
The Mystery of a Cheat

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 7:03 PM

Sooo, I do admit that I enjoy a story where something happens that in real life the other party would probably never forgive. Cheating be one of these. The best fic to do this being Comeuppance by Goldenmeadow.

I sometimes look for more....what do I always find? A cheating Edward. Always. I've seen like two where it's the other way around. My question is; why? I get this once in a while but really? It's ALWAYS Edward.


I mean, in canon, who would have been the most likely cheater? I'd say Bella.

I'm sure half of you have read/written a cheating Edward, and I guess it somewhat goes with Edward being the badass or something....but why? While we're at it, maybe we wanna figure out why we like cheating stories that end up alright in the first place, because I don't understand why I find them so appealing.

P.S. If we can also give some recs with a cheating Bella...that would be awesome.

 Update: This confirms my suspicions....I need to write an AH cheating Bella that's somewhat IC.



Thursday April 8, 2010 at 6:00 PM

So I'm watching The Vampire Diaries and I really don't want to but I can't help but compare Elena to Bella and it's funny for me to see how different they are (though Elena acted heavily like Bella in tonight's episode)

So campers:

Who do you think is better Elena or Bella?

Who makes the better heroine?

Do you watch even the vampire diaries? Breaks my heart that not many people do


For your time:



Going to the Chapel...

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 5:41 PM


Well, this is my first ever campfire, and now I feel FREE!!!!

WTVOC wanted me to share my wedding dress, so I figured I do a little pre-wedding post now, and a little post-wedding post after the big DAY!


Here is my dress (No, that is NOT my mom in the back ground which is pretty much creepy):


Here is my groom:

Here is what the bridesmaids are wearing:

Anyone else have any  of your wedding dress pictures to share??

P.S. Please ignore my beautiful avatar picture of the giant X! I tried to upload pics many times but they never work and I just gave up. :-)


The Reality of Fan RL

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 3:55 PM

So. My mom and I were driving to the mall tonight and she wanted to 'talk' to me.

She wanted to know if I had any secrets I wanted to share with her. "Such as...?" says I. "Well, you know, do you work for the porn industry?"


"Huh?" I choke out.

"Well, when you were over for Easter, remember you said you needed to use my computer? didn't shut it down when you were finished. And, um, there was something about 'cumming in her mouth'."

Cue the giggles...and the shock. Apparently my family has since had a private discussion about me...and my porn secret.

I had to explain to my mother - even though I'm 33 - that I betaread fan fiction. What she saw was my email to one of the authors I beta for...and the 'genius' from whose loins I magically sprang forth put 'two and two' together, and now I work in the porn industry.

Any of you other campers here have difficulty parlaying their Twi-life into their real life?

*shakes head vigorously*


where are my banner makers at?

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 2:57 PM

I've been a super sad panda these last 5-6 months b/c I've been without my beloved photoshop (my ancient computer finally bit the dust).  But I squee'd with delight last week when my awesome husband came home with a new laptop, and I've been on a banner making spree ever since.

So banner makers, what have you been creating lately?  I also know that we have painters and such on this board, let's see what you've been up to as well :)

(I'll put my banners in the comment section)

Here's some Colin Ferrell for your viewing pleasure ;)


this is a wtvoc bonding post

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 2:01 PM

bonding with wtvoc


i also wanna say thank you to camper melissa cullen, who sent me a gift certificate to my favorite place no DB's bed does not sell gift certificates for no discernable reason.  thank you, darling.  my jaw kinda dropped, but i could not stop the large grin on my face.

fill in the blank time for you campers:

i hate to admit this, but i'm kinda in love with __________.

i have a secret crush on __________.

i cannot wait for __________.

my new favorite thing to ogle is __________ and here's a picture:

and as always, a gift for wtvoc:


go go go go go ninja go ninja go


Twilight Movie Soundtracks

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 1:14 PM

Hey Everyone!

So I was sitting here thinking about how much I would like to get some news about the Eclipse soundtrack.  Then I got to thinking...

Who would you like to see on the soundtrack?

