
I wonder what she's thinking...

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 1:09 AM


Rob is shy and lovely

Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 12:53 AM

Yes, I am in love all over again.  The hair, the hands, the humor so deadpan it's dead (nits?  Oh Rob.).  I LOVE him.   Um, so just maybe there might be a few who feel the same here? One or two?  Everyone but Stretch perhaps?  (That's the interactive bit.)



Bringing The Saga To Life

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 11:27 PM

As I have been excitedly posting, here are some pics from today's trip.

We will go to the local sights tomorrow, and many thanks to those who gave us suggestions and tips!

Just from the drive in, we all started to get a more detailed feel for both the Saga as well as the fics.

We ended up not leaving Coeur d'Alene  until 11 a.m. which put us in  Forks around 9p.m

We are a bit slap happy by the time we arrived.We were hoping to meet up with Wycked Dream in Seattle, but time was short. We will be meeting up on the way back, and are looking forward to meeting her. Any other Seattle takers? We will be leaving Forks Thursday mid-morning. Just pm me so we can coordinate.

(Photos Inside)



Interactive part: Kake's comment on Robs hair: "He looks like a rooster, but I don't hate it..."

I kinda like it.

Favorite Rob Hair?  Show us.


 ETA: It's flippin' beyond beautiful here.



Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 10:34 PM

So, since you Campers are not entertaining me enough (build more on-topic fires, dammit), I've been screwing around on Twitter & I found the following random Tweets about Twilight related stuff that made me go "huh?"

Like, what are these people thinking, or not thinking?

I realize people probably think I'm a nutcase because of ADF, but in actuality, Twilight is NOT my whole life.

canwejusthug Oh so his eyes change color when he wants something...is this a metaphor for something else Stephenie Meyer?

LittleLauren OMG! My brother finished the Twilight series while he was away. Said 'Breaking Dawn' was shiteous. WOOO I'm SO proud!!!

Emmairl I know Mr. Pattinson can't help it, but don't the producers know that Edward isn't supposed to age (or buff up)?

RebGillis theres a street in my town called Robert-Stewart. i guess Kristen is more manly than Rob, its only fair he takes her name when they marry.

Let's discuss the ridiculosity, or collect more head-scratching one-liners.

Scurry now. Go get 'em. Thank you.



Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 8:14 PM

Have you ever witnessed someone being bullied and just walked away? Have you ever gone out of your way to help someone who was being bullied? How do you think it impacted you and the person being bullied?


Love's to Blame


Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 8:05 PM



Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 6:49 PM

Well, Campers, the time has come to post your updated review count from ff.net!

See original thread here (I'm too lazy to link it): http://www.adifferentforest.com/Campfire_Comment.aspx?ID=5213

You've had a week to read and review- did you make Mama Cap proud?

I'll go first- my starting count was 3939. As of now:

You have submitted a total of 4013 signed reviews.

Don't stop your reviewing now that the challenge is over!!! Please keep it up and continue to show your appreciation to all those talented writers out there!

Here are the names and starting review counts of everyone who posted on the thread. Please post your starting count- which I've provided for you- and your new and improved review count!!!

Strae                            209

Nayarit                        106

Musicdaydreams         121

Twilightfan2009          102

Kalimando                   269

EmmaLace                   156

Live720                       109

Kyrene                         2746

Shouvley                     417

HEAR                         1276

Wycked Dream            648

Erica_Lopeezy            1059

Batgirl8968                 66

Mrsjs                           170

Demons4eva                613

Flute_genevive            40

Clairdeluneisgreat       1894

Lababykarla                24

Janineb                        400

Chicklet                       639

Mrz.JasperHale4evr    159

AnotherJenny               395

TheHeartOfLife           150

Wonkeygirl                  125

Rochelle allison          1528

Leesil                          849

Mjpiper                       670

EmDempster                801

Shc92                          649

Jenward                       17

Bemily                         1240

Nondi_rochelle           659

Midnite serenade         749

Iceangel7                     284

Queenbee83                809

Nikicolecole               444

TheTofurkey                163

WouldYouLookAtThat    450

DelilahLovett              717

Anniej13                     1126

Yasmina2005              26

Get-at-me-Rob            108

Happymess                  19

Diana Wolfskill             98

LJ Summers                 860

Baruka Athena            108

Littlestar300                21

Fragile_wreck             226

Tisaveeone                  387     

TashtheSlash               18

Ivmiv                           221

Lie2me                        74

Krismom                     602


The Haircut.

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 6:29 PM

I don't hate it.


Creepy Rob

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 6:19 PM


Caption this pic.

I would love to know wtf he's thinking here. lol


Strange Addiction to Interviews

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 4:30 PM

Sooo, I have a strange and weird addiction to interviews. Yes, I know, acting ability should be what's important and in general if I don't like your acting I probably won't like your interviews either.

...except for Robert Pattinson. I'd only ever seen him in Harry Potter, and I'm not a big Harry Potter fan so I barely remembered it. When I found out he was playing Edward I could sort of see it but wasn't too happy. Then I started watching interviews....and I fell in love. Somehow got my hands on pretty much all of his movies (still missing one Lord of the Rings type movies), and fell even more in love.

