

Friday April 2, 2010 at 3:25 PM

So Errbody.

I hear about all these awesome times you all have on Twitter. So I was feeling a bit left out.

I had had a twitter, but it was boring, so I made one strictly for Twi- life and all the fabulous women that make it what it is.

You can follow me @bubblybox.

And I want to follow of you guys, so please leave comment with your username and we can become fuhrends.

oh and tell me what you're listening to. i need some new moosic.

here's mine:



The Hat Does Nothing

Jobbie Job

Friday April 2, 2010 at 2:47 PM


So As Of 4 PM EST I'll Be Employed.
My First job! Im excited
And Im Not Going To Be A Fry Flipper Or Burger Topper Either.
Which Is What Most Teens Do.
Im Going To Be A Secretary.

So, Tell Me;
What Was You're Best/Worst/First Job Ever???

Emibella Approved.



what is beauty?

Friday April 2, 2010 at 2:20 PM

i'm doing a project for a class and need some opinions. what do you guys think defines beautiful?

what does the perfect woman look like?

dark or light?

rail thin or curvy?

big boobed or flat chested?

long hair or short hair?



Friday April 2, 2010 at 2:05 PM

 I realised the other day as I started reading Breaking Dawn for the umpteenth time that I never read it all the way through.

You know the happy bit, Bella and Edward and Renesmee in they're little house, like just before Alice sees the vision of the Volturi, yeah I stop reading there.

So I was wondering, does anyone else do this?

Not just with Breaking Dawn, but any of the Twilight Saga? Or any other books even, I don't read the HP epilogue (mainly 'cause I'm a huge DracoxHermione fan xD)


Twi AU Recs

Friday April 2, 2010 at 1:52 PM

So I just read A Litany at Dusk over the last couple of days and was blown away. I have never had such an emotional response to a fic. I now feel the need to read as many AU vamp fics as possible, but there seems to be so many AH fics floating around that I have a hard time finding quality AU. I would Bella human at the beginning, and B/E pairings, but it's fine if they were with others at first and then get together. I've read A Creature of Habit, IVO, and Blood Lines and loved those.



My Easter Basket

Friday April 2, 2010 at 1:45 PM

This week I have had many thoughts.  So here's my basket:

1) I started reading Twilight again this week.  Bella's really much better in that book that most fanfic gives her credit for.  It also really highlights, for me, how fucked up Breaking Dawn was (and for that matter, Eclipse) because srsly - I really don't hate bella, and yet I pretty much always hate FF bella.  But this we know....

2) I started reading the Black Dagger Brotherhood books today.  It reads like fanfiction.  Which is fine.  But srsly, it seems like all of fandom is reading the same five books: 


Hunger Games

Black Dagger Brotherhood

Time Traveler's Wife

Percy Jackson/Olympiads

that Water/Elephants book

Srsly folks - someone rec me something that is not one of the above, is not YA, chick-lit, vamp-fic or fanfic.  Extra points if it's written by a boy.

3) Why do we care about being popular?  Why do we care about our hit counts and our review counts and having the BNA's read our stuff and *like* it?  Some people that I *hugely* admire have read some of my stuff and then they said they liked it (lies, all of it) and not kidding, I got really fucking excited by that.  Why?  Conversely, why do we tear people down when they get big?  I don't mean here, of course, ADF is the kindest, gentlest place in fandom.  I just mean...overall. 

Your thoughts on my rainy friday afternoon meta?

PS - Even though I don't celebrate Easter, I am SO looking forward to ham and cheese potatoes come sunday.  :)


Doctor Doctor

Friday April 2, 2010 at 1:19 PM

I'm totally a huge Whovian and I really can't wait for the new series to start since it had the new Doctor, companion, writer, TARDIS, absolutely everything! Its going to be an amazing new series and from the look of the trailer and a preview from episode 6 which is called- wait for it... VAMPIRES IN VENICE!! Seriously from the look of this Matt Smith is going to be a terrific Doctor. "Tell me the WHOLE plan"

that smile

Not to say I'm going to miss the old Doctor... sigh David Tennant <3. He was the best Doctor ever in my opinion and I really think that Matt Smith has some pretty big shoes to fill. But yes David Tennant will be sorely missed and I think he is a superb actor and can't wait to see him in other projects...

For fans all over the fandom who love Doctor Who like me:

Who is your favourite Doctor, episode, villain and companion?

Love to see what you guys think :D


Twilight Character Avatars

Friday April 2, 2010 at 1:12 PM

If our favotire characters actually visited  forums, what would their avatars look like? And, yes, Esme, Jacob, Edward, Jasper, Bella, Rosalie - I know you lurk here in the forest, but pictures of yourselves don't count.


