
TomStu on Robert-cute story!

Monday April 12, 2010 at 7:52 AM

Tom Sturridge has his buddy Rob Pattinson to thank for his most recent movie role.

At Saturday's New York premiere of his latest flick, "Waiting for Forever," Sturridge revealed director James Keach originally wanted the "Twilight" star for the part. "I saw the script on the floor of Rob's apartment when I was staying on his sofa," Sturridge said.

But the equally hunky Brit knew he could play the part of a hopeless romantic just as well as Pattinson – and even top him.

"I thought to myself, 'I could do this better than he could!', so I called up my agent the next morning. They were kind enough to let me audition and apparently they saw something in me."

And while producer Trevor Albert agrees Sturridge was perfect for the part, he admits that he and Keach were a little taken aback when they got his phone call.

"We got a call from his agent who told us Tom loved the script, and we were like, 'We don't remember sending him one.' Finally, we were worn down and just said, 'All right, let's let him come in.' "

Keach would only laugh, "There was definitely a little bit of serendipity going on there."


Love it of Hate it? (UofEM)

Monday April 12, 2010 at 7:45 AM

I know this one gets a lot of hate but I'm still reading it...


Sooooo...what'd ya think about this chappy? 

I liked the diner scene, minus B's complete lack of self offense..defend-ability?...Gah you know the word I'm looking for...I mean can we grow a pair already??

But Charlie was really sweet and I hope things end up working out for him in the end.

Major players find out key info in the chapter, how do you see the Angela/Tanya story lines playing out?


Dr. Masen would like to have a word with you...


New Moon Commentary

Monday April 12, 2010 at 7:01 AM

I don't think I've seen any campfires about this yet, so I thought I'd start one.

I finally got around to watching New Moon last night with the commentary by Chris Weitz and Peter Lambert, and I thought it was fantastic. I love commentaries where they actually have interesting things to say. I just love the little behind-the-scenes insights they share. Chris Weitz was also pretty funny, as usual. My favourite line from the commentary was when they're discussing whether Bella would have tried calling Edward back to let him know she's alive, only to get his voicemail. Chris busts out with, "Hi, this is Edward Cullen. I'm away from my phone at the moment. Or I've crushed it in despair." I think I laughed for a full five minutes at that one.

What did everyone think of the commentary? Did you enjoy Chris? Or were you too disappointed there was no Rob?


Monday Morning with ROB~

Monday April 12, 2010 at 6:36 AM

Good Morning Campers!

I gotta say... Spring break is officially over, and I have never been happier to see a Monday morning!

thanks for the coffee, Rob!

How are you all today?

Did you have a good weekend?

I was perusing the interwebz this morning and came across an interesting interview with ROB, from Hungary's Nepszava Online from February, just before the start of filming for Bel Ami.  Now I read this on two different websites, there seems to be a tiny issue with the translation... I always kinda wonder if something gets lost (or added) in translation.  But either way....I enjoyed reading...

Here are a few excerpts, the full thing will be in the comments:

And what do you like in Twilight’s Edward?
I loved the second book much more than the first, that’s when I first connected with the character. You can be young or old, when you fall in love with someone at first you start to idolize her, then you put her on a pedestal, then the other is a mirror. But after a while, you see your faults in this mirror and the more you see them, the less you can bear it and in the end you destroy the love, saying you don’t need this. This is real, I can tell you that. It’s strange that a cheesy book for girls like this brought me to fame, but it happened and I won’t protest.


I get the impression that they sent this fame thing to the wrong address.
Fame is a mythical thing, a strange value. You don’t need qualification, money, you can be born into it. Some people think that if you are famous, you have everything that’s important in life. That’s understandable even if I don’t agree with it, because there is no other choice to break out. My generation doesn’t want to hear that the only way to earn money is working until you are 70, if you are lucky you don’t work for pennies, you can be a boss before retirement. My generation is greedy, people want to be rich and famous at 20. Everything and now, that’s the key.

