
Help! I need somebody...

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 10:02 AM

Today is my birthday, woohoo!  And my hubs, whom I completely adore (at the moment) surprised me with an iPhone!  I'm so thrilled, and I spent all day playing with it.  But now play time is over and it's serious business time. 

What's the serious business?  Well, just this....

How do I download fanfic to read on mah phone?!?!?!

I know there's a bunch of programs, but I also know this forest is jam-packed with uber-intelligent peeps with way more sweet skills than me.  So, what do y'all recommend?

It's only the 8gb iPhone, if that matters. (Obvs I'm kinda techtarded)

Thanks for your help ladies (&gents?) and for your time...



Saturday May 15, 2010 at 9:17 AM

My good friend got married today. It was a lovely ceremony and she looked stunning.

Unfortunately for me, I fainted during the vows!!

I mean, full out black out. My boyfriend caught me before I banged my head on the church floor. I was out for over a minute.

Should I feel happy that I didn't ruin the wedding? Or feel unloved that they carried on when I nearly died right infront of them? I am not sure. Lol!

Also, I've sprained my ankle and scraped it pretty bad. Don't ask me how, I was outta it! lol!

Have you done anything embarrassing at a wedding?!


only you can start forest campfires*

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 9:01 AM

free-for-all is still in effect*


hidely ho there, campers.  you have until 5pm EDT to post whatever the eff you'd like!  that's 1am london time or 10am oztrayleeyuh time, for those of you who don't know how to add.

for your time:


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*unless you're doodlecake, who is a party pooper and you now have to wait until free-for-all is over to post anything



Saturday May 15, 2010 at 8:50 AM

So I'm sitting here watching this match. I've pretty much supported Chelsea since they were the first club I ever heard of when I was in 5th grade. Yes. Srsly. No, I admit I didn't watch the sport then.

Anyway. Chelsea came up in the world over the last decade. A wealthy buyer came along, and now they're on the verge of a DOUBLE (touchwood) and most of the squad appears to be playing as though they've already checked out.

There's a bad case of world cup-itis going on.

aaaand Chelsea just got awarded a penalty. and Lampard fucking missed it Talk about sports in this campfire. I'm gonna go rage.



Good Morning

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 8:24 AM







LJ Summers


Saturday May 15, 2010 at 8:03 AM

For the writers:

Do you have a look in mind for the ultimately hot-looking guy for your story?  Is a certain style particularly "it" for you?  Flannel-shirt and torn jeans?  Armani suit with the coat unbuttoned?  Period costuming?

What kind of look does it for you?


For the readers:

When you're looking for a story to read, does the hero's occupation and possible "look" play any role in your decision to read or not to read?  Or do you just avoid a certain kind of story on principle?


For your time:

rob in period costume


I just burnt The Pancakes!!

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 3:33 AM

I was making breakfast for my dear husband because he is still in bed. But, in my defense, I was distracted. I checking for updates, going thru twiliglted threads, seeing if there was anything new in the world of True Blood. Then I was reading an article about Lost in EW.com. Then I came to the forest. See, I wasn't really my fault!!

What have you neglected or screwed up while you were reading fanfics? I want to know.


See!! Even other people are distracted by him


Big things come in small packages

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 2:53 AM

Alice is our resident short person.

Put your hands up if your short. *hands up* yes I'm short. 5ft to be precise.

What about you campers? How tall are you? What are the nicknames you've been called because of your height? I've been called Tic Tac which are mints the size of your small fingernail. Everyone goes Tic Tac Tic Tac Tic Tac. It's annoying.

Although there are advantages of being short. Seriously there are. I just can't think of any at the moment.



Saturday May 15, 2010 at 2:23 AM

"Mom, I may or may not have stepped on a nail tonight."

"Well, which is it? Did you step on a nail?"

"Yeah, I stepped on a nail."

I FUCKING STEPPED ON A NAIL TONIGHT AT MY TOWN'S PARTY PIT. FMLFMLFML. IT HURTS LIKE A SON OF A HOOKER. (I got called a slut/whore/whorebag by my cousins tonight? WTF?) I iodined it and slapped a band-aid with some polysporin on it, so I think I'll live. That's what my mom said at least.



Bring the LOVE!

Friday May 14, 2010 at 11:21 PM

Taking advantage of FFAF again...

What are your favorite love songs?




Friday May 14, 2010 at 11:00 PM




Tell me games that you guys like to play




I need some Alice info!

Friday May 14, 2010 at 9:09 PM

I'm writing this entry for the Twilight Twenty-Five and I need a little help.

Does anyone know the time period Alice was changed?

Was it the 1920s?


Happy Birthday, littlesecret84!

Friday May 14, 2010 at 8:59 PM


It's littlesecret84’s birthday! 


In honor of this occasion, I ask that you drop by, wish her Happy Birthday and give us your best bitchface.  I pledge not to smile all day Saturday.  I urge you to do the same.


Kristen is totally judging you.



Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket



Friday May 14, 2010 at 8:16 PM



(extra points for the person to post black donnelly's)



Friday May 14, 2010 at 7:25 PM

Seriously, I love ADF. It's the 2nd site I go to everyday (after checking my email) when I'm at work! LOL

WHY?? You ask?