Emmett -




Bella - BE -



Jacob - when he gets the weddign invitation -




Leah -



Aro -


Come on, lets see em




Funny stories or videos?

Friday April 2, 2010 at 12:11 PM

Hi guys ^^

I hope you're having a good friday (or whatever day it is where you are ^^). Mine wasn't so great because my feet are killing me after... step aerobics. It's really fun when you're doing it but the days after, not so much. It's on the program of my P.E courses and I really enjoy it, but by the time you can walk normally, it's time for another session! And it is definitely not like this, as some of the boys of my class like picturing it in their heads.

This was not the real reason behind this campfire. I actually wanted to ask you what are the funny videos that DID make you laugh, or funny stories that happened to you. The other day, I started thinking about  the TV series Angel and had the urge to re-watch that scene.

I just love that scene! And even 4 (or more) long years didn't make me forget it. (Angel IS impossible to forget =) )

My sister also showed me the two first videos.

This video might make you think the person has no respect, but the woman says she didn't mean do this to offend or disrespect anyone. she just found that funny and posted it on Youtube to share. I believe her and had a great laugh.

The second video is both funny and cute. This is what happens when a baby bear and two baby lions are put in the same room.

The look on baby bear's face is priceless! And Simba #1 and Simba #2 don't understand what's going on...

I'm also in love with the sneezing baby panda, he's so cute!

And the other day, I saw this video on the Internet, which you might have already seen. It's a parodic preview of New Moon created by the Sims crew.

I was LMAO watching this.

As for stories, I had my fair share of experiences which are embarassing on the moment but funny (especially to others) when you look back.

I got stuck in the 1 m ² toilets at 1 a.m. and not really proud to say it. The lock wouldn't open and I thought I as going to faint. My dad unsuccessfully tried to open it and we called firemen. I was 14 and so embarrassed I thought I was going to die. The worst thing is, the minute they arrived... I magically managed to open the door.

This was awful and I don't want to live it ever again. The funny thing is, some time after that, on an afternoon at my friend's place, she got stuck in the toilet too, and since no adults were there, I played Macguyver...

Do you have any videos to show or stories to share? Embarrassing? Funny?

Share your knowledge! XD


When will then be now?

Friday April 2, 2010 at 11:35 AM

Last night I introduced my SO to the wonder that is SPACE BALLS. 

His parents sheltered him, it's really really sad.


I've got 90 mins to kill 'til I can blow this pop stand for the weekend...

~ Share your favorite funny/crazy/memorable scences from childhood/recent/whenever movies.



The Workshop A Tale Of Edible Delights

Friday April 2, 2010 at 11:24 AM

Help! Help!


The Workshop A Tale Of Edible Delights
Author: danieller123

I'm in the middle of reading this fic and it's AWESOME, but I was wondering if there is a playlist that goes with it? I know the author pulled if from Fanfiction.net and there is no way to get in touch with her.

By the way one of the Best Edwards ever..............hot sexy tats

Thanks so much



Friday April 2, 2010 at 10:37 AM

^ Get it, get it? Yeah, not that witty, anyway...

Have you ever written a fic that doesn't take place in the States? I've read some from England, and the Age of Edward contest brought all sorts of countries into play, but there haven't been many full length fanfics coming from different countries.

I mean, I'm a proud Canadian, why can't Twilight take place in my territory for once?

The real question is, is it taboo to take Twilight out of it's home? (You know that goofy saying... You can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl.)

In all honesty, I've been thinking (and thinking and thinking) about writing a story that takes place in Alberta/Saskatchewan. I'm a very proud Saskatchewanian, and I think everyone deserves a little piece of what makes Saskatchewan so unknown and put-down.

In addition to the 'real' question, would you read something that didn't take place in the States?

I would give you a lil' somethin'-somethin' for your time, but I'm technologically retarded, so you're going to have to get yourself off somewhere else.



Friday April 2, 2010 at 10:31 AM

Last weekend we had an AWESOME bonding post about MakeUp.

I wanna do hair this weekend since I am getting about 10 inches cut offa mine tonight at 7p.m. est.  I am doing LOCKS OF LOVE! 


My sis did this before she died and it was her very last contribution to the good of humanity ever.  I am so very proud of her!

Show me your hair products my Zany Zimbabwe Zebras!

Pics of your hair, people's hair you like to play with (omg,  PROMISE NOT to post pics of those spider pubes!) crap that you LOVE/HATE, stuff that you thought would be GREAT but really sucketh to the highest...like, last weekend I bought this new-on-the-market-and-free-with-rebate Redken Organic Volume/ Shine shampoo and conditioner.  Its CRAP.  It weighs my hair down and is FAIL:

OR, we can post charities that we LOVE

Either way, lets show some pretty!

