
Favorite television moms

Sunday May 9, 2010 at 4:36 PM

In honor of Mother's Day, Show us your favorite television moms!

I loved



ranger approved!



Sunday May 9, 2010 at 4:36 PM

 This morning my son gave me this poem that he wrote all by himself....

The second I got this I knew that I would cherish it forever.

So I ask you, what do you CHERISH??? Is there a slip of paper? A love note? A concert ticket? Is it a pair of your grandma's earrings or a picture of your first pet?

Let us know! TELL us why it is special to you! If possible, take a picture of it so we can see it!


Tell me no tales and I'll tell you no lies

Sunday May 9, 2010 at 2:25 PM


We've had a few bitch sessions about what we dislike about the ff world.  Can we concentrate please on all the GOOD AND WONDERFUL things we LOVE about our most beloved hobby?

I guess you can name names and fics, since its positive...but really, I am looking for more generalities from you.




Sunday May 9, 2010 at 12:33 PM

ok so basically this is my 1st post and i wanna ask - does anyone have ant SUPER DUPER FUNNY FANFICS????????

ooohhhh and some bad-ass bella or edward one's???????????

nothing hurt and comfort - they sometimes make me cry :(     but i need to laugh dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ooohhhh yeah and nothing angst - im not sure what the hell that and i googled it and it just doesnt make sense but whateva!!!!!!

thaks whoever is willing to help me find some awesome fanfics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANX ;]



Sunday May 9, 2010 at 12:04 PM

BOMBAYBICYCLECLUBJUSTTWEETEDME!! and for those of you who don't speak rush-excited-talk language, one of my favourite bands Bombay Bicycle Club tweeted me and if you follow me on Twitter you'd know how much of a BIG DEAL this is for me.

So I want to know from those of you who Twitter out there, has anyone famous ever tweeted you? What was their message?

Just because I love them 

 panda <3

and fyt


mama, i love you

Sunday May 9, 2010 at 8:27 AM


That Girl There x

Would you believe...

Sunday May 9, 2010 at 5:20 AM


That this guy, Paul Rudd- Friends, I Love You Man, Knocked Up, Object of my Affection etc,  was in my little town.. On an island down the bottom of Ireland...

he came to visit Cobh  for the weekend.. Unfortunately I didn't get to see him, and he's gone now.. I never get to meet famous people.. (Sorry WTDBOC I didn't see him, but if he ever returns.... )

And one of my other friends went to a Black Eyed Peas concert where she met all the members of Black Eyed Peas and Cheryl Cole.. Will.I.Am even said her name on stage while talking to her..

So ignoring my complete lack of luck.. Have you ever met any famous people??
Asked Paul Rudd to send your regards to Jennifer Aniston? (Yes the guy in the photo did say that).. Had your name said by your favourite band/singer on stage (Still praying to meet James Hetfield)..

If not (like me) who would you love to meet.. and why..


And post photos.. or this campfire would be completely useless


Warning: The word 'fuck' used multiple times!

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 11:12 PM

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Know-it-all, smug Alice's in fan fiction annoy the fuck out of me.


I mean seriously, GTFO All Knowing Alice.  Just because you've seen shit happening doesn't give you the right to a) Lord it over others, b) use your knowledge to force people's hands.  I mean fuck, what happened to choice?, and c) For that matter, ever consider what sharing your knowledge might do to the situation?  HAVEN'T YOU EVER SEEN TIME TRAVEL MOVIES WHERE TELLING PEOPLE WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN FUCKS UP THE FUTURE?!?!

Fuck, I've read one too many Omniscient Alice's recently.



Fan fic pet peeves: Go!


Ruined Things

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 10:36 PM

So I was reading a fic today and Bella mentions whutering heights and the choice made that ruined everyone's lifes, of course I have no idea what she was talking about seeing as I never read whutering heights, there is a reason for that. When twilight came out (especially when the movie came out) a lot of things become popular overnight, volvos, Jane Austen (not that she wasn't popular before but you know what I mean), and Debussy, to name a few.

The thing is because Twilight made it famous I cannot bring myself to read whutering heights or listend to Clair De Lune at least once, I have this odd feeling that if I do read it or listen to it and then I mention it to someone, that someone will assume that the only reason why I like this things is in fact because of twilight, even though I make just like them for my own reasons.

So tell me campers are there any things you don't like because of twilight? or things you like because of it?

Oh and I won't be naming my kids after any name mention in the twilight series.



oh hai

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 8:57 PM


Rob and Nikki together, apparently.

according to some sound guys wife(who twittered it, and now wants it removed from the internet. and deleted the account. oops), that's Rob and Nikki.

What do you think?

I know that's her sweater.


Race in FF?

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 7:27 PM

Have you ever wondered why FF usually lacks any racial diversity?  This question has been bugging me for quite sometime.  I can honestly say that I have never read any FF story where the characters are anything besides their canon race.  I’ve always thought that a funny “Guess Who-isque” fic would be a good fluffy/funny story. I could just picture Charlie rocking his stache acting like Bernie Mac, the cute AshtonWard, and Bella as the gorgeous Zoe Saldana.  Maybe Rosalie as a fiery Latina?  Hell, why couldn’t Jasper be Asian?  If you have ever run across any good quality stories like this I would love to know.


