
Are YOU Ready?

Friday May 7, 2010 at 8:56 PM

I'm watching my Suns play the Spurs tonight and I see another commercial for the 2010 World Cup.

I GET GOOSEBUMPS!!!!! I'm SO excited . . . and it brings tears to my eyes, nothing MEANS more to me every four years in June/July---NOTHING.  The WORLD is waiting. Is anyone ELSE excited? Where are you gonna to watch from? Who are you going for? Or tell me HOW much you love these commercials and if they give you goosebumps too. Let's talk FIFA!

And this one brought me to my knees it's SO moving!

 I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!



Master of the Universe updated!

Friday May 7, 2010 at 8:34 PM

I don't know if any of you are still reading this, but Master of the Universe just updated.    I'm posting this because it's only on her blog so far.    She left quite the cliffy last time so I was super anxious to read this!!


Help Me - I'm Going Crazy

Friday May 7, 2010 at 8:02 PM

Who has read the Blackdagger Brotherhood series?
And, which one of you got me hooked? 
I don't know whether to thank you or blame you for my pain...

Since the first one showed up in the mail last saturday, I've been waiting

for the mail man, who now knows me by name and spared me the pitty look yesterday as he hand delievered a nice thick package, to

arrive every day so I can either:

A.  Lock myself in my room for the rest of the night and read until the book is finished 


B.  Mope around because I have to wait another day.

It's been TORTURE.

I just finished Lover Awakened and am about to go insane for Lover Revealed.

So, my questions to anyone and everyone is:

Have you read them? 

Which brother is your favorite?

Where can I find fanfiction that J. Ward doesn't want around?

P.S: It is still free-for-all Friday right? Delete if you must.

RANGER EDIT: Blackdagger Brotherhood conversations are allowed all the time-not just on Free For All. They are vampires. :)



Meet-up anyone??

Friday May 7, 2010 at 7:42 PM

Okay so I asked this a few weeks back and thought I would ask again… My bestie (EmmaleeWrites05) and my fellow ff pal Lisa (HopelessRomantic79) and I are going to San Francisco on Memorial Day weekend (Saturday-Monday) just to get away from everyday life and thought we would extend the invite to other campers and/or rangers in the area. We plan on doing all kinds of awesomeness…like the Academy of Sciences, the Exploratorium, the Warf/Pier 39, maybe check out some art museums while we’re at it…there was talk about some bar hopping but if you are interested hit me up on here or twitter ( @LittleLea05 )…it would be awesome to get some girls together on the West Coast. We need a West Coast FF Union already


A Name for Newborns Thanks to the Undead

Friday May 7, 2010 at 7:10 PM

I'm a big fan, but I would never go this far.  No tattoos and no naming rights for my first born.  Would you?

Has this occured in other fandoms?  Harry is on the list, but not Siruius or Hermione.


A Name for Newborns Thanks to the Undead

For baseball fans, 2009 was the year of the Yankees. For job seekers, it was the year of the Great Recession. And for people who track baby names it was the year of the vampire.

The Social Security Administration released its annual rundown of the most popular names for newborns on Friday, and flying up the list was an ancient name with modern fame: Cullen, the surname of one handsome bloodsucker, Edward, in the frighteningly popular vampire series “Twilight,” based on the best-selling novels by Stephenie Meyer.

Cullen materialized at 485, leaping almost 300 spots from 2008 for the biggest increase of any boy’s name; it wedged firmly between Braiden and Kason.

But the nation’s fascination with the undead may not end there. The most popular boy’s name was Jacob, an eternal favorite that happens to be the name of the buff rival of paler-than-thou Edward: Jacob Black. The most popular name for girls was Isabella, the progenitor of Bella, the love interest of both Edward the vampire and Jacob the werewolf. Just plain Bella logs in at 58.

Mark Hinkle, a spokesman for the Social Security Administration, said that about 22,000 children were named Isabella, out of 4.1 million babies, and nearly 21,000 new Jacobs are toddling about. Mr. Hinkle noted that Jacob had held the crown for most popular boy’s name for 11 years — something he suggested Ms. Meyer might have noticed.

“Maybe she got the name from checking our Web site,” Mr. Hinkle added, pointedly.

Cullen was the choice of an eerily repetitive 555 couples. They included Brad Lafferty and Michelle Mikkelsen, who live in the Bronx. Ms. Mikkelsen said she read the last book in Ms. Meyer’s series, “Breaking Dawn” — which includes the birth of a half-vampire, half-human child — while pregnant.

“I like old names,” said Ms. Mikkelsen. “And most of those characters in there are vampires. So they are really, really old names.”


Whatever happened to...

Friday May 7, 2010 at 7:01 PM

 Ranger Edward Cullen?


another eclipse trailer?

Friday May 7, 2010 at 7:00 PM

so I just got this in my email

so that means their is going to be another totally new one, or one that we have already seen just re-worked?

anyone know?



Graduation Speech

Friday May 7, 2010 at 6:32 PM

Right now I am trying to write a speech for graduation and am at a complete standstill? I need ideas...

What did your valedictorian speak about on your graduation? Or was it you?

Any famous ones that stand out in your mind?

Any help would be appreciated...


Looking for a Bella in Uniform!

Friday May 7, 2010 at 6:11 PM

Hello all and happy Friday to you! 

