh, fandom.   Word on the webs is that many folks are a bit hesitant or resistant to join in on ADF on the advice of others.  Here’s the deal, we’re all human (Except for resident dedward, of course) so, we’re all a bit bound to be biased by opinions of online friends and things.  This is, of course, understandable and we’d be lying if we said we didn’t heed advice of online friends sometimes, too. 

 We're posting this because, dammit, Rangers are sensitive beings, and as much as we tend to tune out things we read online and turn a blind eye to fandom gossip, this one bugged us so much we just needed to say something.

 A Different Forest is composed of many diverse members, and our moderators are just as diversified.  We don’t all hail from the same pack—for a reason.  ADF was created to be a place for everyone to come in and feel welcome and equal.

 There is no agenda or bias against anyone in this fandom.  We accept fans and nemeses, friends and foes, followers and scoffers of any and everything fandom. 

If you’ve been informed otherwise then you’ve been misinformed.  That being said, if you've come across something first hand that you’re not comfortable with or don’t like, that is completely understandable—everyone is entitled to an opinion and it's that diversity of opinion that we were going for all along… but if you’re going with secondhand info, we do urge you to hang out here for a bit and see for yourself what ADF is all about.

 We realize this probably doesn’t mean much to anyone who made their mind up already, but in light of recent information regarding our VIP Author inductees being dissuaded by slanderous misrepresentations of The Forest from accepting the VIP invitation, we felt compelled to speak. Quite frankly, each of us takes pride in our integrity and wouldn’t be involved in something we thought had a malicious or cliquish mentality, and it’s hurtful that people feel this way.



how to post pictures/videos/DBporn/that rob guy

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 3:19 PM

wtvoc tutorials and you: how to prettify your campfires and comments

hidely ho, campers!  ranger wtvoc here.  for those of you who are not as technologically adept as others, allow me to make your lives a little easier.

posting pictures/youtube videos/other embeddable stuff is very easy... once you get the hang of it.

so sit back, relax, and google "david boreanaz" by way of thank you to your favorite dirty uncle.


first off, you'll need the "embed code".  these can vary from website to website; for the forest, that's the one that usually begins with <a ref = .  you can pretty much use any code you find on all sorts of websites as long as the code is provided.  it usually says "embed" or "to share" or something like that.  basically, if you see <a href = blahblabhablah/a> , you can put it on ADF.

if you want to use a picture from your harddrive, that's easy.  right click on any picture you find anywhere; www.google.com is the best place to find pictures, just make sure you click on the "images" tab first.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

k.  right click and save the image you like on to your hard drive.  it can even be one of the cool moving gifs, just not video.  you need to go somewhere else for video, like youtube.

make sure you save it in a folder that you'll remember where it is.  "pictures > hot guys wtvoc likes > david boreanaz sure is pretty" would be a directory you might use.

now.  go to an online picture sharing place like www.photobucket.com (which requires an account) or www.tinypic.com (which does not and is in italian, but you can change that at the bottom of the homepage by clicking on "english").  click on "browse" and immediately, your picture file should pop up.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

find the file.  highlight it.  click on "open".  the little windows box will disappear and now there's a file there, waiting to be uploaded.  click "upload now!".  if it's a gif (meaning the picture moves), it'll take a while.  just let it do its thang.

when it's done uploading, you'll get a screen that looks like this:


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

notice this gives you several "codes", and it even tells you where to use them.

for ADF (and like, LJ and myspace and stuff), you want that first one, the one that starts with <a href =

the second one works for other websites.  try either if you dare play somewhere besides ADF.  you should ALWAYS preview your stuff wherever you are, just to make sure it worked out.  not everyone offers free editing of posts like we do in case you fuck up!

so, highlight that <a href = code.  right click and "copy" it.

now, time to make your campfire or comment.

click "reply" or "start a campfire".  you get the box to type in, right?

okay, do NOT click on the image icon.  click on "source" instead. 

"source" is like... a way to toggle back and forth between using html (that's the computer language you use when you wanna do stuff like big purple font or whatever.  ADF and LJ and other places make it easy for you by using a handy dandy button to click on).  and babydoll, when you're uploading pics to tinypic.com and copying the <a href = thing?  guess what.  you're speaking computer language, you nerd.

so click on "source".  ooh yeahhhh click it good 

and if you typed something, you'll now see code.


