
Let Your Mercy Fall On Me

Sunday March 28, 2010 at 9:02 AM

Hi! Has anyone read this fic?

It intrigues me, but I have to be honest, i'm not the most religious person, if at all. I don't mind reading stories involving religion, like "Son of a Preacher Man" and "The Caged Bird" (I know, very loose religion in these lol)

I do however want to know if this story is really heavy handed in it's religion topic. Edward is a youth minister, but is he a total holy roller that converts Bella? I don't know that I want to read a story about a character finding God.

Anything you could enlighten me with without giving away too much plot would be a helpful guide.


I want him in that costume all the time

Sunday March 28, 2010 at 8:53 AM


Silence of The Wolves Contest

Sunday March 28, 2010 at 8:40 AM

Hey all, some friends and I have gotten together to start our own Twific writing contest, the first I've been a part of from the nonwriting side!  I'm pretty excited!  It's called Silence of the Wolves and it kicks off on April First.  Details below and I'll link the FF and blogspot profiles.  Would love to see some of you participate!  It's on the gory side but I figure if we can Kill a Cullen we can kill the wolves as well! 

Have you ever wanted to attack the pack? Did you think Edward should have killed Jacob when he kissed Bella? Did you want to see Paul mauled beyond recognition? Did you feel that Leah should have gone "Fatal Attraction" on Sam after he left her for Emily? Or maybe you wish that the vamps and wolves had gone to war?

Here's your chance to silence one or more of the wolves. Your one shot can be angsty, ironic, happy or humorous, the only requirement is there be some wolf's (wolves') blood spilled. It doesn't matter if they're in wolf or human form at the time of their death, just make sure it's a member of the pack.

Details in comments!

FF listing: Silence of The Wolves  blogspot listing:  Silence of The Wolves

Posted with permission of WTVOC.


on a story hunt

Sunday March 28, 2010 at 7:55 AM

Good Morning everyone :)

I am looking for a story that I don't rememer the title or the author.  It was about Bella and Edward. Bella worked as a nurse in the Er, Edward stumbled in one night all messed up and mumbled some saying and left a package. After Bella saved him, he escapes. Well Bella ends up kidnapped and tortued by James in Russia because of it and Edward and Emmett are on the team to save her. I think it had gotten as far as the plane ride back to the US when it stopped. I thought it was behind emeny lines but I don't think that is it. sorry if I completely butchard that story with my summary. I have had no coffee yet.

Thank you so much!!! candies for your viewing pleasure


And the envelope goes to...

Sunday March 28, 2010 at 7:34 AM

Congrats to all the winners (hmm - there are a few familiar campers on the list...take a gander!)

There are some amazing stories here - you should give them a read (and pass on the love)

congrats to all! 






Good Morning all...

Sunday March 28, 2010 at 5:20 AM

So please tell me Im not the only loser who watched the kids choice awards last night. Anyone???  (in my defense, my 6 year old wanted to watch too. So thats my story and im sticken' to it)

there was some eye candy that made it all worth wild...

Jackson got slimed with Jerry Trainor aka Spencer from icarly.... I admit I watch icarly. its funny and spencer is fuckhot!

So campers... what kids shows are your guilty pleasure?


I think we need an ADF Bar!

Sunday March 28, 2010 at 3:27 AM

So I'm sitting here on a Sunday night, the kids are asleep & I wish I had a bottle of plonk to enjoy, but I don't :( but none the less, ADF should have a bar where we share all our drunken jokes & favourite drinkies.

 This is my drink of choice when at home  this is what kills me when I'm out on the town lol Mmmmm Jagerbomb


PS. I don't have any jokes at the moment!


I love drunk Bella

Sunday March 28, 2010 at 2:45 AM

I'm reading a story called Learning to say no by Shiloh and i love her Drunk bella she fucking funny so i know there are more of her out there whoz your favorite drunk bella i want to read them all


The Blessing and The Curse

Sunday March 28, 2010 at 1:39 AM

by The Black Arrow

Yeah, I'm going to bed, but by the time the east coasters (USA) wake up, this'll be updated.

Are you reading this story? I wasn't. Not for a long time. I heard about it and heard about it, and I admit that I pick the fic I read based solely on how much I trust the source of the recommendation. Though I heard raves and love galore for this story, I never heard good things from a trusted source til fairly recently... & when I finally gave it a chance, I was delighted by the flawlessness of the writing, the subtly yet profoundly important supernatural element (in an AH story), and most of all the TECHNICOLOR. The writer writes in FULL COLOR. As I read, I was like Dorothy transported to Oz where everything was suddenly bizarrely vibrant, but in a thrilling and pleasant way. The sensory stimulation I get while reading this fic is unique.

So here's the link to chapter one over on At some point before I awake and have a cup of coffee, the newest chapter (19) will be up... maybe before I even manage to fall asleep properly. Soon. Very soon.



Late Night Musings

Saturday March 27, 2010 at 11:38 PM


i'm listening to this and drinking materials completely surrounding me and i was just wondering...

how has twilight/twific affected you as a WRITER?

do you think writing fanfic has helped you develop and become more confident in your writing? how so?

