
Free Comic Book Day!

Friday April 30, 2010 at 9:50 AM

Hey all you foxy folk, tomorrow May 1st is Free Comic Book Day (among other things).  This is a day when your local comic shop gives out free copies of comic books, some for adult readers, and some for kids!  This event takes place in multiple countries (US, UK, Canada, Turkiye...and elsewhere).  Some shops go all out and have a big party, others just hand out the goods.  You can find your local participating comic shop at  Here is Milo Ventimiglia (how sad that I know how to properly spell his last name?) talking about it:

Any and all comic talk or pics welcome inside, or just go forth and spread the good word.  


Rob approves.


Love for Stew

Friday April 30, 2010 at 9:39 AM

I saw a KStew appreciation post a few weeks ago and I'm going to start another because I frickin love her.



Post your favorite pics/gifs of Kristen.

She wasn't voted 6th sexiest woman in the world by FHM for no reason ;)



Friday April 30, 2010 at 9:23 AM

 It's Friday today!!!

So, I want to know your favorites!!!! 


Movie (if you can't say twilight and new moon):

Book (ok, twilight I know, but if you COULDN'T choose twilight!):

Brand of clothes:

Pair of socks:



I know they're very weird. For me anyways it is:

Color: RED!

Movie: Juno, Pride and Prejudice, Erin Brockovich

Book: Hm.. probably all of Jane Austen books and all Meg Cabot books and all Agatha Christie books and Wuthering Heights and all the Harry Potter books.

Brand of clothes: ? I don't even know why I put that in.

Pair of socks: A pair that's not, for once, pink?

Instrument: ALL OF COURSE... But, guitar, probably...



Gimme Your In-law Stories

Friday April 30, 2010 at 8:46 AM

SO!!! BellaFlan (author of the Indie award winning Becoming Bella Swan) and I (katinki) are hosting a contest!

What? Another freaking contest, you say?

Ah, but this is no ordinary contest!
This is a

Yes, you read that right!
It's going to be awesome and just fun.

We want all your stories, whether they be angsty, scary, smutty, crack, fluff, whateva.

Just write us some fic!

We have a fantastic panel of judges, which includes some of your fellow CAMPERS!

GO HERE for more information!!!

Follow us on twitter, too, at BellaFlan and katinki


Pic Spam: What makes you HAPPY!!

Friday April 30, 2010 at 8:08 AM

Okay so I want to know what pretties make you happy.

Even the Rangers so I know what the best gifts are to give in campfires.


You're not the boss of me

Friday April 30, 2010 at 7:48 AM


Ok, so if you were a n00b (is that how you write that?) what advice would you want from your fellow Twiharders/Twitches/Twives/Twilighters/blah-blah-blah ?

I was wondering because I have been in THE FANDOM since March of 2007.  Its all old hat to me by now, the glitter is dulled.  Sometimes, when someone asks a question about something, I find myself rolling my eyes.  Which, is nothing short of r00d, actually.   I do not want to be r00d.

So I ask you, what advice would you offer our newby population?  You know, those that are "discovering" Twilight and the fanfiction world for the VERY FIRST TIME? (jealousy doth not become me...jealousy doth not become me...)


 my little "advice" stuff is in the comments



Friday April 30, 2010 at 7:46 AM







Best Video EVER!

Friday April 30, 2010 at 7:18 AM

Thankfully I found this yesterday, if not I would have ended up messaging every ranger and begging them to make their own post about it XD

Or somehow connected it to Twilight in a really big stretch of the imagination....

I think it's awesome, need something to make them happy where they are.

Make me giggle? Whoot for videos!


Kstew in Gloss magazine

Friday April 30, 2010 at 6:43 AM

Hello hello !! Happy friday ! I checked and don't think anyone has posted this. Kstew in gloss magazine. She looks absolutely AMAZING !!! source : kstewartfans on LJ


How Deep is Your Love

Friday April 30, 2010 at 6:13 AM

The lovely Bratty_Vamp updated her new story this morning!!!

She's giving us some fluff this time around!

Summary: It's fast... it's fun... it's 1978! The most
'not-to-be-taken-seriously-fic' you'll ever be tempted to take seriously!
Trying my hand at fluff this time around. So lace up your quads and let's get

Go read it and don't forget to stop by her cabin!! 



Friday April 30, 2010 at 1:28 AM

 I am in SERIOUS NEED Of halp

And no... not just the usual

THIS is mah problem that I'm sure nearly every single writer in the known universe has a problem with 

the dreaded

Glittery text maker;

I thought reading would help.. lets see

 Then I tried a few fanfics, I preread for 6 friends.. I've been hunting new music down for inspiration and I've even stepped OUT of our fandom (shock and HORROR) to read fanfic there thinking SOMETHING.. ANYTHING might give me my mojo back.