I'm looking for your favorite Bella in uniform fan fics! I love me some Edward in uniform but I've yet to read a good one about Bella, so throw them at me! Anything at all. Police Officer, Firewoman, Marine, Navy Seal, CIA, FBI, etc. I'd prefer that Edward wasn't a fellow man in uniform but  post it anyway if you know of it. I'm just so sick of it always being Edward with the "dangerous" job and Bella is always sitting at home worrying about him so I'd like to read something where the role is reversed! Women do hold these types of jobs as well, ya know? My one request is no fics where Bella is assigned to protect Edward. I've read a few of those already. Thanks in advance and can't wait to see what you all come up with :D

therani & tropical

How Can I post a story?

Friday May 7, 2010 at 6:11 PM


I'm new here. i'm not sure what a campfire is. Can you post a fanfic on this site? If so how do i post it ? Thanks so much. :-)



Friday May 7, 2010 at 5:51 PM

This little guy, or gal, hatched today. My students are hell bent on naming it Fluffy, which is just a big fat No. So I need some creative, yet appropriate, names to bring back to the classroom. I'll let the kidlets take a vote.

Wanna help name the ducky?

By the by, this is my  first campfire and I'm ridiculously nervous about it!


Friday May 7, 2010 at 5:19 PM

Does anyone else use Last.Fm?

It's a website that "scrobbles" the music you listen to in itunes/windows and lets you share it with your friends.

Link and make frands

mine will be in the comments


Mother's Day Books

Friday May 7, 2010 at 5:17 PM

 Hi all,

I'm taking advantage of Free For All Friday and asking your advice.  I was thinking of buying books for all the moms in my life on mother's day - I have four!  What books do you like that would be appropriate?  Something with family, mothers, daughters, or just a good strong woman's book.  Can be fiction or non-fiction.  Thanks!



Friday May 7, 2010 at 5:02 PM


We've talked about songs you loved as a child and still do to this day. What about songs you loved as a child and would admit to over your dead body?

TELL ME NAO please?

Yup when i was 10 years old i loved Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and S Club 7. I wouldn't even admit it back then.



Anyone Own A Bunny?

Friday May 7, 2010 at 4:59 PM

Yea, I know, I'm full of asking for advice today.

So, this is Brad and Bruce, my babies. Bruce, the bunny, being the object of the post. I've been reading a lot of things on rabbits since we got him (his family couldn't keep him anymore) since I don't know much of anything. I know his cage is too small but we can't afford a new one so he's out of it as much as possible (about 6-8 hours a day). I've been trying to give him plenty to chew on (bought these sticks and a basket from the pet store, paper...etc), I clean the cage....all that jazz.

Problem is, I don't think he's nuetered. Now, he's a calm animal. He's over a year old, isn't violent, nips a little but that's about it. But I read somewhere that neutered rabbits don't live as long as neutered ones. The girl we got them from said her bunnies only ever lived 4 years but I read they're supposed to live 8-12, so I really don't want to mess it up.

I also read that he can't eat cardboard but at the same time to make him a cardboard house, or give him a toilet paper roll to chew on.

I don't knooow, I just have a lot of general questions for someone with a rabbit and I don't trust those yahoo things. At least with you guys I know I can ask a question back if I need to.

Help? And if you have your own bunnies, please share a picture :)




Friday May 7, 2010 at 4:28 PM

My beta and ficwife, Scooterstale has written me a birthday fic!!!! YAY. Check it out!!!

Eclipse Chapter 20: Compromise Revisited EPOV

She writes awesome canon / almost canon (aha add some mature content thxu!).

Tell me all your favorite canon fics :)


Friday Night Readalong: Give Some Canon Love

Friday May 7, 2010 at 4:15 PM

 Hello, campers -- tonight's readalong is a great story written by a canon writer. As I've been researching canon fics, I've SHOCKED to see how few reviews some of these awesome stories have. Please join me tonight if you can. If you can't join in, check it out another time. Sequel is already in progress.


5.7.10 #readalong


: @shc92

 7:00 p.m. PDT


 Antithesis by gkkstitch

Link andTwilighted

Summary: What if you lost your heart's perfect match? Edward knows someone who is living his worst nightmare, who has vowed that Edward and Bella will never suffer that heartache, even if the Volturi may be the source of that threat. Vampire - Canon - Canon Pairings - Bella's POV - Only slightly AU - Starts in the context of the books, then goes into FutureFic;
from Author notes: It's about 10 years past BD, and really the only thing AU about it is that I haven't included Renesmee. I just don't feel we got to know her well enough.
EDIT: if you've never participated in a #readalong, here's more information



Random Part 2

Friday May 7, 2010 at 3:57 PM

Something for us older campers,,,

(I about died)


And for all campers who are in proximity to children...(younger ones especially)

Random Ended. Carry On. :)


What's your College/University?

Friday May 7, 2010 at 3:56 PM

I seen a lot of comments with people talking about finals and what not, so tell me campers what college do you attend? If you still in HS what colleges are you planning to apply to? Or if you already graduated what college did you go to?

My university will be in the first comment.



Talk 2 Me

Friday May 7, 2010 at 3:05 PM


So I have this weird thing with accents.... there are certain people that I could listen talk or sing all day.


My example is this man....


So my question is... is there anyone that you could listen talk or sing all the time? Or am I alone?

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