
Bromance and Shenanigans

Monday April 5, 2010 at 5:52 PM

So, over at the Fork High School Fic Request Community the ever-lovely Runningsissors fulfilled my prompt for some Quil and Embry related bromance and shenanigans!  But it's left me wanting MORE. 

So, give me your best stories where the three amigos (Jake, Quil, and Embry) do what teenaged boys do best - chase after hot women, work on cars, and harass each other mercilessly!


The Classics

Monday April 5, 2010 at 4:58 PM

Campers, we all fell in love with the Twilight series (or aspects of it, at least).  In the series, Bella had an affection for Wuthering Heights.
Eric Yorkie cried like a girl while Mr. Berty made the gang watch Romeo and Juliet in English class (watch that on mute, trust me):
Personally, I'm a fan of Pride and Prejudice.  Mr. Darcy?  Yum.  Headstrong heroine Elizabeth Bennet?  Yes, please!


Campers, what I want to know is, what are your favorite Classic novels?  Discuss in the comments!



I want some crack

Monday April 5, 2010 at 3:45 PM

FICS (get you'r minds out of the gutter)

Can anybody recc me some tear's streaming down face hilarity?


And for bribes:

And for giggles:


Long Time Coming

Monday April 5, 2010 at 3:08 PM

What ever happened to this?


Tiger's big return

Monday April 5, 2010 at 2:15 PM

It's all anyone can talk about in my office today.

Too little too late? Did he get himself into more trouble? What do you think?


ranger approved!


Fictional Crushes

Monday April 5, 2010 at 2:10 PM

We all love Edward, Jacob, Jasper, Emmett, Carlisle, Demetri, Sam, err Mike, Paul, Tyler and bla bla bla.

But who were your fictional crushes before you read about the characters above? Who made your heart pitter patter or made you wish RL men were like that perfection?

Mine was Howl from Howl's Moving Castle. I know cringe but I was 11 when I first read the book and I just fell in love with the dashing wizard.

Howl.jpg Howl image by Kuro_Raikouss_howls-moving-castle.jpg Howl image by ramennoodleboy 

Even when he was ginger. Although he did look like a woman through some of the movie *scratch head*

So what about you guys? Who were your fictional crushes?


Good Quality Fic

Monday April 5, 2010 at 1:43 PM

I have a problem with finding good fic that is well-written, and preferably written by people who are fluent in the language in which they are writing.

My ultimate dream is to find a magical place where all fic is great quality and fic is sorted by the typical pairing and rating categories, but also into categories like:

Minor Angstyness/Realistic Situations
Angst for the Multitudes
You will enjoy this if you are into slitting your wrists
Only read this fic if you think rape, incest, molestation, abuse, and cruelty to animals are good times

And preferably, that the fics put into these categories actually belong in them. There's nothing like clicking on a "Romance" fic only to find that it's a cancer fic or an Edward kills kittens and rapes people fic.



All that to say...Um, do any of you have any good fic recommendations/places to find recommendations that don't involve selling your unborn children to procure them?



This is my first campfire and I'm in my first day on ADF. I'm not sure if this is the appropriate venue or where to go if it isn't, so Rangers feel free to douse me with water.


What should I read first?

Monday April 5, 2010 at 12:45 PM

I saw someone ask for help before. And I need help please. Hey, I never said I was original. : P


Anyhow I bored and I can't seem to find a fic that I can't put down.Like the Cannabean Betrothal/UoEM/ E&OMP.  Lately I start reading then I get bored and skim then never go back to finish. I was recommended these. So, tell me which one will I obsess and dream about?

  •  This is not my life
  • Small Town Gossip ( I have saved in my PC)
  • A War of Cynics
  • Last Rites
  • Love Park
  • Blinding

Thank you : )


spread the love

Monday April 5, 2010 at 10:08 AM

what's the one thing about yourself that you love the most???

yes. just one. 

p.s. I have no idea how to msg a ranger to ask if this campfire would be approved or not, so if someone could tell me how to do that, that'd be great, thnx.  yeah.



