
Contest Deadline Extension

Friday May 7, 2010 at 11:17 AM

Due to the fact that there was a lot of interest, but very few entries, the deadline has been extended for:

Twi/Friends Anonymous One-Shot Contest.

New Deadline is May 20th.

Contest Link HERE


New Bella/Jacob Eclipse Still

Friday May 7, 2010 at 10:50 AM


PIXIE EDIT: Check out the cast with Oprah from this weeks taping!

The cast of Twilight



Friday May 7, 2010 at 10:12 AM

I couldn't help myself...



Yep, it's quite obvious that I need to go and get coffee.


Edit: I really liked this one.  I loved the antivirus (I use that program) and about DIED when I saw the fanfiction document along with all the pop ups in the virus chest.....



WAXING, the Good, the bad, and the ugly

Friday May 7, 2010 at 10:12 AM

First let me start off by saying I am a bit mortified to have to ask this in a public forum but really need some advice/information on this and everyone here is flippin awesome so I figured what the hell...

Soooo here's the sitch...

My husband has been deployed for the past 7 months and is returning a week from today.  I would like to surprise him with some hardwood flooring, if you know what I mean, but have never had anything waxed other than my eyebrows.  So this is where I need the advice, my questions are as follows:

Where should I go?  There's no way in hell I am going to the nail place around the corner with their 20 year old crockpot of wax so how do I find a "good" place?

What kind of growth do I need going in there?

How does it all work, do you wear your panties, do they stay on while its happening, what position are you in on the table?

How do you get over the awkwardness of the situation?

What is the  healing time?

What is the rate of grow back and does it grow back stubbly like if you shaved?

And finally, what kind of pain are we talking about here? 

Thank you all in advance, I will now go crawl under a rock and die of mortification!





Name that Fic

Friday May 7, 2010 at 9:47 AM

Happy Friday to all! My weekend will officially start in 7 hours and 10 minutes.

Please help me get my read on.

There is a story out there where bella works at a candy shop and Emmett is her brother. After getting drunk she ends up sleeping with Edward. Bella wakes up in Edward's house and she goes downstairs to look for her clothes. She bumps into Alice, who works as Edward's assistant, Alice basically kicks her out. Later Bella's work sends her to deliver candy at a birthday party, of course it Edwards house. While she is there she faints, and then tells edward she is pregnant.

Sound Familiar? 


Help me out?

Friday May 7, 2010 at 8:45 AM

I read all kinds of fics, angsty, fluffy, slash, BDSM, whatever i'm in the mood for.

Right now, I'm in the mood for a good, smutty, mostly fun read. I like Edward/Bella mostly, but can do others if they're good. I don't care if there's a bit of angst, that's fine. Some good sexual tension is good too.

Problem is, i've read most of the "popular" fics (I read alot. WAY too much)

Can you rec something that I might not have read? OH and it has to be completed.


Move over, Emma. Isabella is the new top baby name

Friday May 7, 2010 at 8:32 AM

From Yahoo.


Jacob is the most popular baby name for boys, continuing an 11-year run at the top, the Social Security Administration said Friday. Emma's reign was much shorter, lasting just a year before slipping to No. 2.

Many of the top names — and the fastest risers — came straight from the popular "Twilight" series of books and movies, a collection of stories about teen romance and vampires. If that sounds hokey, don't bother naming your son Cullen.

Edward Cullen is one of the lead characters in the "Twilight" books and movies. Edward moved up only 11 spots, to No. 137 on the list. But Cullen was the biggest riser among boys' names, moving up 297 spots, to No. 485.

Edward Cullen is, of course, a vampire. His girlfriend? Bella, a common nickname for Isabella.

Jacob is another character in the stories, but Jacob's reign at the top started well before the first "Twilight" book was published in 2005. Isabella has been in the top 10 since 2004.

A little more than 22,000 girls born in 2009 were named Isabella, followed by Emma, Olivia, Sophia and Ava. Nearly 21,000 boys were named Jacob, followed by Ethan, Michael, Alexander and William.

Mia was the only newcomer to the top 10 for girls, rising from 14th to 10th. Among the boys, Jayden moved up from 11th to 8th, and Noah moved up from 15th to 9th.

Do you know anybody who was named after the Twilight books? Is it weird that I'm happy about this?


What is your Feminism?

Friday May 7, 2010 at 7:20 AM

I am having a bit of a girlpower moment.  No idea why.

I'm a feminist.  A big one.  And today, as I'm lying in bed suffering through one of womanhood's miseries, I've been trying to come up with a short and sweet way to sum up what feminism is to me.  These are things I came up with while fucking around on twitter:


  1. it's me being me. i want to know ladies. what is your feminism?
    it's lying in bed all day with my cat and twittering about nonsense
    it's putting on red lipstick and high heels and walking on my husband's arm
    it's wearing my baggy ass jeans and no bra and smiling politely at the pharmacy checkout counter while getting my birth control
    What is your feminism? For me it's knowing people's expectations of me and choosing to conform or not. and then accepting the consequences.


I'd love to know more about the wonderful people in this fandom.  What makes you, YOU, damn the consequences? 

In 140 characters or less, tell me: what is your feminism?

I started this on twitter and I hope it takes off there.   If you are on twitter let's try and trend #whatisyourfeminism

And if someone's got a problem with you, give them this:


Opinions on Stay at Home Mom's?

Friday May 7, 2010 at 6:26 AM

So, I'm in a class where we need to write blogs about subjects that I guess get to us. My theme has been discussing feminism in a different light. What I wanted to do for my next one was defend  stay at home mom's.

This stemmed from this interview I saw years ago that always stuck with me. Feminist Linda Hirshman on the Colbert Report. And even if you don't want to help, it's still interesting.

