
Funny Blogs

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 6:33 PM

I like The Oatmeal, personally.  The Twilight one and the "Why We Should Be Eating Horses" (omg, just kidding that's groce) is HILARITY.

Show me your funny Twilight Blogs?


Sleepless Nights Pimping

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 5:49 PM



This weeks special challenge is to tell us about the one fic that you just couldn't stop reading once you started. The one that made you forgo food and water and sleep. The fic that completely consumed you.

As always, use this campfire to PIMP out what you and your friends write and to recommend something that you are loving. 

Yesterday I think I pimped out THIS sufficiently when I made a review campfire, but I am REALLY excited about a WONDERFUL story that starts posting tomorrow on ADF from VIP authors (and fellow Emmett Lovers) HMonster4 and TheHeartofLife ... stay tuned for more information but it will update DAILY so it'll be hard to miss! Wooo!



A Research Question

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 5:05 PM

So, I have a fic idea and a part of it wouldn't really make sense unless I write Forks High School the way I went to school...

And the big think is lunch periods. I know, it sounds like something small to make a big deal out of, but my vision really wouldn't make sense without it.

I went to High School in New York on Long Island, and at my school we had 3 different lunch periods. The seniors were also allowed to leave campus.

Did anyone else have anything similar? Would anyone mind a fic that's based in Forks that did this? It's really just the different lunch periods that's important and I'm really unsure how realistic that would be....

...Granted, the movie DID give them a salad bar...

Am I overthinking?

 EDIT!: Would anyone buy it if I said Forks population was growing for one reason or another and the school decided to make multiple lunch periods instead of building on to the school?


VIP Author Readalong!

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 4:28 PM

OH BOY, my first campfire!  

To celebrate the one-year anniversary of ADF VIP Author LaViePastiche beginning to post

Son of a Preacher Man (SoaPM),

I will be hosting a #readalong tonight at 8 PM EDT.

You can find general #readalong info here, on the Fic Bridge: #readalong info

SoaPM is available here in Storytelling (Storytelling link!)...

on Twilighted

or on FFn

For those not familiar with LVP's amazing wonderfulness, here's her summary for SoaPM:  Jasper Hale, 21, is the son of a popular televangelist in Phoenix, and he couldn't be any further from a church-going goody two shoes. His attitude toward work, attending class, or contributing positively to society is lackadaisical at best. He drinks, smokes, and has a penchant for deflowering teenage girls. Bella attends private school with Edward Cullen, a senior who she's been in love with since ninth grade, when he moved to Phoenix. Too bad Edward is dating the most beautiful girl at St. Mary's, and doesn't even know Bella exists. But when Jasper sets his sights on Bella, Edward can't help but take notice. Will he protect her from girlfriend Rosalie's impious older brother? 

I'll be yammering on, for sure, on Twitter.  Visit my twitter page: EastSideElle

I'm not sure how far we'll get, but if we get to the later chapters, I'll definitely need someone to hold my hand and give me tissues.  This story makes me cry more than anything I've ever read, and that's saying a lot, because I cry frequently.

Oh, and feel free to visit LVP's ADF Cabin to harass her. She loves that!!



Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 4:24 PM

to make this twilight related here ya go: Bella and Edward love each other. Their love is EPIC. Seriously, they're making a movie about a uterus eating baby because of this love. Sooo...


IS TRUE LOVE REAL? Do you think it's overrated? Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you think a kind of love like the one between Bella and Edward is possible (and I don't mean vamp/human)? Any love stories of your own to tell?

i know this has been asked before, but I'd love your opinions. Thank you.



BTW, if you haven't read Intersection by Lillybellis (also found here in the forest) you are seriously missing out.  It's amazing. 




Alex Reads Twilight

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 3:44 PM

He's posted another chapter. And, as always, hit the nail on the head again.

Let me know if y'all are tired of me posting these here; I just find him hilarious!


Do you think he's right? Or is Twilight, like, the most awesomest evar???

someone please take away my sarcasm OMG


Thank you... whoever you are...

