
oh hai

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 8:57 PM


Rob and Nikki together, apparently.

according to some sound guys wife(who twittered it, and now wants it removed from the internet. and deleted the account. oops), that's Rob and Nikki.

What do you think?

I know that's her sweater.


Race in FF?

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 7:27 PM

Have you ever wondered why FF usually lacks any racial diversity?  This question has been bugging me for quite sometime.  I can honestly say that I have never read any FF story where the characters are anything besides their canon race.  I’ve always thought that a funny “Guess Who-isque” fic would be a good fluffy/funny story. I could just picture Charlie rocking his stache acting like Bernie Mac, the cute AshtonWard, and Bella as the gorgeous Zoe Saldana.  Maybe Rosalie as a fiery Latina?  Hell, why couldn’t Jasper be Asian?  If you have ever run across any good quality stories like this I would love to know.


I really hope no one is offended by this.  I know this could be a very touchy subject, and that could very well be the reason for the lack of stories-some writers might feel like they don’t want to step on any ones toes.  


Have a good rest of the weekend:]  


Fictional Crushes

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 7:06 PM

Who's your biggest fictional character crush?? :)

mine is undoubtedly:

OR (if you want less mutated)



And it's "Find that fic" time again! :)

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 6:27 PM

So... someone was looking for a fic whose description sounded extremely familiar, but I can't find it!

Here is what she said about it:

"Okay, I am trying to figure out this story I read a long time ago. Bella lives with Edward and Emmett. I think she may have been adopted by Carlilse and Esme. Edward and Bella are best friends and they sleep in the same bed (I think). They get curious about sex and decide that since they were each other's first kis...s that they should be each other's first too. Once they start they can't stop and Bella ends up getting pregnant. They have to tell Carlilse and Esme. Bella ends up losing the baby. They end up realizing that they are in love. There is also a sequel were they go off to college and move in together. Edward ends up drifting away from Bella. Bella is heartbroken and leaves him when she gets a fellowship to France. They run back into each other a few years later at a museum."

Help us find it? Pretty please?




Saturday May 8, 2010 at 5:37 PM

my darling mjinaspen just tweeted a link to this.

my name is withthevampsofcourse, and i fully support this organization.



The Confessional

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 3:49 PM


I have to confess my complete and utter obsession with fanfiction.  It all started about a year ago and it just won't stop.  I'm guessing that there are more than a few of you out there who suffer from this addiction - I rarely read books anymore and I hardly watch TV that I haven't DVR'd.  Fanfiction takes priority.  Soooo....what I want to know is:  What have you done to help enable your addiction? In other words:  what is your fanfiction obsession confession?  

Mine:  One of the reasons I upgraded to a Blackberry (before my contract allowed it) was to be able to read FF while on the go.  Yes, I know. Shameful.  Anyone else care to confess? 



Gather 'round

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 3:16 PM

the campfire!


um, well, its nothing QUITE so large and important, I am afraid...

So my kids conned me into buying THESE:   ( <---that is not me)

and this:    and these: So we could sit around this    and make these

We wanted to tell scary stories, but honestly, I was at a loss, esp since we could hear the coyotes in the field behind our house... so we did "popcorn" stories instead of scary stories.  They were hilarious!  My 7yo was the star and wouldn't shut up.  I have to say that it was a WONDERFUL time just sitting there all warm and smoky listening to their laughter as they told about a boy named "Sam" who had a weird friend named "Harry".  Lots of fun stuff happened to that kid, let me tell ya!

So, for next weekend, will you arm me with THE SCARIEST SORIES YOU CAN THINK OF???  Little boys LOVE to be scared, so GIVE IT TO ME GOOOOOD!

 (jandco approved)


What's your type?

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 12:51 PM

I was just talking to my best friend (we've known each other for fourteen years, so there's no one on this planet that knows me better than her, and vice versa).  She described to me her new stalkee crush and I said he sounded exactly her type.

"What? I don't have a type!"

Hmm.  Pale, skinny but not particularly tall, dark hair, sort of elfin features, a bit indie.  Also moody and a bit of a barsteward (although my perception may be skewed because all the 4am crisis calls I've had to deal with).  The perfect example would be TomStu, and I am trying to keep his existence a secret from her, because otherwise all our conversations for the next year will involve him in some way.

She conceded that I might have a point.

I am fully aware that I have a type - tall, lanky build, also pale with dark hair (by dark I mean not blonde or ginger), blue or green eyes, angular features, makes me laugh (v v important that last one).  You can see where my thing for Rob comes from.  Not all guys I've been out with or crushed on fit this description, but a high proportion hold one or more characteristics.


So, campers, do you have a 'type'?  Describe and post pictures of your ideal man (or woman).  You can also use the opportunity to introduce each other to men that fit your criteria :)



Permission to start a fire obtained from She of the Scary Purple Font


Love on Wheels

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 12:07 PM



Love on Wheels updated!


On fanfiction:

I am so loving this story! It's fun and silly and funky, baby!!! F'sho!

Must discuss!! Who is loving Emmett in this as much as I am? Can you pull off split jumps like Edward can? Do you own a pair of yellow short shorts? Is Jasper going to get in a jacuzzi nude à la AiC? (hint hint nudge nudge, Bratty-Vamp)

I'm suddenly in the mood for a cherry slushie.