Not for you?
I don’t know. I would see it differently if I wasn’t famous. I never touched tabloids before and now…What they write about people, they totally destroy the performance of the actors. This whole celebrity culture is disgusting. The more famous you are, the more tabloids write about you, the less people want to know about your movies, because what they see in the tabloids is more interesting than what they see on the screen. Actors lost that mystique. You can peek into their bedrooms, you can analyze their relationships, you can make fun of their pain, so they are not interesting on the screen anymore if their lives are open books. I find it unbearable.

There’s this rumor about you that you and Kristen Stewart will be engaged soon.

This engagement thing is total bullshit, I don’t even know where it comes from. Kristen is my friend, I really like to work with her. She’s more mature than her age, a real professional, I couldn’t wish a better partner, because she makes my every move, every sentence authentic. A big franchise like Twilight is a scary thing, because it put me on the map and I’ll have it for my whole life. So it’s important to get along with my partner, and Kristen is the perfect partner. She sets the bar high, so I must deliver too.

But you didn’t answer my question, which means...

My only weapon for self-defense is to not care about the rumors. I concentrate on my work and on the positive sides of fame. You can’t even imagine how big it is that I don’t have to go to castings anymore. They are the worst. Especially when you don’t get the job in the end. Now I have lots of people around me, looking out for me, asking me if the script is ok with me. People say hi to me, smile at me on the street, come up to me to shake my hand. Lots of people stop me just to congratulate. That’s when I realize that there are so many good, nice, normal people. And they are the majority.


source, source, original source


Pop culture

Monday April 12, 2010 at 4:18 AM

So, I've been thinking about this for a while now, and another campfire made me finally decide to post about this.

In fics, does it bug you if there's a lot of pop culture refs like in Mr Horrible? How about when it feels like the characters live in their own little bubble where pop culture doesn't even exist?

For me, its a part of my daily life. Now, I'm not name dropping and crap constantly, but it does urk me when nothing is ever mentioned in fics - even cell phones/computers/other tech stuff. However, if its a period fic where its like 1845 or something I understand that they won't be talking about Lady Gaga and her weird outfits or Hollywood's new "It guy". But, most fics are 1970 - present day and let's face it, there's pop culture stuff coming up in normal conversation all over the world now.

So...does this bug you or not? Do you think there's a happy medium about things like this?

For your time:


mo kagen

(another) help me find that fic

Monday April 12, 2010 at 3:13 AM

(edit)  another fic mystery solved at ADF:   

Its Monster's Serenade by Devy-Artemis.

Good morning, campers!

I have scrolled thru my (extensive) list of fics, and am at a loss.  Occasionally, I forget to bookmark, fave, alert, jot down a story that I stumble across or that you guys rec.

So, the little bit that I remember.  The Cullens are Vamps.  The time is maybe turn of the century?  I remember Bella took the wagon to visit Angela (?) and the weather turned bad on her way home (I think a tree fell across the road). So she walks thru the woods and comes to Edward's house (manor or mansion).  I think Charlie may work for Edward. Edward and Bella eventually marry, but I don't think Bella knows what Edward is at that time.  and that's about all that I remember...

Any help?

Thank you!!   


'WITH TEETH' updated

Sunday April 11, 2010 at 9:35 PM

Over on Twilighted. Off to read now. Let me know what you think.



I'm all tissue-d out

Sunday April 11, 2010 at 9:29 PM

I just finished reading the epilogue for Awake in the Infinite Cold by quothme ( and I've got to say that this is the only other fic that has made me cry.  The other is The Best Man by brattyvamp (you rock by the way).

If you haven't read this yet, please, please give it a try.  It's beautifully written in third person which is a refreshing change from all the first person POVs.

If you have read this come on in and let's chat.


Canon Edward

Sunday April 11, 2010 at 9:26 PM

Wolvesnvamps and I were just talking about... Edward.

And we discussed how awesome and hot his canon traits made him & how those traits are obliterated in fanfic most of the time.

