
The Prisoner

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 1:12 PM

I've just turned on The Prisoner on ITV and realised Jamie Campbell Bower is in it!! And looks mighty fine, I might add...

Wanna see?



Saturday May 15, 2010 at 12:57 PM

  I just got these two things in my E-mail and all of the sudden I'm psyched:



Beat the crowds to summer's hottest movie! Starting June 4, with your in-store BP. Nordstrom purchase of $50 or more, you can receive one ticket to our advance screening of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. Just bring your receipt to the Customer Service desk to redeem. Advance screenings will be on June 29. Times will vary by location. Offer valid while supplies last, at participating locations. See store for details. 


Official Twilight Convention - Creation Entertainment

I'm attending the convention is anyone else in the LA area going who would want to have adult beverages through out the day to offset screaming children?


Glee-preciation Post

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 12:18 PM


I love, love, LOVE me some Glee. I follow exactly three programs on TV, and Glee is totally unmissable. I bought the DVD boxset of Season 1 (The Road To Sectionals) the day it came out and me and my sister watched the entire thing in one day. Twelve episodes in 12 hours I think it was!

So, I announce this as the Glee-preciation post of the weekend! Pic spam me some Puck, or Finn, or best of all, some Mr Schu. Nothing, and I mean nothing, turns me on more than Mr Schu rapping. And Mr Schu's happy tears make angels have orgasms #truefact.

Anyone who follows me on Twitter will know about my undying love of Britney and the hilarious stuff she comes out with... "Did you know, dolphins are just gay sharks?", "When I pulled my hamstring I went to a misogynist." and "I don't know how to turn on a computer." Plus, she has fantastic legs.


What Exactly Do You Mean By That?

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 12:12 PM

So, this line is used in all types of fics, including ones I love. So I'm not really knocking it...just curious about it.

When two characters (Edward and Bella) are having sex or something for the first time, there's sometimes a point where our man stops and asks Bella if she's sure. This is sometimes followed with him pretty much saying, that she'd better be sure, because he won't be able to stop at a certain point.

What exaclty does that mean? If she said no after this point it would go unlistened to and hey, at least he warned her....Um? Or is it meant to be purely hypothetical and of course he would.

Just something that I always wondered.

Anything in fic that gets you thinking "....wait...what?" that ends up happening....a lot.

<--confusion XD


She's HHheeerree!

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 11:57 AM

Kake arrived safely no worse for wear other than her cell died this morning.  We are off to a killah yard sale  (Dr.s' type neighborhoods)  

She won't let me post pics yet...but I'm working on her...


Have an awesome weekend.


FF probs

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 11:56 AM

 Any one else's FF account acting weird today?

Sir Rachel

Name of the Game

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 11:54 AM

 While I was watching a soccer game this morning I was listening in on a conversation about strange names, the best of which being two twins named:




This got me thinking...what other unusual names have you heard? Celebrity names? Names that make you want to look the parents in the eye and ask, "What the hell were you thinking?!"

Along with the unusual names, what's YOUR name? What does it mean? Are you named for someone? Do you like your name? If not, what do you wish you were named?




Boo you, Eyjafjallajokull!

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 11:45 AM

So here I am, starting to pack for my trip home to the US from England, and I find out that apparently, there's a pretty good chance that flights from the UK will be cancelled again because the volcano is still spewing... or whatever it is that it does. 

So please keep your fingers crossed that it either plays nice or clears up before wednesday, because I've been here a year, and I've loved it, but i really want to go home!

Anyways, to keep this Twilight related... It got me thinking, what would have happened if some sort of natural disaster/phenomenon caused flights to be cancelled during New Moon, be it (a) before Bella and Alice could follow Edward, (b) before Edward could leave, or (c) before Bella, Edward, and Alice could return home from Italy?  I mean, I suppose we can guess for (a), but for the others... could vampires swim all the way to Europe, or will they sink like rocks? And of course, Bella certainly can't swim there or back.


Soooo, I Think I Have A Problem...

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 11:19 AM

Today i finally got around to doing some belated Spring Cleaning. Along with the usual i decided to gather up unwanted clothes and nick nacks to give to a couple of the local churches now that they are in full Jumble/Rummage Sale Season. My hubby quipped that i should donate some of our Dog's old clothes. Dogs-Old Clothes, the two didn't go together in my mind. To appease him i decided to look through my Dog's Dresser (yes, i have a three drawer dresser in my closet that is just for the dog's clothes). After going through everything i was shocked at what i found. In the just over 5yrs since i got my first dog this is what i have accumulated (you may want to avert young childrens eyes if necessary as this is disgusting!):

23 Coats

6 Body Warmers

3 Rain Slickers

3 Velour Tracksuit Style Sweaters

14 Sets of Booties (half of which are Pink and sparkly, what the hell was i thinking?)

31 Sweaters

17 T-shirts

3 Dog Pyjamas

22 Bandana's

8 Halloween Costumes

4 Santa Hats

3 Sets of Antlers (on a headband contraption)

3 Sets of Red Ankle Scrunchy looking things with Jingly Bells on.

3 Princess Birthday Hats

29 Collars with matching Leashes

6 Harnesses with matching Leashes

8 Retractable Leashes

This list doesn't include all the toys, dog beds, Cute doggie diapers with detachable skirts, pet carrier handbags, blankets, accessories (cute little tags for their collars etc)


So, i realised i am probably certifiable. After feeling ashamed of myself for half an hour and showing my hubby all the crap i've accumulated over the years for my spoiled dogs i put half of it aside to donate.

Now, in my defense, i have no kids. My dogs fill that requirement in me. And it would seem i dress them up like miniture doggie barbies in my spare time.

Am i alone in my insanity? Anyone else got a problem keeping their credit card in their purse when faced with the temptation of a Pet Store? I'd love to know.

