
Saturday School

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 6:59 AM

Hi guys! I read in a different post that WTOV made Saturday School available for download in Jandco's cabin...but I can't seem to find it! 

Help? Link?


EDIT: HOLY CROW I screwed that up, so anxious to post this!!  I mean the very talented WTVOC! LOL 

fyi, campers: the pdf of saturday school is available in the VIP cabins of jandco, jandcoandwtvoc, and wtvoc.



I can't make this stuff up...

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 6:40 AM

Hello Campers!

I've got some srs bsns to share.  EVIDENCE, if you will.  Some of you may scoff at my claims of being stalked by a particular actor.  Many of you laugh and enjoy the entertainment of it.  But I gotta say... things are getting creepier around here.  What started off as a simple game of connect the dots, counting the degrees of seperation between Robert Pattinson and myself (it's only 2), led to other seemingly random connections and coincidences.

I have a theory about coincidences.  I'm beginning to think they're not so random after all.

(Did you know?  Uma Thurman is DIRECTLY linked to every single thing I have LOVED  since 1988?  It's true.  And yes, it's weird)

Do you recall the blue sock incident from about a week ago?  A picture of Rob surfaced, with him wearing bright blue socks.  I laughed.  JANDCO reminded me that just the day before I read one of HER fics, where Bella was searching for a pair of sock-- BLUE socks.  We had a chuckle over that one-- the coincidence of it.

But after a while, certain things are too hard to ignore.

This latest development is just a teensy bit eerie.

We saw yesterday that ROB attended Bob Saget's birthday party, thrown by JOHN STAMOS

Now think about it.  HOW RANDOM IS JOHN STAMOS??

When was the last time you just casually chatted about John Stamos?, NEVER?!?

I think the last time John Stamos made an appearance in any of my conversations was like in 1993. 


I submit as evidence, Exhibit A:

On Sunday I was chatting with my good friend, JANDCO.  We were discussing many random things, as we usually do, when somehow, she sent me a link to the following video:

Here is the transcript of our chat.  Please note personal information has been blocked.

Now you tell me, Campers. 


I'll let you decide...

Hey Rob~~ Stay out of my computer!!!



Dear Edward

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 4:38 AM

I'd like to play a game.  We'll call it "Dear Edward".  This is probably not original at all and I know there's a site called Letters to Rob so hopefully this isn't tantamount to idea stealing but I'm sure the purple font of doom will come down on me if it is.

Anyway, the goal is simple.  Write a letter to Edward in the comments.  It can be serious.  It can be funny.  It can be to a particular fic Edward or SMeyer's Edward or even your own Edward.  Just have fun and play nice.  I KNOW you ladies have imagination so let me see it and entertain your fellow Twilight fans.

I'll post mine in the comments.


I've got a theory.

Monday May 24, 2010 at 10:39 PM

Elvis Presley Edward Cullen

Elvis made a whole bunch of movies. And they're kinda the "seen one, seen 'em all" type of thing-- much like fanfic. No offence. I write this stuff too. But how many times can you read about Edward and Bella forging a relationship before all the lines blur together? How many times can you watch Elvis sing to a girl and suspend your disbelief as she plays hard to get for the first half hour of the film?

So here's the thing.

I've got a theory that there's a fic out there to match every one of Elvis's movies.

So, let's start slow. I'll give you a film title & brief synopsis (copypasta from imdb) and if it rings a bell, please scurry out and find the linky-link and post it along with the story summary. Include your own note about similarities & dissimilarities.

For example, we could say that GI Blues is like Scotch, Gin because there's a bet, but it's dissimilar because of everyfuckingthingelse.

Here we go.

Love Me Tender (1956)
Elvis plays Clint Reno, one of the Reno brothers who stayed home while the other went to fight in the Civil War for the Confederate army. When brother Vance comes back from the war, he finds that his old girlfriend Cathy has married Clint. The family has to struggle to reach stability with this issue. Vance is involved in a train robbery, while a Confederate soldier, of Federal Government money. There is a conflict of interest, when Vance tries to return the money, against the wishes of some of his fellow Confederates.

OKAY CAMPERS either tell me I'm nuts or find me a fic with a plot like this. Go!


Eve of Samhain

Monday May 24, 2010 at 9:23 PM

 Hi!! i just saw that Eve of Samhain by Lisa Sanchez was released a couple of minutes ago by Omnific Publishing. Since they have been publishing Twifics this year, I was just wondering if anyone knew if this new book was previously a story? I would like to buy it but I'm not sure if I've read it before. I was just wondering. Thanks!!


Here is the link to the book if anyone else wants to buy it!!



Where Do You Draw The Line?

Monday May 24, 2010 at 9:05 PM

I saw something during my grand adventure last week that got me thinking. And as the Disney song goes,  “A dangerous pastime-I know."
We have had several discussions about plagiarism, Omnific, and the legality of using celebrity photos/fan art for our own purposes.
There was a business selling a fan art poster with the artist's watermark and name removed.  (They were in a stack by the front door being sold alongside licensed posters.)
Most of us at one time or another have altered a photo or fan art to use in our story banners, fan videos, etc. 
But the difference here is they are making a profit off of a well known work of fan art. What about media used without the creator’s permission at sites like Café
Where do you draw the line between "borrowing" and "stealing"?