Is there a song that you know of that you think would fit well in the movie?  Perhaps one that you think of while reading the books?

Did you like the Twilight and New Moon soundtracks?  If yes, what's your favorite song?

As for me.............I really am hoping that somehow Muse will be on the Eclipse soundtrack.  I saw one news story that said they wouldn't be, and then another one later that said they were.  I loved both the Twilight & New Moon soundtracks.  Eyes on Fire and Supermassive Blackhole are tied for my favorite on the Twilight soundtrack.  Roslyn, Friends and Hearing Damage are all tied for my favorite on the New Moon soundtrack.



Thursday April 8, 2010 at 12:56 PM

So guys i was sitting here thinking about "WHAT IF'S"

so im thinking wow what if i had rob in a room?

what if i meet rob at a club?

what if i he was my baby daddy?

what if i i was the one casted for bella swan.....

just like that all the possibilties came to mind then the biggest question i asked my self if i was "bella swan" not kristen stewart..if i ever had a chance to go out with rob OF COURSE I WOULD




please help me understand if kristen is going out with rob...why keep it such a secret? but honestly would you?

LJ Summers

Instant HEA

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 12:08 PM

 I know, I know...


You've all wanted to read it.  The perfect perfection of a story.   The brilliant blissful romance of Bella and Edward and their perfect family.


Why read the heartache? Why have angst?  It's so much BETTER to have that HEA NOW!  


Right? Of course.


I didn't see it in her Storytelling corner, but our own 107yearoldvirgin has indeed written this PERFECT TALE.  A rainbow-filled, unicorn-visited delight...


Yes... The Instant HEA.

Do not bring food or beverages, because you need to have your tongue firmly lodged in your cheek.



INTERACTIVE MOMENT:  C'mon, confess, have you ever even THOUGHT of just fast forwarding Twilight or New Moon just to see "the good parts" versions?


In the Spirit of TomStu Day

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 11:11 AM

We do top fives that are twilight and fanfic related all of the time, so today let's do something different.

Name five OTHER THINGS that you are really into OTHER than Twilight/Fanfic/RPatz etc.

I want to get to know YOU better!

Five Things about Emibella, the Non-Twilight Related List in no particular order:








Tell us about YOU!


Just look at this

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 10:52 AM

I don't have anything to say. Just wanted to share this, because this is new to me.

Well, other then WOW!!! *wipes drool*



greeen goldfish


Thursday April 8, 2010 at 10:47 AM


Because it's TOMSTU DAY- The Boy on the Side, P 1

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 10:26 AM

ciaobella27 and littlesecret84 would like to share some TomStu with you on TOMSTU DAY. Thank us with tulips and jumpers, or just throw ducks at us if you hate it.


As Tom walks along the streets of New York City, he is reminded of the many times he was here with Robert.  February, November, last summer... Ah, last summer. Weeks of Rob and Tom. Tom and Rob. The warm weather and scorching sun of this beautiful April day remind Tom of gorgeous summer days walking around the city with Rob. But Robert isn't here now.  He's in Budapest.. If Robert were in the States, he'd be at the screening with Tom. He'd whisper words of encouragement inside the theater. He'd be there even if he had a prior engagement.  Even if she called.  Robert has always been there for Tom. This will never change.
As he walks the streets alone, Tom passes stores selling thousands and thousands of buttons and beads.  The smoky blue-grey beads in the window remind him of how he can never describe the color of Robert's eyes.  He remembers the way Rob used to look at him before she came along with her long brown hair and endless legs and soft, soft skin. My skin is just as soft, if not softer, Tom says to himself. He walks inside, unafraid of who may see him.  When he's not with Robert, he is practically invisible.
Carefully, he chooses a thin strap of leather. Robert likes leather, he says to himself. Tom doesn't choose a thick band like that monstrosity Robert wore as Edward Cullen that covered his entire wrist. No.  Robert has wonderful wrists.  The thin leather will only accentuate the wrist upon which he chooses to wear the bracelet.
At the last moment, Tom decides to purchase a handful of clear blue beads along with the smoky ones he had seen in the window.
Instead of having dinner with the cast, Tom sits in his hotel room carefully threading the beads along the leather strap and knotting the ends.  It's almost midnight when Tom dashes out of the hotel and to the FedEx office down the street. Ah, New York City. So convenient with your twenty-four hour FedEx locations. With a smile on his face, he drops the bracelet with clear blue beads into an envelope, addressing it to a hotel in faraway Budapest.
He hums a song as he walks back to his hotel.  Tomorrow night, when he's at the premiere, he'll wear his bracelet knowing that somewhere hundreds of miles away, Robert is wearing his too. Clear blue beads on Rob's elegant wrist. Will Rob think of Tom's eyes when he first opens the package? Will his heart flutter and will a small smile appear on his lips? Tom can only hope...

