The List and Your List

Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 4:10 PM

Hello Campers

A new story by Jayeliwood was recently posted and its called The List.

Bella is 30 but where has her life really taken her?She's got a job,but no real life.No lover,no kids,nothing.Feelin lost & alone on her 30th bday she writes a list of things she's never done before but has always wanted to.Maybe life really begins at 30.

After read the first couple of chapters, I started making my own list and thought maybe this is something I would create yearly! Things to accomplish a in years time. 

So if you campers where to create a list or have a list or whatever.. Share what would be on your lists? 

My list would include

visiting a place I have never been once a month (not a huge vacation but just here locally or even just a weekend drive)

Learn to love me again

don't be embarrassed to ask for help when needed!

write in my journal more.

 Look forward to reading yours! This post was ranger approved via email :)


Your Top Five

Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 3:36 PM

I know this is pretty broad, and I'm sure has been covered before, but what are your top 5 favorite fics of all time?

Those stories you can read over and over again and never cease to laugh at their jokes, cringe at the horror, or cry until you want to go all New Moon Bella on yourself.

Mine are:

1. Get Me To You by chicklette

2. Scotch, Gin, and the New Girl by wtvoc and jandco

3. Clipped Wings and Inked Armor by hunterhunting (I am not even done with it, and I love it that much. It may even work it's way up when I finish).

4. Tropic of Virgo by

5.Edward Wallbanger by feathersmmmm

and yours?

for your time:


I'm gonna leave this right here...

Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 2:55 PM

It's almost quitting time but I just couldn't *NOT* post this:

Oh, ADF...

Any other weird ish impressed you today?

OOoh, Oh! I forgot the article! You can win this lovely! -  

The Twilight star is now available in solid chocolate... so now Twihards can fantasise about taking a bite out of him rather than the other way around.

Food artist Prudence Staite took two weeks to make the 18kg solid Belgian chocolate bust after a web poll crowned R-Pattz Hollywood's 'tastiest' actor.

One lucky Rob-lover will get the chance to sink their teeth into their favourite choco-vamp — a prize draw is running online via

"We were inundated with requests from fans looking to win and even some asking to buy the chocolate head outright," says Fliss White of Lovefilm.



Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 1:40 PM

Sanctuary posted again.

Another email.

I'm fairly certain Jennyfly is wrapping things up here.  We've gotten back to back chapters--in a new style. 

I'm torn.  A part of me NEEDS the end to this story...yet, I'm going to miss it dearly. 

All of you Sanctuary readers...what do you think will happen to these characters?


Hi! :)

Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 1:24 PM

So I've been gone close to 2 wks (or forever using the fandom time calculator).

I've missed the forest sooo much! How is everyone? For those who were on Spring Break, what did you do, where did you go?

As for me? I was all over the UK, terrorizing the old world with my dorkiness. I saw parts of the Staffordshire Horde, the biggest unearthing of Anglo-Saxon gold found in England. Er FYI, as I medieval student I pretty much fandom squeed hella hard.



Rock the Vote!!

Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 12:52 PM

Voting for the

All You Need is Love

Anonymous One Shot Contest ends

Wednesday, April 7th at 12:00 AM PST (That means Midnight ;)

Click the Banner to read 13 LOVELY Beatles Inspired One Shots and Vote for your top 3!!! 

C' it


WTVOC Approved this Post

Cheers bb, motherfucking cheers


hurumpf, hurumpf

Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 12:12 PM


"Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal."

- Albert Camus

ugh. life.


Authors on Twitter

Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 11:01 AM

Has following an author on Twitter made you like an author less or more than you did before you knew nothing about them?  Has it changed your perception of the story or stories that they write?  Negatively or positively? 

For me, a story is a story.  My perception of the writer may change but I can easily separate that from the story or stories they write. 

*Edited to add: The reason I'm posting this is because someone mentioned in a previous comment over the weekend that they have stopped reading stories because they were turned off by the writer (paraphrasing).


Not about love...

Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 10:03 AM

So, share ladies your favorite bad boy/love-hate moments - with these in mind.. 


So, I'm looking for some unapologetic/obnoxious/cocky/ASS ward. Help, please.


BTW, Bella Swan's Dating Guide has an Edward that fits the criteria and ownz meh.




I don't know what it is about an obnoxious Edward that makes me absolutely giddy [while, simultaneously crushing me].


For some reason, I realized I really like FF which revolve around Jerkwards. The snarkier, meaner, ruder - the better. Which is so crazy - cause I mean, Edward's whole demeanor [which made me fall in love with his character] was that of the PERFECT/NICEST/MOST UNDERSTANDING guy ever.


A library is a hospital for the mind

Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 8:50 AM

On Easter, we had family over for dinner, including my 13 year old cousin. She's in the 7th grade and she's a typical 13 year old. She's always trying to tell me how amazing Justin Bieber is and she spends a large amount of time watching videos on YouTube of snakes eating cute fluffy animals. But that's neither here nor there.

At one point during the day we were watching TV and an add for the New Moon DVD came on. I groaned, as I generally do during these commercials because I hate the one where the girl is reciting the movie with a glazed over look on her face. It's creepy. My cousin took my groan to mean that I don't like Twilight and went on a small tangent about how she thinks Twilight is the stupidest movie ever. I told her I didn't disagree, that the movies really do leave a lot to be desired, but that maybe she should read the books before she writes it off completely.
Her reply? "I don't read."

So I sat there, mouth hanging open, shocked and appalled, as she proceeded to explain to me exactly why she refuses to read, and sadly it all centers around the fact that it takes too long and she can just wait for the movie to come out. I almost had to choke back vomit when she told me that she doesn't think she's ever read a book for fun. 

I have no idea who this child and I can be related. My sister and I are both avid readers, reading books way about our maturity levels at young ages (I read Animal Farm in 6th grade, she read The Sun Also Rises in 7th grade). I have shelves and shelves of books piled up all over, not to mention the excessive amount of FF I read. My cousin wouldn't even read the American Girl books when she was younger. (She still had the dolls though and that doesn't really sit right with me if you didn't read the books to know which one you wanted.)

I'm not saying that she should become obsessed with Twilight, because the last thing the world needs is another 13 year old who thinks Twilight is the ideal relationship, but it would be nice if she would read a book, any book, just to say that she did.

I guess I always knew there were people that didn't read, I just never really thought that I'd be related to any of them. 

My question is this. How do you deal with people you love who refuse to read anything? Is there anything you can think of that a 13 year old girl would like to read that doesn't have a movie yet (so she can't cheat)? Is it too late to instill a love of reading into this girl? If it is, I'll be very sad. If not, I'll do my best to torture her with as many books as possible until she starts to like it :P
I'm very curious to hear other people's opinions.

Help me to understand, Jasper/Bella shippers!

Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 8:00 AM

Maybe I'm a little dense, but I just don't get it! I can understand Jake/Bella, (I don't like it one bit;) but I totally get how it happened. I can even wrap my head around the slash stuff, and I suppose, out of all the slash pairings, Jasper/Edward might make the most sense...

But Jasper/Bella? Hello, what about poor Alice? Don't we think she's perfect for Jasper? And what about EDWARD!!!!! Isn't he like, the entire reason for our (my?) existence Twilight obsession????

Is it just because he's a more vampirey vampire? What with the uncontrolled bloodlust and whatnot? Or is there something bigger here that I am missing?? Because I am sure that I am missing out on some great fics, but I just can't do it! I NEED my Edward!!!! Someone explain.....


84 days until Eclipse!

Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 6:45 AM

So I'm kinda disappointed at the lack of news we seem to be getting related to Eclipse with it being only 84 days away.  With New Moon, it seemed like we were always getting something, even when it 5 months away.

So tell me Campers... what scenes are you looking forward to seeing in the movie??  Some things I'm looking forward to: the tent scene, Bella punching Jacob and of course, the battle with the newborns.

