

Friday May 21, 2010 at 12:28 PM

The Cannabean Betrothal... Im about to start reading it but im not really sure i want to. Can somebody give an overview of the story?




Bringing The Saga To Life

Friday May 21, 2010 at 12:00 PM

Day Three, Part Two.

We find ourselves more coherent this morning.

Last evening was filled with such slap-happiness. The Offspring were showered with many episodes of loud, off-key singing to classic rock stations that were more static than song.

(Play that funky music white boy....lalalla~you get the idea)

The pics are taken of our trip back to my house.  The Lurker boards her train back to Ohio in the wee hours Sunday/Monday.  Who would have thought that my leaving a particular review would have resulted in such an amazing friendship!

And of course, we are both talking about how much we miss Forks already. There have even been serious conversations of moving to the area.

There is just something about it...

The Interactive Part:

For those of you who have been to Forks:

1. Have you felt the same pull we did? 

2. How many times have you gone back to visit?

(pics inside, of course)


I Can Haz Photoshopped Cullens?

Friday May 21, 2010 at 11:35 AM

I haven't seen this discussed here so... Let's have at it, folks! It doesn't surprise me that my first ever campfire has to do with the Cullens. Crap. Anyway...

The official Cullen Family ECLIPSE poster:

Here are my thoughts:

  • What's up with the new Emmett bangs?! I am still of the mind that vampires cannot change.
  • Why is Alice in a "come hither/come look at mah b00bies" pose?
  • Rosalie's eyebrows do not match her hair. At all. This vexes me far more than anything else. That's a huge jump of color. <shudders>
  • Edward's got some lining on his forehead. Angsty or just a Photoshop error? Also, why is his body and head angled so awkward from each other. He's still pretty.
  • Jasper looks like a crazed killer. .... ..... .... .............. Oh wait. He is.
  • I wish someone had told the photographer that poor Esme was posed in a horrible way. Just, what a horrible lean.
  • They done good with Carlisle.

I'm done. No, really.

What are your thoughts, peoples? Don't leave me hanging!

<holds hand up for high fives>



Friday May 21, 2010 at 11:24 AM

Fellow campers, I bring you your daily dose of Rob as Jacob.



Jarob, come over here and let me spank ya.




warm fuzzies

Friday May 21, 2010 at 10:43 AM


For the Summer updated today (click banner for link).  This story gives me such warm fuzzies it's crazy.  However I'm also waiting for the hormonal angst to begin b/c Cam loves teh angst.


"I made the basketball team this year," Edward says.

"You're a jock?" I laugh, surprised because Edward tripped over his own feet twice between the store and the swings.

"Yeah, I guess. I won first place in the academic decathlon too. I'm a nerdy jock, kicking ass and taking names. Do you still take pictures?" Edward asks me and I nod, my camera sometimes my only friend. When I'm looking through the lens, everything else disappears and the only thing I can see is what I'm focused on.

"I'm not anything. I don't really participate in the whole socializing thing," I say quietly, licking the chocolate from my fingers.

"That's not true. You're something," Edward says and I narrow my eyes because I'm sure his next comment is going to be a joke at my expense. "I'm serious! You're artsy, with your photography thing, and you're abstract the way you observe and dissect. And you are freakishly strong."

These two are just too cute for words.



Friday May 21, 2010 at 10:22 AM

so im new here and totally 





What shocks you? (spoiler alert)

Friday May 21, 2010 at 10:06 AM

Last night I was planted on my couch eager to watch the season finale of Grey's Anatomy.  I knew the premise about there being a shooter in the hospital.  However, I was not prepared for the execution and the violence of the episode.  I literally gasped when the shooter shot Reed square on the forehead and the camera zooms in on her dead, open eyes as her bullet hole to the head leaked viscuous, scarlet blood on the pristine white hospital floors.  I gasped for every shot he fired.  At the end of the episode, I didn't know whether to applaud the director and writers of the show or knock them on the head for perpetuating violence in the media.

For those of you who watched, what did you think?

For those of you who didn't, have there been any tv shows or series episodes that have shocked you?


And just because he's a hottie...

p.s. I think Christina should dump Owen and go out with him.



Summit Press Release

Friday May 21, 2010 at 9:53 AM

This is not it?  I mean, didn't we already know the whole cast was coming back for BD?  Anyway... Summit just sent out this press release...

Los Angeles, CA May 19, 2010 – Summit Entertainment has confirmed that Peter Facinelli, Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz, Jackson Rathbone, Elizabeth Reaser, and Nikki Reed will all return as members of the Cullen Family in THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN. These cast members join Billy Burke as Charlie Swan.

Academy Award® winner Bill Condon will direct THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN based on the fourth novel in author Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, starring Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. The project is currently being written by Melissa Rosenberg with Wyck Godfrey, Karen Rosenfelt, andStephenie Meyer producing. THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN is slated to be released November 18, 2011.

THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN illuminates the secrets and mysteries of this spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions.

The family of vampires, to which the leading male character Edward Cullen belongs, is comprised of Facinelli as Carlisle, Greene as Alice, Lutz as Emmett, Rathbone as Jasper, Reaser as Esme, and Reed as Rosalie.




Confession Time

Friday May 21, 2010 at 9:08 AM

so i have been waiting all week to post this but now i can cause its friday!

i want to know,

what is something you love, and should be embaressed to admit, but you arent??

here is mine. please dont shun me for my ridiculous obsession.


He is very cute. and only like 5 years younger than me.

when we are old thatll be nothing.

So now. i have confessed to you, please tell me.

what are you obsessed with that should be embarassing but you're not?

or what is something you ARE embarassed that you are obsessed with!?


