

Sunday May 2, 2010 at 11:19 AM

Well my dear campers, I am going on about 4 hours sleep and dealing with a raging head cold.  My 2 year old was up all night with croup and today he decided that he is much too hyper to be sick.  The hubs went to work and I am dealing with an attention-craving, energy-sucking toddler all by my lonesome. 

I am exhausted.

Spam me with happy, sexy pics, videos and story recs (completed ones please).


p.s. I'm sad that none of the fics I'm following has updated. :-(  If you have any hidden gems that you're reading, let me know.  I'm always looking for unknown fics to read.

<-- Don't you think Rob looks a little like Jake Gylenhaal in this pic?



Sunday May 2, 2010 at 11:19 AM

Maybe it's just me, BUT

I don't understand

What is so


appealing about this?

Plz to be explainin


Crazy things you've done in the name of the fandom

Sunday May 2, 2010 at 11:13 AM

Right, so, today I decided I wanted to be SUPER organized/inspired for the third round (my first) of TT25. So, what did I do? I made a  collage of all the picture prompts in chronological prompt order. It didn't take long and it was pretty easy, but I don't even do stuff like that for real life/work stuff. It is now my desktop background. 

So, tell me...what are some random/crazy/OCD things you have done in the name of/because of/in spite of the fandom? 

Also, here's a link to the collage if anyone wants to use it:


Super Secret Life...unveiled?

Sunday May 2, 2010 at 10:04 AM

So at brunch with my family today, the subject of Twilight came up, as it often does, they tend to make fun of me for watching the movies and reading the books.

We were all sitting around talking, when BiL mentions that Breaking Dawn might not be made into a movie (news to me, I hated the book, therefore have no interest in the movie) as always, I denied liking the books as much as they claim I do.  But then, mom mentioned I happened to have attended the midnight premieres (she earned a very intense glare) so, cue the laughter, but as always I denied, denied, denied.

I've had these close encounters a few times, all which end with me always denying my love for all things Twi. So tell me, has this ever happened to you? 


What are YOU reading, ADF?

Sunday May 2, 2010 at 9:57 AM

I've following like, 20 fics and none of them updated today...

...I really really want some good old ExB, HEA, well-written and completed fics [other than that - anything goes, angst/fluff/whatever]...preferrably something long? Please...rec me something you LOVE and tell me why...!!??!!!

I <3 badboyward x infinity.




Sunday morning selections

Sunday May 2, 2010 at 6:05 AM

The weekend is nearly over, Saturday is already a distant memory of smudged makeup and empty wine bottles, and you need a little sumthin' sumthin' to chillax to before Monday raises its head and crackles manically.


What do you listen to? This is my slice of Sunday heaven - tell me yours! I need some new tunes in my ituuuuuunes!



Smile for me, Robert

Saturday May 1, 2010 at 10:22 PM

See, he can still crack a small grin once in awhile. Now he's going to bed with Jennyfly to help her get rid of her headache. 



MORE pics from LAX


Love's to Blame

Who's Your Dream Guy?

Saturday May 1, 2010 at 8:37 PM

 Who is your dream Edward?

Ever since I went searching for pictures of the uniquely gorgeous Michael Pitt and found my avi I knew that if he had been cast as Edward he would have played the part better than Robert what’s-his-name. I would have turned team Edward, just for him. (well that’s not true, I am Team Edward occasionally…like for the first five minutes after I watch New Moon).

Anyway who did you imagine as Edward when you read twilight? If Rob is your boy than say so.

And while you’re at it, who’s your Jacob or James or anyone else? Please give pics.

oh btw here's my Edward



Share the wealth...

Saturday May 1, 2010 at 8:22 PM

Since I've been staring at this for the last five minutes (I have an obsession with Rob's upper lip), it's only right that I share with the rest of the class.


sad panda

Saturday May 1, 2010 at 8:10 PM


rob looking a little worse for wear


no idea when or where this was taken

Love's to Blame

How Would You...?

Saturday May 1, 2010 at 7:25 PM

 Please tell me I’m not the only one who ever thought of some crazy scheme that they’ll never do and planned out how they would get away with it. Come on, I know most of you have, at one point in your life, (whether you were a  child, teenager or even an adult) wondered if you could rob a bank, stay in a store overnight or even sneak into your “future husband’s” house to take pictures of him sleeping, and get away with it. I would like to know what is the craziest, most out of this world, idea you’ve ever come up with and how you would achieve this goal. Most importantly how would you get away with it? (It won’t be any fun it you get caught)

 I’ll even tell you mine.

A few years ago, in the midst of a sugar high my friends and I came up with this brilliant plan to stay overnight in a grocery store. We planned out how we would get conveniently ‘trapped’ inside. I think our plans were to hide somewhere in the store. (It wasn’t until I was in the store today that I even realized that they had cameras…good thing we never did it). Next was how we would survive the night. I don’t know about you but I would go straight for the candy isle. (technically it's stealing, but who would be there to catch me?) We even went as far as to come up with the lies that we would tell the manager when they found us the next morning.

So now that I’ve told you my little ‘fantasy’…tell me yours.


Food Craving Post

Saturday May 1, 2010 at 6:57 PM

Ok so, I just watched this and even though I have already eaten supper I am suddenly finding myself VERY hungry.

