

Friday April 30, 2010 at 4:58 PM







"Mental Klutziness"

Friday April 30, 2010 at 4:57 PM

 Some people get awfully offended when you call them blonde, so we (my friends and I) decided to call it


What's the latest and greatest mental spill you've taken?



Friday April 30, 2010 at 4:32 PM

This is a post for the ONLY character that keeps me here . . .  Dr. Daddy.

Picture spam me . . . Anyone got any great gifs . . . show me who you think should have played him if Peter didn't do it for you . . . tell me why you love him . . .  tell me why you hate him . . . what fic did him justice . . . what fic makes you hate him.

Whatever . . . let's just talk about Carlisle.

Also I'd LOVE some SLASH Carlisle fic rec's. Anyone got them? I know Ohlalala (?) did a continuation of one with Carlisle/Edward and I wish I could remember it . . .

And there was a Carlisle/Bella story where she was a med student and he was her instructor, I think it was set at Stanford/Berkeley? Anyone know that one?


A note from BD Director

Friday April 30, 2010 at 3:39 PM

A note to fans from Bill Condon

Greetings Twihards, Twifans, Twilight Moms, Team Edward, Team Jacob and Team Switzerland,

I just want to say hello to all of you and let you know that I'm stoked to be getting underway on the adventure of making BREAKING DAWN. As you've probably heard, I've been given a very warm welcome by Stephenie and Team Summit - who are super-focused, as you know, on getting these movies right. 

I'm pretty busy bringing myself up to speed on what you already know by heart: I've read BREAKING DAWN twice, rewatched Catherine's and Chris's movies 2-3 times each, have all four CDs playing in my car, and have Catherine's notebook, Mark Cotta Vaz's companion books, and even Volume 1 of the graphic novel here on my desk - a corner of my office is starting to look like Hot Topic. I realize that this barely qualifies me for "newborn" status in the universe you've been living inside for a few years now, but a guy's gotta start somewhere.

Like many of you, I've always been slightly obsessed with vampires, dating back to the prime-time series DARK SHADOWS, which I followed avidly as a kid. But that alone hadn't been enough to get me interested in making a vampire movie, even though my early screenwriting and directing efforts grew out of a great love for horror movies and thrillers. Since making GODS AND MONSTERS thirteen years ago, however, I've been yearning for a return to a story with Gothic overtones.

The wonderful world that Stephenie has created has obviously struck a chord with you, and I don't think it's difficult to see why. For me, her characters are simultaneously timeless, yet very modern. Rooted in a beautiful, real landscape with a great sense of place, Bella, Edward, Jacob, and the rest of the Forks/La Push menagerie, experience emotions that are primal, and universal: desire, despair, jealousy - and it all comes to fruition in BREAKING DAWN. This is a final chapter in the best sense; not just wide in scope and scale, but emotionally charged and intense throughout.

I'm a huge admirer of the already-iconic Kristen, Robert, and Taylor, and wanted to be the one to work with them as they face the challenges of bringing your beloved characters to the end of their journeys. Really, what could be more fun than that?

Please feel free to ask questions in the comments section below, and I'll do my best to answer them. I hope that this will be the first of many occasions I'll get to check in with you as we set to work bringing BREAKING DAWN to the screen. I am excited and grateful to have all of you alongside me for my TWILIGHT journey.

All best, 

Bill Condon 

P.S. Answer #1: No, there won't be any musical numbers


Friday April 30, 2010 at 3:06 PM

So ladies if Edward Cullen/ Rob Pattinson did not exist, who the hell else would you fancy?

Who was the very first celeb you fancied?

Bring on the hotness!!



Friday April 30, 2010 at 2:42 PM

So, I've noticed there's a lot of acronyms and expressions being used in our fandom. look at me using facy words

The classics are of course:





Some I know have figured out, but I've see this one on twitter a couple of times and have no idea what it means. Can someone help me with  BRB Volterra?


Also, what are you wondering about?




Nerdy Confessions

Friday April 30, 2010 at 2:02 PM

So I just finished the paper from hell, and then suffered under the irony of writing a paper on fan fiction and then desperately needing a beta :(  I'm exhausted and I've been awake for the past 16 hours.  So here's what you're gonna do to make me feel better.  It's nerdy confession time!

If you could be any superhero, who would it be and why?

Annnnd, go!




