
More GIF's...

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 12:17 PM

Ok...since I got HD video from the Oprah scenes I wanted to make us some GOOD GIF's! 

If there are any you would like made into Avatars, please message me! If you do, just include the number!  :)  

























Hey Steph, didja lose our address?

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 11:04 AM

So, on SM's site there's this this message:

Hey guys,

I want to do something different with publicity for this movie release. For Twilight, I did the normal press junket, for New Moon I got to go on Oprah. Both of these were fun, exciting experiences. However, they both had the same drawback—the interviews were designed for a very broad audience, and because of that, most of the questions were about things you guys have known the answers to for years. I feel like all of the basic questions have been answered, and for Eclipse I want to focus on the more specific questions of the readers. To accomplish that, I'm hosting my own mini-junket with a few fansites. It will be held on Friday, June 18th, the week before the L.A. premiere.

Unfortunately, I can't talk to every single site, and I want to keep this as low key and enjoyable as possible. So I put all the U.S. fansites in a hat (for logistical reasons, we had to keep this in the country) and drew out four names.

The names I drew were:

Twilight Series Theories (twilightseriestheories.com)
Twilight Source (twilightsource.com)
Twifans (www.twifans.com)
Letters To Twilight (letterstotwilight.wordpress.com)
Each of these sites is invited to send two members of their staff (or one member and a guest) to our fan-centric mini-junket. You will be contacted shortly by my assistant, who will give you all the specific information. In the event that any of the sites is unable to send representatives, I've already drawn four back up sites, which I will post if it becomes necessary.

I'll answer all of your questions (and your readers questions, if you want to poll them) about the Eclipse Movie, and the Bree story, as well, which will have been out for a few weeks by then. We'll have lunch, hang out, and hopefully have a fantastic time. I hope you all can make it!


Alright, so we Rangers are the ones who enbiggened the word DIFFERENT there in her first sentence... because seriously? What could be more DIFFERENT than A Different Forest. That's like totally our mission statement and junk.

We can't help but notice that in all the attempt to be DIFFERENT, however, all the chosen sites sound kinda the same, and we wonder if only sites with the word Twilight in their name made it into the sorting hat.

Let's pretend her people did their due diligence and found us and put us in the pool, and in this hypothetical scenario we're one of the four back-up sites.

When this happens, wolvesnvamps would be the one to go to the cozy luncheon with Esme Steph, and guess what! She'll take a Camper with her!

Okay Campers: In SM BIZARRO WORLD where A DIFFERENT FOREST gets recognized for being SUPER-AWESOME, which Camper should hit the junket and why? What would you ask (even if you think you shouldn't)?

Ready? Go.


Interview Question!!!

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 10:57 AM

So i was just thinking if you could interview the cast, and ask them anything you like, what would you ask???

Mines would be.....

Kristen while filming make out scenes with Rob have you ever felt anything poking between you while he most definably did not have a flashlight in his pocket?

Jackson how do you feel about your face being licked and if you don't mind can i lick it?

Rob is it true that you be stalking GAW and can you tone it down because you kinda creep her out..... js?

So what would you ask??? 


How do you feel about Manips?

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 10:47 AM

So, I'm curious, how many people out there are territorial about the manips that they make? How do you feel about "borrowing" other's manips?

I'm not talking about banners, I mean, just general manips you/they have made of Rob, or ... whoever.

Do you hold on to them for dear life?  Offended when someone uses them without asking you?  Or do you consider it a compliment when someone uses them in a banner they make or just steals them for their own personal ogling?

(Jensen Ackles sexy bod + Rob's face = win)


Survivor Game:Twilight Edition

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 10:42 AM

Howdie folks! Whadda say we plays us a gizzame?! I don't know if this has already been done, but I've seen people do it  on other forums and its really fun!

I'm Amber and I shall be your host for the evenin' *bows*. The name of the game is Survivor. The object is to keep your favorite character in the game as long as possible until they are the last one standing! I will compose a list of characters from the book/movie. They will each start out with the same number by their names.  What you beauties do is take a point away from one person and give it to someone else.

for example:



I can go in and do this



RULES: I'm not sure how popular or unpopular this is gonna be so for now everyone can make a change twice a day(LIKE POST 3 OR 4 HOURS AFTER YOUR FIRST POST) so the game can go on for a decent amount of time :)

make the canges you did known by putting it in bold or just saying what you did.

make sure to continue to post the list with the changes

if during your turn you knock somebody off, make sure you let everyone know that character is out of the game and remove them from the list.

you can make conversation and such! that makes the game more fun!


