mo kagen

Fanfic rewritten?

Monday May 17, 2010 at 7:08 PM

(my monthly de-lurking, it seems...)

OK, I agree with most of you on the Omnific subject.  Most of these stories would not hold much interest for me without the characters that brought me to TWI FFn in the first place, so I doubt I will spend money on them.

So, what do you think about sites like  Will you follow a story that you began reading in a FFn fandom to a non-FFn site? 

There are a few FFn authors that have pulled their stories from FFn, changed the names and removed the Twi-ness of them, and posted at Textnovel. 

The FF author known as Saewod is rewriting her stories and posting them under profile name Vi_ZoMi.

I have been reading "Live in Position" over there (with the new character names).  I actually started it again from the beginning, trying to get used to the new character names, but honestly, in my head, I keep hearing the orig Twi names.  But I want to know how the story plays out, so I'm reading it. 

And today, the first two chapters of "Vegas Follows You Home" were posted.  This used to be the story "What Happens in Vegas Follows You Home."  And I'm going to read that one too.

Am I a sucker?  Or just can't let go?  I'm not bashing any author or myself.  My fascination with what I term "cheese" is what prompted me to pick up my first Twilight book a couple of years ago.  and yet, my cheese craving was not satisfied, which led me to Fanfiction, which brought me to ADF, so it's really a beautiful circle, I think.  Is following a couple of authors to a new (non-twi) site just the next step in the evolution?



Has Anyone Been To Forks?

Monday May 17, 2010 at 6:06 PM

Our room is booked!

We are packing as we speak, and we leave in the morning.

We will be a bit limited on time, but what are the 'must see' places?

We are staying at the place Pixie posted about yesterday but NOT in the Twilight rooms. (Dude, the dark walls would be depressing and make me claustrophobic)

Are there any places we should avoid?

Thanks in advance!



Monday May 17, 2010 at 5:59 PM

.. And I'm sad:[

If you haven't read this story you really should, and I've recommended it on here before but I am going to do it again. The writing is beautiful and the story is original.. and now it's complete.

Cien Anos de Soledad by HappyInLove

This is a story of a girl, finding herself in Guatemala & Seattle; a child, shuffled, loved, growing; a boy, figuring out what makes a man; and a family, expanding and understanding what unconditional hope and love look like.


Read please?

If you have read this.. come talk to me!

What did you think?

Anything you think she left out?

My comments on the Epilogue will be in the first comment.




They Have To Be Out There Somewhere...

Monday May 17, 2010 at 5:43 PM

Completed fics. Nowadays it seems that most fics go on for chapter upon chapter upon chapter. Which is alright (in some cases), but I have over 60 updates in my Inbox and have no desire to start another WIP.

Here's the challenge, completed fics that are under, preferably 20 but at most 30 chapters. Completed is key.

Sometimes a story can be told in few words, and this is finals week, so I need something finished and semi-short.


P.S. I say this frequently to Sobriquett but I'd just like to reiterate my love for americnxidiot and jandco since they're sort of awesome at finishing a story at the perfect time and usually not starting a new story until the other is finished.


UPDATE: I should probably point out how much I read and finding me something will be hard...BUT! I do enjoy rereading :)



Monday May 17, 2010 at 5:21 PM

Do you have a pet?  A cat named Hello?  A dog named Pork Chop?  A chinchilla named Mittens?  A mink named Stole?  A snaked named OMFG THERE'S A FUCKING SNAKE IN THE HOUSE!!! ?  Show me!  Pics please!

Here's my behbeh, Jonah The Mother Fuckin' Whale.  Yes, that's the name on his license.



And to make this LESS off topic--if characters in Twilight were to have pets, what sorts of pets would they have, and what would be their names?



This post was approved by the ranger who will soon be calling ME Eclipse Trivia Master.



Monday May 17, 2010 at 4:45 PM

Whatcha eating?

Whatcha cooking?

Share some fun food pictures!


I need a happy place...

Monday May 17, 2010 at 4:36 PM

 *** Peeks out from her lurking place... ***


Hi everyone!

It's my first campfire, and I'm in need of a rec. :-)

I have been reading so much angst lately that it's making my heart hurt.

What is everyone's favorite fluffy / funny / lighthearted fic? WIP or complete it doesn't matter... I just need something to cut through the heartache. 

Thanks for your help! 


FF Sneak Peek

Monday May 17, 2010 at 3:01 PM


Do you write fan fiction?

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

Don't forget to include a link!


The IMAX experience

Monday May 17, 2010 at 2:36 PM

I am thinking of buying the whole "see all three movies" thing online. This worked great last year because we got to stay in the same theater and no lines. However, I want to see Eclipse in IMAX so, we'll have to switch this time. I really don't mind but, I have never been to an IMAX theater before so I am worried about the front row being all thats left by the time we get over there. So, whats the IMAX experience like? Are there any bed seats? Am I gonna feel like I have a hangover when its over?


