
eh eh eh eh stop telephonin me eh eh eh

Monday May 3, 2010 at 9:01 PM

What is/are your ringtones?



mine is:

but i also have ringtones set for people. wolvesnvamps is:

Jennyfly's is:

and Jennday's right now is:

I always change Jenn's, like every week.


Johns is:


fic help

Monday May 3, 2010 at 7:00 PM

hi! someone please help me. Im looking for the fic ,where bella gets bullied in school by edward ,and likes it , and she somehow ends up falling for edward, I think..


p s ranger approved

      and I know my english and the summary sucks  XD


met gala

Monday May 3, 2010 at 5:51 PM


uhm .. unexpected meets WHÁZA ..


hit or miss

Monday May 3, 2010 at 5:29 PM

Kristen at the costume gala


What do you think?

for comparison


Rob + Fan Fic?

Monday May 3, 2010 at 5:00 PM

All of this FF talk from the big Outlander author post earlier got me thinking about that 2009 GQ article with Rob.  You all probably remember it.  In the article, he admits to reading fan fiction.


"He reads the gossip blogs and the Twilight fan fiction ("It's surprisingly hard-core. And very well written")."



So, let's step away for a minute from the hardcore FF discussion and have ourselves a little bit of a lulzy post. 

What fan fics do you think Rob has read and WHY?


<- You know he's reading Love on Wheels right now and wishing he could skate THAT good.




*pixie approved*


The ADF Yearbook

Monday May 3, 2010 at 4:58 PM

A Different Forest was launched in August of 2009 meaning that it is only natural that we follow the traditional school schedule. What does this mean besides that we should be planning

The Best Prom Ever?

It means that it is YEARBOOK TIME. 

So tonight we bring you the first ever





(or one you officially sanction as your photographic equivalent*)

and a quote that best represents YOU over the course of your time here at A Different Forest




Tell them what you remember most, a good time, a great memory or that time you made out underneath the bleachers at homecoming. Just give them something to remember you by.

*mine will be in comments :)



FF Sneak Peek

Monday May 3, 2010 at 4:46 PM

Do you write fan fiction?

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!


Don't forget to include a link!


The Last Airbender - Behind the Scenes

Monday May 3, 2010 at 3:19 PM

You get to see a few shots of know, from behind and with his hood up.  He still doesn't get to talk.  Mostly it's just re-hashed footage from the trailers and M. Night.  But Dev Patel is so cute and so fucking British about half way in.  No major spoilers, really.


Kristen's Elle Cover

Monday May 3, 2010 at 2:20 PM



Jacksper Appreciation Poast

Monday May 3, 2010 at 1:31 PM





Image and video hosting by TinyPic


more here (won't embed)



Outlander Author Speaks out about Fic

Monday May 3, 2010 at 11:20 AM

 The Author of the Outlander Series, Diana Gabaldon recently made a blog post about her thoughts on FanFiction.

It's not very positive. Which is fine, she's an author, she has EVERY right not to allow Fic. 

However...i don't agree with some of her points. 

But she also mentioned the Support Stacie Auction...

I'll post in the Comments (it's quite long) and tell me what you think.


*approved by the lovely wolvesnvamps*

edit: this Campfire is now closely monitored by Rangers, so please play nice.


Twilight & History

Monday May 3, 2010 at 10:45 AM

I find out lots of interesting things on Twitter--wacky facts, sex facts, what everyone's up to in their day. And @TwiFans twitted something particularly interesting a little while ago:

There's a new book out called Twilight and History. It explores the history that has influenced some of the characters & how Quiluete legends, fairy tales, & Edward's history affected the love triangle. It's kinda interesting.

What does everyone think of this--is it taking Twilight too seriously (I don't think so, but everyone's entitled to their own opinion)? Could it shed a light additional light on the characters? I'm curious of how others view this book Personally, I'm fighting against the desire to buy it until I can afford it.


