So, since you Campers are not entertaining me enough (build more on-topic fires, dammit), I've been screwing around on Twitter & I found the following random Tweets about Twilight related stuff that made me go "huh?"
Like, what are these people thinking, or not thinking?
I realize people probably think I'm a nutcase because of ADF, but in actuality, Twilight is NOT my whole life.
canwejusthug Oh so his eyes change color when he wants this a metaphor for something else Stephenie Meyer?
LittleLauren OMG! My brother finished the Twilight series while he was away. Said 'Breaking Dawn' was shiteous. WOOO I'm SO proud!!!
Emmairl I know Mr. Pattinson can't help it, but don't the producers know that Edward isn't supposed to age (or buff up)?
RebGillis theres a street in my town called Robert-Stewart. i guess Kristen is more manly than Rob, its only fair he takes her name when they marry.
Let's discuss the ridiculosity, or collect more head-scratching one-liners.
Scurry now. Go get 'em. Thank you.