Hello All!!!
I'm throwing a PARTY and all y'all are invited!
Why, may you ask, am I throwing a PARTY?
1: because I beat my fanfiction slump and read a whole chapter fanfic. F'ING ALL OF IT. NO FLOUNCING AFTER 3 OR 4 CHAPTERS. WOOOOOOOOOOO
IT WAS MR. HORRIBLE BY algonquinrt and I believe it is the funniest thing I ever read. No joke
2. Tonight is Junior Banquet at my college. Only the biggest deal of your college career. I'm a senior this year, so I got to make my Junior dress up however the hell I wanted this week in order for her to earn her ring and her senior robe (mine, which I pass down to her).
The ENTIRE college celebrates by getting COMPLETELY PLASTERED and having a blast!!!
So, in honor of these two most excellent events, I am throwing the forest a party.
If you wanna have a dance party, go ahead!
If you wanna listen to some kickass music, go ahead:
Wut. It's Friday.
Heck. I invite you for Alien Porn Party if that's your thing. (I'm looking at you greeen goldfish/trollalienpornfish)
If you wanna post your accomplishments, I'd love to hear them. I'm rather proud of myself right now.
If you wanna post your favorite alcohol, I'd LOVE to hear what you are drinking. I'll be having this in a few minutes: