
Hockeyward & Spidey-ella

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 4:30 PM


What fics makes you squeal at the sight of updates? Or makes you wish the week could pass quickly so there's another chapter to read because you know you can count on the author to update?

My Wednesdays are spent basically clicking the refresh button on hunterhunting's page, hoping that her weekly update of

Misapprehension of Bella Swan appears soon. Then, after I finish reading the chapter (twice..or more) I spent the rest of the week re-reading chapters until Tuesday, when she posts a teaser on her blog. Cycle repeats.

During that time, I'm also obsessively checking Twilighted.net to see if Hide and Drink has updated. Because the author is a goddess at updating regularly and keeping us interested.

There are stories that aren't updated on a regular basis but make my face break into a huge smile when I see updates. Like Bright Like the Sun, Bad Fauxmance (which updated today!!!), With or With You, Torn, and Dirty Little Secrets. For some reason, these are stories that keep me interested even if I have to wait a while inbetween updates. Then, there are fics that I know I will have to wait to be completed before I dive into them...like really angsty fics. Thank God I waited for Wide Awake and How to Save a Life to be finished. I can't imagine having to wait in between all the angst and melodrama.


I don't want the cats to eat me!

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 4:14 PM

Okay, so, I'm probably commiting blasphemy by saying this but... Does anyone else kinda, sorta, just a lil bit really, resent what Twilight and the deliriously fu*ktastic fanfiction has done to their lives? 
Don't get me wrong, I'd cut a bitch if she tried to take my laptop from me, and I read others books and they just can't hold my interest like you guys (107yearoldvirgin, I think I may love your ingenious ass). 
BUT, I'm a single girl, in most opinions woefully single (not mine, thank you) and I suspose I'm just worried that I'm gonna turn into a boyfriend comparer of fictional characters.

So, does anyone have or know the human inbodiment of the cullen boys?  Is love like that real?

Jesus, I'm gonna be a cynical, lonely, horny sap.  Could it get worse?  Oh, yeah.  The whole cats ingesting me thing. Joy.


this writing exercise brought to you by wtvoc

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 3:28 PM

adf's twilight short stories

let's practice writing ~skillz~

you don't hafta be a writer to play

the rules are simple.  either start a comment or reply to a comment.

each comment is the beginning of a story.

each comment reply is the continuation.  make sure you hit "reply" when you're continuing the story else we all get confused.

write a paragraph or a sentence or whatever.  don't be a story hog.

alternately, use gifs, macros, and pictures to illustrate the short story.

let's have a little fun!


I want to kiss JennyFly on her lips!

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 3:11 PM




Blah Blah Blah...

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 2:49 PM

I'm feeling cranky and I need to vent. 

But it's so much more fun when we can do it together.  So I want you to finish this sentence for me...

I REALLY HATE IT WHEN ___________.

I'll start:

I REALLY HATE IT WHEN my mom says stuff like "you look like you're losing weight."

She THINKS she's giving me a compliment.

What she MEANS is "wow you don't look like the lazy fat slob you normally do.  It can't possibly be that you're happy or that you got an awesome pair of new jeans.  No, it must be that you're not stuffing your fat face with cookies."

My mom equates success and beauty with someone's WEIGHT.

Please please please....if I ever project my body images on my daughters, someone please stab me in the throat.

My ass is FINE.  My hubs likes it.  And Rob loves it.



ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 1:47 PM












"New Moon // Edward..." by verotruth 


Do You Do the Tattoo?

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 12:11 PM

It’s been three months since I got my first tattoo and I have to say, I’m very much in love with it.

Some people say they’re trashy, some people say it gives a person elegance, what do you think?

If you have a tattoo or you want a tattoo, post pictures! :)

Mine’s inside. ;)

Ranger approved by wolvesnvamps.


In Which I Have Questions

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 11:49 AM

Maybe it's my semi old timers making me feel nostalgic...

Maybe it's low blood sugar...

But I'm curious ADF - what gets you excited these days.  I don't see much about people going nuts on updates or there being those two or three stories that everyone was reading and talking about like once upon a time.  My suspicion is that we've grown so large, and become so diverse as a fandom, that those things might have gone the way of Jasper's wig in New Moon.  Far far away never to be seen again :)

So tell me, campers...what gets you excited these days? What story makes you excited when it updates?  What event are you looking forward to.  On the flip side - do you see a change in the last 8-9 months? If so, why do you think that is?

Tell me what makes you go like this:


J.R. WARD Short Story

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 11:21 AM

Has anyone else read J.R Ward's short story "The Story of Son" that is in the below anthology?? OMG AMAZING!!!!!

Summary: The Story of Son by J.R. Ward
Claire Stroughton is a beautiful lawyer who would rather spend the night with a legal brief than the man of her dreams. Then a routine client meeting turns dangerous—and deeply sensual—when she is held captive by a gorgeous man with an unworldly hunger…

It is based in the same world/town as her Black Dagger Brotherhood series..but is a separate story..but sooooo good..(BUT...it may become interrelated with BDB in future....) If you are a BDB fan..you should definately read this story..

This book is an anthology with 4 short stories..I"ve only read the first two...but i say its worth the money just for JR's story!

The other bonus is that if you are a fan of Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunters Series(like me)..this anthology contains a short story about Fury & Angelia!

If you have not already read anything by J.R. Ward..then go NOW RUN! And Read her Black Dagger Brotherhood series!!

