
What Would Your Babbies Look Like?

Monday March 15, 2010 at 4:03 PM

So last night, Jenn and I were working on our book to give Rob of their babies so he will realize that he is destined to be with us and not anyone else.

Fear us Comicon!

Anyway, the morphed babies ranged from cute to things that looked like they chewed their way out of someone's womb! (hmm, where have I heard that before)

We then shared this with twitter and laughed as certain people participated (I am looking at you Kelly and Rachel!)


So campers here is what I want. I want you to go to the site and make your own babies.

Make me babies

You can also try this site and make some fun celeb ones but uploading your own takes too long. Morph Thing


Upload a pic of yourself and whoever you want to have a babby with. Then choose a frame and you can even choose skin tone or let it auto choose. Then share your creation with us!

You want a babby with Rob? DO IT!

You want a babby with Kristen? UMM, Sure. Why not?

You want a babby with BIlly? Go for it! Tor apparently makes a black girl with him. IDEK.


This is mine and The Boreanaz:



So come on campers! Let's see those pretty babies or whatever it happens to make.


OMG, it made some funny ones of some of our very own rangers but I am not going to be the one to share those!

*This post approved by the lovely Emibella who is full of awesome and dreams of babbies with Scott Avett!


Something amazing has happened!!

Monday March 15, 2010 at 3:42 PM


If you guys haven't noticed, I have been MIA for the past 2 months!  Work cockblocked me from the Forest and school has left me little free time to get on when I am at home!  But, something amazing has happened and now I am back on board! 







Monday March 15, 2010 at 3:15 PM

tell us what/who you love,

how you love them,

and all other details of your obsession


for instance, i am so fascinated with doodlecake that i just told her i'd start a campfire in tribute.

and i wish patsy robinson were here so we could hang out and watch reruns of bones together.

there are 68354198765435 people that should be here, but you've all already received physical gifts/stalker emails/free downloads of the new goldfrapp/percy jackson/other not-yet-available things/public love declarations from me in the past.  i'm all about spreading new love, so get to it.



Fan Fiction Weekly Sneak Peek

Monday March 15, 2010 at 3:02 PM


Do you write fan fiction? Want to show a peek of what's to come in your upcoming chapters?


Post upcoming excerpts from your stories here!


Don't forget to include a link! :)


Delusional Is Funny

Monday March 15, 2010 at 2:36 PM

This was shared with me and I laughed so hard I just had to pass it along to all you campers as well!


Monday March 15, 2010

ROBERT Pattinson treats Kristen Stewart as nothing more than a “friend with benefits” — insiders claim.

Kristen’s friends are apparently worried that Rob, 23, is not taking their relationship seriously.

“Rob’s so immature,” a source told the UK’s Now magazine. “He thinks that as this big movie star he can do whatever he wants, but he should realize that Kristen deserves better.

“Some of us wonder if he’s serious about her at all. He seems intent on keeping his options open. If he doesn’t grow up I don’t think the relationship has any future for Kristen.”

It has also been claimed that Rob refuses to commit to Kristen, who is apparently keen to settle down and get married.

“She wants to get married and have kids, but Rob’s not ready,” a source said.

“He gets stressed out whenever she starts talking commitment and it causes some nasty rows. Some people think Rob’s still set on playing the field.






Be sure to click on the link above and read the comments. These people are hilarious and especially the user claiming to be Kristen herself!


Another Fic Rec

Monday March 15, 2010 at 2:32 PM

I'm looking for a story that has a good Bella / Jasper friendship in Just friends tho i alwayz thought those two made better best friends than any one else


Could I Be Any Less Vague?

Monday March 15, 2010 at 2:25 PM

So here's  a story I'm looking for, I believe it's in my alerts over on FF but can't find it so i'm wondering if the author pulled it.

Edward's family thinks he's a womanizer and try to set Bella up with him.

Is that enough for ya? LOL I think the word "AKA Womanizer" is actually part of the title, but 837 stories come up when I search that way.

I don't think it was completed...


I can only imagine

Monday March 15, 2010 at 2:21 PM

what lunacy is going on over at Lion_Lamb over this. LOL

Reports suggest all is not well with R-Pattz & K-Stew!

17:35, Monday, 15 March 2010
Robert Pattinson has reportedly refused to commit to a relationship with Kristen Stewart.
The Twilight stars, who have been romantically linked for months may not even have a future together after Stewart told friends she is still wondering where she stands with R-Pattz.
An insider told Now Magazine: "She wants to get married and have kids, but Rob's not ready,"
They added: "He gets stressed out whenever she starts talking commitment and it causes some nasty rows. Some people think Rob’s still set on playing the field."
Another source said: "Rob's so immature. He thinks that as this big movie star he can do whatever he wants, but he should realise that Kristen deserves better.”

"Some of us wonder if he's serious about her at all. He seems intent on keeping his options open. If he doesn't grow up I don't think the relationship has any future for Kristen."
These claims fuel recent reports that Rob and Kristen have had endless rows due to the actress’s possessive nature – especially over Rob’s Remember Me co-star Emilie de Ravin.
A source close to couple revealed: “Kristen hates the thought of Rob and Emilie spending time alone together. She’s doing her best to be with Rob whenever she can.”
They continued: “It’s driving Rob nuts, he likes doing his own thing and having time to himself, but Kristen has got really needy over the past few weeks. She’s worried he’ll run off with Emilie or some other chick that catches his eye.”