If anyone would please watch this, can you please give me your opinion? The woman makes a lot of good points but I still disagree.

EDIT: Just want to thank everyone, I already have enough juice to write this thing.



New York City Recs?

Friday May 7, 2010 at 6:12 AM

So, although I get to see a lot of the world with my job, I have an horrible time seeing cities in my own country. This is going to change, however, at the end of month when my husband and I head to New York! I'm really excited as neither of us have ever been there.

I know there are some people on here who live in NY - any absolutely-must-see recommendations for us? We're only there for a few days, and I'm kind of over-whelmed at all the things there are to do and see.

Also, to get me in the mood, what are your favorite fanfics that are set in New York? :) Thanks and happy Friday!

LJ Summers

Virtual Twitter Shower

Friday May 7, 2010 at 5:59 AM

What? A shower on Twitter? 

NO, not THAT kind of shower. Get your fanficking minds OUT of the gutter.

bridal shower pic


LIVE720 is getting married this month and I am throwing her a Virtual Bridal Shower on Twitter.

DATE:  May 12, 2010

LOCATION-ISH: TWITTER  hashtag #720Shower

TIME:   Afternoon/Evening EST.  Yeah, I know, it's VAGUE, but basically it's just a time to set aside to send some tweets in under the #720Shower tag to leave for Rhi, aka @LIVE720



Bring URLs of GIFTS you would get her if you could (virtual gifts or "ZEN GIFTS" a term coined by Anne McCaffrey in her Brawn/Brainship Central Worlds series. The gifts you would give someone if you were there, but you're not, so...)  

Bring MARITAL ADVICE that is less than 140 characters in length.  BREVITY when speaking to a HUSBAND is a GOOD THING.  So are tweets. :)

Bring PICTURES  (I am hereby officially NOT RESPONSIBLE for NSFW pics anyone brings to this shower, lol)



You do not need to reserve the entire day. Just a few moments to drop something off to #720Shower on Twitter. :)  In a virtual shower, it really is the thought that counts!


The Weirdest Place You've Made Whoopee

Friday May 7, 2010 at 5:20 AM

So, I was reading a fic the other day where B & E had sex for the first time in a dugout- at a city rec field or something. Seemed kinda 'ummm?' to me, but, really, who am I to judge?

It made me think about this:


(Yep, she just said what you think she said)

Anyway, I was thinking the dugout thing was kinda strange, then I remembered one night when hubs (then boyfriend) and I pulled over in a cornfield, in the middle of nowhere. So, my answer to Bob Eubanks would be "In a cornfield." (Well, that or a Marta parking lot.)

So, just for laughs, what's the weirdest place you've ever 'made whoopee'? Any funny stories? Get caught? Fall outa the car with your pants around your ankles? 

Give me lulz. It's been a bad week. 



Happy Birthday to... ME!

Friday May 7, 2010 at 5:19 AM


 Ladies! So today is my birthday and I am having to deal with my bitch of a boss. Grrr...


So could you please make me feel better and spam me with some hotness? ANY will do, my favorites are Robert of course, David Boreanaz, and Zachary Quinto. :) And also any funny or sexy stories would help make the day tolerable. Thanks! Mwah!

Diana Wolfskill

The Hottest, the Saddest, and the Funniest

Friday May 7, 2010 at 1:10 AM

Nominate your personal favorites.

The hottest scene in all Twilight fan fiction is:  sex on a train in The Cullen Campaign by belladonna1472

The saddest scene in all Twilight fan fiction is: the end of Peonies by sillybella

The funniest scene in all Twilight fan fiction is: riot at the drag show in Mr. Horrible by algonquinrt

I'm looking for my next fave fic. I always like well-written smut, angst makes my eyes tear up and funny makes me smile again.



Friday May 7, 2010 at 12:54 AM

Hello my friendly forest friends. Here we have another music campfire, but this one is a little different. This one is the Soundtrack of your life :)

Put your ipod/itunes, whatever on shuffle & fill in your soundtrack. Don't skip songs people.

Opening Credits

Waking up scene

Getting ready scene

Car driving scene

Highschool flashback scene

Nostalgic scene

Angry Scene

Agony, painful scene

Breakup scene

Sad, breakdown scene

Nightclub/dance scene

Buddy/sidekick scene

Dreaming of someone scene

Comtemplation scene

Love scene

Kissing scene

Relaxing scene

Action/fight scene

Victory Scene

Closing Credits


Mine is in the comments


~Would You Care To Share?~

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 11:42 PM


~*~Good Times~*~


Tell me about your good times right now. What’s good that’s going on?
~*~Happy Happenings~*~
Are you happy? Tell me why! 
(See inside for mine)


Thursday May 6, 2010 at 11:18 PM

So last week I started reading this fic, Beautiful, Dirty, Rich and I read straight through the night. It was glorious

However, my laptop battery died and I lost the page. It's super random because it's not on and I don't know where to find it.

Please for the love of all things Cullen, someone link this so I can survive again.



Total eclipse of the heart

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 10:29 PM

What song is stuck in your mind right now?

Thanks to Glee this one is mine.


Entertain me!

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 10:19 PM

So I'm just trying to find more ways to procrastinate and not write my philosophy final paper

so I want you to show me anything that  entertains you!

Show me pictures, videos, websites, music, fics, etc.

Anything that you like to waste your time on :)

Here are some things that have been entertaining me:

<-------- This guy makes some awesome videos and has amazing skills!





Of Things Adorable :)

Thursday May 6, 2010 at 9:55 PM

I have an adorable hamster. And since it is Free For All Friday, I am going to post a vide of him:

To make this interactive, does anyone else have any videos of their pets doing things or any adorable animal videos that they like? If you do, post'em =D

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