
Kristen in June Vogue

Monday May 17, 2010 at 1:00 PM

oh I want/love those legs !!! Beautiful and perfect !! I don't know why she is not on the cover ! 



Eclipse TV Spot

Monday May 17, 2010 at 12:55 PM

Ok...the Video kinda sucks, but it will do for now.  :)  Enjoy. 

Edit: You can watch the video on your iPhone with the "Twilight Tracker" app.



Muse Neutron Star...

Monday May 17, 2010 at 12:49 PM




Please tell us what you think...



Happy Birthday Nikki

Monday May 17, 2010 at 12:37 PM

Today is the birthday of this fierce girl


She's turning 22, but seems to have packed an awful lot into her life

and of course


Lettuce use this post to like, celebrate this HBIC's birthday. Spam your fave gifs,vids,pics etc

Alternatively, lets talk about Rosalie. Do you like her canon character? Do you have a  favourite fic interpretation? What about movie Rosalie? I think that based on physical appearance they should've waited and cast Nikki as Leah or even Maria. But she is earnest and brings a certain fierceness to my girl Rose that another actress might not pull off. I'm excited for her role in Eclipse and BD


Scared of children?

Monday May 17, 2010 at 12:02 PM

Hello, ADF!

So, the other day I went to Safeway with my two year old, and while I was down the chip isle, my son said hi (really loud, cuz he's two. lol) to this guy who was getting some sodas. The guy couldn't have been more than twenty-two, and for some reason, he had a really nervous reaction to my son's overt friendliness. He gave a short nervous laugh, then he was like "Uh..... Hi." He looked at me, still nervous as shit, like he making sure that it was okay to say hi to my son. Which is fine, I get it. I just smiled at him, letting him know that it's okay to say hi back. When he reached down to get more soda, my son said hi again. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing, cuz this guy was just apparently scared as shit of my son. He said hi back, then fucking bolted. I just looked at my son, and laughed. I decided to play shrink, and analyze his reaction. I summed it up into two possible reasons: He's either a) scared of children, cuz he has no clue how to act around them, or b) his girlfriend is pregnant, and he's acred shitless.

So, this got me thinking; has anything like that ever happened to anyone on here? Any nervous, or just plain weird reactions to something either you or your child said/did? Feel free to share!

: )  Katie

Approved by jandco



Monday May 17, 2010 at 10:20 AM

So I just finished LolaShoes's "A Life Extraordinary" (it was awesome btw), and I am unsure what to read next.  From the list below does anything stand out:

Lord of the Authority

Such Great Heights

In the Twilight of my Life

Dark Games & Twisted Minds

The Resolution

Vendetta at Twilight

Only Human

Or perhaps something not listed that is complete that you consider a good read.

Let me know, please.  It's a boring Monday afternoon, and I have nowhere to be all day!  I need me a good fic!


It's Monday~

Monday May 17, 2010 at 9:08 AM

Hello Campers!

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening.... depending on where you are.

I'm bored.  I have a fuck-ton of work I should be doing but I've been playing games all morning and staring at pics of Rob.


My daughters had their dance recital--which was AWESOME.  Then my oldest daughter received a small scholarship for next year's dance.  We were pretty happy about that. 



Just this weekend, I read her fic, HI, HONEY I'M HOME.  In it, Bella goes in search of her missing BLUE SOCKS.


What grown man wears bright blue socks??  The kind that stalks grown ass women!!

he's shameless




Random Facts:

~The total combined weight of the worlds ant population is heavier than the weight of the human population.
~The number of people alive on earth right now is higher than the number of all the people that have died. Ever.
~9 out of 10 people believe Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.This isn't true; Joseph Swan did.
~The brain is soft and gelatinous - its consistency is something between jelly and cooked pasta.
~The egg came first.
~Watching television can act as a natural painkiller for children.
~All US Presidents have worn glasses. Some just didn't like being seen wearing them in public.
~Sex workers (Prostitutes) in Roman times charged the equivalent price of eight glasses of red wine. <~~~NICE
~Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.


Tell me something good!!!



Monday May 17, 2010 at 8:51 AM

 This is a count of all the pics in the forest for the last week, and some other stuff. I'm not making any sense, anyway I went back to the beginning of last week (this week?) and counted pics and such in the forest.