What's Yer Talent?

Friday May 21, 2010 at 9:07 AM

i have so much flipping work to do today it's not even funny... but i'm having trouble focusing omg.

We all have the thing that we we pass our day, our job, or kids, whatever it is.

We all have the thing we're really freaking GOOD AT... some of us can draw, play piano, WRITE, cook or idk fix cars.

We all have that one thing we really WANT TO DO... write a book, record a song, earn a degree, become a doctor... whatever the fuck.

So what is it for you? What's your thang? 

Answer the following:




here's mine~~

DO:  I'm a photographer

GOOD AT: I'm a really awesome cook.  It's actually a (not so) secret talent, and if the photo thing doesn't work out, I'd love to someday open a catering business or maybe a small cafe

WANT TO: I'd love to combine my three loves of photography, cooking and writing, and WRITE A COOK BOOK.  But not just recipes, I'd like to fill it it with random stories and anecdotes that have absolutely nothing to do with anything.  ahhh someday...



Something to get me through this...

Friday May 21, 2010 at 8:59 AM

I'm sitting here filling out job applications after taking a year off from applying.....

I almost forgot how much I hate this whole process.

Anyone want to give me words of encouragement/advice/whatever... or pretty pictures of Rob to look at??

I'm also waiting for my Blackberry to get here... I wish the FedEx guy would hurry up!!


You can GOOGLE it.

Friday May 21, 2010 at 8:47 AM

Make sure you visit today. They have an awesome Pacman game! The sounds are taking me straight back to 1982.


What's your side hustle?

Friday May 21, 2010 at 8:21 AM

What do you do, outside of your regular job, to make money?

Do you babysit or tutor?

Do you sell on Ebay, Etsy, or Craigslist?

Are you an Avon, Mary Kay, or Tupperware rep?

Do you strip, escort, or sell drugs? (just kidding...unless some of you really do that)

Come on might get customers




Friday May 21, 2010 at 7:53 AM

Yeah it's Friday! (enter sarcasm here) while everyone else enjoys today being the last day of the work week I am not looking forward to mine starting. To make it all better on my last free day of the week Ohio decides to have the most wonderful shittastic weather... it's raining, plus the week has just been all around bad. You would think after sleeping for 11hrs I would be in a really great mood but I'm not :(

So my question is, while I'm working this weekend away what are your plans?




Gotta love a Free For All!

Friday May 21, 2010 at 7:05 AM

Good Morning my fellow furry woodland critters!  Happy Friday to all! 

Since it is Free For All Friday, I thought I would get a little fluffy and personal with you guys this morning...if you don't mind. 

This WILL be interactive if that makes it any better.

It is still hard for me to believe that is has already been that long ago, but 6 years ago today I married the love of my life, my gorgeous and hiliarous husband, Mike.  Six years have flown by and now I don't know what I would do without that crazy SOB. 

Here is my muffin...(And yes...we were at Hooters, before you even ask.)

And I have to post this because pixievamp thinks it should be the poster picture for Mardi Gras!

And just because I can, Mike and Drew Brees.

I want to see your soulmates!  Tell the Forest what you love about them and why you fell in love with them!  I know we have done this post before but you know what, it's Friday and I am in a blissful mood and I want to spread the love!  

Post pics!  Video!  Whatever!  Just show the Forest who you love! 

A little Paul to get us going...

OH !  OH!  OH!  I have to share my epic moment again!  I don't care if I posted in a post yesterday!  I have to share it again!  

My personal shout out from the man himself, Paul McCartney! Yup, I almost died.

My Twitter handle is @fabulousbama for those of you who don't already follow me on Twitter.  Paul did this webcast yesterday and you could participate through Social Networking sites.  Well, he happened to see my name and gave me, little ol' me a shout out! 


If You Don't Find This Adorable, You Have No Soul

Friday May 21, 2010 at 6:35 AM

Give me your cute and your cuddlys!


European Meet Up!

Friday May 21, 2010 at 4:47 AM

Tomorrow marks the first time I will meet one of my many online friends in person! I'm driving to Czech w/ the hubby to meet Eili :) I am so excited! Not sure what we'll do, but there will be pictures that (after approval, of course) we'll post here for y'all to see.

Any suggestions as to what we should do?  Any requests from fellow campers? Advice?


Show me the funny

Friday May 21, 2010 at 4:10 AM

 I just saw this on Ellen (we're a bit behind over here) and I just about died from laughing!


Now show me videos/pics that you find funny.

Bring out the funny!


Because You Live?

Friday May 21, 2010 at 3:32 AM

Has anyone read this fic--Because You Live by Cullengirl09 on The Writer's Coffee Shop?

It's a Carlisle/Bella one . . . which, you know, to me is a green flag any day. It's set post Eclipse when Bella and Carlisle both lose Esme and Edward in the battle to Victoria.

I haven't read it yet BUT I'm worried about two things:

1) SweetT129 (who used to be Mrsalreyami) wrote A Light in the Darkness over a year ago about a VERY similar plot . . . and I'm wondering just how similar the two stories are.

2) Because there are OVER 150 chapters to this fic!

So if anyone HAS READ IT and can provide some insight as to if it's worth it or not OR, even better, if you've read it AND A Light in the Darkness and can help me compare the two I'd greatly appreciate it.


Bringing The Saga To Life, Day Three

Friday May 21, 2010 at 12:33 AM

 The Lurker, The Offspring, and I are back at my house in Idaho.


 Pics will be posted tomorrow 'cuz I is tireded.


 ....And The Mominator begins to snore....while The Lurker grabs the video camera....




(Had a great time meeting up with Wycked Dream in Seattle.)

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