

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 12:17 PM

I think I just came.



Who? What? Where? When?

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 11:37 AM

I used to read this fanfic... it was about Bella and Edward- and they both had a lot of tattoos- Edward was a Tattoo artist- and Bella called him E----- he called her B.


They had a lot of crap happen to them etc etc... and then moved to Cali- where a new story began. Can anyone decipher what story that was and what happened to it? Was it pulled? Did it go to live somewhere else?


I  miss it!


Thank you for your help. 


New Eclipse Still?

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 11:26 AM

I could be wrong (it does look very similar to the kissing scene by Bella's truck in NM) but I think this is a new still from Eclipse.

Rob looks constipated again. :/




Vampire hater = Racist b*tch

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 10:09 AM

It's what ya'll have been waiting for.  HBIC - Sookie, Tara & Lafayette



C'mon already June 13th!  I need my True Blood fix.



pimps and hoes

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 9:54 AM

 i'll show you mine if you show me yours!

alright so i just wrote a new story. all you new stories out there.. post them here!
and if you leave me a review, i'll leave you a review. and so on and so forth in this campfire.

and if you don'ttttt have a new story but you want to take part anyways..
just review any of the stories seen here. and leave a comment saying something awesome that happened to you today:)

summary: One sunny week of realizations and passion lead to uncertainty. Is Bella really in love? Rated M for Bella's nasty mouth and her love of the nasty; OOC, AH. xx 3DwUrD & b3LL@ f0R3v3R xx

FF: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5962571/1/Comfortable



Boy On the Side

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 9:19 AM

Littlesecret84 and ciaobella27 present the latest installment of Boy on the Side.  This week we welcome Stella Luna Sky to Team BotS with a special KPOV, as well.  So show the marvelously talented and wonderful TomStu some love and let us know what you think. 


Tom is love.








Presents for My Pretties!

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 8:51 AM

Here are a couple of treats for my lovelies! Since I have been away for so long I thought I would share with you guys! 

Here are some icons I made out of the GIF's from the Oprah thingy! 

The last one is the best one! 



Rob...stepping out of that car like he owns that MoFo. 

Rob and that FABULOUS smile!

The look on his face in this one makes me giggle!

Wishes he would come knocking on my door like that...

Oh how I love to see him laugh...

Here he comes sweeping in the way I wish he would though my door...



No pause...

Slight pause on the Smirk...


If you would like to use these icons, all you have to do is right click the icon, click on save as, save to your computer, and upload via the Control Panel under General Settings!  Just remember where you saved the file.  All I ask is I am credited for my work.  KThax!  


"The Summer House" coming to iTunes in July!

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 7:11 AM

Well, this is some FAB news to wake up to this morning! 

Many of you lovers of all things "RPattz" have heard about the short film, "The Summer House" that Rob did way back in 2008.   (I know!  So long ago!)

Well, the short film will screened at the CFC Worldwide Short Film Festival June 1-6th in Toronto.  Any who...one of the mods over on the Random Acts of Rob website contacted "The Summer House" website and got a response.  Here it what she was told...


Yes, THE SUMMER HOUSE will be screened … at WSFF. Daisy Gili, who directed THE SUMMER HOUSE will be there.

The short will also be available for download via iTunes from July.

I guess we will just have to wait and see.  I will keep you guys updated on this.   
Here is the Trailer for those who haven't seen it...




Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 7:08 AM

Most of y'all know I hate the Tuesdays.  I really, really do. 

Today's forecast in my area:

Cold and rain.  All day long.

I don't expect anything less from a Tuesday...but still. 

Anyway, please, make me feel light hearted. 

Give me a good, fun summer song.  Or show me a pic of you having good times...or Mr. Pattinson having a good time.  Show me a video of something funny or post a good joke or funny fic hilarious gif or ANYTHING. 

Because if other people are having the day I'm having, this post will be a ray of light.



the pot of gold

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 4:09 AM

 I have recently started to fall in-love with the little unknown fics in this twilight fandom. 

Dont get me wrong... i absolutely love me the "popular", well known, notorious fics like EP, High Anxiety etc... and eargerly wait their updates, however whilst waiting tortously for these i have become a big fan of trying to find that Gem of a fic that stands out and deserves to have a bucketload of reviews, yet hasnt garnered the attention it deserves! 

So... my question is do you have a favourite rare gem of a fic that you discovered and loved, thats well written with a plot to boot, yet no one seems to know about it? 

