
On Opposite Sides

Friday April 9, 2010 at 9:24 PM

Me and my roommate always seem to be on opposing sides--I'm Edward, she's Team Jacob; she's Team Damon, Ilike them both for different reasons, but if I was looking for a meaningful relationship I would go for Stefan (I'd go to Damon for hot angsty loveless vampire sex). We both like Dean and Sam, but our our preferences gravitate in opposite directions (I have a slight preference of Sam over Dean and she's the opposite). Even beyond guys, we rarely ever see things the same way.

Do any of you have a friend that it seems you're never on the same side of an issue? Also, who do you prefer from the pics above? =)



Friday April 9, 2010 at 8:44 PM








CAN WE SAY..................................................................................EPIC?!?!

(omg ignore me i get goofy when i'm tired)

Oh and lettuce discuss how hot this vid is 


(unf...the flower scene from 40 Days and 40 Nights <3)


Drunk POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday April 9, 2010 at 8:30 PM

Hey everybody!!!!

I just spent an AWESOME night celebrating 2 of my friends birthdays.

I've had something called a ZOMBIE, which tasted like they mixed rum and tequila. It was gross, and I'm pretty sure I couldn't feel my feet after I drank it.

Since then, I've had a hella expensive glass of cabernet, and 3 of these:


But anyway, this is a Friday Night Drunk Post.

I want drunk Edward/Bella/Jasper/whotheheckever fics. As long as there is drinking, I'm there.


Post your funny drunk stories.

Tonight, I told my roommies about the guy who said he was gonna marrrrry me cuz it was fate. I believed him until he turned out to be a jerk. It is funnier if you're drunk.

Or just post funny gifs or talk about alcohol or whatever.

I wanna laugh. :)


Attention readers of The Orbiting Meteor

Friday April 9, 2010 at 7:49 PM

Please disregard! The author has now pulled her story. Nothing to see close your eyes and look at another campfire. Kisses...

I subscribe to an FFn community called All about Peter. Today I received an email about a story that has been added to its archive.

This story is called Knowing of your love.

The summary itself is what got me all hot and bothered, so I opened the 3-chapter WIP and proceeded to read it.

Why? Because I betaread for IdreamofEddy and her story The Orbiting Meteor.

Now, this story is not at all a verbatim copy of The Orbiting Meteor, but the similarities - right down to Peter calling Bella 'Bunny' - make me uneasy.

I have already reviewed chapter 3 of Knowing of your love to inform the author that I will be watching the progression of this story. This author is still in high school (per her profile), so I want to tread carefully here. But I find I am very suspicious of this author because her profile only just started on March 10th and she already has 4 stories posted - but she has NO Favorite Authors or Favorite Stories sections posted.

I do not ship Emmett stories, so I have no way of knowing if two of her other three fics have 'similarities' to any other established fan fics. And her other Jasper/Bella tale...I have no idea.

What I want to know is if any of you see the similarities between the two fics. You would have to be a reader of The Orbiting Meteor to know for sure.

But, again, I am curious. Help, please!



Forbidden Love Fic Recs

Friday April 9, 2010 at 7:39 PM

 I saw that there was a previous post similar to this one -- but I'm looking for stories that are BxE, and have a 'forbidden love' plotline

I'm looking for mainly teacher/student, or age differences, or some other reason they couldn't be together (but PLEASE, no stories of them being related or ANYTHING like that -- it's creepy)

I've read Age of Consent, and Between the madness and the fire (which I miss deeply -- it hasn't updated in 5+ months *sadface*)

(oh and if you ever wanted to share more recs... @thefingergun is me on twitter!)


Help with Jasper/Bella

Friday April 9, 2010 at 7:28 PM

i posted this on the help desk thread earlier but as always i was late and everyone probably moved on....

i am currently working on my 5th chapter of a jasper/bella AU vamp fic. this is my first fanfic and i have 2 great betas from PTB. however, i would like someone to run my plot ideas by. i have a very informal outline and idea where i want the story to go, but would love to go over it with a more experienced person and someone who loves jasper/bella stories...

link to my story The Writing on The Wall 


Things I Love

Friday April 9, 2010 at 6:48 PM

So a little different from my usual Friday night posts, I'd like to know what some of your favorite MOMENTS from fan fiction are! Moments that you remember from a fic long after you've read it, parts that you like to re-read, things that made you all squishy inside...

And please, so we don't spoil any storylines for anyone currently reading any of these, put the title first, then what you love!