And this is how I found my love for interviews.

(Actually, it's how I figured out I loved Zachary Quinto as well. He's so different in his acting from his interviews that I think makes him all sorts of awesome.)

Especially on Ellen.....Ellen's my favorite interviewer. But yea, I can watch interview after interview for hours....I was just distracted by watching Kellan Lutz and then Robert Pattinon on Ellen for when New Moon came out actually.

Anyone else share my addiction? You can share your favorite interviews too.



Nikki Reed on Ellen

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 4:06 PM

I love her. She's so cute!


Southern Twi-Night

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 4:03 PM

Reminder/Notice to all campers:

Voting ends TOMORROW AT MIDNIGHT for the Southern Twi-Night Contest!!

It's anonymous, so I can't tell you which entry is mine... but go read them all and VOTE


In an attempt to make this interactive and not as self-serving as it seems...

What has been your favorite contest EVER?  Why? 
What is your favorite contest entry ever?  Links???


Love's to Blame

Fic Rec's please

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 3:46 PM

Could someone rec me a fic? It could be anything, canon, non-canon, I want it all.

Just know that:

1. I'm not that big of an Edward/Bella fan so it has to be a really good and well written.

2. I love Victoria and James, so I'll take anything with them. 

3. I don't read must-reads, however, if you promise me that it will change my life i'll give it a chance.

4. Pimp you shit out. I try to leave really long reviews and at the very least i'll review every chapter. 


that's all now give me what you got.

please and thanks,


and for your time

I know it's blurry but it's the first time i made a gif so have mercy on me


details about rob on Ellen

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 3:40 PM

Everyone’s favorite vampire, Robert Pattinson, returned to “Ellen” this afternoon to tape an appearance that will air tomorrow.

Gossip Cop has learned some of the visit’s highlights from a source in the studio:

• An audience member was blindfolded and instructed to “feel up” three guys to guess which one was Pattinson. She got it wrong.

• Pattinson told the host he begins shooting Water for Elephants with Reese Witherspoon on Thursday.

• He jokingly told DeGeneres he got a haircut because he had “nits.” She told him that Americans call them “lice.”

• Also in jest: Pattinson said People magazine got it wrong — he’s more beautiful than Julia Roberts.

• Will Smith gave Pattinson advice about presenting at the Oscars: “Don’t try and be funny.” Wait until you’ve done it 6 times.

Gossip Cop


Another Round of 'Find that Fic'

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 3:32 PM

So, me and my best friend were talking about Twi Fanficiton that we just don't understand, I mentioned this fanfiction that was crazy and didn't make sense, and she wanted to read it for the lolz, but I can not for the life of me remember the title. This is all I can remember from it:

Edward and Bella are dating (maybe) and Bella is really inexperinced, but Edward is helping her out or whatever. Alice is dating Jasper, Rosalie is Dating Emmett, but Alice and Rose hook up together sometimes. Since Edward is now with Bella or something, they are all becoming friends together. Then Rose and Alice do their 'weekend ritual hookup' or whatever with Bella and she is confused. They also let the boys watch through the window or something?

It's a pretty old ff, maybe one to two years old. Anyone got any idea?


name that fic?

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 2:27 PM

helloo everyone!

I'm thinking of two fics that I can't remember the names of...maybe you can help me

OK... one involved the cullens singing bohemian rhapsody (i think it was a college fic)

The other had some strange fascination with T-Rex (the band...not tanya), i think bella worked in a diner or a restaurant or something


Rosalie vs. Edward

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 2:06 PM

So, someone recently posted a thing for Nikki Reed's birthday and I commented on the similarties between Edward and Rosalie. The poster agreed with me and was suprised at how many people don't like Rosalie considering this similarties.

My question, do you see it? And to what extent?

They both dislike what they are, they have crazy tempers, both are stubborn and think they know what's best in most situations...

I personally can see Edward freaking out back when Emmett was changed. Hell, I wrote a fic about it. And I have a feeling had Emmett been lucid and not nearing death the situation would have been very similar with Edward as they angry sibling and Rosalie as the unsure one.

What do you think? Are they two peas in a pod? Or do their differences outshine their similarities?

P.S. Isn't my new avi AWESOME?! Fabulous made it for me :)


Looking for...

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 1:49 PM

I'm looking for some GOOD, COMPLETED Edward/Jasper.

I've read The Forbidden Room (sadly gone), Equal and Opposite, Over the Top...

Waiting for At The Deep End, Sketchbook Revelations, and Marked to finish.

Help me out! What gems am I missing? 


Kissing boys again Robert?

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 1:45 PM

It better have been TOMSTU!


i want a merlotte's tshirt

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 12:38 PM

new true blood minisode is up

just a few more weeks, darlings


lol the whole time i was like "just 'shift and piss on it, sam, goddom"

i do love eric, but sam's my favorite piece of flesh on this show.  and pam, obvs.  ooh, and lafayette.  and hoyt.


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