* waves timidly *
Hi there !
This is my very first campfire. I’m one of the shyest lurkers you will find out there, so that is kind of a big thing to me (please, don’t laugh). As per usual, I’m overthinking everything, wondering if I’m doing something wrong or completely stupid or both. I swear, I must have written and erased that post a dozen times before deciding to go with it - and as for right now, I'm still not completely sure about that. Somebody please shoot me now !
Anyway, I was reading the last update of Expectations and Other Moving Pieces (I can’t believe I flounced this fic the first time I wanted to try to read it. Fortunately, I gave it another try a while later or I would have missed some really good stuff) and the AN got me thinking. Do people seriously ask or even beg for lemons in a fic ? I mean, I love me some lemons as much as the next person, but I would never ask for it. Especially if it’s completely unnecessary and doesn’t bring anything to the story (which is the case most of the time, but that’s not my point).
I’m very pleased that the author has stayed true to what she wanted to write from the start. But IMO, it should have never gotten to the point where she would apologize for not writing what some readers wanted her to write. That’s her story to tell (and she does it really well).
I know some writers ask their readers what they would want to read in the next chapters. As a reader, I’ve never been really comfortable with that because it makes me wonder if the writer knows where she’s going with her story or if she’s going to drag me forever in some non sense. Maybe I’m wrong and she knows perfectly where she wants to bring us, but that’s how it makes me feel.
Anyway, my question is : Has anyone here ever been confronted to this kind of reviews and requests ? If you have, what was your reaction ? Did you insert some specific scene that has been requested by readers (not necessarily a lemon) ? Or did you stick strictly to your outline (if you have one) till the end ? And (last one, I promise) how do you feel about readers requesting some stuff in a fic ? Yeah, that’s a lot of questions right here.
Well, that wasn’t so hard after all. I still feel like this is stupid, but like I said, I overthink everything (and I hope you don’t because that’s exhausting). Thank you for your time and if I may say, even if I’m only mostly a lurker, I’m extremely happy to hang out in this very pleasant forest (where I’ve found some of my all time favorite writers).