
Another Fic Rec Request Post

Monday May 10, 2010 at 5:13 PM

"Don't knock masturbation--it's sex with someone I love." --Woody Allen

That's right--I want wank fics. May is National Masturbation Month & I want to celebrate with fic that features a little self-love. ;)

EDIT: If there is a banner for the story, would you mind including it? It would be really awesome if you would do so. =D



Monday May 10, 2010 at 4:20 PM




Monday May 10, 2010 at 4:12 PM

what's an incentive that'll make you review?

I know some authors offer sneak peeks and such, or do you really not need incentives?  if it's good, you'll review?


You know you're addicted to fanfiction when...

Monday May 10, 2010 at 3:16 PM




You start to think all fictional characters are named Edward or Bella

You haven't read a real book in at least 6 months

You start to think of your favorite authors as celebrities and get really excited when you see them tweet or replying on a forum

Your bedtime is now dictated by which story updates that day

The first website you pull up when starting your browser is 

You had to un-auto sign in from your gmail at work so your coworkers don't see a million emails from   

You start to develop carpel tunnel 

You've bought at least one gadget (i.e. laptop, blackberry, iphone, etc) that makes it easier for you to either access or read fanfiction 

The word 'juices' has a whole new meaning to you

You haven't watched TV in months

The abbreviations EP, IVO, WA, MotU, UoEM, etc. have meaning to you

You start to attack your husband/S.O./battery operated friend more than ever

You start to get really good at HTML

You upgraded your desk chair to a more comfortable one since you're at your computer so much now

You realize the importance of a really good avi

Your bookmarks start to look like this:

Anyone care to add?


FF Sneak Peek

Monday May 10, 2010 at 3:00 PM



You know the drill! If you write fan fiction, give us a taste of what's to come in your upcoming chapters!
Include your story banner if you have one and of course the link to your story!


Not a writer? Then just tell us which fanfics you crave a sneak peek from. It's time to call out the authors! Demand a peek for all of us impatient ones!!! :) 



What's YOUR Edward Like?

Monday May 10, 2010 at 2:40 PM

(I wanted to wait to post this until the Twilight Canon Fodder Challenge was finished since this would likely give away which entry was mine....I won by the way)

Edward. And when I say Edward I mean Canon. It's been brought to my attention recently that everyone really does see someone very different. Some see someone overly morose. Overly romantic. Some see a modern day Romeo, some see a Heathcliff.

What do you see? My Edward, is not an over anything. I think most of his depression, his self-loathing, his unease with his very nature makes sense. To hear everyones thoughts, the good, the bad, the downright disguisting.

When it comes to Bella? This is his only hope in the whole world for happiness and he can't even give himself that. He's obsessive, possessive, and honestly? If the situation strikes I can see him doing something downright crazy for the girl.

Edward has something dark, something angry, something ferile inside him. It tortures him to the point where he's given it a name. And really? I don't blame him.

When many people describe him I hear the word "innocent" and I get confused, because that's not MY Edward. He's a virgin because for one it would be very hard to start a relationship with the telepathy. And most importantly he hates himself so much, he's isolated himself in one way or another from everyone. He even tries to do the same with Bella. 

So that's my Edward. Be sure to argue with anything I said up here, it's really just a summary. I love friendly discussion but if your one to get angry in them, please stay out (or warn me so I don't question it). 

My Edward reminds me of this guy (which I'm sure I've mentioned before XD);

....totally not an excuse to put Gerard Butler Phantom man in my post....




Monday May 10, 2010 at 2:09 PM

ok so im soooooo grateful for everyone who replied to my post yesterday and i wanna ask something else -

does anyone have any badass edward or bella fics???????

oh and not - dirty dancing with the devil herself

                   scotch gin and the new girl

                   god love her

anything else is totally acceptable its just because ive already read those fics!!!!!!!! theyre AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


For years I held out hope she was a vampire

Monday May 10, 2010 at 1:43 PM

Because she NEVER freaking aged.

but now she's gone and I am super super sad.

Mourne with me.



Ginny and Caius are getting married

Monday May 10, 2010 at 1:39 PM


Bonnie Wright and Jamie Campbell Bower are engaged. Jamie Campbell Bower met Bonnie Wright on the movie set of Harry Potter. The two actors got engaged after appearing in JK Rowling's latest film, "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows."

Movie Set Couple

"We are all absolutely shocked and surprised and can't believe that Jamie has asked Bonnie to marry him," a source familiar with the couple said in a statement. "They met on the set of the movie and Jamie fell for Bonnie really badly." In fact, the two have been together since the movie, and it has fellow cast members stunned.

Wright, 19, played Ginny Weasley and has accepted the marriage proposal. She is actually Harry Potter's love interest on the big screen. Bower, 21, plays Gellert Grindelwald in the film.

Someone please write a fic about this!


Another Oprah Shot

Monday May 10, 2010 at 1:31 PM


I love smiling... smiling is my favorite. 

OH! And there's another one of THIS scene:


Rec me?

Monday May 10, 2010 at 12:42 PM


I'm still not sure what happened between them but I always liked seeing the Stew & Nikki together.


