Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 7:05 PM

After reading Emibella's post below, I'd like to put a challenge out to all campers.

First, post your review count from your profile.

Then make a point to review the stories and chapters your read over the next seven days.

Finally, come back next Tuesday night, and post your new review count. Let's see if we can't all significantly UP our review count in that time frame- and get into a new habit of reviewing what we read!

Come on, readers! These writers put themselves out there to entertain us for free. They're not making any money or proceeds or royalties from these stories that we enjoy the hell out of. So let's pay them back and show them our appreciation with the one thing we can give them- REVIEWS!!!

Seriously, you can spend anywhere from 3 to 20 minutes reading a chapter (depending on the chapter length & your individual reading skills & how many times your kids/pets/significan other interrupt you). Can't you spare a few minutes and write a review???

And I'd like to up the challenge by encouraging you to leave more than just 'Great chapter' or 'Update soon!'. But if that's all you can make time for then I guess it's better than nothing.

Don't limit your reviews to new chapter updates. If you are reading a completed story or start a WIP with several chaps already posted, leave a review for AT LEAST every other chapter.

I'm only posting counts here, but if you read at Twilighted or ADF, PLEASE still leave reviews there, even if we're not counting them for the challenge.

In case you don't know where to find your review count, here's whatcha do:

  • Log in to
  • Click on the TRAFFIC tab
  • Click on USER STATS
  • Copy your review count under the GENERAL USER STATS
  • Paste it inside this campfire

Here's mine-

You have submitted a total of 3939 signed reviews.



The Scent of Edward Cullen

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 6:39 PM

...Yea, I'm going there.

So, my boyfriend has this cologne, that whenever he wears it...dear God. Life stops. I just want to sit there and smell him for the day. We don't even have to be intimate (although I get a little excited), I could just sit there, nose to his neck and breath in that beautiful scent.

Yes, in this little bottle is everything that smells good and wonderful in the world.

And being the dork that I am, after I'm done smelling him (I usually can't think much when I am), I think "wow...this is what Edward Cullen smells like". (Not Bella, that would be like your favorite food or something)

Am I the only psycho who does this? Whose with me!

What's your Edward Cullen smell (or Jasper, or Jake, or whoever)?


Independent Variables? You do the Math

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 5:51 PM

 35611/9 = 3956

For every 3956 times someone opened Chapter 2 of my story Independent Variables, one person reviewed it.That is almost 4000 views for each review!

I bring this up because I am not sure WHY we review SOME stories and not others.

Do we like reviewing popular stories to be part of a crowd? Why DO we review at all??

Do YOU tend to review a story more often that has lots of reviews? If so, why? 

Here is my goal: I ONLY post Independent Variables on ADF. I understand that a lot of people won't read it because of the subject matter but for those of you that do, I want to cut my ratio in half. Yes, that's right. I want to get one review per 1000 views. So, If you read me, review the new chapter that I just posted. Anything, even just a grade. I figure if I ask people I may be able to get my review ratio up to 1 review per 2000 views. At least that is my goal.

I just have no clue how to go about it.

Do you think that some stories just more reviewable than others???? 



I'm starting a fire.

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 4:15 PM

 I'm a new camper, so I thought I'd start a fire to say hi.


So, we all know Rob reads fanfiction.... he's admitted it. But what do you think the rest of the cast reads?

I'm thinking Nikki rocks the D/s fics like MOTU, I think PFach would definitely be into Ithaca is Gorges, and I can see Kellan eating up (pun intended) The Misapprehension of Bella Swan



Eclipse Soundtrack to be Revealed Tomorrow

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 3:52 PM

From Entertainment Weekly:

Last week, we learned that British rock lords


will return for a Twilight three-peat on the upcoming third soundtrack installment in as many movies for that obscure little book series (is it about werewolves? vampires? hobbits? We really can’t recall).

Anyhow, MySpace tells EW exclusively that they will unveil the full soundtrack roster for Twilight:Eclipse, beginning Wednesday, May 12, at 11am EST/8am PST … and continuing on for many hours, at the rate of one band reveal every half hour. (We will do our best to update you in real time here; you can also get the updates on Twitter via @MySpaceMusic).

Last chance to place the bets of your Twi-lives and tell us: Who will be keeping musical company with Muse by this time tomorrow?

Let's Make This Interactive: what songs or artists would YOU like to see on the soundtrack?? Do you have an "Eclipse" song?? Post youtube videos!



my day is F-ed

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 3:19 PM

So I was just getting ready for work and tripped over one of the millions of children toys around my house. And I threw out my back, again. So im laid up in bed for at least the next two days.

So I want some stories to read while im trapped in my room on my bed by myself for the next 48 hours (at least).

What Im looking for - Complete, E/B, little to no Alice, Angsty but not ridiculous.

Think that covers it. Thanks for any help.



JBone in the Arctic

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 2:08 PM

This post is fairly self explanatory.



Very First Campfire

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 2:05 PM

Let's hope I don't become a pyro....

This weekend I'll be without any interent, since I'm forced to travel to a very rural area for a high school graduation.  (I know!  I'll take the sympathy!) so I feel the need to download some FF..Can someone please rec a downloader.  I THOUGHT I saved it the last time this was brought up..but I'm not sure where I saved the info! 

Thanks in advance!