Tell me what foods you crave, how you crave them. 

Beer / Steak / Wedges - I'm on board!!!


This post approved by.... ME!

Questions About Twilight.

Saturday May 1, 2010 at 6:40 PM

So, my sister is super busy at work, and so are her co-workers, apparently...because they had time to come up with a list of Twilight related questions for us professionals.

*Irresistable force vs. immovable object:  If a vampire and werewolf had each other in a bear hug to the death, would the vampire melt or would the werewolf freeze?

*What is it that's in the distance, off camera that the vampire is always staring at in the movie?

*Who would win in a stick fight, Edward or Jacob?

*The mousy vampire sister:  Hot or Not?

Oddly enough, I was stumped by these.

Can you answer them?


I am all out of witty title names

Saturday May 1, 2010 at 5:49 PM

So I think its safe to say that almost all of us here - if not everyone - read Twilight fanfiction. And that's a very big part of the online Twilight fandom. But sullysgirl's campfire got me thinking...what was your first fandom that you read fanfiction for? Did Twilight pop your fanfic cherry or was it some other fandom?

For me, it was Nancy Drew. Which is embarrassing for me to say now, but that was the first fandom I read fanfiction from, but I only read a couple stories and then didn't read anything again until Twilight two years ago.


(and please no dissing The Stew, she is awesome)


What Pwns You?

Saturday May 1, 2010 at 3:47 PM

I want to know what pwns you..

For me...

Shows: Spartacus: Blood and Sand.. (Who doesn't want to see men walk around in only a loin cloth or less for a whole 55 minutes)

Food: After Eights, Toblerone, and Galaxy..

Men: Jimmy Carr, Mateus Verdelho, and Of course RPattz


And anything else you just can't get enough of..


Your Rosalie?

Saturday May 1, 2010 at 3:20 PM

So, I posted a thing about sexy women and there was a great many "who will always be my Rosalie" in there.

I think most of us, whether we like Nikki Reed or not, didn't really see her as Rosalie. So since we have "our Bella's" a few posts below, I thought now would be a nice time.

Who is your Rosalie? And I expect a whole lot of pretty. I honestly couldn't even put a face to the character in my head when reading because I don't know what the "most beautiful woman in the world" would look like.

Well...Zoe Saldana...but she's not exactly blonde hair with blue eyes.


What was your first time like?

Saturday May 1, 2010 at 2:59 PM

Hello all, Happy Saturday!

So tell me, what was your first time reading a fic with smut like? Did you feel like a perv? Did you know there was going to be lemons before you began reading?

For me, there was no easing into it; it wasn't gradual, and it wasn't pretty. Why? Because the first 'M' rated story I read was The Submissive. I didn't know there was 'M' stories on fanfiction, until I clicked on someone's profile, and checked out their fav stories list. I saw The Submissive on there, and thought "this looks promising." I'll be honest - when I got to the first smut scene, I felt dirty. I felt like a dirty pervert. I'm 31, and I didn't feel like I was old enough to be reading that story. I actually looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was in the room. Then I thought "fuck it! I'm an adult, goddamnit, I can read what I want!" I mean, men have their porn, so what's wrong with me reading an erotic novel? (Thank you, Rachel Green)

Now, a good lemon is a must when reading a story. It doesn't have to be about sex, but it must be in there. Three words that gotta be in every story are 'tight', 'wet', and 'cock'. Does that make me a pervert? Possibly. Do I care? Nope.

What was your first time like, and is lemons now a must for you?


Vanity FairVanity FairVanity Fair


Fanfiction of a fanfiction?

Saturday May 1, 2010 at 2:53 PM

Do you have a fanfiction story you'd like to write a fanfiction of?

For me, I think it'd have to be Master of the Universe.   I freakin' love that story.    It's like my own little soap opera.  :-)




Saturday May 1, 2010 at 2:21 PM

shutupinyerface @wtdboc

post your twitter accounts and make some new forest creature friends

alternately, discuss your distaste for nickelback and/or coldplay

and make sure you're following the forest and its rangers:














Rec Me Baby.

Saturday May 1, 2010 at 1:43 PM

Mmmkay let's all form a little circle, gather round and listen to a tale mama ragemi's got for ya...

Up until a few nights ago it had been AGES since I had read any fanfic...I know crazy right? What have I been doing with my time?  But, I haven't been inspired to even TRY to read anything and I wasn't quite sure the reason.  So, when wtdboc/wtvoc expressed a similar issue I decided to read her campfire and see if anyone rec'd anything that might interest me. 

THANK YOU RUBY WEDNESDAY for rec'ing And with Thee Fade Away.  I loved it and read it in two days.  It also made me realize that I love vamp fics, vamp fics with a snarky  Bella.  Ragemi hates a cannon Bella. 

Besides me making this campfire to thank Ruby Wednesday I'd also like to ask for your best Vamp non whiny/annoying Bella Fics.  For your time.............

I offer you my favorite rob pic.




and if thats not your cup of tea, my fav pic of Taylor....mostly for the lol's





and if neither of those grab ya then feast your eyes on this yummyness



even Brando's memorized by his arms.

First --- | >> | 1178 | 1179 | 1180 | 1181 | 1182 | 1183 | 1184 | 1185 | 1186 | 1414 | 1415 | --- Last
