Eclipse Soundtrack

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 8:28 PM

This was posted on SM website.

 The first single on "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" has just been confirmed and I get to bring you the exclusive details.    Stephenie's very favorite band, Muse, has contributed a song called "Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever)" and it's the first single from the project. It will be out on May 17th. I haven't heard it yet, but I am very excited. The official soundtrack will also be available on June 8th. You can pre-order the Eclipse soundtrack here.

Who do you hope to see on the soundtrack?

I don't think has been posted yet..if so..sorry.


Twilight Barbies!

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 7:42 PM

Found these at the Team Twilight website, and hadn't seen them posted here, so thought I would share. I actually think they look pretty good.




What do you think?


Jessica Stanley: The Next Andrea Mitchell?

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 6:46 PM


Hey Campers!

This week Jessica was given the task of interviewing a local political figure.  With a little string pulling we managed to secure an interview with Sentaor Cullen's re-election campaign manager and sister, Rosalie Cullen.  Rosalie, from Betty Smith's The Gentleman From Washington State, was in town for a short time visiting with some family, but she was happy to sit down with Jessica for a chat.  Take a look inside...

Love's to Blame

The 'talk'

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 6:26 PM

The other day my cousin took it upon herself to tell me all about the 'birds and the bees' even though i already knew it all. I was more annoyed than embarrassed because my mother never gave me the talk and I hoping I could go through my whole life without ever receiving it. 

I want to know who gave it to you, how did you fact, just tell me everything!



Thursday May 6, 2010 at 6:20 PM

And to quote Perez Hilton.

EDIT: Let's discuss KStew and RPattz, not perez although if you wish you can rant about him too ;)


be my little baby

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 5:17 PM

Picture post!


but i want your baby photos


i want to know what you looked like as a babby

here are mine


me and my sister

I was a pretty cute kid

your turn!


What's YOUR Style??

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 4:43 PM

 What is YOUR FanFic Style??

This thread is working again so BACK TO IT, MY LITTLE MUFFINS!

Do you live for vast amounts of hair-pulling angst? Does fluff warm your heart like a midsummer afternoon delight? Do you like sweet T rated stories or raunchy NC-17 pr0n without plot? 

Do you like your prose purple or do you prefer the realistic? Is humor right up your alley or are you more of a drama queen?

Do you like vampire stories or do you prefer your vampire characters human? Do you prefer a story where your characters stick to being in character or do you like it when they do something that surprises you?

Your assignment for this evening:



Then, as people READ your style, they should





Me? I love a great bromance....


FGB Eclipse Auction!

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 4:05 PM

Hey campers!

If any of you read Eye Contact by Silver Sniper of Night, she recently told us that she has signed up for the auction. 

I have started a team for her (Team Logicward) and she will be auctioning off a o/s for Eye Contact. 

If you are interested in joining the team, please contact me on Twitter (@JulierGirl18) or send me a PM here.  The minimum pledge is $5 but you can put is any amount that you want above that.


For your viewing pleasure................................


if cameron wins i'm emigrating

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 3:29 PM

this is related to twilight because the cullens look perfect flawless beautiful etc etc, and this perfection is similar to that achieved by mr david cameron in his heavily photoshopped completely genuine campaign posters:



just saying that if he wins i'm digging a hole and jumping in :] :]. he wants to take away senoir citizens' bus passes and close my school and make fox hunting legal again and stop me going to university.

if david cameron, gordon brown and nick clegg were all put into volturi HQ who would

a. be the tastiest?

b. live the longest?

c. come out a fully fledged vampire??



Thursday May 6, 2010 at 1:54 PM


i know it's not free for all friday... yet.  so to make this twilight related - um. the cullens seemed to be the 'elite', you know, the total aloof secret club no one could get in... kay, never mind. still not relating to post.

lauren!  ah, she is usually the queen bitch in fics.  so... were you teh queen bee?  if not, what were you?  there we go.


Eclipse Character Promo Shots

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 12:55 PM














KS and Smiling: An Affront to Patriarchy?

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 12:48 PM

 There's a nifty little blog post I just saw regarding Kristen Stewart and her lack of red carpet smiling:

The author argues that our collective insistence to have Kristen smile is a form of gender role policing--that we expect women to want to be looked at, to want to be admired, and to reassure others that being looked at is something we welcome. When someone comes along not willing to reassure us in such a way, we punish her for not playing the part. All the while, we don't expect the same reassurance from her male red carpet counterparts because we have different expectations for them.

Here's the link and I'll put the article in the first comment:

So, what say you?

