Anticipation Overload

Wednesday March 31, 2010 at 12:20 PM

Bones returns Thursday!! wink, wink, WTVOC


This is published on May 4



My birthday is on May 31 ( It's not important to you, I know) and I'm getting a very expensive present.


June 5
June 13

June 30

August 24

Mockingjay (The Final Book of The Hunger Games)

November 19

I don't know what to do with myself. This year is looking better and better by the second.

We will have plenty of things to talk about in the future months. But, Lettuce discuss now too. Did I miss anything? What are you looking foward to?


jessica stanley

Cannibalism, Sad Clowns, & Powdery Vampires

Wednesday March 31, 2010 at 12:03 PM

So, this week my editor reminded me that I don’t always have to travel or hike long distances to find a good story and a person worth interviewing.  Sometimes, we can find interesting people where we least expect them.  Close to home.  Or at least… close to homeroom.  I decided to turn my mad interviewing skills right toward the hallways here at Forks High.  In fact, I grabbed the first girl I saw when I stepped out of my editor’s office.  The following is my interview with a random teenage student. 


The interview is posted in the first comment, and I totally have to do extra-freakin-credit for missing the deadline, which totally sucks, because I had it done yesterday! In fact, I had it done on Sunday, but I forgot to come here and put it up yesterday because I got distracted by those pictures of Robert Pattinson in the weird hat. I mean, what is that about? I can't decide if this movie is gonna be the hottest thing ever or a tragi-comedy, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, click through to the awesome interview.


what's better?

Wednesday March 31, 2010 at 11:37 AM



or grease 2


or just try to defend yourself if you don't think grease 2 is the worst movie of all time, as i maintain

i'm lookin' at you, @happydorkjc and @I_heart_the_doc


Mind reading

Wednesday March 31, 2010 at 9:51 AM

 Hi all...


Does anyone know of any fics where Edward CAN read Bella's mind?


I think it would be interesting...


Sing for Me.

Wednesday March 31, 2010 at 9:03 AM

What songs feature your name?

I wanna hear 'em.  And if you google it, and come up with nothing, show us a song with a friends name or a twi-cast members name.

For my darling Erica aka Wolvesnvamps:

ERICA! yer the girl that i need!

And for Jennfly:

jenny, jenny, who can i turn to?



MTV has lowdown on Bree Tanner

Wednesday March 31, 2010 at 6:37 AM

I'm not sure how many of you actually care about this.  After the news broke yesterday about the Bree Tanner novella, I heard a collective WTF?! Followed by a few "who the hell cares", a couple "what about Midnight Sun", and even 1 or 2 "umm who was Bree?" 

But apparently SMeyer feels this is very important knowledge, and viola! -- she publishes her own fan-fiction a Novella. has an interesting take on it all....


It seems a bit surprising that Meyer would choose to write a novella about a character who shows up for such a short period of time in the novels. Don't worry about hauling out your copy of "Eclipse" to find the surprisingly few pages Tanner appears on, because we did all the dirty work for you. Here is a cheat sheet telling you everything you need to know about the short-lived Bree Tanner.

An "Eclipse" Exclusive:
If you've only been watching the "Twilight" movies or read the first two books, don't be shocked that you have no idea who Bree Tanner is. In fact, don't be upset if you read "Eclipse" and still have no idea who she is. Tanner is a character introduced a startlingly short amount of time before she dies in "Eclipse" and could be considered (to everyone except Stephenie Meyer) to be a throwaway character.

A Short Life:
Tanner is only introduced 10 pages before she is killed off in Victoria's war against the Cullens and the Quileute werewolf tribe. However, of all the newborn vampires discussed in "Eclipse," Tanner was one of the few to be named and introduced to the readers. Unfortunately, it didn't take very long after she was turned into a vampire for her to meet her end ... again.

Dramatic Death Scene:
It turns out Tanner isn't the best newborn vampire among them all, and she isn't a big fan of killing innocents and drinking their blood. She tries to join forces with the Cullen clan and adapt to their "vegetarian vampire" lifestyle, but ends up being killed by Felix on the orders of Jane, a member of the Volturi guard (played by Dakota Fanning in the film), in the final battle.

Newborn Vampires:
A big part of the story in "Eclipse" surrounds the bad-girl vampire Victoria creating an army of newborn vampires in the Seattle area so she can wage war on Edward Cullen, who killed her beau James way back in "Twilight." When a vampire is first created, it is at its strongest, so Victoria went around recklessly creating vampires so she could have an extremely powerful army behind her. Tanner was just one of the fatalities.

The trouble with the first-person perspective of "The Twilight Saga" is that the reader can't read what is happening firsthand beyond what Bella Swan sees with her own eyes. Much like "Midnight Sun" gave (some) of the details behind what happened elsewhere in "Twilight," "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" will show what happened in Seattle with Victoria during "Eclipse." But since much of "Eclipse" is devoted to the characters wondering what exactly was going on in Seattle, seeing it through the eyes of a secondary character like Tanner is a smart companion piece to the book.

Unseen First Life:
Unfortunately for Tanner, the world will never know what happened to her before she became a vampire. She was introduced into "Eclipse" after she was a newborn and "The Short Second Life" will start off the same way. There is a chance of flashbacks telling about her life before becoming a vampire, but the way Meyer described the novella on her Web site made it seem as though Tanner was the narrator solely so the reader could see what went on in Seattle, not to learn her past.

In The Movies:
"Eclipse" director David Slade at least had more of a heads-up than fans and retailers did about "The Short Second Life," and he cast 14-year-old Jodelle Ferland in the role. Slade and Ferland, as well as Bryce Dallas Howard (Victoria) and Xavier Samuel (Riley), were given advance copies of the book to read so they could have a complete knowledge of what went on in Seattle for the film.