Let's get this party started

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 12:45 PM

I AM DONE!!! with my freshmen year of college that is and this excites me greatly because I will be doing absolutely nothing this summer, yay.

But let me get to the point, this end of the year celebration means one thing. I need fics to read, I don't care what they are, angst, fluff, anything. rec me your favorite stories, anything goes, I just have one tiny request: that is complete, that is all I ask for is completion (some one shot wouldn't hurt either)


Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 12:17 PM

I think I just came.



Who? What? Where? When?

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 11:37 AM

I used to read this fanfic... it was about Bella and Edward- and they both had a lot of tattoos- Edward was a Tattoo artist- and Bella called him E----- he called her B.


They had a lot of crap happen to them etc etc... and then moved to Cali- where a new story began. Can anyone decipher what story that was and what happened to it? Was it pulled? Did it go to live somewhere else?


I  miss it!


Thank you for your help. 


New Eclipse Still?

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 11:26 AM

I could be wrong (it does look very similar to the kissing scene by Bella's truck in NM) but I think this is a new still from Eclipse.

Rob looks constipated again. :/




Vampire hater = Racist b*tch

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 10:09 AM

It's what ya'll have been waiting for.  HBIC - Sookie, Tara & Lafayette



C'mon already June 13th!  I need my True Blood fix.



pimps and hoes

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 9:54 AM

 i'll show you mine if you show me yours!

alright so i just wrote a new story. all you new stories out there.. post them here!
and if you leave me a review, i'll leave you a review. and so on and so forth in this campfire.

and if you don'ttttt have a new story but you want to take part anyways..
just review any of the stories seen here. and leave a comment saying something awesome that happened to you today:)

summary: One sunny week of realizations and passion lead to uncertainty. Is Bella really in love? Rated M for Bella's nasty mouth and her love of the nasty; OOC, AH. xx 3DwUrD & b3LL@ f0R3v3R xx




Boy On the Side

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 9:19 AM

Littlesecret84 and ciaobella27 present the latest installment of Boy on the Side.  This week we welcome Stella Luna Sky to Team BotS with a special KPOV, as well.  So show the marvelously talented and wonderful TomStu some love and let us know what you think. 


Tom is love.








Presents for My Pretties!

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 8:51 AM

Here are a couple of treats for my lovelies! Since I have been away for so long I thought I would share with you guys! 

Here are some icons I made out of the GIF's from the Oprah thingy! 

The last one is the best one! 



Rob...stepping out of that car like he owns that MoFo. 

Rob and that FABULOUS smile!

The look on his face in this one makes me giggle!

Wishes he would come knocking on my door like that...

Oh how I love to see him laugh...

Here he comes sweeping in the way I wish he would though my door...



No pause...

Slight pause on the Smirk...


If you would like to use these icons, all you have to do is right click the icon, click on save as, save to your computer, and upload via the Control Panel under General Settings!  Just remember where you saved the file.  All I ask is I am credited for my work.  KThax!  


"The Summer House" coming to iTunes in July!

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 7:11 AM

Well, this is some FAB news to wake up to this morning! 

Many of you lovers of all things "RPattz" have heard about the short film, "The Summer House" that Rob did way back in 2008.   (I know!  So long ago!)

Well, the short film will screened at the CFC Worldwide Short Film Festival June 1-6th in Toronto.  Any of the mods over on the Random Acts of Rob website contacted "The Summer House" website and got a response.  Here it what she was told...


Yes, THE SUMMER HOUSE will be screened … at WSFF. Daisy Gili, who directed THE SUMMER HOUSE will be there.

The short will also be available for download via iTunes from July.

I guess we will just have to wait and see.  I will keep you guys updated on this.   
Here is the Trailer for those who haven't seen it...




Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 7:08 AM

Most of y'all know I hate the Tuesdays.  I really, really do. 

Today's forecast in my area:

Cold and rain.  All day long.

I don't expect anything less from a Tuesday...but still. 

Anyway, please, make me feel light hearted. 

Give me a good, fun summer song.  Or show me a pic of you having good times...or Mr. Pattinson having a good time.  Show me a video of something funny or post a good joke or funny fic hilarious gif or ANYTHING. 

Because if other people are having the day I'm having, this post will be a ray of light.



the pot of gold

Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 4:09 AM

 I have recently started to fall in-love with the little unknown fics in this twilight fandom. 

Dont get me wrong... i absolutely love me the "popular", well known, notorious fics like EP, High Anxiety etc... and eargerly wait their updates, however whilst waiting tortously for these i have become a big fan of trying to find that Gem of a fic that stands out and deserves to have a bucketload of reviews, yet hasnt garnered the attention it deserves! 

So... my question is do you have a favourite rare gem of a fic that you discovered and loved, thats well written with a plot to boot, yet no one seems to know about it? 

Hit me with your "Gems"... my favs are in the comments :)



Young ones and Mature fics

Monday May 10, 2010 at 10:20 PM

What do you do when a wee one faves your fic or leaves you a review like this "OMG!1! Your story makes my life! U RoCk & ILY xxx"

What am I supposed to do with that? I made it M for a reason. I put up a lemon warning for a reason. I am not a babysitter, but then again, I feel icky when I know a lil one is readin' it.

I'm new to this whole fic-ness so what do you guys do or say when this happens?

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