Worst Movie Ever

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 11:11 AM

I was just perusing the interwebs, and came across this trailer:


I immediately thought of this trailer:
yes, that's Tiffany
Who do you think'll win the audience?
What's the worst movie you've ever seen?

True Blood

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 10:55 AM

So I'm rewatching season one, and here's my question.

When Jason and Amy kidnap the vampire and take just that little bit of blood, why do they go all crazy freaky hippy high, but when Sookie drinks a lot from Bill, she just gets heightened senses? Because Sookie never gets crazy freaky hippy high, does she? Am I just totally overlooking the obvious answer?


What would Edward do?

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 10:39 AM

So, it's Mother's Day tomorrow and I'm on the other side of the world as my mom.

I want to send something [via the internet] to my mommy to show her, just how fantastic she really is and just how much I miss her - every single day.

I haven't seen my mom in like 9 months and won't get to see her for another 1 or 2 [sad face], plus, my dad's away on a business trip - my sister's visiting me - so essentially, mom will be on her lonesome [brunch with friends won't be the same...]

So, ladies - I ask you - what shall I get her?

My mom works with grownups that have autism/learning difficulties...she's 49...and she works very very very hard to keep everyone happy. She needs something for HERSELF.

Also, what do you think Edward and the gang got Esme? Do you think they celebrated it?



Point Of View

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 9:41 AM

I just finished reading the latest chapter of A Rough Start by ItsMegan73 (Amazing story btw, if you're not reading you're definitely missing out) and I just realized how much I enjoy reading fics written from the third person point of view instead of first.  I think it's because I find some characters slightly less annoying but I guess it depends on how good the author's writing is since there are a lot of amazing stories written from first person too.

So do you prefer one POV over the other or is it just me? Does it matter to you as long as the story is good?

Here are some of my favorite stories written from third person point of view:

A Rough Start by ItzMegan73

Out of Her Head by 1Blue25

Devil's Pitchfork by 1Blue25




Hope everyone's having a great weekend :)



Reed Mor Kanin

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 9:09 AM

(sorry, I'm having a craving for Chick fil-a and their silly signs. I think I'll go get some.) But this is just a reminder to all that :


is accepting votes through tomorrow night, 5/9, at 11:59 EDT.


The fics in this challenge have been, IMO, amazing. The response was above expected, and the range of POVs and missing moments that came out is astounding. So if you want to read some canon that is unlike what you've read before, hop on over. Then click on the "vote" link and tell us what you think.

To make this talky, what missing moments or canon back and side stories do you still feel are missing from our fandom? and/or what are your favorite canon compliant fics. (If you like mine, great, but this isn't me fishing for compliments, so please tell me about ones that I don't write. :) )




Lazy Day

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 8:04 AM

 It's Saturday and here you are on





What have you done instead?



Do you have big plans for the day/night?



I really really need to clean my kitchen and do two loads of laundry before I go to a little league baseball game in the freezing cold. Instead of laundry and cleaning, I am under a blanket slaving over making my new chapter perfect....which it is far from. I also read a fic that grown.ass.woman recommended to me a few days ago.

I am being LAZY. I am a sloth. Seriously, I need to get my butt moving. This is really sad.




Morganville Vampires

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 12:17 AM

Im wondering if any body has read these books??

My brother just bought me the first two books from Target, "because they were cheap and said vampire on the cover" his words, and I did some research and there are like 8 of them. I want to know honest opinions, are they worth getting into? Im already involved in a series of books that I dont really like but cant stop reading. So I really dont want to get sucked into another. 

Thanks for any opinions offered. But please NO SPOILERS just incase I do decide to read them I dont want to know what happens. 


Early 'Eclipse' review

Friday May 7, 2010 at 10:18 PM

See inside, too long for the front page...


I have a theory...

Friday May 7, 2010 at 10:15 PM

I do.  Well, I mean, I have a LOT of theories, but this one doesn't involve a tin-foil helmet, so I'll share it with you.


My theory is that James Macavoy and Rob Pattinson are secretly brothers.  Setting aside for a moment the fact that Rob was CLEARLY greedy when it came to the Jaw and the hair, there's a familial familiarity going on that's downright creepy to me.  To wit:

James + Ann Marie on the set of "Shameless" - look at how that turned out

Rob + Kristen on the set of "Twilight" - ummm, checking with their new BFF and nosey-parker Oprah, but I'm pretty sure FLYING TO FREAKING BUDAPEST FOR A WEEKEND QUALIFIES AS CONFIRMATION OF SOME KIND OMG ALREADY

Both of them smoke.

Tell me I'm wrong.  Go on, tell me you don't see it, too.  Fine.  I should be asleep now, anyway.




They are smiling & the meadow isn't too purple!

Friday May 7, 2010 at 10:14 PM

Where the hell is wolvesnvamps? She needs to see this!


Dead in the Family

Friday May 7, 2010 at 9:19 PM



I just finished Dead in the Family.

if you don't know what that is, it's the 10th Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood book. It was just released on Tuesday. 

I'll post my thoughts in the comments. 



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