My Babies. Maggie, Trudy and Ginny.


Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


Video Gurl

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 11:07 AM

Hey all!

It is a beautiful day here.  The hubs and the kiddos are gone for awhile, I went for a walk and after all the rain last week I'm feelin like this:

I just wanna sit on the deck all afternoon and have a few cocktails. 

What's it like where your at?  Tell me how u r feelin' through a song/video :)


Flying the flag

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 10:03 AM

In honour of the extended FFAF, I'm being nosey.

What country are you from?  Tell me a fun or interesting fact about your home nation.  What makes you proud of where you're from?  Educate other campers.

(I know this might exclude the American campers a leetle, but if you have an interesting heritage, tell me something about that instead.  That, or tell me something I really didn't know about the good ol' US of A).

I'm from Britain and I think we make the best tv in the world - we're not afraid to make viewers think, plus we get away with quite a lot of swearing and dirty humour.  I'm talking about shows like Doctor Who, Torchwood, Being Human, The Office, Life On Mars, Black Books, Blackadder, Queer as Folk etc  We come up with brilliant concepts, then sell them to America :)

We also contribute a huge amount to the music scene - we have a thriving number of up-and-coming artists that are pimped on ADF.  We were responsible for 8 of the top selling musical artists ever.  Not bad for a fairly small country.

And contrary to popular opinion, we don't have bad teeth.  In fact, we have the least amount of tooth decay of any country (joint with Germany):

Now you go!

A few British hotties FYT:


Betcha can't name the last one.  Littlestar300, you're excluded from that.


Help! I need somebody...

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 10:02 AM

Today is my birthday, woohoo!  And my hubs, whom I completely adore (at the moment) surprised me with an iPhone!  I'm so thrilled, and I spent all day playing with it.  But now play time is over and it's serious business time. 

What's the serious business?  Well, just this....

How do I download fanfic to read on mah phone?!?!?!

I know there's a bunch of programs, but I also know this forest is jam-packed with uber-intelligent peeps with way more sweet skills than me.  So, what do y'all recommend?

It's only the 8gb iPhone, if that matters. (Obvs I'm kinda techtarded)

Thanks for your help ladies (&gents?) and for your time...



Saturday May 15, 2010 at 9:17 AM

My good friend got married today. It was a lovely ceremony and she looked stunning.

Unfortunately for me, I fainted during the vows!!

I mean, full out black out. My boyfriend caught me before I banged my head on the church floor. I was out for over a minute.

Should I feel happy that I didn't ruin the wedding? Or feel unloved that they carried on when I nearly died right infront of them? I am not sure. Lol!

Also, I've sprained my ankle and scraped it pretty bad. Don't ask me how, I was outta it! lol!

Have you done anything embarrassing at a wedding?!


only you can start forest campfires*

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 9:01 AM

free-for-all is still in effect*


hidely ho there, campers.  you have until 5pm EDT to post whatever the eff you'd like!  that's 1am london time or 10am oztrayleeyuh time, for those of you who don't know how to add.

for your time:


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

*unless you're doodlecake, who is a party pooper and you now have to wait until free-for-all is over to post anything



Saturday May 15, 2010 at 8:50 AM

So I'm sitting here watching this match. I've pretty much supported Chelsea since they were the first club I ever heard of when I was in 5th grade. Yes. Srsly. No, I admit I didn't watch the sport then.

Anyway. Chelsea came up in the world over the last decade. A wealthy buyer came along, and now they're on the verge of a DOUBLE (touchwood) and most of the squad appears to be playing as though they've already checked out.

There's a bad case of world cup-itis going on.

aaaand Chelsea just got awarded a penalty. and Lampard fucking missed it Talk about sports in this campfire. I'm gonna go rage.



Good Morning

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 8:24 AM







LJ Summers


Saturday May 15, 2010 at 8:03 AM

For the writers:

Do you have a look in mind for the ultimately hot-looking guy for your story?  Is a certain style particularly "it" for you?  Flannel-shirt and torn jeans?  Armani suit with the coat unbuttoned?  Period costuming?

What kind of look does it for you?


For the readers:

When you're looking for a story to read, does the hero's occupation and possible "look" play any role in your decision to read or not to read?  Or do you just avoid a certain kind of story on principle?


For your time:

rob in period costume


I just burnt The Pancakes!!

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 3:33 AM

I was making breakfast for my dear husband because he is still in bed. But, in my defense, I was distracted. I checking for updates, going thru twiliglted threads, seeing if there was anything new in the world of True Blood. Then I was reading an article about Lost in Then I came to the forest. See, I wasn't really my fault!!

What have you neglected or screwed up while you were reading fanfics? I want to know.


See!! Even other people are distracted by him


Big things come in small packages

Saturday May 15, 2010 at 2:53 AM

Alice is our resident short person.

Put your hands up if your short. *hands up* yes I'm short. 5ft to be precise.

What about you campers? How tall are you? What are the nicknames you've been called because of your height? I've been called Tic Tac which are mints the size of your small fingernail. Everyone goes Tic Tac Tic Tac Tic Tac. It's annoying.

Although there are advantages of being short. Seriously there are. I just can't think of any at the moment.



Saturday May 15, 2010 at 2:23 AM

"Mom, I may or may not have stepped on a nail tonight."

"Well, which is it? Did you step on a nail?"

"Yeah, I stepped on a nail."

I FUCKING STEPPED ON A NAIL TONIGHT AT MY TOWN'S PARTY PIT. FMLFMLFML. IT HURTS LIKE A SON OF A HOOKER. (I got called a slut/whore/whorebag by my cousins tonight? WTF?) I iodined it and slapped a band-aid with some polysporin on it, so I think I'll live. That's what my mom said at least.


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