Hardwicke is still cashing in on audition anecdote

Monday May 17, 2010 at 1:41 PM

Catherine Hardwicke attended the Twilight Convention in Vancouver. May 14-16, 2010.

These are tweets from who was at the convention.

Catherine says about Kristen Stewart, "We may hate her because she's with Rob, but she does a great job."

Omg Catherine was kidding about "hating her" she meant like "jealous of" -- and I like KS either way

Kristen said "it has to be Rob" catherine rewatched shoots and agreed. Summit met Rob and sure they could make Rob "look good" LoL

Its true she said "In our country its illegal to be involved with a minor so don't even think about it Rob" about Kristen.

Rob fell of the bed a lot during auditions and filming.

Catherine brought mouthwash for her LoL they were super nervous but Rob was "out of control" a bit "wild" making out on Catherine's bed

Rob and Kristen 1st met auditioning at Catherine's house. She brought in 4 guys for her to make-out with and see how it felt. LoL @twi_tour

This report was posted by  Neesie_cullen67 at kstewartfans on LJ

Okay, seriously you guys. Does Catherine have no other income than Twilight? I assume she's making loads of money doing these Twi-Tour things, or she wouldn't do them, right? Do you think telling vaguely inappropriate stories about Robert Pattinson being POSSIBLY a bit inappropriate with Kristen Stewart is making her rich as astronauts? Does she not have an investment portfolio or something? Does she not have other projects? What is she doing?????


BD in Louisiana?

Monday May 17, 2010 at 1:25 PM

Studio appears serious about moving 'Twilight' series to Louisiana

By Mike Scott, The Times-Picayune

May 17, 2010, 11:48AM

Two new developments arrive this morning related to the whisperings that Summit Entertainment is considering shooting the next film in the "Twilight" series (which may actually be two films) somewhere in Louisiana.

0517 twilight
eclipse taylor lautner and kristen stewart.JPG.

'One of them doesn't say a whole lot. The other, however, seems to be significantly more telling as to exactly how serious Summit Entertainment is about moving the production here. 

First, Summit this morning (Monday, May 17) responded to my inquiry of last week for comment on the rumors, first reported in a story in The Hollywood Reporter that relied on an unnamed source for its inside information.

The studio's statement came a few days too late for my story -- which ran in Saturday's editions of The Times-Picayune -- and it was unsuprisingly vague. Here's it is, in its entirety: "No details have been confirmed regarding 'Breaking Dawn' aside from the fact that Bill Condon will be directing."

Insert shrug here.

The second, more telling, development comes in the form of incorporation papers filed last week with the Louisiana Secretary of State's office by an agent for Summit and establishing a new corporate entity called "TSBD LOUISIANA, L.L.C." -- which would seem to stand for "Twilight: Saga Breaking Dawn." 

Of course, filing incorporation papers is a long way from booking soundstages and crewing up -- but as early signs go, it's a good one that there might be truth to these rumors.

"Twilight: Breaking Dawn" would be based on the fourth book in the popular vampire-romance series, and there has been talk that it could be broken into two movies. Summit is hoping to beging production this fall.




Kristen in June Vogue

Monday May 17, 2010 at 1:00 PM

oh I want/love those legs !!! Beautiful and perfect !! I don't know why she is not on the cover ! 



Eclipse TV Spot

Monday May 17, 2010 at 12:55 PM

Ok...the Video kinda sucks, but it will do for now.  :)  Enjoy. 

Edit: You can watch the video on your iPhone with the "Twilight Tracker" app.



Muse Neutron Star...

Monday May 17, 2010 at 12:49 PM




Please tell us what you think...



Happy Birthday Nikki

Monday May 17, 2010 at 12:37 PM

Today is the birthday of this fierce girl


She's turning 22, but seems to have packed an awful lot into her life

and of course


Lettuce use this post to like, celebrate this HBIC's birthday. Spam your fave gifs,vids,pics etc

Alternatively, lets talk about Rosalie. Do you like her canon character? Do you have a  favourite fic interpretation? What about movie Rosalie? I think that based on physical appearance they should've waited and cast Nikki as Leah or even Maria. But she is earnest and brings a certain fierceness to my girl Rose that another actress might not pull off. I'm excited for her role in Eclipse and BD


Scared of children?

Monday May 17, 2010 at 12:02 PM

Hello, ADF!