THE LIST vvvvvvvvv!(I only put like major characters...if your favorite character wasn't on the list I am very sorry! )











Charlie Swan-10

Billy Black-10

Sam Uley-10












Some old Billy

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 9:59 AM

Waking up early on the weekends pays off...

I was channel surfing while I waited for my friend to pick me up last sunday and I stopped at a re run of Gilmore Girls (Oh, how I miss that show)... The thing is that I saw this:




The quality sucks because I took the pic from my tv, and as much as I tried to find this episode on You Tube, I couldn't... but OMG! Look at Billy's hair! It's hilarious!!!

I honestly didn't remember him on the show... It's from the year 2003, when Rory was dating Jess... Does anyone remember?

Where is Tor??? I took these pictures thinking about her!

I know we've done this before, but... where do you remember first seeing your favorite Twi star?



HELP! (Again)

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 9:33 AM

 Yeah, so. Braincrash again. The Denali Coven is also a vegetarian clan, right? I NEED HELP PLEASE ANSWER SOMEONE!!! I'm like, 99 per cent sure!


Best twilight Tee!

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 9:22 AM

Just saw this for sale on a website and it made me giggle so I thought I would share .......




Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 9:02 AM

 I believe you can get me through the night...

It always starts out that way.
You're all hangin' onto your favorite vamp man as he pounds you into every available surface, and he's torn your clothes off, professes his undying (heh) love to you, a mere human in this fucked up world. You throw your head back in ecstasy as your body clamps down around his. (omg are youfucking serious here?)
You're about to scream his name to the gods when all OF A SUDDEN... you're sweeping around a table leg and dusting pillows. PILLOWS!
There are crumbled newspapers to pick up and your vamp is now your (RL) husband. I am distressed, sad; grieving... AND decidedly NOT hanging off of ANY hot (cold) vamp appendage (sobs).
After the floor is clean enough to eat off of, you look up, into what you thought was a mirror, but it's not you staring back. 
It's a monster, a you-monster, from a thousand million years in the future(there are a lot of wrinkles in my future). It's got your name, your shape, and touches its face as you touch yours. You reach out to see if you can make contact, only to meet the resistance of the mirror and to realize that you've turned into a DISGUSTING OLD HAG! 
You wake up in a cold sweat(not the good kind). It's three a.m. and your DarlingHusbandWard is sawing logs (Wow, are those fucking things petrified?) next to you.
You're terrified and slightly disgusted that you've dreamt of such things—inserted yourself into the fantasy world of Twilight and/or TrueBlood—and made it seem so VERY FUCKING REAL in your subconscious. You're also reallllllllllly pissed that the sex scene wasn't longer, more graphic, and on a loop. I mean, it's MY subconscious, FFS, shouln't I be able to control what is seen?
SIGH. You have had Twilight dreams, yes? Are you as ashamed as I am (not)? I want to KNOW ABOUT THEM.
In all their rich, ridic dream detail. The more naked the better.
I like teeth. 
And hot bods.

Twilight cast twitter accounts

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 8:18 AM

I just came across this list of some of the casts Twitter accounts. So I thought I'd share.



@peterfacinelli – Peter Facinelli – Dr. Carlisle Cullen
@AshleyMGreene – Ashley Greene – Alice Cullen
@kellanlutz – Kellan Lutz – Emmett McCarthy

@jamiebower – Jamie Bower – Caius
@michaelsheen – Michael Sheen – Aro
@alchemission – Charley Brewer – Demetri
@cambright – Cameron Bright – Alec
@danielcudmore - Daniel Cudmore - Felix


@iamedigathegi – Edi Gathegi – Laurent
@RachelleLefevre – Rachelle Lefevre - Victoria (1)
@jodellemicah – Jodelle Ferland – Bree


@AnnaKendrick47 – Anna Kendrick – Jessica
@justinchon – Justin Chon - Erik
@cserratos – Christian Serratos – Angela
@billy_burke – Billy Burke – Charlie Swan
@zunnibossa - Jose Zuniga - Mr. Molina

Wolf Pack

@gilbrimingham – Gil Brimingham – Billy Black
@circakigordon - Kiowa Gordon - Embry
@therealchaske - Chaske Spencer - Sam
@thealexmeraz - Alex Meraz - Paul
@tinselkorey - Tinsel Korey – Emily
@TysonHouseman – Tyson Houseman - Quil