Hit me with your "Gems"... my favs are in the comments :)



Young ones and Mature fics

Monday May 10, 2010 at 10:20 PM

What do you do when a wee one faves your fic or leaves you a review like this "OMG!1! Your story makes my life! U RoCk & ILY xxx"

What am I supposed to do with that? I made it M for a reason. I put up a lemon warning for a reason. I am not a babysitter, but then again, I feel icky when I know a lil one is readin' it.

I'm new to this whole fic-ness so what do you guys do or say when this happens?


Creepy Twitter Followers

Monday May 10, 2010 at 10:12 PM

So i logged on my twitter today and i was just tweeting my little heart away when i noticed i had a new follower. i get very excited because i love new followers and then i got a look at who it was and i swear my heart stopped. I am now being followed by........ Jesus Christ Our Savior and I'm a little scared by that.

So fellow campers who is the weirdest person or thing you have following you?


When Books Could Change Your Life

Monday May 10, 2010 at 9:47 PM

Why What We Pore Over At 12 May Be The Most Important Reading We Ever Do

By Tim Kreider

"A girl I once caught reading Fahrenheit 451 over my shoulder on the subway confessed: "You know, I'm an English lit major, but I've never loved any books like the ones I loved when I was 12 years old." I fell slightly in love with her when she said that. It was so frank and uncool, and undeniably true.

Let's all admit it: We never got over those first loves. Listen to the difference in the voices of any groups of well-read, overeducated people discussing contemporary fiction, or the greatest books they've ever read, and the voices of those same people, only two drinks later, talking about the books they loved as kids. The Betsy Tacy Books! I loved those books! The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet! I can't believe you know that! The Little House on the Prairie books! Oh, my God--did you read The Long Winter? So good. Hey--does anyone else remember The Spaceship Under the Apple Tree?

It's not just that these books, unlike adult literature, have been left unsullied by professors turning them into objects of tedious study. We love these books, dearly and uncritically, the way we love the smell of our first girlfriend's perfume, no matter how cheap or tacky it might have been. Let's be honest: We all know that Ulysses and A la recherché du temps perdu are "better" books than The Velveteen Rabbit or The Little Prince, but come on--which would you take with you on a spaceship to salvage from the dying Earth?

Let me put it another way: When was the last time a book changed your life? I don't mean offered you new insights or ideas or moved you--I mean profoundly changed the way you see the world or shaped the kind of person you are?"

Read the rest of the article here

So tell me, campers - do you think what Mr. Kreider says is true?  Do we do our most influential reading when we're young?  Can you remember the last time a book changed your life?  What was it?  And to make it relevent:

"...But part of the reason art loses its power over us, of course, is, simply and sadly, that we get old; our personalities, as soft, impressionable, and tempting as freshly poured sidewalk cement when young, gradually set and harden over the years with whatever graffiti passers-by scrawled there still indelibly inscribed in it. But when a 14-year-old gushes that the Twilight series are the best books she's ever read in her whole life, it's easy for grownups to forget that this is not necessarily hyperbole. At that age, we haven't heard any clichés, and even dumb ideas are new."

Do you think youth can actually combat the cliches of the series?


Breaking Dawn: Twilight Pt 5~~ salary dispute?!?

Monday May 10, 2010 at 9:14 PM

just saw this on twitter via TWIFICNEWS:

EXCLUSIVE: Summit Entertainment is working furiously to close the talent deals required to split Stephenie Meyer’s fourth “Twilight” novel into two films. But an unlikely roadblock is holding up an announcement — and could even lead to cast changes for the series’ final installment.

The studio is close to finalizing agreements with leads Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, all of whom will get big raises to return for a fifth installment of the vampire romance saga. And director Bill Condon is already signed to film two “Breaking Dawn” movies, which would be shot back-to-back starting in the fall and released in November 2011 and summer 2012, respectively.

But Summit is having a harder time locking in some of the franchise’s secondary characters. Deals for Peter Facinelli (who plays Carlisle Cullen) and Billy Burke (Bella’s father, Charlie Swan) are done, but we’re told the actors who play the Cullen kids (especially Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene) are trying to sink their teeth into bigger paydays that, at least at this point, the studio behind the billion-dollar franchise is unwilling to provide. “We may have a situation where one of them is thrown out on the street to make a point,” says a source close to the dealmaking.

So are we headed for a recasting on the final “Twilight”?

There is precedent for such a tactic. After the success of the first film, Summit axed Rachelle Lefevre, who played Victoria, in part because her reps played hardball on money. (Bryce Dallas Howard got the job instead.) Now, two films into the series, even the minor Twilighters (Lutz in particular) have become sought-after stars, so it makes sense they’d want to be paid more for the final film. But we’re told that the offers from Summit — which are said to be at least 10 times what the actors made on the first movie — were deemed “offensive” given the mega-money the franchise has generated.

