
Showing Love to Readers

Monday May 10, 2010 at 6:02 AM

Some Twific addicted ladies have come together for a brand new podcast called Fic Pushin  [blatant pimpage of our show... head to our site or follow us on Twitter to get details of the launch of our first show: The First Hit Is Free.] 

We're focusing a lot on the reader perspective. As part of that, we're asking authors to submit their favorite reviews -- the ones that are the funniest, most meaningful, or special for some reason. That way we can honor the readers who are awesome enough to take the time to show their love via review.

My question is for you fic readers:
"For which fics have you written your best reviews?" 


I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning

Monday May 10, 2010 at 5:34 AM

I know that there's a nice chunk of people on here that are not on the Western Hemisphere.  So, while all y'all nice N.American/S.American/Canadians are getting your beauty sleep, we on the Eastern side of the world are over here wide awake.  What I want to know is what does everyone on this wonderful side of the world do while the majority of ADF has visions of sugar plums dancing through their heads?  Is it 'normal' for you to be getting off of work or out of school when everyone else is just having their first cup of coffee, or do you think it's strange? 


BTW- I'm a California transplant for y'all that don't already know.  My family and the in-laws are all back there too, so I have 3 diff time zones programmed into the bottom task bar of my Firefox  browser (Pacific Standard Time, Zulu and Afghanistan).  I know it took me a while to get used to waiting to call people...sometimes it still kills me, esp if I have good gossip or news :)


P.S. Bonus points to anyone that can tell me where the title of this campfire comes from w/out looking it up on the interwebz :)




fic rec anyone? pretty please...

Monday May 10, 2010 at 5:18 AM


This is my first post so a little anxious...

I don't think I'm alone in saying that "With Teeth" by TalulaBlue is my must drop everything read at the moment

I'd like some rec's from the lovely fanfic addicts here to keep me going between updates...

Something similar, E&B, poetic but not flowery, getting inside mind of character, realistic sex and conversation, angst, swoony edward

The only other fic I've read which has a similar style that I also put my life on hold for is littlesecret84's Brown Study

Any other fics like these epically awesome stories would be gratefully received!!!!


Need to find a fic

Monday May 10, 2010 at 3:24 AM

Trying to find a fic, Bella was married to Carlisle and had an affair with his son - Edward.



No Sad Pandas Here.

Sunday May 9, 2010 at 10:40 PM

Emo.  Sullen.  Sad Panda.  Awkward Panda.  Angry.  Angsty.  Irritated.  Pissed off.  Pouty.  Unamused.  Arrogant.  Bored.

Yes, our boys and girls in the Twilight Saga have the tendency to embrace all of the above, especially in pictures.  Now I know, I know, if I had a hoard of cameras following me around constantly, I'd be all of those things too, but even at public events where they're there to be excited and happy about the work they're doing--and not just Twilight work, these actors and actresses have the tendency to look nothing short of annoyed and unenthralled.

But we know better.  We know that these people know how to smile, and laugh, and grin, and can be goofy, and down right delightful and delighted!  How do we know?  We have photographic proof!

Spam this post with pics of happy Twilight Saga cast members!


Fuck-what should we do for his b-day?

Sunday May 9, 2010 at 10:13 PM

We are ADF so we do things differently. Give us your best ideas-you always blow us away.

We want to stand out-make some noise-like we always do. Let's go and remember-no idea is a bad idea and we are all about pushing the envelope.

Oh and the camper with the best idea wins some goodies.

And we always have the best goodies. ;)



WTF, mate?

Sunday May 9, 2010 at 9:12 PM

Did Coming to Terms get pulled? It's one of my faves and I could have sworn I put it in my favorites and now it has grown legs and walked away...


Hilarious/GRAPHIC Twilight Cartoon Porn

Sunday May 9, 2010 at 7:39 PM

A friend emailed this to me and I thought it was TOO FUNNY not to share.

But I'm posting the pictures in comment 1 instead of in the main campfire because they are NSFW & probably not a good idea to click if your small kids are hovering right behind you.

Otherwise, click immediately and join in the LULZ!



The Music of Twilight

Sunday May 9, 2010 at 6:33 PM

I was thinking about it and wondering, Canon Twilight characters, what do you think they listen to?

...Beyond Linkin Park and Muse. And 80's music. So let me rephrase this, what SHOULD they listen to.

(Edward listening to 80s over the 60s....doesn't go for me.)

So, is Emmett a rap fan? Rosalie a closet metal fan? Alice nuts over showtunes? Most importantly, DOES Jasper listen to country?!

I'm personally a big fan of Metal and general Rock, so my Edward listens to it....even if SM's doesn't....

EDIT: I sort of love that everyone so far is agreeing with me on Rosalie and Metal XD. Although I really can see Jasper listening to the type my dad would listen to.