Can anyone rec me a fic where Rose and Bella are BFFs? :))

(Preferably without Alice always there, whining and bitching and being generally annoying)


Ugh Face

Monday May 10, 2010 at 12:29 PM

Alright, I'm on a campfire roll today....

Let's talk about this because I'm reading a really good story but there's one major problem and there haven't been any lemons yet, but they're coming (pun?) and it's just...UGH.

Edward is referred to as Eddie.

This is so cringeworthy to me. I can't stand it when fics use Eddie as oppossed to Edward. I just feel it breaks one of life's given rules..."Don't fix what ain't broken"

Tell me what you think. The story I'm reading is Sympathy For the Devil...and it's really good but I dont know if I can get over this Eddie business....


To all the authors...

Monday May 10, 2010 at 12:28 PM

Q. What is your greatest achievement as a fanfiction writer?
                                                                                (and why?)


Kindle Question

Monday May 10, 2010 at 11:29 AM

I recently tried to buy the lastest Sookie Stackhouse book from Amazon for my Kindle and slowly learned that Amazon seems to be at war with several publishing companies over e-book pricing.  Many electronic versions of books are unavailable for this reason.

(Off topic: this is actually good news for anyone buying paper copies of the book.  Amazon is selling brand new releases for $9.99 to "teach the publishing companies a lesson."  Not sure who that's really hurting)

My question is for other Kindle owners: where do you buy e-books that are compatible with the Kindle.  I've checked out several websites and none seem to be Kindle friendly. Specifically, where can I find Dead in the Family because I really want to read it soon!!

Thanks!!  I appreciate any feed back =)

ranger approved.


fic overload

Monday May 10, 2010 at 10:57 AM

I read fanfic a lot and i have a lot of favorited stories (over 100) and I just wanted to put this thought out there...


Some of them don't update forever and then they do but by that time, I've forgotten what I've read or what it's even about. So just a suggestion for those of you writing fics (i have total respect for your writing styles btw) it's always nice to have a 'previously on' or 'last time on' or whatever, just something reminding me of what was going on last time...

just sayin, not hatin....



Monday May 10, 2010 at 10:01 AM

I just finished scotch, gin, and the new girl, and i was looking for similar fics, i guess sort of a gossip girl lifestyle.... thanks!


*giggle snort*

Monday May 10, 2010 at 9:55 AM

I'm always looking for 'hidden gems' as I like to call them.  That is, stories that are great but have low review counts.  Over the weekend, I started reading a fic called Cullen, Unscripted.  There are 9 chapters so far.  This story is hilarious.  It's told from Edward's point of view and he's funny as hell.  As you read about his experience, at times you just want to give him a big hug at the way fate wants to kick his ass, but other times you just want to slap him a little Moonstruck-style and tell him to snap out of it.  There are parts of the story where you'll be totally rooting for Edward and there are others where you cringe in embarrassment for him.

Give this little gem a try if you're feeling down.  I guarantee you'll be smiling by the time you finish.  Plus the author updates frequently so you don't have to wait too long for a new chapter.


Summary:  When Edward Cullen scores an entry level internship as a writer for his distant Uncle’s TV Station immediately following College, his life becomes much more complicated than he ever thought it would. AH, BxE, Rating it L for Lemons, Laughing and Language

(p.s. there are no lemons just yet)


To make this interactive, are there any 'hidden gems' you've discovered?  Or perhaps some fics where you'll bust a gut laughing because they are absolutely hilarious?  Come in and share.


good ole twitter made me do it

Monday May 10, 2010 at 8:34 AM

there was a great twitter conversation this am on why we dislike certain characters in ff, yet let other character flaws slide.

i like beating dead horses, so I want to keep going....

We talk a lot about Rose's character flaws, or Jake's for that matter, which is intuitive to some degree - they were antagonists in the story.

But - let's take the brush and paint all the characters....with what we know of canon (all 4 books, you can include MS if you so choose) - what are the major strengths and weaknesses of each character? Are there things that stand out to you that you don't see addressed?

I most definitely have my thoughts, but I'll bite my tongue for a bit....


bring on the heartfail

Monday May 10, 2010 at 7:53 AM

Art School Confidential


Can we talk about how awesome this fic is?  I'll put my thoughts on the chapter in comments b/c I don't want to ruin it for anyone else.

And if you're not reading this awesome fic...what are you waiting for?



I wish I could quit you....

Monday May 10, 2010 at 7:10 AM

AKA "Over an extremely pretentious Sunday Brunch at the Four Seasons.."

Due to LIFE interrupting I've been MIA for the last two weeks and need updates!!

What's been happening? Fic updates? Any drama-lama-ding dong?

Did anyone read the new BDB? Or the new Sookie Stackhouse? (I've got this one on PDF but it'll be ages before, hell big IF, I ever get to it.) 

Let me know! And Happy Monday everyone!



OK MAG is claiming Robsten shared a Vancouver hotel room during reshoots.  

You know if you care about that sort of thing. : ) SOURCE

And I love this interesting tidbit: 


“Test audiences thought the tent scene too ‘dark and adult,’” a source tells OK!. To make sure it was just right this time, Twilight author Stephenie Meyer stood by director David Slade for three days of re-shooting.


Too dark and adult?? I'm gonna need a director's cut on this.

Oh gold star to the camper that gets the quote!

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