Summit declined to comment on the situation. But the studio wants to move quickly to pull the trigger on two movies — and it isn’t afraid to recast if deals can’t be reached. Plus, it has even more reason to be concerned about costs this time around. As is typical with blockbuster franchises, the “Twilight” movies are becoming more expensive with each installment. And the leads are going to do especially well if “Breaking Dawn” is split into two parts. The trio were initially signed for three films (remember, this was back when “Twilight” was a low-budget adaptation of a niche YA novel), but in the spring of 2009 — after the first movie became an international hit — they renegotiated all their deals so Summit could lock them for a fourth movie.

The studio then realized that “Breaking Dawn,” with its 900-plus pages and narratives told from two perspectives, was dense enough to be split into two installments (as Warner Bros. announced it would do for the final “Harry Potter” book). Just one problem: The cast wasn’t signed for a fifth movie. They’re all huge stars now, with Lautner in particular running up his quote to the $7.5 million range, so another renegotiation commenced.

That meant ponying up big-time for the leads, which will make the final movie far more expensive than the others (“Eclipse,” which hits theaters June 30, is costing around $65 million, a figure sure to be dwarfed by the fourth and fifth, even if costs can be amortized by shooting them at the same time). For that reason, Summit is still holding out the option of simply doing one “Breaking Dawn,” although multiple sources say they’d be shocked if the fifth film doesn’t happen. “This thing is gonna be two movies,” one source says. “With or without the cast intact.” Meyer has already signed off on the plan to make two, a key hurdle, given the approval rights she has in her deal.

Summit also is eyeing other cost-cutting measures for the final installments. A deal is currently being negotiated to move the production to Louisiana after making the first in Portland and the second two in Vancouver and Italy. Luring “Twilight” would be a huge “get” for the state — and, given the tax credits, a money-saver for the studio.

“Twilight” has thus far been the rare tentpole franchise made on a non-tentpole budget. It’ll be interesting to see the lengths that Summit will go to to keep it there. Booting an actor from the final installment of a successful series could be a risky move, though we’re betting that as long as their precious Bella, Edward and Jacob return, fans would get over any disappointment.

Can you imagine BD 2 without KLUTZ or a different Alice?!?!  LOL this is gonna be such a trainwreck!



Monday May 10, 2010 at 7:30 PM

I'm reading fanfiction of course and i just wanted to say i love it when i read a story about a rebellious Edward i mean how can you not right?


Edward continued, his stare unwavering. "I'll write 'Aren't these the best tits you'd ever seen? I fucking love them. Her pussy is pretty good too.' Signed clearly by 'Edward Cullen'."

heres the quote that i love in my story im reading.....ohhh i loveeeee a dirty Edward :)

share your favorite dirty Edward quotes teheheheee


Just in case you were interested...

Monday May 10, 2010 at 7:03 PM


And because I feel like it...my new man...



More Oprah Screen caps!

Monday May 10, 2010 at 6:44 PM

 to go along with Cappy's post below...





 See more of them HERE


Oprah preview

Monday May 10, 2010 at 6:19 PM

Here's a little sneak peak.


Anyone tired of the super sweet E & B fics?

Monday May 10, 2010 at 6:06 PM

Honestly, if I read one more of these sickenly sweet, I love you more than you love me fics I'm going to scream.

I have honestly stopped reading some fics because of this reason.

Yes, I believe in love and romance...but come on, let's try to be realistic.


Am I alone?


Would Anyone Actually WANT to Be a Vampire

Monday May 10, 2010 at 5:20 PM

Want to eat everyone around me? If your like the Cullens, never have ANY privacy. If your a regular vampire, never see the sun again. If your a Cullen, sparkle. Want to eat EVERYONE. Never see your pets (or have one) again. In most cases never see your family again. If you do see them you want to EAT THEM. And watch everything around you crumble and die eventually...wow, where do you sign me up?

(I'm also afraid of the dark and love garlic)

I have never wanted to be vampire. Even when I was a kid and my friend were all "ha ha that would be AWESOME" I was like "no...no it would not be."

I blame Bruce Willis in Death Becomes Her. Immortality scares the daylights out of me. If someone actually could live forever I pity them. Eventually they'd go insane, I don't care who they get to spend eternity with.

Anyone else with me? Anyone think being a vampire would be awesome.

While your at it, give me some vamps (or immortals) who sort of hate their existance (it shouldn't be too hard).

The Twilight poster children for hating vampirism.

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