For me, in no particular order, a small sampling:

1. Not Meant To Be: the moment when Bella's working at the bar and Edward drops in unexpectedly

2. Wide Awake: when Edward risks everything and everyone knowing when he goes to get Bella off the gym floor

3. The Dominant: when you realize that Edward is typing nonsense when he's interviewing Bella, when in The Submissive, you just thought he was ignoring her

4. The Workshop: when Edward and Bella start to have sex in his parents house and Squeaky knocks on the door

5. Teenage Angst Brigade: when they're all in the room watching the movie or when Edward reaches back to Bella in the car and you know he's accepted her

6. Heartbreak Remedy: when Edward offers to show Bella what his preferences are if she shows up the next day

7. Master of the Universe: Edward takes Bella to his apartment in his helicopter

8. Tropic of Virgo: when Edward sees the bruises on Bella inflicted from the jealous girls in the hallway

9. His Personal Assistant: Bella watching Edward in the shower

10. Cullen Island: the wedding, when Edward walks in on Bella's freakout and says "what have they done to you"



A Day Late...

Friday April 9, 2010 at 6:28 PM

It's happened all my life. I discover and fall in love the latest trend...the minute it ends. A few weeks ago I finally discovered the works of Jandco and Wtvoc. In the past few days I have finally read Masque of the Red Death (awesomesauce), Cascade and Cyanide (beautiful), and Emperors of Washington (!!!) So, I go to Gallantcorkscrews profile and find that she's done with fic. Here I am again, a day late and a dollar short. Its not that these great fics aren't still amazing, its just everyone has moved on and I feel like I just got here. I mean, I would start a proper book club for the fics- they are better than a lot of books I've read. I still have this crazy long list of fic to read, but I was wondering what fics are you reading now that you believe will become the next most awesome, gotta read it fic?

I promise to stay away for a little while so they have a fighting chance.


fond remiscences

Friday April 9, 2010 at 5:54 PM

i just made my kids watch one of my favorite movies from childhood- the neverending story

what were your faves?  what should me and m'boys watch next week?

we've done the 80s greats.  tell me about 90s films you loved, old black and whites kids would enjoy (they love young frankenstein, for example but lol that ain't too old).  anything.

(i decided to be nice and remove the autoplay.  merry christmas!)




Friday April 9, 2010 at 5:47 PM

hi!  this week, we're starting something new.  YAY.  hopefullyAnyway, this is Eclipse, part one, as interpreted by Trainwreck.

Next week, we'll have part 2, and hopefully by June, the entire movie. 


Lemme Know....

Friday April 9, 2010 at 5:22 PM

I found this and  It looked interesting.

As I am on my way to retrieve said first book, I see this on the New Release table.


I get to the register and it was 40% off.  I was done for.

Have any of you read the Dresden Files series?  Will I be lost by reading these two out of sync?




Terrible Terrible Day

Friday April 9, 2010 at 5:08 PM

 I am so fucking pissed. Like so so angry. I have had the most ridiculously awful day at work. it started off with a customer telling me to "go fuck yourself you mother fucker". yeah. that was pleasant. then i had some jersey shore wannabe call me honey ten times in a super condescending way. fuck you too darling. then i had a horrible and long conversation with a christian co-worker about homosexuality(it started because i was telling her about the runaways) and how it is "unnatural" and a BUNCH of other bullshit that just makes me want to rage. like so hard. and then i went on npr and the huffington post to check out the news (why i thought that would be a good idea on a day like this idk) and proceeded to read about how a 13 year old yemeni child bride died because of bleeding in her genitals, and a 12 year old girl in jamacia was raped and burried alive. i mean, i don't even have words for that. seriously? Seriously????

Soooo could you guys post happy/funny things or fics (cause really i should probably calm the fuck down), or come and rage with me, maybe we can all calm down together :-)

Oh, also I'm going to the CinemaFusion Anaheim GardenWalk theater and watch The Runaways at 6:30 if anyone would like to join me in my "fuck you" to the homophobic asshole at my work. Its the theater by Disneyland. 



Friday April 9, 2010 at 4:49 PM

i'm going to assume FFAF still applies?

ok, i'm heading off tomorrow on a poorly planned road trip to las vegas, coachella, LA, portland, and back, and i REALLY need suggestions of things to do, mostly in LA.  we have no idea what to do.  or a hostel to stay in in LA?  we're car camping (walmart, here we come) everywhere else, but i dunno about LA.

help me!  suggestions pleeeeeeeease.



Vancouver, Baby!

Friday April 9, 2010 at 4:30 PM

I've been desperate to get my arse over to Canada since I was 16After months of Hard-Core saving (I am experiensing severe shopping withdrawal) I can finally get there, Vancouver being my cherry popper!

I am  nauseatingly excited

So, what I'm asking is - where do I go?

There are so many websites, I want real opinions!

One month of madness before I start Real Adult Life.

Sites, Activities, Live Music, Shopping, Local Hidden gems. EVERYTHING.



Urgent help needed. No men available

Friday April 9, 2010 at 4:27 PM

Dear ADF-ers

There's a huge-ass bumblebee in the hallway outside my bedroom.  It's about an inch and a half long and is buzzing around the lampshade, which it possibly thinks is the sun.  (It's midnight here).