Oh Hai Robert

Monday May 3, 2010 at 10:14 AM



This is the picture she tweeted



What do you think? MTV movie award taping? Water for Elephants work? What what what?



Every Breath You Take

Monday May 3, 2010 at 10:04 AM

So I was watching the replacements last night and I heard a song I haven't heard in a while


I heard it its first verse and my mind instantly went to Edward and the fact he used to watch Bella sleeping. some of the lyrics actually could go along nicely to when he left in NM

So tell me campers, what songs remind you of twlight? or a particular scene in twilight.



Oh, Lainey... Oh, Rob

Monday May 3, 2010 at 7:54 AM

Did you guys get a chance to see this yet?


Made up?


Or very fucking believable?


As I have said many, many, many times before, familiar to those of you who’ve been hitting this site for a while (thank you!), Gossip is a Buffet. You can choose to believe that Jennifer Aniston really is the girl next door...who lives in Malibu. Or you can choose to believe that her entire life is engineered and manufactured right down to her highlights. Especially her highlights. Some can only see the spin side. Some live to break the spin side. So you choose your own entree. And if you’re a Twi-Hard, I promise, the entree below will not be on your menu. You may as well stop reading now. Unless of course you’re the rare Twilight fan capable of deductive reasoning.

Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner were back in Vancouver last week to work on Eclipse reshoots. Or “pick-ups”. They called it “pick-ups”. Because pick-ups are for small tech fixes and have nothing to do with actual content or new scenes. Which is why Stephenie Meyer, the author, was in town too. In a few short months, Meyer has suddenly become a movie lighting expert...what? No, no, she just thought it’d be a good idea to hop on a plane, fly a few hours and spend some time in Canada hanging out with the crew for sh-ts and giggles. Of course there was no scene doctoring required. None at all. Sh-ts and giggles only.

And of course there was very little reshooting to be done. So little that the crew wasn’t actually required to be on set for 16, 15, and 16 hour days for 3 straight days. They only stayed on set for fun. Away from their families, away from leisure time, all in service of fun. If anyone stayed on set for 16, 15, and 16 hours it was only because there was so much fun happening. No work, just fun. On a film set. Oh and there was totally no overtime penalty on the final day either. Overtime? For what? People were just sitting around like not working.

What could there possibly be to work on?

Something in the meadow? What? F-ck no. They only stored their gear in the meadow on Wednesday – photos attached – and storing gear in the meadow doesn’t mean shooting in the meadow. It’s just that some people have a lot of extra money lying around and wanted to rent some trucks and secure a permit for the meadow and store their sh-t in the meadow but not actually do any work in the meadow. For sh-ts and giggles.

Besides, how could they shoot in the meadow? Robert Pattinson hadn’t arrived yet. Pattinson arrived late afternoon on Wednesday. Were they expecting him the day before? Of course not. They were totally not expecting him on Tuesday. And when he didn’t show on Tuesday, they were totally not hoping he’d come in early on Wednesday either. His bodyguard was totally not spotted at the airport gas station on Wednesday hoping Pattinson would be on the early flight in from London (Wednesday noon arrival) so that they could take him directly to the meadow set. Nah. Like I said, they just booked the meadow for sh-ts and giggles and equipment storage. That’s all.

But... just for sh-ts and giggles, what if he was supposed to come in on Tuesday? And didn’t. And came in too late on Wednesday instead? Would he have missed the opportunity to shoot in the meadow? The permit for the meadow was for one day only. And they were unable to secure a permit for any other day. Which would require some improvisation. Shooting some other footage in the meadow instead. And a scene at the dock between Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. These photos of the dock were taken around 3pm over a period of 45 minutes in the afternoon Wednesday during a break from shooting. At this point they’d already been working for almost 9 hours. In some of these images, Stewart is getting her makeup done, and the director David Slade is setting up the shot.

But that’s only for sh-ts and giggles. The safe, likely studio approved interpretation of these events, which OF COURSE is the ONLY believable interpretation, is that Pattinson arrived when he was supposed to, and was not expected in the meadow ever, and that the meadow was only used as a storage facility/parking lot, because that’s what, in Twilight land, meadows are for, period the end, no drama, proceed.