Week of May 10-May 16 2010


(This includes pictures and gifs but not banners, videos and avis)


Robert Pattinson- 111 total pictures for the week


Kirsten Stewart- 104 total pictures for the week


Taylor Lautner- 20 total pictures for the week


Jackson Rathborne- 75 total pictures for the week


(Other people like Dakota Fanning, Ashley Green, etc. did not make due to the lack of pictures, less than 15, yes this includes DB)


The Badfic Post! Campfire attracted the most comments with 158 for the week.


There were 12 pages of past campfires for the week.


IDK but I decided to count the comments made by the rangers (I wanted to follow someone but I couldn't pick favorites, omg does this make me a stalker?).


So instead of telling everyone the rangers individual number I will just tell you who had the most.

WTVOC- who had 85 comments in total, wow.


(I blame this campfire on my lack of sleep, my dorkiness and my desire to catch up since I haven't been to the forest since thursday)


IDK how to make this interactive, the lack of sleep is making me not care. But I guess we could this discuss if I should do this every week (yes people I am that bored), or you could tell me I'm totally insane for doing this, whatever this is.


FanGirls Gone Wild

Monday May 17, 2010 at 8:43 AM

The Oprah interview caused a stir on Twitter and not entirely because of the actors. Some campers seem to have had a very strong reaction to the fangirling and the Twimoms so I want to ask, in your opinion when does fangirling go too far?

Monogrammed chocolate strawberries-kitschy or kooky?

Naming your child Robsten so you can prove it does exist-facepalm or fantastic idea?


If I _____________ then please _____________.



If I snuggle suggestively with an Edward blanky on national television then please call Dr. Phil.


Your turn.

And for your time-


awww R/K and..poor Tay

Monday May 17, 2010 at 6:21 AM



This was on printed USATODAY.....LOL ROB serioulsy man! are you smelling her or want to kiss her? Okay okay I know ;) Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww he is looking so cute no?..and kristen's smile is adorable..and for taylor one word third wheel lol 


Let's greet Joe Happy Birthday!

Monday May 17, 2010 at 6:12 AM

According to facebook, it's (was?)

Joe's birthday.

Let's show our very own, Joe, a.k.a. Jacob... a.k.a. Edward..., some love.

This post was approved by Tor


I'm sure its Illegal But...

Monday May 17, 2010 at 4:58 AM

Alright. The thing is, A REALLY good friend of mine just updated on and her story is ABSOLUTLEY AMAZING (and I'm not just saying that because i'm her friend- her writing is actually really good)

She's an amazing authour, and just because she hasn't had a lot of time to update, a lot of her readers have stoped reading and reviewing her story. This is killing her inside, as she lives for writing and she wants people to enjoy her stories.

So do me a favour and help a fellow camper and authour out.

This is her story if you want to check it out, Its called Love Me, Dont Hate Me:

SUMMARY: Bella is best friends with Alice Cullen and knows everyone in the Cullen family except for Alice's mysterious older brother Edward. But does she want to know him? As soon as Edawrd comes to town, Bella starts to see red eyes in the bushes and the questions begin to pile up. Is someone is after her? Who? Why? Is Edward involved? And how can she stay away from someone she's so drawn to, even though he seems to hate her?

And I will shamelessly post pictures of totally yummy guys in the hope of placating rangers and campers- although feel free to delete this post if its unsuitable. I know that I'm probably breaching the rules a little bit here.


Muse to premiere new song tonight

Monday May 17, 2010 at 4:24 AM

For all you Muse fans out there:

Muse are set to premiere a brand new song this evening (May 17).

The band are set to release 'Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)' tonight at 7.30pm (BST), after a 30-second teaser was recently posted on

The song is the
lead single from the The Twilight Saga: Eclipse soundtrack, released on June 8 and set to feature the likes of The Dead Weather, Florence And The Machine and Vampire Weekend.

You can hear the song on Zane Lowe's radio show tonight followed by
NME Radio. The song will then be released digitally this evening

Zane Lowe -

I have no idea what the times will be in other countries but in the UK I think the Zane Lowe show starts at 7. It's a good listen, he plays loads of great new music, so check it. Plus there's going to be an interview with the legend himself Matt Bellamy!


Rob's new hair cut

Monday May 17, 2010 at 3:15 AM

That's Rob new hair for WFE obviously...Some girls are pretty upset about this..LOL I miss HIS hair too..but well it's just  hair and it will just grow back !   