Tom thinks of Rob over the next couple of days. They speak on the phone. They rendezvous on Skype. He thanks Tom for the bracelet. A week later, Tom does not expect to see a picture of a jetlagged Kristen Stewart walking around an airport, a familiar-looking bracelet with clear blue beads on her wrist. Tom runs out of his flat and down the busy streets of London until he reaches the Thames. The blue-grey beads that made him think of his best friend's eyes are lost in the murky waters of the ancient river. Like Rob's love for Tom, they are lost.


(thank you wolvesnvamps for the pic, Tor for the help, Jenn for sending me this video last week.)


Fluff needed

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 9:26 AM

So, I've been missing from the forest for awhile because my grandmother, who I was extremely close to, passed away last week. I'm beginning to try to get back to my normal life pattern, which requires massive amounts of fic, but I usually read angst.TBH, I can't take the angst right now. It's too much for my poor heart.

Which is why I need the help of the forest - I need some fluffy fics. Lots of happiness and love and butterflies, 'kay? I can't think of anyone better to find good recs than you guys, so have at it.

And for your time:


(see? he's happy! I <3 rob smiles!)


Now this is a VILF-Sorry Tomstu

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 8:53 AM

I'm speechless!!! You? More pics to come soon.alexander skarsgard details magazine may 2010 cover 01

ryan kwanten details magazine may 2010 coverstephen moyer details magazine may 2010 coveralexander skarsgard details magazine may 2010 cover 02

Edit  Sorry I couldn't resist.


It's TOMSTU Day here in the forest!

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 8:18 AM


We will be seeing him tonight.


So share your love of TomStu right here. He likes ducks and flowers.




It seems Rob Doesn't Like His Vest...

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 8:15 AM

Two new Bel Ami Set Pics:

Gah... I'm melting...


Alex reads Twilight

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 6:36 AM




This guy cracks me up so much, he is too funny. I find the fact that most guys hate Twilight quite funny.

Lettuce discuss. What do the guys in your life think and say of the Twilght Saga?


Florence + the Machine

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 6:26 AM

So I was on Twitter yesterday and I came across a tweet from NME (British indie music magazine) with a link 

Florence Welch: 'I'm doing the 'Twilight' soundtrack' - NME's 10 covers special

I obviously clicked on it since I love Florence + the Machine and Twilght so this was win win. It came with the article below.

Florence And The Machine singer Florence Welch has hinted that she might be contributing to the soundtrack for the next Twilight film.

Welch admitted that she could be following in the footsteps of the likes of
Muse and Thom Yorke, athough any involvement in the follow-up to second Twilight film New Moon is yet to be signed off.

"I would [do a song for the Twilight] soundtrack," the singer said, "[but] it's not confirmed yet..."


Ok I really really really want this to happen. Florence Welch is hot new talent and I think her songs are just amazing. I mean listen to this and you will see how powerful her voice and lyrics are. I think she will be great on the Eclipse soundtrack



Eclipse Calendar

Thursday April 8, 2010 at 5:27 AM

 Image hosted by Image hosted by Image hosted by

saw this tweeted...

don't know how accurate it is i the only one that thinks the one with all three of them looks like a bad cover for a porn? i think it's the mist....too bad i'll probably buy it anyways


First --- | >> | 1215 | 1216 | 1217 | 1218 | 1219 | 1220 | 1221 | 1222 | 1223 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