How do I lure it away from the lampshade and out of the bathroom window?  I have no bug spray and I don't want to kill it anyway (or piss it off), I just want it out of the house.  There's only me and my housemate available and she's being a big cowardy-custard and has locked herself in her bedroom.

Ta muchly.

Edit: It has disappeared.  This is not good.


Calling all Twilighter, Twihard, Twistockers

Friday April 9, 2010 at 3:52 PM

Calling All Twilight Fans

Oprah is looking for Twilight fans for the June release of Eclipse. She's looking for fans of all ages to tell their stories and why they love the Twilight series and movies so much.

I'd love to go and see Oprah, as if I really needed another reason to love this woman.

Here is the link to submit your info:


hi ho hi ho it's off to work we goooo

Friday April 9, 2010 at 3:46 PM

it's fff so i can totes do this :]

once upon a time there was a very tall lady with striped tights who fell in love with her milkman...


and now you carry it on. think lewis carroll/edward lear type nonsensicalities.


The Many Faces of RobPatz

Friday April 9, 2010 at 3:24 PM

Okay, so I was aware that as an actor, RobPatz would have achieved more gigs than Twilight.  

(Though, in all honesty, I didn't know the dude existed until Twilight. Forgive me for this travesty.) 

My friend ended up telling me about his part as Cedric Diggory, which I had to admit---even though I'm not really a Potter fan, except when it comes to a few snuck fanfic here and there---he looks pretty darn hot.


Daniel Gale wasn't so bad either...I mean, if you're into the nerdy thing with glasses, he's actually really cute...The fanfic really endeared him to me, if you really must know.


So here I am, happily making my way through all these wonderful depictions of RobPatz, when I stumble upon this little nugget that knocks me dead.



What's with the 'stache?

Does anyone else find this really WRONG?


Tell me more...

Friday April 9, 2010 at 3:14 PM

Reviews.  Stats.  Hits. 

Why do we care? 

When I first started in the fandom, I didn’t even know there WAS a stats page.  Then I was lurking around as a lurker is wont to do, and I saw someone reference their stats page.  So I went and dug about and found mine.  Holy smokes, was that graph beautiful. 

I had, like, 35 hits!  In ONE day!  I am not kidding you, I ran to the office to tell Dirk.  “Baby!  35 people read my story!!”  I ran out again to refresh the page.  And then I proceeded to spend the entire weekend refreshing the stats page in between reading other people’s chapters.  It was glorious.  I was SO. Damn. Happy.

Of course, over time, it took more and more to make me happy.  I’m such a junkie. 

And if my new chapter got 8 reviews last time, but only six the next time, I was tempted, there in the dark of the night, with only the soft hum of the laptop for music, to reach out to those former reviewers and say ‘Hay!  Why’d you stop??” 

I refrained.  (Thank Jesus.)

Then something happened.  I got really busy and I couldn’t check.  And after about a week, I realized I hadn’t been.  There were some days where I had a hundred hits, and some where I’d only had 4. 

And reviews.  Oh my god, reviews.  Now, I may be a bit shy sometimes, but I pretty much always speak my mind, so it’s no surprise to anyone how much I love my reviews.  And reviewers.  Seriously – this fandom is made of such amazing and generous and TALENTED people that my mind?  Generally and consistently blown. 

I get excited when someone I really like and respect reviews my fic.  And I want to tell the world:  OHEMGEE!!  So and so reviewed my fic and they liked it!  But I don’t.  Same as when someone that I’ve never heard of before writes me a review that just…blows my mind.  I want to sit them down and make them cookies or breakfast or *something*.  When one of my frands reviews my fic, I want to hug them.  **hugs**  (I’m a hugger – don’t judge.)

But my question here is this:  Why do we care?  We can’t take stats to the bank.  Reviews, while soul-feeding things, are not going to put food on the table (cue flower monologue from A Knight’s Tale).  What makes this more intriguing for me is that aside from not being able to do anything with our OWN stats and reviews, we seem to also compare ourselves, relentlessly, to others. 

Now, this is a subjective thing we’re doing here.  Writing is not science.  It is not mathematics, and there is no right or wrong answer.  I’ve read popular fics that I think are just awful, and I’ve read little-known fics that make me swoon in my seat.  And when I try to compare myself to any of them, I come up short because there are too damn many variables.  (Nod to Katinki and Renward.)

So campers and rangers and writers of all ilk, I ask you this:  Why do you care?  Do you stalk your stats page?  Do you covet each and every review?  If so, what drives you, and if not, why? 

In other words…tell me more, tell me more….



Tell Me Your Driving Stories!

Friday April 9, 2010 at 2:39 PM

I just got my license! (woot!) Sooooo, I want to hear your scary, or funny, driving stories.

First --- | >> | 1212 | 1213 | 1214 | 1215 | 1216 | 1217 | 1218 | 1219 | 1220 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