Sorry if this has been done before - rangers, I won't be offended if you delete this post.  I'm at work and don't feel like doing actual work........


Alex Day reads Twilight Ch.12

Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 6:04 AM


Check out his youtube channel for the rest of the chapters. They're hilarious!!!!!


Testing, Testing, Can Anybody Hear Me?

Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 5:26 AM



Have you ever found a fic that you love, but nobody else seems to like?  I have one. It has under 1000 reviews. I have weaseled its name into as many conversations as I could. I don't know the author. I don't think she knows how obsessed I am with her story. And I can't figure out why nobody else seems to share my passion for this story. Its AWESOME and UNDER-APPRECIATED.

Do you have a fic you like but nobody else does? Talk about their AWESOMENESS here. Tell me why I should read it. It has to have less than 1000 reviews in my opinion. Something not well known. While you are at it, read Afterlife. I don't think you will regret it.Or maybe you will and I'm crazy.



Dread Screencaps

Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 5:16 AM

Because I have no life a serious obsession ocd issues what one could say a bit of a 'thing' for Mr Rathbone, I went through the 1500 or so screencaps Jackson Rathbone Online put up from the DVD of Dread and pulled out the good ones. I, quite clearly, do not own these. (For spacesaving reasons on the home screen I'll put the majority inside this post.)

And for the interactive portion of this campfire, what is the craziest fan thing you've ever done?! Either for Twilight or anything else. I saw Take That in their heyday with Robbie. I was ten and cried for a good portion of the show.


Found a new fic

Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 4:35 AM

 So everyone else has prob already read this. I'm always the last one to the party.

But if not check out this fic:

It's A/H a little angsty and really sweet.

It's a short fic only 4 chapters and complete. 

Enjoy : )


bored with a sh..load of homework

Monday April 5, 2010 at 11:16 PM

yeah I know I should star homework but lets be real I need some inspiration and I´m bored!! soooooo I really really want to read some good fanfic but mostly the ones that have Cocky Bastard Edward you know like "the office" type of edward or " No place like home" or  the must amazing type of Edward of all times our fifty shades of fucked up "Master of the universe"  (seriously if you haven´t read this one go now ASAP)

ok I think you get me so if you know of some story that needs to be read ASAP tell me I´ll be really gratful


Writer's Block

Monday April 5, 2010 at 10:36 PM

I've started a new story.    I'm working with a wonderful beta.    I know it's always does....WRITER'S BLOCK.    What do you seasoned writers do for that?


funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

The Epic Collabs

Monday April 5, 2010 at 6:51 PM

 We have the epics...

The great purple fonted one and Jandco

ElleCC and LaViePastiche

Me and Profmom (yeah, okay, that was a gimme....)

With FGB coming up - peeps are teaming up to write something for a good cause....

So who is your epic duo - think out of bounds and across the can be crazy, zany and totally out there...

who would you pay money to see writing together?


Advice . . . .

Monday April 5, 2010 at 6:31 PM

I was talking to an estranged sister this weekend. I'm Mexican--unknown half siblings is common place. LOL. And we started talking about this obsession of mine. She enjoyed the books greatly. Of course I had to tell her the books don't even hold a candle to some of the fanfic out there. Now she would like to read some Twi-fic.

SO I don't want to start her off too heavy. I mean I know there are heavy hitters out there, but WA is AH and I don't want that right now. I was hoping to start her off with some Canon T rated, then maybe some AU T rated, and THEN some M rated and finally AH, to give her some variety. I also want to start her off with some quality stuff, completed is a MUST. And I'm thinking five fics at first should be enough for her to get a taste and see if this is her thing.

So I'm wondering what would you recommend? Or given the criteria what would your five starter list look like? If you started someone off in the fanfic community how did you ease them into it? Any advice for beginners that might veer them AWAY from fanfic?

I'm thinking Ithaca is Gorges is one, but I'm coming up short on others . . . . 


For your time:

AND on a Monday night who couldn't use a shot or two.

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