Monday March 15, 2010 at 1:29 PM

Post whatever you think is funny.... :)

My stomach hurt when i seen this ;)


Twicon 2010 Canceled

Monday March 15, 2010 at 1:26 PM

Ah, just what I need to come back to after a stress-related episode. Moar fail.

After the rousing success of last year's Twicon and the whole first-Toronto-now-Ottawa debacle that people are apparently still waiting for refunds on, I guess it's no big shock that both Twicon events have been canceled.

It's not Becky Scoggins' fault.

It's not Bailey Gauthier's, either.

'Cause they're only the partners and all. They're like Bernie Madoff's wife in this. No clue what was going on until it was over.

Comments show the usual blend of BS calling, wondering how refunds can be issued if the "company" has not one dime to move forward and has paid nonrefundable deposits to actors, etc, and "It's all good I wubs u gaiz and I haz faith even though I'm out $400 plus plane and hotel reservations!"

If I had a Journalfen account, I would shower cookies upon this comment.

Or the one at the bottom of this page that said, Basically, it sounds like four friends got together and wanted to throw a Twilight themed party without any knowledge of how to run or organize a convention (not to mention any knowledge of basic copyright law…).

Yeah . . . that sounds about right.

Please tell me none of you actually gave money to these people. Because if they have no money, and they're an LLC . . . I don't think you'll be getting it back even with a lawsuit.

. . . You didn't, right? Right?


A confident and secure Bella

Monday March 15, 2010 at 12:58 PM

So I'm looking for some fic rec's where Bella is confident in herself and not the insecure Bella that we usually see. If this confidence translates into bitchiness, its cool. Let's stay away from those high school fics where bella was a nerd and comes back bitchy and revengeful, k? haha



Techie Post

Monday March 15, 2010 at 11:21 AM

I don't post much but this deserves it's own campfire.

As many of you know we have had our fair share of problems with the folks over at GoDaddy hosting, so we took the next step and purchased a DEDICATED SERVER.  

You may have already noticed that the site has been much quicker to respond over the last 10 - 12 hours, this is why.  

As the site was moved there may have been a slight disruption to any email alerts, for this I directly apologize as it was my doing :(  but believe me it will be worth it as email alerts (among other things) should be MUCH more reliable in the future :).

With the new server we can finally start to implement the next round of changes, though I can't elaborate it will be a nice upgrade :).


Story Alerts

Monday March 15, 2010 at 10:36 AM

Are story alerts not working today?  Two of my favorites updated today, The Cannabean Betrothal & River Dam, and I didn't get alerts for either one.  Did anyone else have this problem. 

I did go to my control panel just to make sure the alerts were still set, and they were, so I just assume something else is up.


Fic rec's

Monday March 15, 2010 at 9:57 AM

I too lazy too look on my own i need help i want something a dark some angst and a little heartbreak with a some loving in there too help me Plzzz :(


Show me how clever you can be, ADF

Monday March 15, 2010 at 9:01 AM

I was thinking about how today, being the Ides of March and all, would be the perfect day to catch up on To Be Stabbed in the Front.

Then, I started thinking about how yesterday, 3.14, would have been a rational day to start A Neverending Math Equation (little bit of math humor there).  Perhaps I should start Volition on St. Patrick's Day.

Show off your wit, ADF, and let's make some fic based calendar puns.

A potential banner for TBSITF:



New Robert pics from Bel Ami set

Monday March 15, 2010 at 8:42 AM


Like'em Old?

Monday March 15, 2010 at 8:39 AM

Sooo, I'm 21 and I seem to have a strange obsession with older men. I lose attraction when I find out a man is younger than me, and seriously almost had a fling with a 40 something year old guy at my job (would have never happened, I'm waaaay too insecure for that, but it was thought about).

My fiance is only 3 years older than me, but that only adds to the attraction. Anyone else with me here?

Share some sexy older men with me? (I could have kept going)

...Maybe some older Edwards? All he has to be is in his 40s and I'm reading.<--Update: So the men are sexy and I love all your stories, any fic recs as well?



3 Clips from the New Moon DVD

Monday March 15, 2010 at 7:15 AM


True Blood Season 3

Monday March 15, 2010 at 6:27 AM

Check out  0.39 and 0.56



Are you guys looking foward to Season 3? What would you like to see? I heard there will be some Naked Eric Northman. And whats up his hair? They seem to change it every season. Doesn't he look delicious?

EDIT: Do you have any Season 3 Spoilers? Caps? Please post them


Delayed RM support group

Monday March 15, 2010 at 4:43 AM

Is anyone else outside of the US restless and slightly depressed because you can't see Remember Me for WEEKS because it isn't released yet? 

Or is ADF mostly populated with you lucky North Americans? 

And I stupidly read reviews and have been totally spoiled.  But I can't go see it for myself.  God. *sob*

(Don't put spoilers in your response pleeze.)

God ahm so deprezzed...  (I can't believe I've picked up this alternate spelling trend...)

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