
The Question of Carlisle's Virginity

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 8:57 AM

This has been in my mind for a while.

We know Edward waited over 100 years to lose is V-Card, for the many reasons we all know he has and I'm not getting into all of them.

I never really thought of Carlisle's because I just don't know....But I've been seeing it a lot where people believe Esme was Carlisle's first. Which I could see... (I much rather imagine foursomes in Denali). It would (probably) make sense for the time he was from, he also came from a religious family....but that's a long time. And he was literally alone except for his time with the Volturi. And I mean....the Denali chicks...I'd hit that (the real reason Edward didn't want Tanya ::snickers::)

Do you guys think Carlisle saved himself for Esme? Or in his over 300 years of living....but it's Carlisle.....I just don't know. At the same time, strict dad...maybe Carlisle was a totally different person before the Carlisle of today.

While we're at it, share some pictures of Peter Facinelli? He's so pretty.

P.S. I expect a CERTAIN SOMEONE to be all over this post, since she's all about Carlisle the before years :)

EDIT!: No, I do not honestly believe that Carlisle was involved in any orgies/threesomes or anything crazy like that. I just joke a lot at the idea. The only Cullen I think was involved in anything like that is Jasper....but that's another story.


Eclipse Paperback Movie Tie-In

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 8:06 AM

IDK, it's kinda cool.


Let's Make Stuff!

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 7:47 AM

Ok guys!  I am bored.  I want to be creative!! 

Let's make icons, gifs, etc! 

Personally, I enjoy GIF icons!  I think they are fun times!  I noticed a lot of our little woodland creatures either don't have festive icons or either have GIF's that they would like made into icons but they aren't quite sure how to make them.  

Well, that is why you have people like FABULOUS in the forest! 

This is what we can do guys...

1) In a comment in this post paste the GIF you would like made into an icon...


Here is the original...

And here is the icon...


2) Paste a link to a YouTube video that you would like me to pull the GIF from.  You just have to let me know what part of the video you want me to pull for the GIF. 

Example: I would like from 1:30 to 1:40 secs please! 

(Note: I would say no more than about 5 to 10 secs for the GIF.  The longer it is, this bigger the file.  If the file is too big we can't use it.)

Here is an example of one I made this morning...

I pulled this video...

Pull frames from 23 secs to 25 secs...

Made this GIF...

And cropped it to this fabulous icon of my bb Leckie.

Just leave what you want in the comments and I will see what I can do!

ETA: Be sure to check the post because I will leave your icon for you in a comment!  :)


KLutz & Greene still holding out...

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 6:43 AM

They evidently are demanding $4 million for their stellar and very important performances in BD 1&2...


It’s no surprise that salary negotiations would be the key stumbling block to splitting the fourth and final Twilight book, Breaking Dawn, into two movies. (The actors’ contracts cover only four movies. This would make it five.) But who could have guessed it would be the supporting actors, not the stars, who would go to the mat for more money? As first reported by The Hollywood Reporter, co-stars Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz are taking a hard-line approach to negotiations, while Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner are close to signing their deals for both films. Director Bill Condon has already done so.

Greene and Lutz don’t have huge roles. Greene portrays Alice Cullen, the future-seeing sister of Edward Cullen and Bella’s closest friend in the Cullen clan. Lutz plays older brother Emmett Cullen and his part, so far, has been minor. Yet sources tell that the duo are asking for $4 million a piece for each of the final two films. Greene and Lutz had initially banded together with fellow co-stars Nikki Reed and Jackson Rathbone to form a united front, but sources say Reed backed down and is now close to finalizing her deal, which is said to be in the $750,000-$1 million range per film — the amount Summit initially offered the four cast members. (Rathbone’s status remains unclear, and his reps had not returned a call for comment at press time. Reed’s manager declined to comment.)

The studio declined to comment on the negotiations. But sources tell that Greene and Lutz believe that because the supporting actors do as much publicity as the lead actors, and have to log almost as many hours on set, they should be paid accordingly. One source involved in the negotiations says that Greene and Lutz just want to get $1 million or more.

Either way, what is peculiar is that Greene and Lutz are banding together at all. Greene’s Alice is a much more instrumental character than Lutz’s Emmett is. And considering that Summit has replaced actors before who played hardball (Rachelle LaFevre was dropped from the upcoming Eclipse in favor of Bryce Dallas Howard), it wouldn’t be a surprise if Summit chooses to replace either actor. It’s just fans will probably be much more outraged over Greene leaving than Lutz.



Braincrash. HALP!

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 6:40 AM

 Okay so I'm sitting writing fanfiction. Thinking about all the wolves and their imprintees. And then it hits me, if I've really got everyone into my list? Braincrash, I feel there's something missing but I dunno, bc I can't come up with anything else.

