HP Fans in Toronto

Monday March 29, 2010 at 6:15 PM

I took my boys to the Ontario Science Centre today and look what's coming April 9, 2010!



Here are some relavent links

Ontario Science Centre

Harry Potter Exhibit Info

Of course I have to mention that right near the Science Centre is Edwards Gardens which are lovely.



What would you do?

Monday March 29, 2010 at 6:01 PM

Sometimes, I'll get a review for a fic that will say something along the lines of:  "Oh, I wanted..."  or "Oh, I would've...."

I love these kinds of reviews.  Even if the reviewer was disappointed in my choice of direction for the fic, it's fun to think that someone actually put thought into what they'd do with a fic I wrote. 

And then, there are times when I'm reading a fic and I think "Oh, I would so FILL IN THE BLANK" or "I SO wouldn't have done that" etc.

So.  Has it happened to you?  Which fic would you change and what would you do differently?

This post is in NO WAY meant to take away from a fic authors vision of their story nor is this post supposed to be used to flame fics.  Just a discussion about what YOU would've done. 


Looking for WTTDA

Monday March 29, 2010 at 5:30 PM

 Does anyone know if Welcome to the Drama Academy is posted somewhere?  I never got the opportunity to read it and I don't know if she is posting to any other sites.






Monday March 29, 2010 at 5:05 PM




 The lovely and talented Ranger Jennyfly has updated Sanctuary!

So if you know what's good for ya, you'll go and read it here:

And then show her and Father Edward some love here (and in the comments, if you're so inclined):

I command thee (or something)!



Monday March 29, 2010 at 4:36 PM



lol you're welcome


Goin' POST-al, A Love Story...?

Monday March 29, 2010 at 3:06 PM

 So I was on vacay all last week in the grand state of Oregon. Ahhh, yes, state of "The Goonies." Anyhoo, I only had access to ADF on my iPhone and ya know what...? My iPhone refuses to let me post comments on ADF. In fact, it refuses to recognize the existence of the content box at all. "Don't panic," I internally monologued, "You're stranded on this island house in Beaverton with a software engineer AKA Mr. feeb01. He can get this problem all squared away within moments, and you can happily reply to any and all campfires you wish."

One hour later...Mr. feeb01 comes out of the operating room with the "There's nothing we can do ma'am" face. Too much flash, somethingsomething, I dunno I was too sad panda to make sense of it all. I mean, there was a DELURKING post that I HAD TO REPLY TO! Jandco herself DECLARES IT MUST BE SO! OMG, what if Edward needed me to reply to something or GOD FORBID Esme or Emmett posted something about Cadbury Creme Eggs?!? THEN it happened, a camper actually DID post something about Cadbury Creme Eggs being underrated. To which I screamed YES! Yes they ARE!! But alas, I could not scream it in a reply post. Or colored-font-shouty-caps it. I could only read and nod my head, muttering to myself.

I was so depressed last week sans ADF-replying-rights I only ate 3 Creme Eggs. I may have blacked out a few times. My life was like a moonless night. Edward, I feel your pain.

I think ADF is my Bella. I need to turn it into a vampire STAT so I can spend eternity with it. But first I'll attempt to not make out with it. Well...maybe just a leg hitch...



Fan Fiction Weekly Sneak Peek

Monday March 29, 2010 at 3:02 PM


Do you write fan fiction? Want to give a peek of what's to come in your upcoming chapters?


Post upcoming excerpts from your stories here!


Don't forget to include a link! :)


** Let's try something new this week! If you have an image or video that you'd like to include with your excerpt go ahead and add it too!


Or... feeling ambiguous? Post it INSTEAD of an excerpt and drive your readers mad with curiosity! Mwahahaha... I'm in an evil teasing mood ;) HAVE FUN!!! **



Moneypenny checking in

Monday March 29, 2010 at 2:40 PM

Hey Campers,


I'm so nervous, I'm new here and I thought that after lurking on ADF for a very very long time (just registered recently), I decided I would come out and play. I live in England and I have a soft spot for a certain special agent, as you might guess ;) I've been hearing good and not so good things about this place but I found the not so good to be untrue; this seemed like a very welcoming and open-minded community, where people are encouraged to speak out and share their opinions. Which is always good, I'm all for people speaking their minds as long as it's not deliberately hurtful.

I have a recommendation and a question to the forest. I found an amazing fic, which is my current addiction now, and I wait on the edge of my seat for every new chapter (thankfully the author updates often, every other day). It's called California Dreaming and it's one of the most unique fics I've read yet, and I've been reading fanfiction for a year. It's very dark and sometimes bitter, one of the angstiest things I've ever read, it gets me down, and stays in my head for hours after I've read it. Here's the link:


It's truly unique and it has around 20 reviews, which boggles the mind. My question is: Is it possible that a good fic never gets discovered? I know about the Indie Awards, in fact I've nominated a few fics myself, and I'm reading my way through the winners and the nominees and I'm really grateful for the people who organized it. But what if a good fic has so few readers that it does not even get nominated to the Indie Awards? Are there hidden gems out there which pass even under the radar of the Indies? Ones which are inventive and special, but are never discovered, so the author abandons it and it never gets revealed to us? Please tell me what you think. And do show me the hidden gems that you know of.