As for how everyone was getting on... well everyone got on great. Of course David Slade wasn’t upset with Pattinson for arriving late. Pattinson arrived when he was supposed to. They totally weren’t trying to book the meadow again on Friday but were declined because of another production (Stargate) had it booked already. And there was no closed door meeting between Pattinson, Slade, and Twilight producers on Thursday. Nope. Never happened. And since it never happened, Pattinson never stormed off either. In fact, Pattinson arrived on Wednesday late afternoon but didn’t end up shooting a second until Friday because he also wanted to come in early and sh-t and giggle with Stephenie Meyer and the crew. Pattinson has a wonderful relationship with David Slade. They were like tight ass besties during principal photography last year. Slade thinks Pattinson has the skill of Marlon Brando. And Pattinson knows that Slade thinks he’s Marlon Brando. So there’d be no f-cking way these two would be throwing down.

It was 3 days of pure bliss in Vancouver. Hugs all around and everything went smoothly and they didn’t even have to try that hard because trying would imply that something needed fixing and nothing needing fixing because everything was so perfect and happy. So please, Twi-Hards, do not stress. There’s nothing to stress about. Will Eclipse be great? Does it matter? Twilight fans, in their support of the first two films, have already demonstrated that quality isn’t a basic minimum requirement for their enjoyment. You will love this movie.


Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, Georges du Rob?

Monday May 3, 2010 at 2:55 AM

I am died.

Hey, Georges, wrong woman again! I'm right here!! (*despreately waves her hand*)



Does anyone remember the name of this fic???

Sunday May 2, 2010 at 10:46 PM

I was over on Twilighted and saw that they were advertising a new Omnific which I remember reading when it was a Twilight fic. It was set in the 1980s and Bella decides that she wants to lose her virginity and ends up sleeping with Edward. After that I think she dates Jasper and then Emmett but at the end, winds up back with Edward. Does anyone remember what the story was called when it was a Twilight fic?

Thanks in advance! :D


Bad Guys?

Sunday May 2, 2010 at 10:02 PM

So I was over on Twitter with this comment, and Chicklette suggested I start a campfire. I got some interesting responses, and I'd like to hear what you campers think.

I've noticed what strikes me as a disturbing trend. I know I've seen campfires about stereotypes in the Cullens and Bella. But I want to talk about secondary characters, and characters who float around in the background. Why is it that every time I pick up a new story, it's full of slutty, distasteful women (often slathered in make-up and frequent visitors to the plastic surgeon) and grabby, horny, horrible men who don't ever take no for an answer? Why is the town of Forks full of awful people, with the exception of the Cullens and the Swans? 

What do you think, campers? Am I overreacting? Are these characterizations just necessary villains, or has it gone too far?


For your time :)


Fic Rec!

Sunday May 2, 2010 at 8:27 PM

 I love student/teacher fics.. don't judge, it's a guilty pleasure :)

Can someone link me to some? (ExB, though)

I have read only a couple... Between the madness and the fire, and Indecent affairs.


4 days left!

Sunday May 2, 2010 at 7:18 PM

4 days left to submit your entries to...

...Anonymous Contest!

We want your best Friends-themed Twi-fic! Curious & want to know more? Check out our FFn profile.

May 6th is the deadline, so you've still got time! As Joey would say, its the 'third day'. "Monday, one day; Tuesday, two days; Wednesday, when? Huh? What day? THURSDAY!"

C'mon people. I seriously want to read Jasper and Emmett as nap partners; or Rosalie with a touch of Monica's OCD; or Edward and Bella on a break. And we especially want to see a story about Jasper and Hugsy, his bedtime penguin pal! Let's make it happen!

First --- | >> | 1177 | 1178 | 1179 | 1180 | 1181 | 1182 | 1183 | 1184 | 1185 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