Monday April 5, 2010 at 9:17 AM

Through a one shot from the black balloon contest I have discovered prisonward and now I must have MORE!!!!!!!!

Anyone know of any good stories E+B with a criminal Edward and a good dose of romance?

Slightly concerned at just how attractive I'm finding law breaker Edward. I do love me a bad boy!

Also big thanks to all the campers who got me through my night of insomnia a few days ago by recommending one shots. Got me through the night and stopped me spending my rent money on You guys are swell : )


Fan Fiction Weekly Sneak Peek

Monday April 5, 2010 at 9:10 AM


Do you write fan fiction?

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

Don't forget to include a link!

Add images and videos to make it interesting at your discretion :)


I need a dose of HAPPY~~

Monday April 5, 2010 at 8:21 AM

After reading the list of regrets on Emibella's campfire... and after reading some people's complaints on Twitter...

It's become pretty obvious that we're all suffering from a raging case of

Monday Morning Blues

I sat at my desk this morning to WORK and I was going through the pile of papers... I found a quote that my 12 yr old daughter wrote down...

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.

Walk beside me, and be my friend"

~Albert Camus

(I love that my daughter was struck by this quote enough to write it down!)

So here's the deal Campers... Let's all be friends!  If you see someone having a tough day, say something nice to them to make them smile.  If you know someone who's sad, or depressed, or upset... lend your shoulder and help share the weight of their burdens.  When you do something nice for someone else, your life inevitably gets better! (this is TRUE)

If you have any funny pics, a favorite song, or anything POSITIVE that you'd like to share... LETTUCE SEE!!! 

We all could use a dose of HAPPY :)


And I need another cup of this...



It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

Monday April 5, 2010 at 6:26 AM

 Bella jumped off of a cliff,

I hosted Easter for Thirty people. 

We have all done things that seemed like a good idea at the time only to realize later on that our expectations and our realities didn't match up at all. 

It's not that Easter didn't turn out. Even though I got raves and was called "Superwoman" by more than one person, most people at events like that kind of ignore you while you do everything. It's a funny thing, but it's par for the "hostess" course.

I want to hear about things that you decided to do that didn't turn out the way that you expected....big or small, I want them all!


You know you're going to buy it

Monday April 5, 2010 at 12:59 AM



Remember the Twilight porn parody? Well, now there's a New Moon one!

Now, I thought "New Moon" was perfect for a porn movie name. They could've just used that, but I guess they just didn't think of it.


If this has been posted before (probably) you can all tell me off in this post.




Let's talk about sex baby . . . vampire sex

Sunday April 4, 2010 at 10:29 PM

So since today has been a day of plot holes . . . I would like to discuss one that sort of drives me crazy. Vampire SEX!

Now I'm not talking amongst their own, nope, I'm talking with a human. And I don't really mean where the male is a vamp and the female a human (Eddie/Bella) I'm specifically wondering about where the male is human and the vamp is female (pretty much the Denali ladies).

Here's my thing . . . I can buy a male vamp having sex with a female human . . . they umm . . . accommodate. And well the impaling instrument isn't breakable. BUT with a female vamp, mind you that's supposed to have a marble body, I'm thinking it's going to be impossible for a human organ that is "breakable." Seriously, if the only thing that can penetrate that skin is supposed to be other vamp fangs . . . umm where's that leave the poor human men? How tight, is too tight? Has this ever crossed anyone else's mind? What do you think?




Lack of Twilight video games

Sunday April 4, 2010 at 9:28 PM

Taken from the Yahoo homepage.

Lack of Twilight game costing 'millions'

Buzz up!

April 2 2:49 P.M.


Hardly any big-budget movie goes by these days without an accompanying video game release -- but the absence of a game based on Stephanie Meyer's Twilight property is causing publishers to miss out on millions, according to British trade paper MCV.

"Given how hot a property it is, Twilight could easily present a seven-figure exploitation opportunity," analyst Nick Gibson told the publication, "especially if publishers look at taking it beyond retail gaming and considers network gaming."