So, the other day I went to Safeway with my two year old, and while I was down the chip isle, my son said hi (really loud, cuz he's two. lol) to this guy who was getting some sodas. The guy couldn't have been more than twenty-two, and for some reason, he had a really nervous reaction to my son's overt friendliness. He gave a short nervous laugh, then he was like "Uh..... Hi." He looked at me, still nervous as shit, like he making sure that it was okay to say hi to my son. Which is fine, I get it. I just smiled at him, letting him know that it's okay to say hi back. When he reached down to get more soda, my son said hi again. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing, cuz this guy was just apparently scared as shit of my son. He said hi back, then fucking bolted. I just looked at my son, and laughed. I decided to play shrink, and analyze his reaction. I summed it up into two possible reasons: He's either a) scared of children, cuz he has no clue how to act around them, or b) his girlfriend is pregnant, and he's acred shitless.

So, this got me thinking; has anything like that ever happened to anyone on here? Any nervous, or just plain weird reactions to something either you or your child said/did? Feel free to share!

: )  Katie

Approved by jandco



Monday May 17, 2010 at 10:20 AM

So I just finished LolaShoes's "A Life Extraordinary" (it was awesome btw), and I am unsure what to read next.  From the list below does anything stand out:

Lord of the Authority

Such Great Heights

In the Twilight of my Life

Dark Games & Twisted Minds

The Resolution

Vendetta at Twilight

Only Human

Or perhaps something not listed that is complete that you consider a good read.

Let me know, please.  It's a boring Monday afternoon, and I have nowhere to be all day!  I need me a good fic!


It's Monday~

Monday May 17, 2010 at 9:08 AM

Hello Campers!

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening.... depending on where you are.

I'm bored.  I have a fuck-ton of work I should be doing but I've been playing games all morning and staring at pics of Rob.


My daughters had their dance recital--which was AWESOME.  Then my oldest daughter received a small scholarship for next year's dance.  We were pretty happy about that. 



Just this weekend, I read her fic, HI, HONEY I'M HOME.  In it, Bella goes in search of her missing BLUE SOCKS.


What grown man wears bright blue socks??  The kind that stalks grown ass women!!

he's shameless




Random Facts:

~The total combined weight of the worlds ant population is heavier than the weight of the human population.
~The number of people alive on earth right now is higher than the number of all the people that have died. Ever.
~9 out of 10 people believe Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.This isn't true; Joseph Swan did.
~The brain is soft and gelatinous - its consistency is something between jelly and cooked pasta.
~The egg came first.
~Watching television can act as a natural painkiller for children.
~All US Presidents have worn glasses. Some just didn't like being seen wearing them in public.
~Sex workers (Prostitutes) in Roman times charged the equivalent price of eight glasses of red wine. <~~~NICE
~Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.


Tell me something good!!!



Monday May 17, 2010 at 8:51 AM

 This is a count of all the pics in the forest for the last week, and some other stuff. I'm not making any sense, anyway I went back to the beginning of last week (this week?) and counted pics and such in the forest.


Week of May 10-May 16 2010


(This includes pictures and gifs but not banners, videos and avis)


Robert Pattinson- 111 total pictures for the week


Kirsten Stewart- 104 total pictures for the week


Taylor Lautner- 20 total pictures for the week


Jackson Rathborne- 75 total pictures for the week


(Other people like Dakota Fanning, Ashley Green, etc. did not make due to the lack of pictures, less than 15, yes this includes DB)


The Badfic Post! Campfire attracted the most comments with 158 for the week.


There were 12 pages of past campfires for the week.


IDK but I decided to count the comments made by the rangers (I wanted to follow someone but I couldn't pick favorites, omg does this make me a stalker?).


So instead of telling everyone the rangers individual number I will just tell you who had the most.

WTVOC- who had 85 comments in total, wow.


(I blame this campfire on my lack of sleep, my dorkiness and my desire to catch up since I haven't been to the forest since thursday)


IDK how to make this interactive, the lack of sleep is making me not care. But I guess we could this discuss if I should do this every week (yes people I am that bored), or you could tell me I'm totally insane for doing this, whatever this is.


FanGirls Gone Wild

Monday May 17, 2010 at 8:43 AM

The Oprah interview caused a stir on Twitter and not entirely because of the actors. Some campers seem to have had a very strong reaction to the fangirling and the Twimoms so I want to ask, in your opinion when does fangirling go too far?

Monogrammed chocolate strawberries-kitschy or kooky?

Naming your child Robsten so you can prove it does exist-facepalm or fantastic idea?


If I _____________ then please _____________.



If I snuggle suggestively with an Edward blanky on national television then please call Dr. Phil.


Your turn.

And for your time-

First --- | >> | 1155 | 1156 | 1157 | 1158 | 1159 | 1160 | 1161 | 1162 | 1163 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
