Black Dagger Brotherhood books

Friday May 14, 2010 at 6:23 AM

Some folks on here were saying how good the JR Ward series of books are. So I thought I'd try them out as you ladies usually recommend good stuff

So here is my little conundrum. Amazon are selling the set for around £20 which is the first 6 books (I assume it's the first 6, lol)

So what I'm asking people who have read this book is how good are they?

Should I just buy the first one or is it almost a guarantee that once you've read one you won't want to stop? So should I just buy the 6 book set rather than one at a time and save myself money in the long run. Plus the agony of waiting for the next to arrive if in fact they are super addictive????

I can't decide, please help.


Flashback Fridays

Friday May 14, 2010 at 6:21 AM

So, my local radio station does a playlist every Friday of songs you haven't heard in a long time that you love.

Gimme yours.


True Blood Weekly

Friday May 14, 2010 at 5:14 AM




There's not much to add after that. Let us Discuss.


Help me, Oh Greatest Fic Masters!

Friday May 14, 2010 at 5:07 AM

I’m just another n00b, but just like the others before me, I need help. What kind of help, you ask? Well, I’m not going to lie, I probably need some psychiatric care, but that’s not why I come to you campers. Today, my problem is small, but unendingly frustrating.

I need help locating a fic.

Fic Description: Edward is an assassin for the Volturi. I don’t remember why, but he gets hired to kill Bella. I believe he already sort of knows Bella, but maybe I’m mistaken. It’s an all human fic, and the other Cullens aren’t aware that Edward is a ‘killer’ but I think they know he’s into something bad. Uh, Bella works in a coffee shop, I think, and that’s how she’s introduced to the Cullens. I remember this scene after Bella meets Edward where these dudes (just one?) try to screw with Bella and Edward kills them/him and it’s extremely obvious, but she’s still not afraid of Edward. He is kind of stalking her…

I read this fic a long time ago (before I even joined FF, I think. I joined 01/09, so it’s a while ago). I don’t know if the fic is still available, but any help would be appreciated!



Sharing a Story

Friday May 14, 2010 at 3:49 AM

Hi, I know some people frown upon this, but i'm looking for a story that was pulled.

If you would like to share it with me (my eyes only, I really just want to read it again) please PM me.

My intention is not to start a post about the rights or wrongs of sharing, so if you don't agree with this post, please just don't comment.

The Forbidden Room



Virgin Firestarter!!

Friday May 14, 2010 at 2:13 AM

Hi everyone!! This is my first campfire! Check my pretty new Avi made by 'Fabulous'! Thank you so much to her for it! 

I guess as its ‘Free for all Friday’ it means I can post this without permission? If I am wrong feel free to yell at me in capitals/spank me/delete me as appropriate! Sorry, I’m new here!
Now we all have a lot of criticisms of the Twilight movies, that it obvious! I personally adore the films but still rage about things which I would rather have been done differently!
But going back to basics, what about the books? I have also read lots of criticism about the books, even from people who love Twilight! Lots of people pointing out that SM’s writing might not be perfect, certain things are irritating, character flaws etc etc!
So what I want to know is not what your complaints about the books are, but rather despite any annoyances what was it that drew you into Twilight in the first place? What made you read past the first chapter and keep turning the pages, then go out and buy the rest of the books?
Can you pinpoint what made you fall in love with Twilight?
Any thoughts?

Whut, it's Friday already?

Friday May 14, 2010 at 1:24 AM

But I'm not ready - where did this week go?

Some of you know and some of you may not but I am now located here - Daegu to be precise.


The 'Land of the Almost Right' and apparently also the future.

This is what my toilet looks like

Yes, it has a remote control attached to it and is one of the many gadgets to be found in my apartment (I even have a fingerprint reader a la Bond to open my door)

Thing is, I haven't had the courage to try out this contraption yet - no, I've peed, the thing is just switched off so all I need to do is flush)

I do know that one of those buttons wil heat the seat (I had the pleasure of that surprise in Daegu airport after a 28 hour day with no sleep)

WNV informs me that one of those buttons makes the seat vibrate - why? - and aparently one turns the thing into a bidet - EEW!!!!

What else do you think this thing does? I was kind of hoping that I could make a CUllen boy or Han Solo appear - then I rethought that idea as being sat on the bog probably wouldn't be how I would want to meet a droolworthy man for the first time.

Perhaps one of those buttons wins me a years worth of Andrex? Or maybe I get a free trip into space?

Suggestions? Ideas?

I also have a tv in the bathroom which includes an entry system so I can let people into the apartment (again, why, why would I want to do that when I'm in the bathroom?)