Gibson goes on to suggest such a game would perform well with the broader audiences of the Nintendo's Wii and DS machines, and would be unlikely to be targeted at gamers with Xbox 360s or PS3s.

"The brand’s appeal could actually extend significantly beyond the expected teen girl market and into the 20- to 30-year-old female market, which has a very substantial crossover into gaming," he said.

So why have we not seen any serious attempt to bring Twilight's vampires-and-werewolves world to consoles? It could simply be that the franchise owners haven't realized what a big money-spinner it could be, Gibson told MCV.

"It may well be that the rights holders aren’t aware of the potential benefits as they haven’t explored the games market before,” he said. "It’s not unheard of – although it is increasingly unusual in this day and age."

Movie-based games often score poorly with critics, but they're a reliable hit with consumers. All the same, Twilight isn't the only recent hot property to have missed out on a video game release: you'd have thought a game based on Oscar-winning Batman flick The Dark Knight would have been an obvious move, but it was not to be. Although publisher EA was working on such a title, it was canceled in 2008; a Newsweek article put the cost of the missed opportunity at over $100 million.

Would you play a video game based on the Twilight movie or novels? Let us know in the comments.

I don't play video games, so I don't know what's out there game-wise. But had pretty much assumed there were Twi-games out there. Guess I learned something new today.

What do you think would be a good 'plot' for a Twilight game? Collect as many copies of BD as you can, rip them up, and burn them in an allotted time frame? See how many half naked wolf boys you can take out as Victoria? Follow Bella's character around, and for every time she trips and falls that you don't catch her, you lose points?



How old is too old?

Sunday April 4, 2010 at 9:17 PM

Hey all-

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I saw this picture and thought back to all the controversy when they came out with their relationship.

Tell me campers-what's your cut off age? For me, I would only date someone up to 12 years than me. After that, it's "too old" for me. No judgements here-I am just curious as to what your cut-off year gap is for older men.


ranger approved!




Sunday April 4, 2010 at 7:47 PM

Howdy campers, well I'm jumping up and down for joy today, my parents gave me my B-day gift (it's my 30th, damn I feel old) and they got me A KINDLE YEAHHHHH, and now here's where I'm stumped... how in the bejezus does this thing work? The fic wife has helped me out some because she has one too, but does anybody know how to get fics on here for free? Can a story be loaded directly from my laptop to my kindle without going through Amazon first? any suggestions in general?


Spank you mucho for any kind of help you can give me :)


Cien Anos De Soledad

Sunday April 4, 2010 at 7:39 PM

So I'm not sure if I can do this.. I'm mostly a lurker *blush*. And if this is not supposed to go here feel free to take it down.  But I really wanted to get this story recommended because it is amazing and deserves way more recognition then it has. So...


Cien Anos De Soldedad by HappyInLove

This is a story of a girl, finding herself in Guatemala & Seattle; a child, shuffled, loved, growing; a boy, figuring out what makes a man; and a family, expanding and understanding what unconditional hope and love look like.



Edward: Edward is an actor in this fic but he's broken, and sweet, and can do one great monster growl. His relationship with Maya is the cutest thing I have ever read.

Bella: This is Bella is strong, she gets put through a lot in this story but always manage to suck it up and put on a happy face for Maya. Her

Maya: Maya is the heart of this story, and the author says she is a real life character so she is written very realistically.


The writing is phenomanal. It's poetic and heart-breaking.

Right now this autor gets 20 or less reviews on each chapter when this story deserves so much more, so I'm beggin give it a chance?


Pretty Please?


And if not for me.. do it for Rob. :]






~Lettuce Discuss~

Sunday April 4, 2010 at 7:11 PM



 How do you think vamps and wolves (i.e. Cullens & Wolfpack) would handle situations such as natural disasters?

How do you think the Cullens would go about protecting Bella if she were in one?  (And using Alice doesn't count, lol)

 Would the wolfpack sense something was coming? (As research has often shown a behavioral change in pets, wildlife, etc)

 Would they have to be in wolf form, or sense it in their human form?

I wanna know whatcha think!




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