Approved by the Purple Ranger



Monday May 24, 2010 at 8:44 PM

so i was looking for a sad fanfic and came across


and i have not even finished the first chapter and i am crying this story is going to be a heart breaker and i am left speechless give this fic a chance just read the first chapter thats all i ask




FF Sneak Peek

Monday May 24, 2010 at 8:01 PM

(Ooops... sorry I totally forgot to post this earlier. I blame Victoria Day. I usually post when I get home from work but we have the day off in Canada. Better late than never!)

Do you write fan fiction?

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

Don't forget to include a link!


I don't think I've seen this posted around yet.

Monday May 24, 2010 at 6:48 PM

D: D: D:


What Happened?

Monday May 24, 2010 at 6:43 PM

Does anyone know what happened to the temptation twilight podcast?


Eclipse Clip to Premiere at MTV Movie Awards

Monday May 24, 2010 at 6:20 PM

In case people haven't seen this from Twi-Crack Addict:

Rob, Kristen and Taylor will be presenting an exclusive new clip of Eclipse at the MTV Movie Awards, June 6th:

Giving fans worldwide more of the beloved vampire film franchise they adore and vote tirelessly for each year, MTV today announced that Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are confirmed to present an exclusive scene from the highly anticipated summer blockbuster “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” (in theaters June 30, 2010) at the “2010 MTV Movie Awards.”

I hope we get another memorable moment like this one:



Monday May 24, 2010 at 5:35 PM

Hit by Destiny is updated.. Go read then come back and chat about it's brilliance :)


That can't be comfortable...

Monday May 24, 2010 at 5:13 PM

Anyone else ever read a sex scene in a fic and wondered if the person writing it has ever actually had sex. 

The one i was just reading contained

Position A - I'm almost 99.9% sure is not physically possible I don't care how much yoga you do.

Position B - Possible, I give you that but bloody uncomfortable.

Also you thrust something that size repeatedly and forcefully down a girls throat she will throw up on it! (unless she has a gag reflex to end all gag reflexes).

Am i alone in my wonderings?  

A little something pretty to look at

EDIT: Or not, lol. why didn't it work??? Ohh well.



Monday May 24, 2010 at 3:37 PM

I love reading Fan Fiction. I'm always reading a new story, I re-read and check every day for new updates.

But there is one thing that seems so popular: Jerkward. I want to understand why people like that Edward? A manwhore- with no respect for anyone. A jerk who only cares about himself and even in some cases he does, and he is still a pig.

I avoid those stories like the plague. For me even for OOC is not possible, that is not Edward.

So, please let me know what you think about this Edward?

Thank you :)


Pics from HP Epilogue Filming

Monday May 24, 2010 at 3:15 PM

 These pics were tweeted earlier

Harry and Ginny

Ginny and Albus Severus

Ginny, Harry and Albus Severus

Ginny and Lily Luna






New pic from David Slade

Monday May 24, 2010 at 2:50 PM

David Slade tweeted this pic taken of Ashley during pre-production. What do you think? I myself think that it is beautiful and more like Alice than anything I have seen on screen yet (Still think her hair would be shorter like in the graphic novel.)


Complete "Perfect" Fic

Monday May 24, 2010 at 2:45 PM

Hi - it is becoming so difficult to invest in really good and long fan fics that are incomplete. I also have way too many in progress fics to follow.  But, I am so in the mood for a good, sweet fic I can get lost in for a little while. 

Can anyone recommend a completed fan fic that is:

sweet, fun, lemony, (angst okay in moderation), witty, not too long and just perfect?

I will love you if you can recommend one, or two or a few! 



Want More?

Monday May 24, 2010 at 2:06 PM

Let us talk about the latest batch of True Blood Promos.

Six hours!!! Match that Alcide!

That should give us  plenty to talk about. Sorry video quality is not better.

Edit: First Picture of the Royal couple. King Russell and his boytoy

%26hl=en%26fs=1%26rel=0" height="344" width="425">



Monday May 24, 2010 at 1:05 PM

So, I am feeling like a total braindead tool right now.  There is a fic I read some time ago, that I would like to rec to a friend and hell if I can remember the name of it.  I hate when I do this.  Anyway, can someone with some actual memory recall help me out.  What I remember most about this fic was a scene where E took B to this secret warehouse type of place that he and the boys would go to to hang and play games and such. No girls were ever allowed there. Had furniture and was pretty stocked.  E was a major Transformers fan and got into a tiff with B about whether Bumblebee was a VW Beetle or a Camaro.  Does this sound familiar to anyone?  I remember it being a pretty popular fic.


For your time.....



the biggest sorry on the world of sorry!!!!!!

Monday May 24, 2010 at 12:58 PM

First --- | >> | 1145 | 1146 | 1147 | 1148 | 1149 | 1150 | 1151 | 1152 | 1153 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