Sunday May 9, 2010 at 6:19 PM

happy mommah's day to everybody!  for all the wonderful moms out there, thanks for being you!


moving, on to the real campfire....


so, as a vampire, your senses get heightened. 


but.  what if you could only choose one sense?  what would it be and why?



Sunday May 9, 2010 at 5:53 PM





Favorite television moms

Sunday May 9, 2010 at 4:36 PM

In honor of Mother's Day, Show us your favorite television moms!

I loved



ranger approved!



Sunday May 9, 2010 at 4:36 PM

 This morning my son gave me this poem that he wrote all by himself....

The second I got this I knew that I would cherish it forever.

So I ask you, what do you CHERISH??? Is there a slip of paper? A love note? A concert ticket? Is it a pair of your grandma's earrings or a picture of your first pet?

Let us know! TELL us why it is special to you! If possible, take a picture of it so we can see it!


Tell me no tales and I'll tell you no lies

Sunday May 9, 2010 at 2:25 PM


We've had a few bitch sessions about what we dislike about the ff world.  Can we concentrate please on all the GOOD AND WONDERFUL things we LOVE about our most beloved hobby?

I guess you can name names and fics, since its positive...but really, I am looking for more generalities from you.




Sunday May 9, 2010 at 12:33 PM

ok so basically this is my 1st post and i wanna ask - does anyone have ant SUPER DUPER FUNNY FANFICS????????

ooohhhh and some bad-ass bella or edward one's???????????

nothing hurt and comfort - they sometimes make me cry :(     but i need to laugh dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ooohhhh yeah and nothing angst - im not sure what the hell that and i googled it and it just doesnt make sense but whateva!!!!!!

thaks whoever is willing to help me find some awesome fanfics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANX ;]



Sunday May 9, 2010 at 12:04 PM

BOMBAYBICYCLECLUBJUSTTWEETEDME!! and for those of you who don't speak rush-excited-talk language, one of my favourite bands Bombay Bicycle Club tweeted me and if you follow me on Twitter you'd know how much of a BIG DEAL this is for me.

So I want to know from those of you who Twitter out there, has anyone famous ever tweeted you? What was their message?

Just because I love them 

 panda <3

and fyt


mama, i love you

Sunday May 9, 2010 at 8:27 AM


That Girl There x

Would you believe...

Sunday May 9, 2010 at 5:20 AM


That this guy, Paul Rudd- Friends, I Love You Man, Knocked Up, Object of my Affection etc,  was in my little town.. On an island down the bottom of Ireland...

he came to visit Cobh  for the weekend.. Unfortunately I didn't get to see him, and he's gone now.. I never get to meet famous people.. (Sorry WTDBOC I didn't see him, but if he ever returns.... )

And one of my other friends went to a Black Eyed Peas concert where she met all the members of Black Eyed Peas and Cheryl Cole.. Will.I.Am even said her name on stage while talking to her..

So ignoring my complete lack of luck.. Have you ever met any famous people??
Asked Paul Rudd to send your regards to Jennifer Aniston? (Yes the guy in the photo did say that).. Had your name said by your favourite band/singer on stage (Still praying to meet James Hetfield)..

If not (like me) who would you love to meet.. and why..


And post photos.. or this campfire would be completely useless


Warning: The word 'fuck' used multiple times!

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 11:12 PM

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Know-it-all, smug Alice's in fan fiction annoy the fuck out of me.


I mean seriously, GTFO All Knowing Alice.  Just because you've seen shit happening doesn't give you the right to a) Lord it over others, b) use your knowledge to force people's hands.  I mean fuck, what happened to choice?, and c) For that matter, ever consider what sharing your knowledge might do to the situation?  HAVEN'T YOU EVER SEEN TIME TRAVEL MOVIES WHERE TELLING PEOPLE WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN FUCKS UP THE FUTURE?!?!

Fuck, I've read one too many Omniscient Alice's recently.



Fan fic pet peeves: Go!


Ruined Things

Saturday May 8, 2010 at 10:36 PM

So I was reading a fic today and Bella mentions whutering heights and the choice made that ruined everyone's lifes, of course I have no idea what she was talking about seeing as I never read whutering heights, there is a reason for that. When twilight came out (especially when the movie came out) a lot of things become popular overnight, volvos, Jane Austen (not that she wasn't popular before but you know what I mean), and Debussy, to name a few.

The thing is because Twilight made it famous I cannot bring myself to read whutering heights or listend to Clair De Lune at least once, I have this odd feeling that if I do read it or listen to it and then I mention it to someone, that someone will assume that the only reason why I like this things is in fact because of twilight, even though I make just like them for my own reasons.

So tell me campers are there any things you don't like because of twilight? or things you like because of it?

Oh and I won't be naming my kids after any name mention in the twilight series.


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