Wednesday March 31, 2010 at 4:52 AM

Here is another still from the 3rd Season of True Blood. Man, I love Eric Northman, but I hate his hair. Please HBO keep his hair blond. With all the changes I wonder if he will be a red head next season.

And here is your weekly poster. Isn't it great? Tell me who is your VILF? Besides Edward of course, that is given.



This Fan Fiction Stuff

Tuesday March 30, 2010 at 10:36 PM

Okay, please don't laugh.

Seth and Leah and I have been kinda talking a lot about this website for the past few days. Like, it's really pretty cool, you know? Leah really digs it, but she's kinda pouting because you ladies are all into reading the fan fiction, and there isn't a lot of fan fiction about her. She feels unloved.

Seth makes fun of her. They give me a headache.

But to be honest, It gives me a stomach ache to read your summaries about the stories. This one is about how hot Emmett is. That one is about how hot Edward is. The other one is about how hot Carlisle is... I mean, seriously?

Where the hell are all the WOLF stories?

This Forest has SOME wolf stories but we want MORE!

You want HOT, check us out! 108 degrees over here, ladies!

Where are the best wolf writers? Where are the best stories about Leah and Seth (and me?)

We've decided to have a vote. You guys get the word out, get the writers here, get their stories here, and then Leah's gonna make a poll where we (and you) can all vote on the BEST WOLF STORIES.

You can include stories about Sam and Paul and Quil and Embry and the other guys, of course.


New Eclipse Stills

Tuesday March 30, 2010 at 8:25 PM

Ok, the kstew wig isn't THAT bad. 



Avatar question (the little pics, not the movie)

Tuesday March 30, 2010 at 8:06 PM

Someone was kind enough to format a picture for me to ADF avatar size specs. However, it's in PNG format, not a JPEG. My computer doesn't give me any other option to save it as. ADF will only let me upload a JPEG. Does anyone know how I can convert it from one to the other?

John, are you around anywhere?


How can I search by title?

Tuesday March 30, 2010 at 7:38 PM

I'm a total techno retard, can somebody tell me how to search for a story by title if I don't know the author?  Thanks so much!


ur eggo is preggo

Tuesday March 30, 2010 at 6:56 PM

So this isn't the first time ive asked for these kinds of fics...

 I want a preggo Bella.

Idc bout the specifics (AU AH whatevahhh)...



Where did Vampward go?

Tuesday March 30, 2010 at 5:58 PM

I know I really shouldn't be doing this since I have about 15 updates sitting in my inbox right now, but I want Vampward. It seems all the good fics now-a-days are AH and even though I love my AH fics, I need some vampires in the mix sometimes too. So, could you help a girl out and rec me some vampire fics?

Oh and so I don't run for the hills I need the following:

Canon pairings

And I don't care who dies or what evil spawn is born either

Also, Twilight mythology with the sparkling or burning to ashes in the sun I don't care. I've read it both ways. Just gimme a vamp fic.

For you're time:



Pssst! I got yer 'Bel Ami' pics right here.

Tuesday March 30, 2010 at 5:54 PM

Come inside to see more.



Tuesday March 30, 2010 at 5:28 PM

You were introduced to the first FANTASTIC BLOGGER for ADF last week: DameNellie!

WOOT WOOT! <3 damenellie <3

This week, we're happy to unveil a second Forest Blogger: WriteOnTime!

Yeah I know you already know who WriteOnTime is because she's a VIP Author up in here in this Forest, but what do you REALLY KNOW about her?

For example, did you know WriteOnTime's a feisty blonde? 

Did you know she loves chocolate?? Don't be shocked! It's true.

Are you aware of the fact that she is totally committed to staying on top of current events?  Yeah. SRSLY!

How about the fact that WriteOnTime writes Anderson Cooper fic under the pen name 360WaysToGlory...

okay I made this one up ENTIRELY. she does no such thing, and if that pen name exists out there in the cyber world, it isn't her... probably.

Ugh. She's gonna kill me for that AC RPF JOKE. 






What Wood U Miss?

Tuesday March 30, 2010 at 4:38 PM

Hey all

This is what I'm doin tonight



This is one of the things i would miss if i was to say, become a vamp... along with the babies thing... i totes lurv babies

my question is

what would you miss?


What if?

Tuesday March 30, 2010 at 4:26 PM

 Hey campers!  I'm at work, dealing with craziness, and I think it infected my teeny tiny brain!  What if Summit  all of a sudden gave a damm about twi- fans (see what I mean about craziness?!)  and decided to film one fan fic story as an extra to, say, the Eclipse DVD?  Which of the many thousands of treasured epics (or one shots!) should it be?Wishful and utterly futile, I know, but which one would YOU  choose?  I vote for "Toye"  Yum!  Rob with his spooky voice!


ask wtvoc

Tuesday March 30, 2010 at 3:29 PM

ask wtvoc

you know the drill

and if you don't... i'll answer anything.  unless i don't want to, of course.


Rosalie fics?

Tuesday March 30, 2010 at 3:23 PM

 I am sick of bella and alice is annoying! rec me some quality rosalie fics!

Couples/parings don't matter, so long as she is the main character



One Shots?

Tuesday March 30, 2010 at 2:40 PM

Hello lovely ladies.

None of my alerts are updating at the moment, so does anyone have a good one shot rec?

I'm not really in the mood for angst, so humor ,lemons, romance, drama etc would be great please.

Thank you!

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