Friday April 30, 2010 at 2:00 PM

A few days (maybe a week) ago someone posted a link to a story about a "stutterward".  I can't find the post now.   Does anyone remember the name of the story?



The Big Ones

Friday April 30, 2010 at 1:21 PM

 I'm looking for some FanFiction recs, specifically the big ones, the ones that everybody loved and everybody has read (Except me for some reason I always tend to miss them) Not being picky about pairings, anything will do... So hit me with it!!!

For your time...



Friday April 30, 2010 at 1:08 PM

We all know bosses, because of the mere fact that they are bosses, are going to be a pain in the ass...

Mine is not only a pain in the ass, but also he is STUPID!

Seriously, I just had to change 3 times an interview because he kept messing the dates and times and other compromises.

GOD! I just want to smack him on the head!

And he has this weird stutter that when he wants to pronounce the D and R together, he says RR (Instead of Adriana, he says Arriana), and when he tries to explain something, his mouth can't keep up with his thoughts, and you can hardly understand what he wants!


Use this campfire to complain about your bosses!!!!!!!!!!

You know you want to!



Friday April 30, 2010 at 1:05 PM

1. Dear Children, we have ran out of Edward Cullens
2. *picture of Bambi* EC ate my mum
3. *James holding a video camera ( for the end scene)* Im so posting this on YouTube
4. EC is proof tht old ppl are sexy
5. Twilight= best book known to mankind. Edward Cullen= best man known to womankind.
6. I kissed a vamp and i liked it.. hope the volturi dnt mind it.
7. *alice and jasper* Jaspice much?





We love you and your orange-ness

Friday April 30, 2010 at 1:03 PM

I'm usually lurking about somewhere, but i've just come to share my love of Paramore tonight since it's a friday.

Everytime I watch this I get goosepimples.



New Eclipse Pics!

Friday April 30, 2010 at 12:51 PM



Friday April 30, 2010 at 12:25 PM

A Nightmare on Elm Street, Robert Englund

Because this was scary as hell when I was younger... and still wins my heart. Yes... I'm still raging about the remake.

I wanna know. What were YOUR favorite classics. What movie did you love that they remade? Do you wish they hadn't?

Hit me with the oldies but goodies :)


Favorite Shows

Friday April 30, 2010 at 12:05 PM

Tell me your top five favorite shows of all time. And tell me which shows you are not so fond of.

My picks.






And I'm not so fond of this show





Friday April 30, 2010 at 11:45 AM

I Recently read this book:

It's fucking hilarious. Anyone else read it?


I want your funny books. The ones that you laugh at and generally have a good time reading.

I'm getting Graduation money and I will use it to buy books. Yes. I'm a nerd.

But I need recs.

Also, post your favorite swears. But not your normal everyday swears. Get creative. I wanna hear something new. Even swears that aren't actually swears ALA HL5 are good.




Friday April 30, 2010 at 11:35 AM

Is there any one that's going to see Nightmare on Elm St.?

My friends is dragging me along, if it wasn't for the idea of getting to see Kellan Lutz i wouldn't go.

Scary movies really are not high on my list of things to do




In the name of procrastination

Friday April 30, 2010 at 11:34 AM

So we can all pretend to be cool again after the embarrassing music campfire, what was the last album you purchased?

When I say purchased, I mean obtained, however you may have done so - bought the CD, downloaded it through iTunes, borrowed it from a friend, the music faeries left it on your PC...

I actually bought some CDs this week (with vouchers, not actual money):

Epica - The Divine Conspiracy (they're a Dutch symphonic metal band)


Alkaline Trio - This Addiction

Your turn :)


Completely Random

Friday April 30, 2010 at 11:16 AM

theres no reason for any of this....

<<< omg WATCH THIS

and of course....


The MOST embarrassing most played list

Friday April 30, 2010 at 10:42 AM

We're always talking about our most played or fave song of the moment, but I've been wondering why I never see anything totally embarrassing on these lists...

So Campers- I wanna see your TOP 3 "OMG I can't believe this is on my iPod; I skip this whenever anyone is with me, but sing my heart out when I'm by myself" Songs

Mine would have to be these: (I'm not proud of this list, but I'll share since I'm asking for yours)

1. Take That "Back for Good"

2. Wilson Phillips "Hold On"

3. Bryan Adams "Everything I Do"

First --- | >> | 1181 | 1182 | 1183 | 1184 | 1185 | 1186 | 1187 | 1188 | 1189 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