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

okay, so now you right click again and "paste" that code. i'd add some "enter"s in between the code and your picture, just so it looks nicer.

click "source" again... you'll see if you did it right.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

now you're ready to finalize your campfire or reply!  hooray!

as far as youtube goes... right under each video there are two codes.  highlight the bottom one.  then post it exactly as you would a picture as explained above.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


did this help?  was i clear enough?  let me know.

also, if there's another tutorial you're interested in, please comment away.

i fully expect all campfires today to include a picture, gif, or youtube video.

happy copypasting!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Show me your Poker Face

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 2:21 PM

So, I was at IKEA the other day exploring all things swedish. My husbad took the day off, found a babysitter and spent all day with me. While at IKEA I was grinning from ear to ear. My husband was delighted that I was having fun. I felt guilty because instead of thinking of him I was thinking about Askars. So tell me, Do you have a story to tell? Has your hubby/mom/friend/significant other found out about your secret obsession? Or have you been thinking about other things when you are spending time with them?

Like this



Little questions...

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 1:35 PM

I'm really sorry to disturb you all, but I'm new here and have a few questions and I would be really grateful if you took the time to help me...                

I'd like to post a Twilight-related campfire and I was wondering what kind of posts were not allowed, so that I don't make that kind of mistake. Are Twilight-related posts the only ones allowed? What is not?

When typing my first attempt at Campfire, I wanted to insert an image I have on my computer but couldn't. How do I put pictures from my computer in a Campfire? Is it actually possible?

Is there some sort of guide about what to do and what not to do at ADF?

Sorry for disturbing you and thank you for taking the time to read this.

ranger edit: the rules of the forest are posted at the ranger station


i wish a was a 60´s child, not a 90´s baby

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 12:56 PM


Found this video while youtubing the hell out of Joan Jett.  Realized i know pretty much all of the Blackheart songs - just didnt know she made them !!  Education you guys !! I mean how sad is it that i first hear I love rock and roll by BRITNEY !!! (scary yes.)


ps. the RP wax statue sorta reminds me of Bill from True Blood - mostly just the stare .. yes, no?  I miss true blood ...


Banner help....

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 11:26 AM

Okay this is my first campfire...I was wondering how all of the amaing authors out there made their banners for their stories. Step by step instructions would be nice since I am generally technology challenged.

Rangers feel free to pull this if this subject has been posted already.


Tell me what you want, what you really really want

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 10:44 AM

Readers:  What do you look for when starting a new fic?  A compelling story?  Writing style?  Realism?  Fantasy?  Which of these elements keeps you reading? Beyond bad grammar, are there stylistic elements that will cause you to flounce?

Writers:  What do you strive for when you write?  How do you determine that an update is ready for posting?  Are you most concerned with telling your story or evoking emotion?  What is your writing and revision process like?  Do you think your reading preferences have changed since you started writing?

Inquiring minds want to know.


chim chiminy chim chiminy chim chim cheroo.

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 10:17 AM

some observations i have made.

1. i love writing. lots and lots like jelly tots. i love fandom. i love writing about people. i love making things up.

2. ysar is really nice.

3. creme eggs are seriously underrated.

4. not enough little girls have ribbons in their hair.

5. kristen stewart is really pretty. really really.

6. spring is here. i bought an ice cream and wore knee socks to celebrate.


and now sir you sir what have you observed sir?




Wax Rob Vs. Real Rob

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 9:56 AM


You just can’t duplicate the hotness of Mr. Robert Pattinson.  ;)


I dont know why they even tried


Edit: The Robs are different in the pics the one on top is the wax rob from London and the two on the bottom is NYC rob



Thursday March 25, 2010 at 9:52 AM

Hello Campers!  I'm guessing that part of coming out of the lurking closet on ADF means committing myself to a kickass Avatar.  I have been trying and trying and trying but I can't seem to upload my image ... can someone out there post an ADF avatar tutorial for the hopeless and helpless?  How can I be sure my image is 100x100?  And WTF does that even mean?

I can't even post any eye candy by way of thanks ...

but I know we all have some Robporn tucked away in our subconscious for such a time as this.  So, I grant thee leave to access your fav Robporn and dwell ye there for no less than thirty seconds!




Look! It's a cup of... Blood!?

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 9:16 AM


HBO has released their first promotional poster for the upcoming season of True Blood. This  image is reportedly the first in a 12 week viral campaign to promote the show, which premieres its third season on June 13th! It looks awesome I can't wait!!  I don't have anything clever to say or new to report. But I'm so exited. What are you looking forward to?



Baby Come Back

Thursday March 25, 2010 at 8:58 AM

Lettuce discuss fics that have been abandoned.

I reread Trumped into Bed yesterday and have been wallowing since because it will probably not be finished. What other fics have been abandoned? Do you think the authors should announce they're abandoning it? give it to another author to finish? email the readers with a summary of what else was going to happen? completely pull the story?

Tell me what your thoughts are.


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