Is Kristen's crusty red carpet behavior bad manners - or an affront to patriarchy?


unpopular opinion

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 11:50 AM










unpopular opinion is unpopular


just curious

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 10:55 AM

I know i'm the first person ever to ask this question (HA HA) but what is it about twilight that turns you on so much?

I can't even answer this for myself...but i'll tell you how it went down happened to me...

My friend and I rented Twilight as a joke. long story short, we weren't laughing at the end of it. I had no idea about the whole saga or that Robert Pattinson was anybody at all and kristen was the little girl in panic room. anywho i was obsessed aft that. read all the books, bought the movie, watched Rob porn, which is essentially googlelin him or browsin pics on photobucket. i stumbled upon fanfiction one night and it wasn't even a B/E story. it was jacob and leah. it was hott. i was like woah im way turned on. I wont even read a jacob centered fic now. but anyways, i have like 200 favorited stories and im a forest regular and twilighted and the whole spiel. But i still have no idea what it is about reading twilight fanfic or more specifically and my most favorite kind forbidden love/angst/hump me on the kitchen table that has captured so much of my time/life/mental capacity.

why do you like it? how did you find out about it? because if i ever mention it, which isn't often, people are like what?

i just wanna know because i can't TALK about it to real people.



pattinson-C-0912-01.jpg Robert Pattinson image by btvs5x5


Mom's Day Gift--Fic Rec Help!

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 10:49 AM

Hi, All!

I'm looking for some good, finished fics to give to my mother for Mother's Day.  She's a Twihard and a true Jacob-lover.  (She's also a doctor of psychology and a psychoanalyst.)  I plan to upload a bunch of stories to her brand new Nook and let her read them at her leisure. 

I first gave her In the Blink of an Eye, which she loved and has reread several times.

Here are some requests:

  1. Completed fic--My mom, though brilliant, is not so good with navigating the Interwebs, so waiting/finding updates would be...a challenge.)
  2. Canon--she's very into fics that expand on/develop the original novels.
  3. Light on the smut--When she read ItBoaE, at the (few) sex scenes.  Her exact words to me: "Mija, the story was amazing.  But there were some very...racy parts in there.  Whew.  I felt like I needed to go find a vibrator or something." (My mom does not talk like this.)
  4. Jacob/Bella--Since she's a huge Jacob fan, she'd really enjoy a good J/B fic.  I know this isn't canon, but this is where she'd be okay with deviating.
  5. Well-written--She'll have a very hard time if there are a lot of spelling/grammatical errors (don't we all?)

So, does anyone have any recommendations?  (They can meet any or all of these criteria.)





LA Times Eclipse Article

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 10:47 AM

As tweeted by Peter Facinelli:

Twilight Eclipse big three


Yvonne Villarreal goes in-depth on "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" in this piece, which is a longer version of her Sunday Calendar story. 

The family that slays together, stays together. At least that's the case for the Cullen brood.

In "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," which hits theaters June 30, Seattle is ravaged by a series of killings caused by an army of newborn vampires controlled by revenge-seeking bloodsuckerVictoria. To combat the threat against Bella (Kristen Stewart) in this third installment of the franchise, the Cullens must band together and join forces with their sworn enemies, the wolf pack.

"The whole family is in a vulnerable position because of the love we have for Bella," said Elizabeth Reaser, who plays matriarch Esme Cullen. "If she's not OK, we're not OK."

In the past, we've seen the clan hit baseballs so hard that they can play only in a thunderstorm, to block out the sound. And we've watched the buttoned-up human imposters welcome Bella into their home as the human girlfriend of one of their own — the handsome Edward.


"This time around, you get to see their true vampire-ness," said Peter Facinelli, who plays head vampire Dr. Carlisle Cullen in the series based on the bestselling books by Stephenie Meyer.

The film is being helmed by David Slade, the edgy filmmaker behind Hard Candy and 30 Days of Night.” And if the trailer is any indication, he’s definitely given the franchise a darker sensibility.

“The guys are going to bring their girlfriends to this one, mark my words,” said Kellan Lutz, who plays Emmett Cullen. “There’s a lot of fighting, a lot of cool stunts. It’s a little darker. The stuff I’ve seen so far is amazing. Amazing. The music is great. Everything is just really captivating. I’m excited to see it, and I’m excited for the fans to see it. The stunts are so cool. It was a bit weird, like for the main battle scene where the newborns come in. I mean, we’re looking at these cardboard cutouts as we’re acting, as we’re supposed to be head-butting creatures. So to see it live on the screen is so cool. And running on the treadmills to do the chase scene was awesome. We were being pulled by a truck going really fast to make it seem like we were running at vampiric speed. To see it on screen, it looks epic.”