(Rob and all the Twilight guys HAIR counts!)


My BEFORE pic will be in the first post...



Are you a die-hard Twi-hard?

Friday April 2, 2010 at 9:00 AM

From People.com


Are You a Die-Hard Twi-Hard? Prove it!

Friday April 02, 2010 11:40 AM EDT

Are You a Die-Hard Twi-Hard? Prove it!

Eclipse poster

Summit Entertainment

How big of a Twilight fan are you? Is your room plastered with posters of Edward, Jacob and Bella? Do you sleep under a Bella-inspired purple comforter? Do you own those life-sized Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner body pillows?

If you've turned your bedroom or dorm room into a Twilight fantasy land, let us know. Send a photo and your info to
Twilight@people.com, and we might just photograph your room for an upcoming story.


I expect JennyFly, Brattyvamp, Dame Nellie, oHale, and John to get pictures of their rooms sent in asap.


Gifs Please

Friday April 2, 2010 at 8:50 AM

It has been a LONG time since we had a

gif Campfire

so please, give us the best you got.





Let's talk about games.

Friday April 2, 2010 at 8:32 AM

 I'm gonna admit it. I'm a HUGE fan of video games and pc games. So, perhaps you like games too. 

Maybe you're into classics like:

Or perhaps you're a fan of newer games. It doesn't matter. What I want to know is:

What's your favourite game/games?

What do you play now?


As for me, I love The Sims (all of them) and Zelda: Ocarina of time (N64 version). I'm also a huge fan of Singstar, even though I cannot sing at all.

I usually play this though:


And I've recently found myself trying (even though I'm too much of a chicken to play games like this):


Damn, boy

Friday April 2, 2010 at 8:31 AM

I've just got back from watching Remember Me (it came out officially today in the UK) and I loved the more laid back Rob. It was so different to see him like that and I enjoyed watching that side of him. Oh, and the sex scene...

It's a long film, and because my friends and I are Media students, it's annoying noticing continuty (which happens in practically EVERY film anyway), sound FX etc. but it was nice, and definatly refreshing to watch instead of all these Chick flicks nowadays.

I give it an 8/10 :)


Rec's and Pictures of Rob!

Friday April 2, 2010 at 7:28 AM

Hello everyone!  I am new to the Forest, just joined a week or so ago.  I'm also really pretty new to Fan Fiction - I started reading High Anxiety by EdwardsBloodType back in January and I've been addicted ever since.

Right now I'm looking for rec's for COMPLETED stories.  I'm currently reading like 12 stories that are in progress so I don't think I can start another one of those.  I'm not too picky, it just needs to be BxE and completed.  So, if you could only rec ONE story....what would it be??  (Completed stories I've already read: Wide Awake, Family Therapy and An Untitled Continuation of the Twilight Sage.)

Also, does anyone have a good picture of Rob playing the guitar??  The only one I can seem to find that I like is the one from Remember Me.


April Fool's Pranks

Friday April 2, 2010 at 7:23 AM

April Fool's Pranks

Okay, so we all know Tor pulled a pretty good one over all of us yesterday but I wanna know about everyone's real life pranks.

Who did you prank and what kind of prank did you pull?

Who got you and how did they get you?

As for me, I got my husband by telling him I got in a crapload of trouble for being late to work (happens all the damn time & I NEVER get in trouble) and that if I was late one more time then I'd be fired.  Not a big deal, right?  Well, he doesn't like falling for stuff so he decided to get me back, so....

This morning when I walked outside to get in my Jeep (my beloved Jeep), it wasn't there!  I naturally freaked the hell out b/c I thought someone stole it!  The ass that he is, let me believe it until I picked up the phone to call the cops.  I shoulda known!!!

So campers, tell me about you real life April Fool's Day!  Maybe we all can get a few smiles!


Oh, and on a totally different note, somehow I've started to get Enfamil checks in the mail again, even though I'm NOT pregnant.  (Someone's trying to tell me something.)  Does anyone need them?  I'll be glad to send them to you so they don't go to waste.  The one's I have now expire at the end of May so I need to find someone who wants them now. 


funny Australian tv show

Friday April 2, 2010 at 6:08 AM

I thought I might post something for this free for all, it's nearly midnight on Friday evening here so I'm still in. :)

Summer Heights High is a parody and an Australian TV show where the main actor portrays three different characters. The show is filmed as a documentary of a public school and is supposed to address social cliques, bullying, teenage slang, stereotyping, profanity, racism and homophobia. It's pretty funny. I thought I'd share some snippets of episodes that have aired.



What TV shows do you find particuarly funny? Anything you want to share here?

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