We're all here because of him, really. Right? I mean, are you here because you fell in love with Bella? Did you keep reading past Book 1 because you had a good feeling about Jake?


You're here for Edward. And I want to know what you loved about him in the beginning.


Ok-it was them.

Sunday April 11, 2010 at 7:25 PM

Now back to regularly-scheduled programming.



i thought this was cute

Sunday April 11, 2010 at 6:04 PM

guys you may be tierd of this but im so team ROBSTEN and i thought this was cute

Rob and Kristen together in Hungary

  • Yes, Rob and Kristen were in Hungary together
  • I live in Hungary and I read the comments from
  • About 15 fans and some paparazzi were on the airport
  • Fan said that Kristen didnt want to get out from the car because of the paparazzi
  •  Yes it's truth. I read Leia and Linci account from , but they aren't my friends
  •  They didn't give autograph
  • Leia argued with Rob's bodyguard because he didn't allow him to give autographs :)
  • Rob and Kris took eachother hands :)
  • Edina said that they were so cute they holding eachother hands and Rob pulled Kristen that they could go to the terminal as soon as possible from:



I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies!

Sunday April 11, 2010 at 5:07 PM

After a brief hiatus last week, so that JennyAwesomeFly could bring us some more of her other masterpiece, 'Sanctuary', Teen-dadward is back!!! Go read, review, and show Jenny some love in her cabin or in this thread. Here's a peak at the goodness this time around:

“This whole thing is so… I’m disgusting.  Have you noticed that?  I mean, have you noticed how gross all of this is?”

“I inspected a mucus plug in a toilet.  I’m aware,” I grinned and she shoved me with her elbow.

“I’ve vomited all over the place.  I got fat.  My nose is bigger.  I might shit myself, my boobs are veiny and gross, mucus randomly comes out of me—“

“You sound like an awesome catch,” I said.

“But listen.  You…you’re still here,” she said, kind of pausing.

“Of course I’m here.”

“I just wanted to say I love you, is all,” Bella shrugged.

“Oh, Bella,” I said wrapping an arm around her neck, “my disgusting, bodily matter ejecting bride, I love you, too.”


Since BBurke Showed Ranger Tor Some Love...

Sunday April 11, 2010 at 4:09 PM




Let's all go show him some right back!  

Campers, did you know that Billy Burke is getting ready to release an album?  I didn't either - Ranger Tor told me.  HE FOLLOWS HER ON TWITTER, IN CASE YOU MISSED IT.

Anyway, Chief DILF has blessed us with video fodder:


Given us the PORNSTACHE (unf):
And, most importantly of all, he's almost unbearably nice to look at:
Since he's given us so much, it's time for us to return the favor.  Go and take a look at his new website IMMEDIATELY!
Look!  He's pointing RIGHT AT YOU!  DO IT NOW!
Use the sign up on the right side of the page to get a FREE FULL-LENGTH TRACK from his new album!
Then, once you've done that, allow yourself to get distracted by the gorgeous picture on the homepage, and then leave him some love in his blog (right underneath that beautiful, beautiful picture), AND on his Twitter, and tell him the Forest sent ya!


Sunday April 11, 2010 at 3:32 PM

I always miss these campfires, so I decided to start one. I wanna put a face to the name :-)

Post a picture of yourself?

My (severely embarrassing) photo will be inside ;)


Beached Vampire

Sunday April 11, 2010 at 2:46 PM

Oh Emmett, What's up with your hair?





Is it them? IS IT THEM?

Sunday April 11, 2010 at 2:36 PM

So I updated my story today (um, go read it, thanks), ate half a burger (they forgot the cheese - ew), read a real book (hah), and thought - what can I do to become even MORE unpopular? Why, a shippery R/K campfire on ADF, of course! What else? So I came here and decided to ask you all to join me and argue, giggle, squee, or whatever it is you choose to do. Let's talk, let's talk a lot. I love campfires.