OK, so Sam has Emily of course. And then Jared's got Kim, and Jacob's got Nessie, and Paul's got Rachel (or is it Rebecca? Rachel, right?) 



Deer Gawd...

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 6:11 AM



For over a year, Twilight’s Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have shrouded their romance in a mystery befitting the stars of a vampire saga.

They’ve met in shadowy bars, snuck off on secret getaways and sidestepped inquiries from the media about their love life — that is until Oprah Winfrey started asking questions.

At the May 6 taping of The Oprah Show, she asked them the million dollar question: Is talk of a relationship true? Oprah got a doozy of an answer from Rob: “Kristen’s pregnant.”

Plus, check out a rundown of the most recent startling confessions from Oprah’s celebrity guests and a sneak peek of some scenes from The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

I almost fell out of my chair laughing at this crap.  Give me a break people.  

Whatever happened to responsible journalist?  

Thoughts?  Rage?  Anything?



Source of this crap...

It's Been a Long Time....

Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 5:45 AM

I haven't been around much in the past couple of months and I've missed this place so much! Life is giving me a LOT of ULAL!

I wanted to start this fire to say HEY BB'S!! and to get some feed back on the other side of the review coin.

There were a couple of campfires about the need for readers to review more and I totally agree that writers need and want to know what you think and feel about their stories. It takes a lot to put yourself out there and it's very necessary to know that people are actually enjoying the fruits of your labor.

But what about the need of the reader to get feed back from the authors? I know that some stories have such a high review count that they can't respond to each and every review...but is that really true? I know that as a reader, I won't mind waiting an extra day or two...or even a week for an update if I knew that the writer was putting in time responding to reviews.

I think this is especially important when a person leaves a review about how your story may have had a personal impact on their lives. Some people really put themselves out there when they review and that shouldn't be taken lightly.

So lettuce discuss....

If you're a good are you at responding to your faithful readers?

If you're a important is it to you to get feedback from the writers?


Night Ranger Challenge

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 11:39 PM

This Forest is downright dismal. NIGHT RANGER is bored.

The following quiz has taken literally HOURS to prepare, so you must participate or SUFFER THE WRATH OF NIGHT RANGER!

The answer key will be posted in comments in one hour, but it will be upside down, so even if you're not done by then you needn't worry.



And by "saga" the books are indicated, not the movies.

So, inside this campfire is a challenging quiz covering all the books of the saga, which you fine overnight Campers will answer solely for the amusement of the NIGHT RANGER.

And because night time is better with coffee, a Starbucks girft card goes to the first Camper to get the answers one hundred percent correct BEFORE the answer key is posted.

Get down with your Night  Moves.


What Fic are you reading NOW?

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 11:37 PM

I'm reading The Lost Boys by hwimsey

Three young woman, three young men, a potentially haunted Victorian that's falling apart around their ears, unrequited love, and an up and coming band. Take all that, shake it up, and set it in romantic San Francisco. All human (except for the ghosts, of course), usual pairings.


In Need

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 8:15 PM

I am in need of some help from my fellow fanfictioners. I really like Jasper/Bella, Emmett/Bella, Carlise/Bella, Peter/Bella stories, but I need to find some happy ones to read right now. I love my angsty stories, but with the stress of school right now I need some good recs for some just happy smutty stories. PLEASE HELP!!!!




Give Me Something to Break...

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 7:55 PM

1... 2... 3... 4...



If you're in a good mood then sit this one out :p




Alternatively, post video to your favorite angry songs.



Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 7:05 PM

After reading Emibella's post below, I'd like to put a challenge out to all campers.

First, post your review count from your profile.

Then make a point to review the stories and chapters your read over the next seven days.

Finally, come back next Tuesday night, and post your new review count. Let's see if we can't all significantly UP our review count in that time frame- and get into a new habit of reviewing what we read!

Come on, readers! These writers put themselves out there to entertain us for free. They're not making any money or proceeds or royalties from these stories that we enjoy the hell out of. So let's pay them back and show them our appreciation with the one thing we can give them- REVIEWS!!!

Seriously, you can spend anywhere from 3 to 20 minutes reading a chapter (depending on the chapter length & your individual reading skills & how many times your kids/pets/significan other interrupt you). Can't you spare a few minutes and write a review???

And I'd like to up the challenge by encouraging you to leave more than just 'Great chapter' or 'Update soon!'. But if that's all you can make time for then I guess it's better than nothing.

Don't limit your reviews to new chapter updates. If you are reading a completed story or start a WIP with several chaps already posted, leave a review for AT LEAST every other chapter.