1. People are mostly nice here, no matter what your opinion

2. People share fics

3. Great recommendations

4. Jandco is here! 

5. I get comments to my post no matter what it's about

6. Lots of Rob pics! LOL

WHY do you LOVE ADF? 


say what you want

Friday May 14, 2010 at 6:51 PM

okay so i am actually gonna start two fires tonight. since im a badd A! lol

but i want some bella preggo fic's

say what you want, for some reason i just like em.

so recs would be much appretiated. AH please!!

i dont care if it starts with that, or ends, or happens in the middle.

thank you very much.

for your time.



Guys Suck

Friday May 14, 2010 at 6:41 PM

I'm SO in need of a happy fic, ladies. I've just about had it with guys. I was supposed to go on a date tonight, and he texted me and basically blew me off. After I got all glamed up and shaved my legs for him. He didn't even give an excuse. I'm super pissed.

I need something funny to get me out of my funky mood as I sit at home alone on a Friday night. And maybe some advice on how to deal with LoserBoy when he talks to me again, as he inevitably will.

Hit me with it.


Phineas and Ferb

Friday May 14, 2010 at 6:30 PM

My first campfire, it's Free For All Friday, and I'm excited for no apparent reason!

So, has anyone here seen this cartoon?

Turn on your TV, switch it to the Disney channel. I don't even care what time it is, I speculate that you have a 1 in 4.5 chance of finding an episode of Phineas and Ferb on your screen. It's 8:00 PM here, and it's on. Middle of the day? Phineas and Ferb. Middle of the night? Phineas and Ferb. Five in the morning? PHINEAS AND FERB!

I don't think it's just because I'm a mom that I like it. My husband, the cop/ex-Marine/X-Box champ/World of Warcraft nerd enjoys it. It reminds me of days when I wasn't parked in front of the TV, and I had my own kid adventures.

Also: I'm beginning to think the plots are better executed than that of Twilight (the 1st book, anyway), in which Meyer pulls a plot device out of nowhere (James and co.) to move the story along instead of setting it up in advance.

To make this interactive: do you watch this, and do you enjoy it or think it's lame? What are your favorite cartoons? Got any videos to share?


Looking for a fic.

Friday May 14, 2010 at 6:22 PM

I found a story a while ago that I really loved. I have been trying to find it and been unsuccessful. I read it on FF so that the only place I've been searching.

The summary is something like this:

Edward randomly dials a phone number wondering who will pick up and a woman, Bella, answers. Anyway they talking with each other almost everyday and eventually decide to meet. Bella breaks up with her boyfriend because she realizes that she has feelings for Edward. However, when she calls to confirm their meeting, a woman answers Edward's phone claiming to be Edward's pregnant fiance. Bella never shows up for the meeting and stops taking Edward's calls.  I remember that either Bella or Edward lived in Portland and the other lived a few hours away.

I can't remember how it ends.

If anyone knows I would really appreciate the help!


Jacob's Casting

Friday May 14, 2010 at 5:59 PM

Okay, so there have been a lot of casting discussions here, I know, but I'd like to talk about one in particular: Jacob's. While watching the Angryward clip (zomg, over and over again), I became increasingly annoyed by Lautner. For one, I think RPattz is just so right for the part of Edward Cullen that it makes other, poorer casting choices stand out (Rosalie comes to mind, for me). For the most part, I like the casting; I can't imagine Bella as anyone else, nor Alice, Jasper, Carlisle, etc. But the one who gets me is Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black. I just...can't see it, even after New Moon and these clips from Eclipse.

Don't get me wrong. Lautner's adorable. But that's the problem. He looks more like the puppy dog than the wolf, and no amount of muscle is going to change that (for me, at least). I have to admit that I never understood why they didn't cast two people for Jacob's character, maybe some brothers, because in the books Jacob goes from looking like a kid--in which case Lautner at the start of Twilight was perfect--to looking like an adult, because of the wolf gene. Lautner doesn't look like an adult (he has baby face), and he's certainly shorter than Pattinson, which is always glaringly annoying to me, because Jacob's height was often mentioned in the books. For me, mentally, it sort of balanced out the power. The vampires were deceptively stronger than they looked, but the wolves were obviously strong.

It seems to me that what they've done to try to compensate for this problem is make Lautner more serious than he was in the books, so you'll take his boyish looks more seriously, and to constantly mention how buff he looks. It's not working for me. Jacob was supposed to be big, amusing and slightly cocky (probably partially because his size allowed him to be)--almost the wolf version of Emmett. And now, in the movies, because of the way Lautner looks, I feel like Bella's choosing between a vampire and a human, which isn't quite true to the books (not that it has to be--just sayin'). I mean, she was choosing life or undead-life in the books, between the two of them, but it was never supernatural vs. normal. Lautner looks too much like a normal kid, I think.

So, though it's been asked before, who would you cast as Jacob, if you could change it? Would you have casted brothers, like I suggested, to account for the abnormal growth spurt from the books?

Or, on the flip side, if you really like Lautner as Jacob, can you tell me why?

^ He just doesn't look equally menacing here at all.

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