Eclipse Soundtrack

@Metric - Metric – "Eclipse (All Yours)"
@muse - Muse – "Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)"
@thebravery - The Bravery – "Ours"
@flo_tweet - Florence + The Machine – "Heavy In Your Arms"
@siamusic - Sia – "My Love"
@farfanlomusic - Fanfarlo – "Atlas"
@blackkeysnews - The Black Keys – "Chop And Change"
@thedeadweather - The Dead Weather – "Rolling In On A Burning Tire"
@Bat_For_Lashes & @beck - Beck and Bat For Lashes – "Let’s Get Lost"
@unkleofficial - UNKLE – "With You In My Head (featuring The Black Angels)"
@ECCMUSIC - Eastern Conference Champions – "A Million Miles An Hour"
@bandofhorses - Band of Horses – "Life On Earth"


Nikki Reed on Ellen

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 7:58 AM

I think the title explains it all Nikki Reed was on Ellen on her birthday and she is uber Ellen fan awwwww

Nikki Reed on Ellen

As we have seen time and time again, "Twilight" fans have a very tough time keeping their cool around any of the series' main stars. But what we learned today is that Nikki Reed has her own favorite celebrity that she can't keep her cool around: Ellen DeGeneres. The 22-year-old actress was very overeager as she joined Ellen on stage during the show, requesting a dance with the host and saying that being on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" was her way of celebrating her 22nd birthday.

But more importantly, she brought a little something to help us celebrate her birthday instead of just watching her nerd out. Click on after the jump to read about the brand new "Eclipse" clip debuted on "Ellen."


Though we learned that Rosalie's backstory will only take about two minutes of screen time to tell, we were excited nonetheless to see that the scene shown on "Ellen" took place right before Rosalie shares her sad tale with Bella. In it, she explains why she has always been so cold to the human who captured her brother Edward's heart.

"I don't hate you…. Bella, I envy you," Rosalie explains to a shocked Bella. She adds, "You have a choice, I didn't. None of us did, but you do, and you're choosing wrong."

Rosalie is of course talking about Bella's choice to want to become a vampire, but we didn't know being a vampire meant that you need to look so rough around the edges. We've already talked about Kristen Stewart's not-so-hot wig, but Nikki wasn't looking much better with her weird mussed up hair and super-white make-up in the scene as well.

Back on the show, though, Nikki looked lovely in a cute little black dress, her hair back to her normal shade of brunette and her skin back to being tan. As it turns out, Nikki shared with Ellen that the one thing that "got her through" the long shoot in Vancouver for "Eclipse" was a video of Ellen pole dancing at her BFF Paris Hilton's house. Nikki, who just bought her first place, promised Ellen she would put in her own stripper pole if it meant Ellen would come film a similar video at her house.

Instead, Ellen produced an even better birthday gift for Nikki: a two-part best friends necklace that read "Best Brunette Friends Forever." Nikki immediately put hers on, but Ellen was a little more hesitant, making a joke out of the fact that she'd "hold it a lot." And, even though it was Nikki's birthday, the young "Twilight" star brought the gift of a lifetime to Ann Cussler, an audience member who won two tickets to the "Eclipse" premiere in June.


I think Nikki Reed is lovely and I actually like her as Rosalie.  I also think that 2 minutes is no where near enough.  I am now scared that it is going to be rushed and that people are not going to see Rosalies true character.

What do you think? Is 2 minutes enough time for Rosalie's backstory? 



Link to movie clip: hollywoodcrush.mtv.com/2010/05/18/nikki-reed-ellen-recap-eclipse-clip/



Eclipse Scenes HD

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 7:53 AM

Here are the Eclipse Scenes that were shown on Oprah last week!  At least now they are in HD! 


T-rated Fic Recs?

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 7:26 AM

Hello loves! This is my first post, but I've been lurking for a month or so. I need some good T-rated fics please. I love a good lemon and I cuss like a sailor....but I feel so wrong reading them at work. I need something to pass the time, so can you help me out? I don't really care if it's cannon, AH,AU...whatever!!


Catherine on Kellan and Ashley Contracts

Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 7:20 AM


“Possibly, [replaced co-star] Rachelle [Lefevre] and Ashley and Kellan might not even be all that involved,” she said. “They have all the other people telling them things and a lot of stuff can get mishandled, like what happened with Rachelle. There’s so many possible misunderstandings. It breaks my heart.”