Please someone tell me they've read this story! Or..ask me about it b/c it's just THAT good!

- Wasn't sure if this needed approval...so I got it approved by my fellow Canuck Tor!


New Volturi Banner

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 10:36 AM

 "Eclipse" poster

Summit will be releasing a number of new banners/art from Eclipse over the next few days. We need a fierce bitch alert for Dakota.


Need your help

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 10:17 AM

You guys have helped me out with this problem before, getting over an issue to read a fic.

It happened with "The Mirrors". I just could not get myself to read it, you all promised me I wouldn't regret it, so I finally took the plunge and loved it.

I'm having the same issue with "Boy in the Red Sweater". I've started it a few times, but can't get past the point where Edward makes his first appearance.

Please help me out! Tell me what's so great about it! (Without giving much away). Is he a vamp or is it human?


Word on the street is....

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 9:08 AM

They signed.

From the NY Post...

Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz have closed deals to reup their roles in the next Twilight movie, "Breaking Dawn."

Greene and Lutz signed contracts last nights, acccording to sources close to the deal.

Movie studio Summit Entertainment, which has made billions off the franchise, had been in negotiations with the two supporting characters since last week, but the two actors reportedly wanted pay increases for the next movie since the studio did not allow them to renegotiate on the second and third films.

Summit caved in after the two actors held out for more cash. "The studio realized how valuable Ashley and Kellan are to the franchise and did what they needed to do to keep them," said a source close to the situation.

Reports said the kids have been trying to score paydays of $1.5 million. Sources said they two will receive close to that amount to continue on in their roles. "It was a good deal," said the source.

The money is still much lower than what Twilight stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are supposedly pulling in.

"Breaking Dawn" will be the fourth and fifth movies of the Twilight franchises.


jacob & bella

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 8:29 AM

Hey I know I'm in a minority here but i absolutely love Jacob and Bella ship. i think that ive read EVERYTHING (including some crack fic that im not too proud of). Could someone please rec some fics for me?



need Stonerward fics

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 7:37 AM

So after re-reading Oohlaalaah's Unexpected and Yogagal's The Hood. I would like to read more Stonerward fics.

What else is there?


ROB on Ellen...

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 7:11 AM

Here's a longer clip of the interview:

And you can watch the whole show here:


omg i had to fix that link 3 times i hope that works wtf



Two more pics from Ellen...

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 6:12 AM


Here are two more pics from Rob's visit to Ellen yesterday!

DEER GAWD!  I do love his hair.  J/S.  :)

Makes me feel all...



Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 4:33 AM

So today I'm feeling monumentally shit-tastic and I need some cheering up

I had a pharmaceutics exam yesterday while I have the flu and I've totally failed and it was just horrible

I'm supposed to be revising for my chemistry exam but I'm not

I'm trying to finish writing the fourth chapter for my new fic but I can't even though I know exactly what I want to say but my brain simply won't work

and I baked a cake but it died!

the sun isn't out any more, I'm alone in my house and missing my bf and I need cheering!

Any fun films? t.v shows? clips? gifs? photos? anything at all

Share the happy-ness?

what do you do when you're all procrastinating and down and crap?

They're all as sad as me :(

By the way...wtf is this?


I did a bad bad thing...

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 4:12 AM

 This is my first campfire so bare with me, but I just HAD to tell someone! if this isn't approved, ya'll can delete it.

But I'm sitting here resisting the urge to BANG my head over and over on my keyboard. I might be slowly loosing my mind... and it's ALL HIS FAULT! Yes HIM!!!!


OK... lemmie just quit stalling and get to the point! I did something COMPLETELY out of character because I just got to blinded by all this... I dunno like Twilight/Edward/Rob fic induced coma I've fallen into. I've been home sick for over a week and just reading, reading, reading and I think maybe somewhere the lines got blurred (I also blame enormous amounts of cold medicine for this)... anyways I actually made a RL decision based off my er, fascination, with his man and now I'm too Embarrassed to tell any of my RL friends. But the secret is EATING away at me! The super fukked up part is I would totally do it again! I just know they won't understand, hell some of ya'll would might think I'm nuts too, but maybe someone... anyone... might not I've lost my mind? That would make me feel 10x better!

But really, am I alone in all this? Has anyone else made any kind of RL choice/change/decision based off anything related to the fandom??? Taken piano lessons, played a family game of baseball, apply to any schools in Alaska or even to Dartmouth, maybe meet someone who reminds you of Rob/Edward so much because he's the same height, complexion, with a accent and that messy beautiful hair and he sings and plays piano & guitar, and dropped out of medical school to pursue music and smokes and curses and is completely insane but incredibly brilliant and maybe you actually start to picture Rob/E when he kept talking in that Same accent saying stuff you don't 100% understand and then he's not talking and its GREAT and then your like WTH did I just do? I can't think of any more examples because my incident is the only one blinking in bold neon in the front of my brain... 

Ok thanks for letting me just get that out!


Bella/Rosalie clip in HD

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 3:36 AM

Good morning Campers!!! =D Here's the clip shown on Ellen for Nikki Reed's visit!! 


Rob in the dictionary!

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 2:37 AM

I don't exactly know what to say about this! ha ha!

First --- | >> | 1152 | 1153 | 1154 | 1155 | 1156 | 1157 | 1158 | 1159 | 1160 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