I'm only posting counts here, but if you read at Twilighted or ADF, PLEASE still leave reviews there, even if we're not counting them for the challenge.

In case you don't know where to find your review count, here's whatcha do:

  • Log in to
  • Click on the TRAFFIC tab
  • Click on USER STATS
  • Copy your review count under the GENERAL USER STATS
  • Paste it inside this campfire

Here's mine-

You have submitted a total of 3939 signed reviews.



The Scent of Edward Cullen

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 6:39 PM

...Yea, I'm going there.

So, my boyfriend has this cologne, that whenever he wears it...dear God. Life stops. I just want to sit there and smell him for the day. We don't even have to be intimate (although I get a little excited), I could just sit there, nose to his neck and breath in that beautiful scent.

Yes, in this little bottle is everything that smells good and wonderful in the world.

And being the dork that I am, after I'm done smelling him (I usually can't think much when I am), I think "wow...this is what Edward Cullen smells like". (Not Bella, that would be like your favorite food or something)

Am I the only psycho who does this? Whose with me!

What's your Edward Cullen smell (or Jasper, or Jake, or whoever)?


Independent Variables? You do the Math

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 5:51 PM

 35611/9 = 3956

For every 3956 times someone opened Chapter 2 of my story Independent Variables, one person reviewed it.That is almost 4000 views for each review!

I bring this up because I am not sure WHY we review SOME stories and not others.

Do we like reviewing popular stories to be part of a crowd? Why DO we review at all??

Do YOU tend to review a story more often that has lots of reviews? If so, why? 

Here is my goal: I ONLY post Independent Variables on ADF. I understand that a lot of people won't read it because of the subject matter but for those of you that do, I want to cut my ratio in half. Yes, that's right. I want to get one review per 1000 views. So, If you read me, review the new chapter that I just posted. Anything, even just a grade. I figure if I ask people I may be able to get my review ratio up to 1 review per 2000 views. At least that is my goal.

I just have no clue how to go about it.

Do you think that some stories just more reviewable than others???? 



I'm starting a fire.

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 4:15 PM

 I'm a new camper, so I thought I'd start a fire to say hi.


So, we all know Rob reads fanfiction.... he's admitted it. But what do you think the rest of the cast reads?

I'm thinking Nikki rocks the D/s fics like MOTU, I think PFach would definitely be into Ithaca is Gorges, and I can see Kellan eating up (pun intended) The Misapprehension of Bella Swan



Eclipse Soundtrack to be Revealed Tomorrow

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 3:52 PM

From Entertainment Weekly:

Last week, we learned that British rock lords


will return for a Twilight three-peat on the upcoming third soundtrack installment in as many movies for that obscure little book series (is it about werewolves? vampires? hobbits? We really can’t recall).

Anyhow, MySpace tells EW exclusively that they will unveil the full soundtrack roster for Twilight:Eclipse, beginning Wednesday, May 12, at 11am EST/8am PST … and continuing on for many hours, at the rate of one band reveal every half hour. (We will do our best to update you in real time here; you can also get the updates on Twitter via @MySpaceMusic).

Last chance to place the bets of your Twi-lives and tell us: Who will be keeping musical company with Muse by this time tomorrow?

Let's Make This Interactive: what songs or artists would YOU like to see on the soundtrack?? Do you have an "Eclipse" song?? Post youtube videos!



my day is F-ed

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 3:19 PM

So I was just getting ready for work and tripped over one of the millions of children toys around my house. And I threw out my back, again. So im laid up in bed for at least the next two days.

So I want some stories to read while im trapped in my room on my bed by myself for the next 48 hours (at least).

What Im looking for - Complete, E/B, little to no Alice, Angsty but not ridiculous.

Think that covers it. Thanks for any help.



JBone in the Arctic

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 2:08 PM

This post is fairly self explanatory.



Very First Campfire

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 2:05 PM

Let's hope I don't become a pyro....

This weekend I'll be without any interent, since I'm forced to travel to a very rural area for a high school graduation.  (I know!  I'll take the sympathy!) so I feel the need to download some FF..Can someone please rec a downloader.  I THOUGHT I saved it the last time this was brought up..but I'm not sure where I saved the info! 

Thanks in advance!


Let's get this party started

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 12:45 PM

I AM DONE!!! with my freshmen year of college that is and this excites me greatly because I will be doing absolutely nothing this summer, yay.

But let me get to the point, this end of the year celebration means one thing. I need fics to read, I don't care what they are, angst, fluff, anything. rec me your favorite stories, anything goes, I just have one tiny request: that is complete, that is all I ask for is completion (some one shot wouldn't hurt either)

First --- | >> | 1164 | 1165 | 1166 | 1167 | 1168 | 1169 | 1170 | 1171 | 1172 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