What else can we expect from the pale-faced Cullen family (which includes the Hale siblings) this go-round? Here's what the actors say audiences can expect from the story and their characters:


Facinelli: "For me, as Carlisle, it's an exciting portion of the series. Carlisle is very compassionate and he has a lot of killing to do in this movie. I joke, after he kills the bad guys, he says he's sorry in his head. And, you know, he's calm and level-headed. He's the rock of the family. He usually has a lot of information to draw from because Alice can see into the future and Edward can read minds. In this third movie, he's not getting that information. Neither one of his sources are working, so he's kind of flying blind."

Robert Pattinson (as Edward Cullen): Snagging a phone interview with the brooding dreamboat — who was overseas shooting his latest film, "Bel Ami" — proved difficult. So what can we expect from the lovesick Edward? He promises to love Bella "every moment of forever," as the trailer reveals. He's still hesitant about her becoming a vampire. He's determined to protect her from Victoria. And he's vying with Jacob for her affections. Oh, the life of an antique teenage vampire.


Reaser: "Esme is still a vampire. She still wants to kill people all day long. It was interesting to get in touch with the vampire side of her in ways that haven't really been explored. Her family is in danger and that brings out the mama bear in her.
Ashley Greene (as Alice Cullen): "Yeah, she's delicate and prissy at times, but Alice gets a little edgier with each installment. And with these vampires messing with her family and the people she loves, you're going to see a bit of her toughness. It's a reminder to the audience that even though we restrain ourselves at times, we're still vampires and we're dangerous. You're going to see the dark, dangerous side of Alice."

Kellan Lutz (as Emmett Cullen): "You're going to see a smile on Emmett's face from start to finish. He just loves to fight. And there's a lot of fighting. He sort of plays bigger in this one than the others."

Nikki Reed (as Rosalie Hale): "You see a reason for her attitude. I think fans will feel for her. There was a bit of that in 'New Moon.' Fans got to see a bit of her sensitive side. Her sane side. Her logical side. And her desire to help her family. This time around, she is much more of a participant. She's a survivor. This is her family. So if protecting Bella means protecting her family, she's going to do it."

Jackson Rathbone (as Jasper Hale): "You'll get to see a little bit of the root of what makes Jasper so withdrawn and quiet in the Cullen family. Fans will get some of Jasper's back story in ‘Eclipse.' I got to wear the whole Civil War gear and everything. There's a bit of the softer and darker side of Jasper in this film."





Another Article on 'Water for Elephants'

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 10:34 AM

I am so excited for this movie. So. Excited.

Robert Pattinson will be surrounded by Oscar winners and nominees both in front and behind the cameras in his upcoming project Water for Elephants, directed by Francis Lawrence (whose last feature was Will Smith’s I Am Legend) and based on Sara Gruen’s novel.

Pattinson’s co-stars Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz are both Oscar winners. Witherspoon won a Best Actress Oscar for James Mangold’s Walk the Line (2005), while Waltz was this year’s Best Supporting Actor Oscar winner for Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds.

Hal Holbrook, who’ll be playing the aged version of Pattinson’s character — a young traveling-circus veterinary during the Depression years — received a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination for Sean Penn’s Into the Wild two years ago.

Additionally, Water for Elephants screenwriter Richard LaGravenese was nominated for his work on Terry Gilliam’s The Fisher King (1991); production designer Jack Fisk(Sissy Spacek’s husband) and set decorator Jim Erickson shared a nomination for There Will Be Blood (2007); and costume designer Jacqueline West has been up for two Oscars: Quills (2000) and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008).

Rodrigo Prieto was the Oscar-nominated cinematographer of Brokeback Mountain. And finally, one of Water for Elephants‘ three producers, Gil Netter, was shortlisted as one of the producers of this year’s Best Picture nominee The Blind Side.



recycling, forest-style

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 10:26 AM


Near You Always

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 9:41 AM

I have a question for anyone that has read it, please come in!

(I don't want to sway or spoil anything for anyone who hasn't read it yet by posting anything about the story out here on the front page)


Say Cheese!

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 9:17 AM

Dear Summit,

If you had taken to time to READ the books in the Twilight "Saga" you would know that Edward (AKA Robert Pattinson) does actually SMILE and LAUGH in the books. So please, stop making our Edward constipated, brooding and pissy all the time, we want to see his crooked smile and hear him laugh!

Thank you,

The Twilight Fandom.


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