More pics here :


P.S : how tall is his bodyguard !! 


Help me please.

Monday May 17, 2010 at 2:43 AM

I'm looking for the first FanFic I ever read.

It was a continuation of Breaking Dawn. It was very well written.

Renesme was older, about the age for her and Jacob to start dating she was in school and made a friend who was a Witch her half brother was a Warlock and he kept trying to persue Bella (i think, or Renesme). It ended with the Cullens having to fight the Warlock boy and his father. I also think Seth imprinted on the Witch...

ETA: There was also a scene that had Bella and Edward having sex in the shower and them breaking through the glass causing the entire family to barge in on them. i always remember the dirty scenes

Sound Familiar to anyone?

Thanks in advance.


<<< This kinda looks like a bitch please face...yes?


looking for a fic

Monday May 17, 2010 at 2:27 AM

I was just reminded of the first fic i ever read, cant remember what it was called only what it was about;

Bella and Edward do it in his car then she moves to London and finds out she is preggars with twins. She decides not to say anything to Edward. They bump into eachother years later at the mall. And Edward and Alice see the twins and realize they look just like Edward.

Anyone remember this?


Omnific Fanfic Fanfic?

Monday May 17, 2010 at 12:07 AM

So here Kake and I sit, completely delerious from an overload of sugar in addition to lack of sleep. We are going through our computers comparing our fic stash.  She had an interesting question so we thought we'd bring it to you...

What do you think about writing fan fiction off of omnific works?

Which ones?

(Our contribution to the "Yeah, we're going there" theme)


The Bermuda Triangle of Post BD

Sunday May 16, 2010 at 11:04 PM

Breaking Dawn - you loved it/you hated it/you were non-plussed by it.

Breaking Dawn was the book that took a fandom and split it right down the middle in many ways (at least that's how I see it)

I've read it 5 times - and yes - each time I saw more and more why many people were so upset with it ( I don't think I need to make a list do I?)

But how many of you would read a sequel if it was written?

How many of you would be more likely to read the sequel if it were a piece of fanfiction instead of written by SM?

Myself and thelovely Karalynn79 were discussing this topic; both of us happen to write post BD fics and we noted that:-

1) There seem to be very very few Post BD fics in the fandom

2) Both of us have very very little traffic for our fics despite promoting.

What is it about post BD fics?

Is it just the stigma of the issues raised (maybe not so subtly or intelligently dealt with) in the original book or is it something else?

Would you read a post BD fic if it were recommended to you?

Have you read a post BD fic that you enjoyed?

I want to hear your opinions and your reading experiences. I for one would like to see continuations of the story, with authors tackling the issues. I want to see the diversity that would come out of so many people taking the various loose ends/plot holes/dividing issues and making something out of them through their own life experiences and interpretations.

I want more post BD fic.


ETA - I think most agree that either a) they felt the story was complete or b) there was so much effed up manure in those 500ish pages that they just dont' want to go, if someone in the fandom were to take the issues and stay with the cannon that has been presented and actually make a silk purse out of (in the opinions of some) a pigs ear or make more of a story out of what others see as a finished one, who do you think that someone would be? Who could do it?




The First Fic You Read

Sunday May 16, 2010 at 9:20 PM

So, I've been in fanfiction land for a very very long time, and when I came to Twific I couldn't comprehend the whole AH thing. I actually avoided it like the plague. I acually didn't stick with the fandom at first BECAUSE that was all I found.

And then I came across a fic called IED by Jandco....and that was that for me. In those chapters I understood AH as I watched a very IC Edward risk everything, seriously, for all made sense. It's seriously stuck with me ever since.

How about you guys? What was your first All Human fic? Did you start with it? Were you iffy at first?

P.S. There's going to be a lot of Wide Awake but I can't think of an alternative to what you guys can say...So maybe just give your top two most memoral?


Give Me Your Twisted

Sunday May 16, 2010 at 9:03 PM

 my, my, i'm quite the little firestarter today, aren't i? hmm


can anyone rec me some twisted fics?

i'm talking...The Masque of Red Death and Toye style....

i want some evil, dark, bloodthirsty vamps (or humans. if there are any..EDIT - besides EoW. cuz trust me, i've already read it. lol))

the more gore the better. give me nightmares. 

please and thank you. 




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