Just one of the many strange and fascinating futuristic items I've met so far on my travels (there's a door to nowhere on my subway - I'll get a pic and post that another time)

Anyhoo, supply me with giggles and snickers - come up with the most ridik function you can for one of those mysterious buttons

This is for you, INFERNALHEART, and yes, I'm still considering the blog.


Vampire Diaries!

Friday May 14, 2010 at 1:09 AM

Can we please discuss this. None of my friends or Family watch this show or share my love for sexy dead men. I don't get it either.

Spoilers may ensue if this topic actually goes somewhere.

My thoughts in a comment.



Let's talk about costumes

Thursday May 13, 2010 at 10:51 PM

It's Friday Free For All and I want to talk about


For those of you who don't know, according to Wikipedia, cosplay "short for "costume play", is a type of performance art in which participants don costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea. Characters are often drawn from popular fiction."  AKA, those weird costumes people wear at conventions like San Diego ComicCon.  AKA simply "costuming" for a lot of people, particularly those who aren't into anime and manga.

When I was 4 years old, I talked my mom into making me a Rainbow Bright costume for Halloween.  In the 25 years since then, I've gone from that, to this, last year at DragonCon:



And I've just decided for this year's DragonCon (over Labor Day), I'm going to be doing a grown-up version of this:

And maybe a little of this, just cuz:

So how about you guys?  Ever dress up as a character for Halloween?  Dressed as one of the Twilight characters for a movie release?  I wanna see pictures!  If you could dress up as any character from any book, movie, comic, etc, who would it be?  I know this one has been on my list since I was a kid:

How about you guys?  :D


One cup to rule them all.

Thursday May 13, 2010 at 10:16 PM

Well, we're closing in on the most important finale in sports. THE STANLEY CUP, LADIES. Everyone loves a good (hot) hockey player, right? Especially us perverted campers.

I'll start off by asking for some bets. No money, plz and thanks. Just friendly (maybe cut-throat?) banter. I know I can get pretty upset when people beak my team,
But now that my beloved team (and my beautiful hubby, Sidney Crosby) are out of the finals (DAMN YOU HABS. DAMN YOU TO HELL), I’m rooting for San Jose. I don’t know why, I just have a good feeling about the Sharks.
Although, I wouldn’t be mad if Chicago made it to the final. Just for the sake of hunterhunting’s fic. That’d be kick ass. (P.S. HUNTERHUNTING. THANK YOU FOR KICKING EDWARD OUTTA THE GAME FINALLY. I mean, I love me some Edward, but he’s gotta follow the rules too, y’know? YOU GET KICKED OUTTA THE WHOLE DAMN GAME IF IT COMES TO BLOWS IN THE NHL. THAT’S THE WAY IT IS. /angryhockeyrant.)
So, who’s going to take it?
Also, for your lovely time, I’ll give you my favourite Sidney Crosby video of all time. So fucking witty. I love it. And I hate Ovechkin. Have a lovely free for all, my fellow campers.


I am dejected.

Thursday May 13, 2010 at 10:10 PM

For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you know that I was dealt a crushing emotional blow tonight. Yes, the Cavs rolled over, played dead, and didn't even make an attempt to beat the Celtics, ending their season, and most likely, Lebron's tenure in Cleveland.

In order to keep from crying,

I've been mostly raging.

I've been feeling the urge to injure myself and others (mostly Cavs players and coaches).

In order to keep me from being more of a sad panda,

I would appreciate any and all gifs you would like to share. Anything that helps me rage would be ideal.

Also, I want to read something happy, so rec me your favorite fluff fic. I don't need any angst. And if it involves a professional athlete who plays for a team that's not a complete embarrassment (like all Cleveland teams are), all the better.

Send me all your recs. I really need them.



Thursday May 13, 2010 at 9:23 PM





Paging Gaga Lovers

Thursday May 13, 2010 at 9:16 PM

I honestly don't know why I didn't post this yesterday, but i wanna thank the Mominator for reminding me.

So, this video started circulating the web yesterday:


What a heart breaker. 

ANYWAY, now the video has gone viral, making this youngster an over night YouTube sensation. 

Even earning him the attention of his favorite Lady while making an appearance on the Ellen Degeneres Show. (Click for video.)


SO.... IDK, talk about things that make you happy, appreciate this little cutie, or the GAGA. 

Article from Yahoo News





lush, lush, lush.

Thursday May 13, 2010 at 7:26 PM

i choose to forgive this transgression, but i'll never forget it

Image and video hosting by TinyPic 

twilight creeps up on me wherever i go

show me pictures of the most ridiculous references to twilight you've ever seen

or show me the twilight merch you're embarrassed you own





people give me stuff, okay

i didn't buy all of this crap that i have



does anyone even care?