Ms. Moneypenny


Never fails to make you smile...

Monday March 29, 2010 at 1:02 PM

Exactly what it says, what always makes you smile?


I find that hilarious... most people disagree :)



A little loving for our Lisa Lisa...

Monday March 29, 2010 at 12:44 PM


 What does Ewan singing have to do with Lisa/Lillybellis?

Easy - She loves big, hard and loud, and isn't afraid to shout it from..the top of the elephant.

And if she loves big, it has nothing on her laughter or affection for caps lock.

She gives them freely and without reserve.  She'd give them all to Jeremy Shockey if she could  - and I bet he'd eat it up.

Lisa does a lot for this fandom....she encourages, teases, cheers, and caps locks with joyful abandon.

Let's rally around and leave her a little love...picks of Sir Shockey, good Charlie fic recs....JonasBro's love - game on!

My offering will be below the fold.



If ya want....

Monday March 29, 2010 at 12:32 PM

You can vote for Rob for the MTV Movie Awards nominations


• Emilie de Ravin & Robert Pattinson Remember Me

• Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson The Twilight Saga: New Moon


• Robert Pattinson Remember Me

• Robert Pattinson The Twilight Saga: New Moon


• Robert Pattinson


• The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Click here to vote


Holding a chapter ransom.

Monday March 29, 2010 at 12:28 PM

So- I am sure this topic has been covered before but I just got so angry- and I am not sure that people would agree with me on this one:



I have been reading a story that is complete but at the end of some of the chapters, there is an Authors Note that reads:  20 Reviews will get you a chapter tonight, 15 reviews will get you a chapter tomorrow night and anything less will give you a chapter next week.


Now- the writing on this isn't exactly stellar and the plot has been done time and time again- but I was interested. Again, this was a complete story with 39 chapters and I just jumped ship midway through because the whole idea of the Author basically holding the story for ransom pissed me off- and it was all laid out in front of me.

If I had this story on Alert before it was complete I probably would have dropped it as soon as the first note came out.


Is there anyone with me on this???

Or am I all alone in my indignation?



Because it's Monday

Monday March 29, 2010 at 10:51 AM

You are stranded on a deserted island.

You can take three twilight characters with you.

Who you taking and why?

Seriously, I need the entertainment.



Please help find a fic

Monday March 29, 2010 at 10:15 AM

I have read a fic where both Bella and Edward are staying in some sort of Hospital. They don't know each other prior, and Carlisle is a Doctor there.

Somehow they are roommates, I believe Edward had tried to commit suicide(he has scars and bandages, I think), and he doesn't talk to any of the staff (ya know he's angry and stuff.) He does talk to Bella some when they are in the room. That is all I remember, It could have been on twilighted, I never alert over there so,  . . . any help would be appreciated, thanks so much for your time.


This is Serious

Monday March 29, 2010 at 10:10 AM

OKay we have some serious issues to talk about here did anyone see the Kids choice awards Bella & Jacob won Cuties couple Over Edward and Bella Really???


Image and video hosting by TinyPic 


is cutier than this

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Me not think so what about you??


Unraveled Knot

Monday March 29, 2010 at 8:35 AM

I have this one on my list to read, but everytime I go see if I want to read it, the summary stops me.

Can anyone tell me what this is about?


Happy Passover!

Monday March 29, 2010 at 8:28 AM

     Passover starts tomorrow Tuesday March 30th. Happy Passover to all campers who will be celebrating this holiday!




Monday March 29, 2010 at 8:18 AM

Hello Campers!

It's Monday...and I'm coughing and hacking... no fun.  And my stomach is in knots I think I ate too much dairy yesterday. (is that tmi? *shrugs*)  Plus my hubs is home from work today, which interrupts MY blahh

I need something to make me happy... can you cheer me up?

A few random facts...

~The first novel ever written on a typewriter: Tom Sawyer.
Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.
~The state with the highest percentage of people who walk to work is Alaska
~Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history:

Spades - King David, Hearts - Charlemagne, Clubs - Alexander theGreat, Diamonds - Julius Caesar


A little Georges Duroy for your viewing pleasure...

...those women seem so unimpressed lol

And this song is owning me right now...

lol i love how random that video is


Come on Campers....tell me something good!




this bit of randomness has purple font stamp of approval



BDB. true.

Monday March 29, 2010 at 8:00 AM

the black dagger brotherhood by jr ward

don't even tell me that you haven't read this vampire series yet.  go buy it, the books are like 6 bucks a pop.

who's your favorite brother?

why was phury so... ugh.

where's melba so she can tell us about how she's married to rhage?

how much is payne gonna kick ass?

how much do you want qhuinn and blay to get their own story?


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

vishous or gtfo.


Family Guy

Monday March 29, 2010 at 6:23 AM

Any one see Family Guy last night? Mr Pattinson was on Meg's wall in her bedroom, but I can't figure out how to paste the picture here! 


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