Hello all, Happy Saturday!
So tell me, what was your first time reading a fic with smut like? Did you feel like a perv? Did you know there was going to be lemons before you began reading?
For me, there was no easing into it; it wasn't gradual, and it wasn't pretty. Why? Because the first 'M' rated story I read was The Submissive. I didn't know there was 'M' stories on fanfiction, until I clicked on someone's profile, and checked out their fav stories list. I saw The Submissive on there, and thought "this looks promising." I'll be honest - when I got to the first smut scene, I felt dirty. I felt like a dirty pervert. I'm 31, and I didn't feel like I was old enough to be reading that story. I actually looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was in the room. Then I thought "fuck it! I'm an adult, goddamnit, I can read what I want!" I mean, men have their porn, so what's wrong with me reading an erotic novel? (Thank you, Rachel Green)
Now, a good lemon is a must when reading a story. It doesn't have to be about sex, but it must be in there. Three words that gotta be in every story are 'tight', 'wet', and 'cock'. Does that make me a pervert? Possibly. Do I care? Nope.
What was your first time like, and is lemons now a must for you?