So, what does she think will come of the negotiations? “It could turn ugly. Do [these actors] deserve more money? Probably they do, on one level. But if everybody makes so much money, then … it’s complicated,” she added. “What a mess!

source: mtv

Uh, why does she just pop in at the most random moments?!



Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 5:54 AM

First I need to do a little ::happy dance:: Apparently ADF is NOT blocked at work anymore! w00t!

Now, back to my topic. Outlines.

I'm curious and would love some help from the campers. I write a little bit here and there and I outline whatever I write with basic notes, but I would love some advice, help or a little bit more organization with plotting and outlines.

Is there a specific format you use? A "form" or such? Any help would be greatly appreciated! THANK YOU! 

And for your opinions.... I share pics....


Also, my darling sister is a new member to the FOREST! SOOOO WEIRD! She's slowly creeping into my world of Twilight! ;)

Love's to Blame

AHHH! Monsters

Monday May 17, 2010 at 10:54 PM

 Earlier today my aunt had me watch a low budget horror flick that scared me so much I took a nap, passed out.

This is what will now forever haunt my dreams thank god for my nightlight.

So now that I’ve shared that with the world. I was wondering If Twilight was a horror flick, who would be the killer and in what order would everyone get killed?

In my horror film, Nessie is a young teenage girl who turns into the Lock Ness monster at night. One night a few teens get in their boat and go hang out in the middle of the lock. Nessie then destroys their engine then slowly kills them all one by one.

Bella, of course, will fall overboard five minutes into the movie and will be the first to die. And then in some random order everyone else will go. Because Alice is a freaky psychic chick she will be the one to live. The end.  Scary, huh?

So now that I’ve told you mine, tell me yours…or you can just post pictures of monsters and say that it’s a twilight character


Let's Talk Screenwriting People ...

Monday May 17, 2010 at 9:11 PM

Has anyone out there been as frustrated with the screenwriting in the last two movies as I have?

I often read that Kristen was mis-cast as Bella, and (dare I even say it) the same for Rob. I however, think they're both great in their roles, but would be super - great if they maybe had more material to work with.

There is a sea of fanfiction writers out there, and an entire website created for twilight fanfiction. I am have read some AMAZING fics that have been able to capture all of the essentials -  the quirks, the attitudes, the entire essence of the characters. How is it that all of these incredible ff writers have been able to capture the essence and detail of the characters, while the screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg (who, by the way, gets paid for this...), has done so little with all the material she has at her fingertips. Edward, in my opinion, is one of the most complex and multi- dimensional characters that I have ever read in a book (as Snowqueens Icedragons would put it, "Fifty Shades" ). However, Rosenberg writes him as a very flat character.


OK, so this came out a little angrier than anticipated.....


But what are your thoughts? Do you agree? Disagree?


Petulant Kids with Disfunctional 'Rents

Monday May 17, 2010 at 8:10 PM

Seems to be a theme in fanfic no?.....One that I never tire of!

I got a hankering for some dirty mouthed, alcohol imbibing, sexed up twilight kids, the kind you sorta want to slap and be best friends with at the same time. Pair that with unattentive, loaded yet disfunctional, and possibly liquored up parental figures, I'm on board!

So I'm currently reading Revelry (which is quite good by the way) and browsing through the best bits of Scotch Gin and the New Girl yet again, but I'm wondering can anyone Rec me a good similar fic with our favorite twilight kids care free crazy, with rich less than caring parental figures?

Thanks for your help,




To recap,

Petulant Kids:



Disfunctional Parents:


Finger Crossing Works

Monday May 17, 2010 at 7:27 PM

 remember yesterday...when i posted those Rob pics and i said "Maybe tomorrow some new/old pics of Kellan well be released *fingers crossed*"

well..here they are...



Monday May 17, 2010 at 7:26 PM

 There are always rumors floating around these parts. Rumors about fanfics, rumors about actors and actresses, rumors about movie roles and songs on soundtracks, rumors about naked pictures and awesome sex tapes staring our favorite male lead in a certain vampire series.... so now it's time to play


Oops! I really shouldn't have said that!

Give us your best rumor. It can be REAL, it can be FAKE


WARNING! If you start a rumor about someone you may want to tweet about it so they can


So go forth and give me your best, longest, shortest and juiciest RUMORS and remember to end it with...



First --- | >> | 1154 | 1155 | 1156 | 1157 | 1158 | 1159 | 1160 | 1161 | 1162 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