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 3:08 PM

I got a review for my fic, Rising from the Ashes of a Former Life, saying that they found it in a campfire here on ADF.  So basically, I just wanted to say thank you to whoever rec'ed it.  I wanted to find the campfire about it, but I'm not entirely sure how to search this site... so I thought I would send a big shout-out to everyone.  (If it was you, or you remember the campfire, please let me know!)

Aside: To anyone who recommends a relatively unknown fic, you are awesome.  I think I speak for most 'unknown fic' writers when I say this - just the fact that you enjoyed my story enough to want other people to read it is PFA (pretty fucking awesome)!  So keep it up, you guys made my week! 

Again, thank you so much!


RPattz's Birthday is Tomorrow.

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 2:51 PM

So me and rahbah are making him something special:

Tomorrow, we plan to unprotect our twitters and tweet Summit (@Twilight) like crazy. (Rob doesn't have twitter, or else we'd be tweeting him)

Who wants to join us in the spamming of Summit? It'd also be awesome if you guys make your own banners (or GIFs), post them here, and tweet them too tomorrow. It doesn't have to be fancy at all (I made ^that on MS Word and Paint, and God knows what rahbah's is gonna turn out like...) and if you hate him, you can totes draw all over his face.

Wolvesnvamps approved mah banner of animal porn and sparkle peen.

ETA: This is rahbah's ~awesome banner.


super duper goodey-ness

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 1:44 PM

ok so basically iwant some really awsome fan fics!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

they have to be funny and bella cant be a total complete klutzy idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ooh and can someone please - im young - tel me what AU and OCC and all them mean and if you want you can tell me how retarded i am at how i dont know this !!!!!!!!!!!!

oooh and is it just me or does everyone think that the robsten pregnancy think is total bull-poopy ?????????

i mean i would totally LOVE FOR ROBSTEN TO GET MARRIED!!!!!!!AND HAVE KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but i dunno it doesnt feel like the papz are telling the truth and before verybody goes and say * OPRAH SAID YOU STUPID DUMBASS*   

she didnt say *oohhhh robsten are pregnant*     she said that theyre together - but some 'insider/unknown source' said that they told oprah that theyre pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oooh some people probably ahte me right now but i totally WANT IT TO BE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyhoo back to fan fics - does anyone have some that will make me laugh and laugh but have some attitude????????

and i think i should go back to writing the 4th chapter of my story now - its like 9:44pm - im TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!



MTV Movie Awards

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 12:27 PM

Sooo... New moon is nominated for five categories, exciting isn't? Who's going to vote for new moon?

The categories are as follow:

BEST MOVIE (voting stays live throughout the 2010 Movie Awards ceremony)
Alice In Wonderland
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
The Hangover
The Twilight Saga: New Moon


Amanda Seyfried – Dear John
Emma Watson – Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Kristen Stewart – The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Sandra Bullock – The Blind Side
Zoe Saldana – Avatar


Channing Tatum – Dear John
Daniel Radcliffe – Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Robert Pattinson – The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Taylor Lautner – The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Zac Efron – 17 Again


Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson – The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning – The Runaways
Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds – The Proposal
Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner – Valentine’s Day
Zoe Saldana and Sam Worthington – Avatar


Robert Pattinson
Kristen Stewart
Taylor Lautner
Johnny Depp
Daniel Radcliffe

For a complete of nominees click here

And omg my fave movie the hangover is nominated for six categories, this excites even more.

FYT (loves this pic? my spike looks pretty)



Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 11:57 AM

 YAAAAAY FLORENCE+THE MACHINE IS ON THE ECLIPE SOUNDTRACK!!!!! I LOVE THEM!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!! Anyone else as well? What do u guys think of the artists released so far??


Curiouser and curiouser

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 11:51 AM

Okay so my curious brain is wondering how many of you lovely authors out there are participating in round 3 of TT25...I know of a few but I would like to know some more so please...if you are writing for round 3 leave a link to let people know...heck even round 2

I started posting my stuff a few days ago- Tickle Me Pink-

So c'mon give me your linkage I would love to read them....drabbles are awesome!!!