Now, I love Robert, and I love Kristen. I love Kristen more. I love her so much. I kinda don't care if they're together, but if that boy hurts a single hair on Kristen's head - omg I will personally cut his balls off. That said, I LOVE ROBERT PATTINSON. Anyway, as I was saying - I don't care if they're a couple, but A PICTURE OF KRISTEN IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEED RIGHT NOW, so if these are her ass/legs, Ser is a happy, happy girl. I've missed her so much.

Let's watch the video, shall we?


Now - let's take a better look, because that camera was shaky!






Okay - now, I know Kristen's legs, and i think there's a good chance that that's her. Also, there's a bunch of alleged eyewitness report shit on some site somewhere. Anyway, I don't know. I don't care. I'm enjoying myself. How 'bout you? Thoughts? Oh! I leave you with another pic of their very famous backsides to stare at as you ponder:




The things you didn't think you'd see

Sunday April 11, 2010 at 1:52 PM

 I got a plot bunny this week - a one shot is in the works.


Yeah - from me.  Little miss fluffy bunny.

So tell me - is there something you'd like to write, but aren't sure?

Something you'd like to see?  A crazy idea or something?

Someone writing something totally out of their genre?

Let's hear it.


ranger PSA

Sunday April 11, 2010 at 10:08 AM

i declare today appreciate a VIP author day

so, the forest voted in several new VIP authors last night.  congratulations!

now, i'd like to see more camper participation in the VIP cabins.  see that icon up there?  with the 3 little cabins?  it takes you here where you can go interact in the VIP forums, the artist tents, joe's place.

so why don't you get in there and leave some love for your favorite authors?  drop them a line to say, "hey.  i appreciate you for taking the time to post in the forest.  now enjoy this picture of ______."

then get in this campfire and tell everyone to read your faves.


Free House

Sunday April 11, 2010 at 9:32 AM

Okay bb's, I have a free house, chocolate, alcohol and a ravenous two month withdrawral from FanFic that is now DEMANDING its fix!

Some serious Reccing is needed.

I'm thinking AH, College setting, Sex, Drugs and outrageous circumstances. A no BS Bella.  I wanna Laugh, I can handle some tears. Complete prefereable.

But if there is anything out there that MUST be read, send em over.

I'm shaking with anticipation!

You guys are my only hope! (does anyone else get bummed that their RL friends don't read FF?)

Thank you : )


Are you kidding me?

Sunday April 11, 2010 at 6:16 AM

Just got this PM on


Hi. My name is ***.   I loved your story, The Best Man. Before you think this message is just to praise your story, please give serious consideration for what I have to say. I love writing. I may be young, but the more years that go by, the more spoiled a mind becomes. I really want to discuss if you would let me use your idea and turn it into a real book. This story deserves more than just fanfiction. The characters should become real, have personalities of their own. This story has such a great plot, humor and love and laughs. I'd like to write a story with this main idea from you: a girl comes back to her hometown to be with her best friend, competes to be the Best Man with her best friend's brother (secret crush), and ends up with him. It is entirely your plot, but I want to make it into a real novel, and add more personality to the character. Of course I know that you may not give this a second thought, it is in fact your story, but please think about it. I loved reading this and I'd enjoy writing it as a book. If you happen to agree, which I understand if you don't, I'd of course credit the plot to you. Please messsage me back to talk about if you would let me take on this wonderful opportunity. Thank you so much for the amazing story (I still tear up listening to The Time of Your Life, I'm such a softie), I hope to hear back from you. Yours truly,***. (P.S. I am a girl, alot of people mistake the name for a guy, and I am pretty young, but like I said, age is but a number)


Now... she said she's young.  I am NOT trying to bash this person.  (I even removed her name.) But honestly?  I mean... come on!  Or am I really making too big a deal about someone asking if they can take my story and make it their own?


If you are a writer...what is the most whacked out request/comment you've received in reviews/PM lately??? 

(My response to the girl is in my cabin, in case anyone is interested.)

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