Thursday May 13, 2010 at 7:09 PM

I'm not sure I do....but i do find the drama surrounding this a bit humorous.

Another update on the KLutz/Greene demand for more moolah....

via THR~~

We've got new details in that "Twilight" salary standoff.

As we first reported Monday, the actors who play the vampire Cullen kids (Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene) have rejected Summit Entertainment's offer to return for a fourth and fifth movie, thus holding up the studio's plan to send teenage girls into fits of euphoria by announcing that "Breaking Dawn" will be split into two installments.

Nicole Sperling at EW says they are demanding $4 million for each of the two "Breaking Dawns," but our sources close to the dealmaking say that number is high, and that reps for Lutz and Greene are asking for less than $2 million for each movie (for a total of about $4 million for both). The negotiation is just kicking into high gear, so these numbers could change; Sperling says co-star Nikki Reed has settled for a payday in the $750,000-$1 million range for each movie.

What are the secondary characters in a blockbuster franchise worth? That's always a tricky question, and especially here, where fans have such a close connection to the material and have come to associate the actors with their parts. On the other hand, "Eclipse" probably won't suffer at the boxoffice in June despite Victoria (Rachelle Lefevre) being recast after playing hardball. 

Ashley Greene A couple of interesting wrinkles in the negotiation: While lead actors Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner all re-did their deals for huge raises after the first "Twilight" hit big (and are said to be close to deals for No. 4 and 5), Summit did not offer to renegotiate with the Cullens. So their pay for the first three movies has been very low, which would explain them wanting to cash in on "Breaking Dawn."

Also, while the Cullen kids don't play a huge role in the second or third books, they're both in "Breaking Dawn" a lot more. That fact is said to be fueling the demands, though Summit won't lock the script for the final movies until it's a 100% done deal there will be two, so parts could still be minimized or beefed up.

Neither side expects a speedy resolution. Summit wants to move quickly but isn't afraid to recast. Reps for the actors want to make a deal but don't understand why the studio won't take care of the cast in a franchise that has generated more than $1 billion.

While fans might miss the secondary characters, we doubt Summit's boxoffice take would suffer if the Cullens are recast. Would it?






A'int no party like a true blood party!

Thursday May 13, 2010 at 6:50 PM



Since She's Not a Dirty Slut to me....

Thursday May 13, 2010 at 5:06 PM

Tanya. You love her, you hate her, I don't care.

I adore her. Somehow she's become the coolest person ever in my mind and she will be full of awesome in the fic I'm currently writing. Because I adore her I imagine actresses I like:

A red haired Rachel McAdams (Venenum Tanya) and Emilie de Ravin for my new fic.

I am, unfortunately, in a minority with my love for Tanya. So I wonder, what type of women do you guys imagine?

P.S. Laura Prepon  was a consideration but I decided she makes a better young Victoria.


 EDIT!: People who dislike her are welcome....It's the trashy Tanya's I can't imagine honestly. 


Be vewwy vewwy quiet, I'm hunting fanfic authors.

Thursday May 13, 2010 at 5:05 PM

I may have started a new story today- 'Cullen, Unscripted'- that several campers here have rec'd over the past week.

I may have become instantly smitten before I even got midway through the second chapter.

I may have narrowly missed peeing my pants from laughing so hard.

I may have cyber-stalked inundated the author- FL95- via  with story reviews.

I may have harrassed  encouraged her to visit the Forest.

I may have squeed when I received a pm from her telling me she found her way here.

I may be using this campfire to not so  subliminally get you to read her story and make her feel welcome here so she'll want to come play with us and post teasers and shit.

To make this interactive, besides you telling which of her stories you like best- I HAVEN'T READ ANY OTHERS SO NO SPOILERS!!! I'M READING DICKWARD NEXT- use this campfire to tell us what authors or other players in the Twi-verse you've recruited to the Forest.



Fic's that make you RAGE!

Thursday May 13, 2010 at 5:00 PM

I recently started reading 'The Perfect Wife' over at TWCS. In that last hour i have punched the wall (numerous times), screamed, and actually physically punched myself in the face... (though the last one was accidental)

It's disgusting the fic is making me feel sick.

What fic's make you RAGE?


Free Ice Cream

Thursday May 13, 2010 at 4:21 PM

This is in honor of jandco, who hates Tuesdays:

Next Tuesday, May 18th, is Free Scoop Day at Haagan Dazs Shops!  See here for info and here to find a store near you.  I know that I would dearly miss Haagan Dazs if I ever became a vampire...

(approved by wtvoc)


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