OR. why did you decide to write fanfic for the twilight community?

and for all you readers...why do you READ it? is it the characters? this new dimension of the twilight world?

 this is my first post so bear with me. i'm just curious. i am a writer and reader of twific so i'm not trying to bash anyone...i'm just feeling reflective and wanted to see what other campers had to say on this matter.

rangers--hope this is ok.


Fanfic Addicts on Y! Answers need YOU!

Saturday March 27, 2010 at 11:33 PM

 Check this, ladies (and gents)... there are DOZENS of users that love Twilight FF just as much as we do. However, they need OUR help. Every day, people log into Y! Answers and ask questions about Twilight FF. This is your chance to rec your favorite (or your very own) fic.  Us forest dwellers know what's up in the fandom. Why not spread the knowledge?

Type in "Twilight Fanfiction", "Twilight fan fic", "Twilight fan fiction"... pretty much any variation will give you results. Then click "search" 

Your search results will look like this: 

Make sure to go to the side bar and filter for "Open Questions". Then click away! As you can see in the pics, people are looking for fics left and right. Sometimes they even look for good sites. *coughs* ADifferentForest *coughs*... excuse me. 


Too many people are told, "Fanfic is a stupid waste of time and Twilight sucks!" We all think otherwise. Right?


nostalgia and fanfiction on a saturday night

Saturday March 27, 2010 at 10:57 PM

i just saw hot tub time masheen


it references fanfiction, james spader, and blaine :') (blaine was my favorite part about scotch/gin/newgirl... if i can be honest, i love him more than jasper in that story)

let's talk about the 80s, how i'd leave mr. wtvoc for john cusack, or how you just can't keep your internet frands/fanfiction from pervading your real life escapades 

ps- the movie is fantastic for those of us who lived through the 80s.


Let's talk about this

Saturday March 27, 2010 at 10:33 PM



I'm hotter, right?



Saturday March 27, 2010 at 10:29 PM

I'm unsure of what to do with this email that I received earlier. It's the first one (of it's kind) that I have ever got, and I was wondering if one of you knowledgable ladies could help me.

Someone from wanted to know if they could translate one of my stories into Russian.


I've never had someone ask me this before, but I know that a lot of authors don't want this. Since I'm fairly new to the world of fanfiction, can someone give me some advice? Perhaps, maybe why an author/writer wouldn't want this to happen, or why they would?

Right now I'm kinda clueless on what my response should be without any knowledge on the subject.

(1st campfire! wooo!)


So I Know There Are A Million Of These...

Saturday March 27, 2010 at 9:29 PM

but does anyone have any good reccs for funny, lemony, angsty stories that keep you pulled in? preferably AH. J/B and E/B are preferred.


it's been a pretty shitty day and i need something to make me laugh.


for your time:

all time favorite picture of him. ^^



Saturday March 27, 2010 at 7:39 PM

i just want to say that i love the read alongs put on by The Fic Bridge. i participated in my first one the other day and found a fic that i loved! i would have never read Scotch, Gin and the New Girl otherwise.

do you guys participate in the read along? would you do it and read a story you wouldn't normally read?

oh and i think it would be great to have people from different time zones host. or someone who is home during the day. all the ones i've seen have started around 8pm EST.


Girl Power

Saturday March 27, 2010 at 6:56 PM

Okay, let's take a break from talking about celebrities and whiny little Bella Swan and her sparkly boyfriend for just a second.  I want to talk about something else instead, something more important.  Ladies, talk to me about:



Let's talk about girl power in literature.  Not many of you know this, but I'm actually a really avid reader.  So tell me, what do you think makes a powerful literary heroine?  And what could that silly series (which apparently features yours truly) have done to give it that girl power "oomph"?


jessica stanley

I think he like, has a drinking problem

Saturday March 27, 2010 at 4:47 PM

So, last night Robert Pattinson was photographed out in London with Irish handcuffs (double fisting the drinks). He was remarkably bleary looking as he left the pub... And then this morning in Budapest he was photographed wearing the exact same ensemble he'd been out in last night. Like, seriously. The man needs to chill, right?



 See what I mean?


 (hot guy in the background)

...and this morning: 


Fell In Love Again!!!

Saturday March 27, 2010 at 4:38 PM

This is my first campfire...I have been lurking for a long time and I had to post this....with wtvoc's approval, of course, hehehe....I went and seen Remember Me for the first time today and the hubs went along with me (a total shocker!!)....I must say that I officially fell in love with Rob Pattz all over again....I didn't see Rob or Edward when I was watching it...I seen Tyler and my God he was beautiful...I cried from the beginning to the end of it...There near the end I was bawling like a baby and the hubs looked at me and said it will be okay...but I knew what was coming...When leaving the theater I was still in tears and I told the hubs that was just a freaking awesome movie and he agreed with me....This is the man that can't stand anything Rob Pattz but goes along with my obsession....So ladies did any of your hubs or SO's go with you when you went to see it???




 For Your Time....


To WTVOC, for approval....

David Boreanaz Pictures, Images and Photos



paging greeen goldfish

Saturday March 27, 2010 at 4:26 PM

I think Kristen found your taxi.



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