I really hope no one is offended by this.  I know this could be a very touchy subject, and that could very well be the reason for the lack of stories-some writers might feel like they don’t want to step on any ones toes.  


Have a good rest of the weekend:]  


Fictional Crushes

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 7:06 PM

Who's your biggest fictional character crush?? :)

mine is undoubtedly:

OR (if you want less mutated)



And it's "Find that fic" time again! :)

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 6:27 PM

So... someone was looking for a fic whose description sounded extremely familiar, but I can't find it!

Here is what she said about it:

"Okay, I am trying to figure out this story I read a long time ago. Bella lives with Edward and Emmett. I think she may have been adopted by Carlilse and Esme. Edward and Bella are best friends and they sleep in the same bed (I think). They get curious about sex and decide that since they were each other's first kis...s that they should be each other's first too. Once they start they can't stop and Bella ends up getting pregnant. They have to tell Carlilse and Esme. Bella ends up losing the baby. They end up realizing that they are in love. There is also a sequel were they go off to college and move in together. Edward ends up drifting away from Bella. Bella is heartbroken and leaves him when she gets a fellowship to France. They run back into each other a few years later at a museum."

Help us find it? Pretty please?




Saturday May 8, 2010 at 5:37 PM

my darling mjinaspen just tweeted a link to this.


my name is withthevampsofcourse, and i fully support this organization.



The Confessional

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 3:49 PM


I have to confess my complete and utter obsession with fanfiction.  It all started about a year ago and it just won't stop.  I'm guessing that there are more than a few of you out there who suffer from this addiction - I rarely read books anymore and I hardly watch TV that I haven't DVR'd.  Fanfiction takes priority.  Soooo....what I want to know is:  What have you done to help enable your addiction? In other words:  what is your fanfiction obsession confession?  

Mine:  One of the reasons I upgraded to a Blackberry (before my contract allowed it) was to be able to read FF while on the go.  Yes, I know. Shameful.  Anyone else care to confess? 



Gather 'round

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 3:16 PM

the campfire!


um, well, its nothing QUITE so large and important, I am afraid...

So my kids conned me into buying THESE:   ( <---that is not me)

and this:    and these: So we could sit around this    and make these

We wanted to tell scary stories, but honestly, I was at a loss, esp since we could hear the coyotes in the field behind our house... so we did "popcorn" stories instead of scary stories.  They were hilarious!  My 7yo was the star and wouldn't shut up.  I have to say that it was a WONDERFUL time just sitting there all warm and smoky listening to their laughter as they told about a boy named "Sam" who had a weird friend named "Harry".  Lots of fun stuff happened to that kid, let me tell ya!

So, for next weekend, will you arm me with THE SCARIEST SORIES YOU CAN THINK OF???  Little boys LOVE to be scared, so GIVE IT TO ME GOOOOOD!

 (jandco approved)


What's your type?

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 12:51 PM

I was just talking to my best friend (we've known each other for fourteen years, so there's no one on this planet that knows me better than her, and vice versa).  She described to me her new stalkee crush and I said he sounded exactly her type.

"What? I don't have a type!"

Hmm.  Pale, skinny but not particularly tall, dark hair, sort of elfin features, a bit indie.  Also moody and a bit of a barsteward (although my perception may be skewed because all the 4am crisis calls I've had to deal with).  The perfect example would be TomStu, and I am trying to keep his existence a secret from her, because otherwise all our conversations for the next year will involve him in some way.

She conceded that I might have a point.

I am fully aware that I have a type - tall, lanky build, also pale with dark hair (by dark I mean not blonde or ginger), blue or green eyes, angular features, makes me laugh (v v important that last one).  You can see where my thing for Rob comes from.  Not all guys I've been out with or crushed on fit this description, but a high proportion hold one or more characteristics.


So, campers, do you have a 'type'?  Describe and post pictures of your ideal man (or woman).  You can also use the opportunity to introduce each other to men that fit your criteria :)



Permission to start a fire obtained from She of the Scary Purple Font


Love on Wheels

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 12:07 PM



Love on Wheels updated!

On ADF: http://www.adifferentforest.com/Fiction/Default.aspx?Chapter=2613

On fanfiction: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5923428/4/

I am so loving this story! It's fun and silly and funky, baby!!! F'sho!

Must discuss!! Who is loving Emmett in this as much as I am? Can you pull off split jumps like Edward can? Do you own a pair of yellow short shorts? Is Jasper going to get in a jacuzzi nude à la AiC? (hint hint nudge nudge, Bratty-Vamp)

I'm suddenly in the mood for a cherry slushie.



Worst Movie Ever

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 11:11 AM

I was just perusing the interwebs, and came across this trailer:


I immediately thought of this trailer:
yes, that's Tiffany
Who do you think'll win the audience?
What's the worst movie you've ever seen?

True Blood

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 10:55 AM

So I'm rewatching season one, and here's my question.

When Jason and Amy kidnap the vampire and take just that little bit of blood, why do they go all crazy freaky hippy high, but when Sookie drinks a lot from Bill, she just gets heightened senses? Because Sookie never gets crazy freaky hippy high, does she? Am I just totally overlooking the obvious answer?

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