On Easter, we had family over for dinner, including my 13 year old cousin. She's in the 7th grade and she's a typical 13 year old. She's always trying to tell me how amazing Justin Bieber is and she spends a large amount of time watching videos on YouTube of snakes eating cute fluffy animals. But that's neither here nor there.
At one point during the day we were watching TV and an add for the New Moon DVD came on. I groaned, as I generally do during these commercials because I hate the one where the girl is reciting the movie with a glazed over look on her face. It's creepy. My cousin took my groan to mean that I don't like Twilight and went on a small tangent about how she thinks Twilight is the stupidest movie ever. I told her I didn't disagree, that the movies really do leave a lot to be desired, but that maybe she should read the books before she writes it off completely.
Her reply? "I don't read."
So I sat there, mouth hanging open, shocked and appalled, as she proceeded to explain to me exactly why she refuses to read, and sadly it all centers around the fact that it takes too long and she can just wait for the movie to come out. I almost had to choke back vomit when she told me that she doesn't think she's ever read a book for fun.
I have no idea who this child and I can be related. My sister and I are both avid readers, reading books way about our maturity levels at young ages (I read Animal Farm in 6th grade, she read The Sun Also Rises in 7th grade). I have shelves and shelves of books piled up all over, not to mention the excessive amount of FF I read. My cousin wouldn't even read the American Girl books when she was younger. (She still had the dolls though and that doesn't really sit right with me if you didn't read the books to know which one you wanted.)
I'm not saying that she should become obsessed with Twilight, because the last thing the world needs is another 13 year old who thinks Twilight is the ideal relationship, but it would be nice if she would read a book, any book, just to say that she did.
I guess I always knew there were people that didn't read, I just never really thought that I'd be related to any of them.
My question is this. How do you deal with people you love who refuse to read anything? Is there anything you can think of that a 13 year old girl would like to read that doesn't have a movie yet (so she can't cheat)? Is it too late to instill a love of reading into this girl? If it is, I'll be very sad. If not, I'll do my best to torture her with as many books as possible until she starts to like it :P
I'm very curious to hear other people's opinions.