***This campfire was approved by Wolvesnvamps***

Some pretty for your time:


Werewolves, Wereanimals and Shifters OH MY!

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 11:50 AM


    Do you like them?  I think they are cool, but they don't get me too exited. People don't go crazy for them like for Vampires. Why is that? Tell me, what do you think? Do you like the pack in twilight? Do you prefer the Weres in other books? Why are Vampires sexier? Or Why are Werewolves sexier in your opinion? Sam from TB doesn't get half of the attention that Eric gets. Not that I'm complaining. Are you?


Joe Manganiello takes “Alcide’s” wolf counterpart “Thunder” for a walk on the True Blood set


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 11:19 AM







"Fix You" by xToxicExistence <- LOVE this song


Love's to Blame

What is your favorite Twilight parody?

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 10:44 AM

There are so many twilight parodies out there but which one is your favorite?

This is mine:
Not only do I find it funny but the Edward is really hot! (I think he’s even cuter than Robert Pattinson but that’s my opinion)
And because I knew someone was going to post this, here’s my second favorite:

EDIT: please give a warning if the video is funny becasue i'm in a crowded library LMAO at most of them)


Another Oprah Video

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 10:08 AM

Taylor and Robert talk about what it's like to be in the Twilight franchise craziness.



Alex Reads Twilight: Ch.14

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 10:01 AM



He's At It AGAIN!!!

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 9:52 AM

Y'know.... things were quiet for a little while, and I thought that MAYBE Rob's obsession with me was dying down.  I thought MAYBE I could get back to my regular life as a wife and mother, instead of dodging his constant advances and hiding from the papz that are parked outside my door.

But no.  He's back.  And he's still got it BADDDD.

In fact... he's even using OPRAH to get to me.

It's shameless really.  Look at this most recent stunt....

In this little video clip, ROB admits that he ORIGINALLY wanted to become a rapper..

I can see it...

But check this people. 

Not only is ROB using OPRAH....but now he's ropped in our very own JANDCO.

It's no secret JANDCO loves JAY-Z.  She just does. 

ROB knows he's using JAY-Z and JANDCO'S love of rap to distract us....IN FACT....his PLAN is to have JANDCO RUN OFF WITH MY HUSBAND, leaving me sad and alone.... when he'll swoop in for the killing.

Don't believe me?

Watch this~~~

it's simple arithmatic:

just add JAY-Z:

+ Rob:


the results??


JANDCO is powerless to this.

ROB is shameless in his pursuit of me....and his tactics are getting scarier and scarier...



Eclipse Soundtrack Reveal

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 9:30 AM

 Hey Ladies!

So I have read that Myspace is revealing the tracks from the Eclipse Soundtrack VERY slowly, like 1 every half hour. They have already started and so far this is what they have:      

                   Beck and Bat for Lashes: "Let's Get Lost"

             Vampire Weekend: "Jonathan Low"

                  Metric: "Eclipse (All Yours)"

                   The Bravery: "Ours"

             Florence + The Machine: "Heavy In Your Arms"

             Fanfarlo: "Atlas"

             The Black Keys: "Chop and Change"

             The Dead Weather: "Rolling In On A Burning Tire"

             Unkle Ft. The Black Angels: "With You In My Head"

             Eastern Conference Champions: "A Million Miles An Hour"

             Band Of Horses: "Life On Earth"

                   NEW: Cee-Lo Green: "What Part of Forever"

         New: Muse: "Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever)" 

               NEW: Sia: "My Love" (sorry to those of you who were dreading this. it IS on the list)

          Last song: Howard Shore: "Jacob's Theme"

Edit: putting them up here. :)





hey you... rec me some AUs!

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 9:09 AM

I've decided to add to my reading list again, but I'm having troubles finding new, different AUs.

A few of my favorite AUs include:

Last Rites by halojones

La Canzone della Bella Cigna by philadelphic

Strange Bedfellows by the_bouquet

Walter Cannon's Theory, Expanded by Temptation's Girl

Elemental by MsTallulahBelle


What about you, campers? Give me your favorite AUs, and tell me why I should read them!

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