So my dearest forest creatures.  Give me SOME ideas on how the hell I can get out of this rut.




Someone tell me what it is!!!

Friday April 30, 2010 at 1:08 AM

So there is a great debate happening on Twitter. It all started with this pic...

Now I have some speculations that what we are seeing is nothing more than a photo distortion. This happens alot in shots when the paparrazzi has to zoom the lens because they're satnding far away. Also it could be a hicky *snicker*. So here is what I need: Someone who is well-versed in photography who can tell that this is a distort, or someone who is an expert graphic designer who can make a High High High Quality version of this photo so we can see what it realy is. Meanwhile... Any guesses ladies?

mmm mmm good

Cassandra Claire

Friday April 30, 2010 at 1:03 AM

Anybody read the The Mortal Instruments? I just finished The City of Ashes yesterday. So far they are alright but not a page turner.

But more then that...what is up with people saying she plagiarized something? Did she? I've read her Wiki page and her website but that is when I ran into all the plagiarism stuff.

Just curious...

P.S.  Anybody read any of her fanfic? It wasn't Twilight but I think she did a Harry Potter one.



Friday April 30, 2010 at 12:33 AM














I need you guys help

Friday April 30, 2010 at 12:08 AM

So i was debateing something on twitter and every1 thinks i'm nuts so.......... Image and video hosting by TinyPic Tell me does this not look like a Cum face??? And now i showed u mine show me your FAV Cum


Happy last of April!

Thursday April 29, 2010 at 11:53 PM

 I guess most of you doesn't know that last of April is actually something of a holiday in Sweden. Back in the days people (like the Vikings) thought that during this particular day the veil between the living and the dead was the weakest, as as such this was a day to remember the dead. It was also during this day that they would lit huge bonfires in order to keep witches and bad spirits away.

As you might've guessed we don't celebrate last of April in that way anymore. Instead this is a holiday where we welcome and celebrate that the spring has officially begun. Since Uppsala is a huge student town this day is actually student centered and as such I will celebrate it like this:


In a couple of minutes heading down to this hill where I will be enjoying a champagne breakfast:

Later on I'm gonna watch those students that have been crazy enough to participate in the traditional student rafting down the Fyris river. They all build the rafts themselves and are usually wearing cortumes. I've seen everything from Gandalf to hot dogs to the Flintstones going down the river in the past.

Later on the principal of the University will hold a speach where he welcomes the spring, followed by the students putting on their graduation hats:

Which will be followed by more champagne.

And later on a barbeque.

And the evening will end with earlier mentioned bonfire (and fireworks), but as said more as a celebration of the spring than a way of keeping the witches away :p

So that's how I will celebrate my Last of April.

How will you spend this lovely day?


Because I always take advantage of FFFA...

Thursday April 29, 2010 at 11:25 PM

I want to know what your top 5 favorite songs are, what you play constantly.

I know this is kind of piggy backing off of the iTunes post but I couldn't properly steal your favorite songs because the text was too small.

Post however many you want but atleast 5 please.

ETA: This doesn't necessarily mean your all time favorite, just what you listen to constantly right now.

So help a girl out and educate me with your musical taste.

My Favs: Maybe you'll find something you like here.

Knocked up remix - Kings of Leon and Lykke Li

I Don't Love You - My Chemical Romance

The House That Built Me - Miranda Lambert

Time of Your Life - GreenDay (I got this song from The Best Man)

Wrong Choice- The Lovely Feathers

Keep Breathing - Ingrid Michaelson

Closer - Kings of Leon

Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap

Kings and Queens - 30 Seconds to Mars

Nothing Else Matters - Apocalyptica

Empty Room - Marjorie Fair

Stay Away - The Honorary Title

Someday - The Strokes

Sinners Like Me - Eric Church

Enough to let me go - SwitchFoot

Songs from Different Times - Jack Savoretti

Rain Falls Down - We the Kings

Need - Hanna Pestle

Cherry Bomb - Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart

The Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel

Come as you are - Nirvana

Baby - Justin Bieber

Now your turn...

Now answer this. In your honest to goodness Opinion do you think I have total shit taste in music? My Bff says all my music is Melancholy or in her exact words "All your music is fucking Depressing". bitch




Thursday April 29, 2010 at 11:02 PM

Eating lunch earlier today in Vancouver



Well, he's not actually eating. But I'm assuming that's around the area where he went to eat.




His jacket looks like he jizzed all over himself.


I love Oprah

Thursday April 29, 2010 at 10:52 PM

So i entered that contest so that i could win tickets to her show for twilight lovers i got an e-mail today from harpo studio asking me to answer more question so i'm like one step closer which is fuckawesome so if you follow me on twitter thats what my happy ass was bounceing around for.

I want to know did anyone else enter it ?did you get the e-mail too? lets get excited about Oprah ** fucking bounces**  



Thursday April 29, 2010 at 10:45 PM






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