
Truth in the Smut...

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 11:42 PM

Okay... ive been to trying escape fic for the past 6 months and have gotten as far as not reading it or writing it anymore, but ive made so many magical friends through fic that its hard not to get fic related things dropped in m lap every hour on the hour. my question is WHO is writing the Dear Dot segement on twi fic news? i ask because i was drawn to a response she made that was just painful to read. i understand that EVERYONE has a different sex life and in some cases no sex life at all which is fine and the reason why some of us love this twi related smut, but i saw the following response as a gross generalization.

I apologize in advance if this has been discussed because it was posted over a week ago. if im opening old wounds, please do delete the hell out of this post.

Dear Dot, In fanfiction, is it typical to write smut based on one's own sexual experiences or based on an imaginary ideal?

to which Dot answered.

Dear Schmanne,

Oh honey.

I’d hazard a guess that I have never, even in my own fic, read a sex scene that actually took place. Why is that?

It’s the same reason that fiction is fiction. No one would be really entertained by the realities of life, which involves a lot of boring chores like grocery shopping and snow shoveling and cleaning up baby puke. Real-life sex is pretty much the same. It’s much more sexy reading about Edward peeling off Bella’s Agent Provacateur undies with his teeth–then giving her four orgasms before he finally, FINALLY allows his own–than it is reading about dropping your stretched-out, white-cotton, Target-purchased Hanes granny panties to the floor before a quickie in which your annoying husband hits it missionary style until he gets off, leaving you to grab Old Faithful out of your nightstand to finish the job, hopefully before the kids figure out how to pop the lock on the bedroom door with a bobby pin.

Yeah, I’ve been there. The sex we read is idealized, because that’s what we fantasize about. We all dream of jizz that tastes like vanilla milkshakes instead of the nasty stuff that it is and guys who not only notice when we get off, but also make sure it happens more than once before they finish. And tell us how beautiful we are and how they don’t deserve us all day long.

All the married ladies are laughing their asses off right about now. Sure, there’s a bit of truth in a lot of lemons. Maybe authors include an outfit they actually own (god knows I do because I’m too lazy to shop online for a story) or something a partner actually said that made them hot and bothered, but for the most part, it’s all fake. If it were real, why bother writing about vampires at all? We’d be off having that sort of amazing sex instead.

Now i know she aint speaking for me and i know she's not speaking for everyone out there in the forest. i started writing m-rated fic to distract me from a crappy job, not to make up for any short comings in my sex life. if anything i think a lot of scenarios and settings are made up, not the actual sex. i won't even touch penis size cause there are guys out there with big dicks. i just wanted to know how you ladies felt about this, because i got my hands on this dear dot post right after i dismounted my man following some pretty mindblowing fucking that is the standard in our house and has been the basis for plenty of the sex ive written...

ps. i tried to comment on the twific new site but it wouldnt let me.


New Eclipse Clip

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 10:02 PM



Don't know if anyone posted this, so here it is.

Sweet Jeezus. Couldn't they have done something better with the wigs?

lady jane

Memory Fail!

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 10:01 PM

Ok, there was a ff that I really loved, but I cant remember the name. Bela and Alice went to college together and Jasper and Edward are like criminals and live in a old beat up house. Edward is doing community service in La Push? sound familiar? I thought I had it in my favs but it seems it has disappeared! Help a sister out!


Let me go get my lighter fluid.

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 9:23 PM

Ive been lurking here all day today and there hasnt been any big fires. so im hoping to add a little bit of fuel! =)

so i have spent approximately 4hrs A LOT of time today just looking at random gifs and funny pictures.

yes i have been a little bored how could you tell.

i also just finished watching Nikki Reed in Mini's First Time.(loved it!)

so what i want is for all of you to share your funny/awesome pics and Gifs. of any assortment!

they happen to be my new favorite thing. i will post more once we get the fire going!


 These two are from a site called unrelated captions which i loveee!


i wanted me some P&P

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 9:20 PM

Hey so I know this has probably been asked a heap of times and you guys have maybe even had a whole thread about it, but I haven't been around lately. I went on to FF today and wanted to re-read one of my all time faves- Past & Present by GiveUsAKiss413, but all but one, the first chapter has been removed? I thought maybe it would be in Storytelling but unless she's under a different penname here.. I cant find the rest.

Anyone know where it is or why it's not on FF anymore?


New True Blood promo!

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 8:58 PM

dawnmarie dreaming

Dreaming of the Cullens

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 7:31 PM

So, on my way back from NE last weekend, I had the opportunity to watch New Moon (finally, I know) since I was stuck in the truck w/ the hubby and 3 sleeping children.  I've got to say, I liked it much, much, much better than Twilight, especially since they stuck closer to the books and included a lot of my favorite dialogue.  But, that's a topic for a different campfire, which was probably already burned down to ashes a year ago.

The best part of New Moon for me?  The dreams it inspired.  Yes ladies, after I got home that night a little after 1a.m. and got the kiddies in their beds, I climbed in next to the hubs and went off to dream land, where I was treated to...

A VERY graphic dream of Edward/Rob giving me a massage, that he insisted we must both be naked for as skin on skin contact is very healing, per my very naked and hot masseuse (sp?).  Who am I to argue w/ a naked 107 y/o being?  I may or may not have licked a certain appendage that peeked over my left shoulder when he was sitting on my back.  (Don't give me that look, you know you totes would have too.)

Sadly, the dream ended there when I woke up a little after 5 to go potty.  However, I anxiously went back to sleep in hopes of returning to my dream.  Alas, that didn't happen.  Instead...

I was suddenly having sex w/ Edward/Rob.  (I'll spare you the details, but it was just as good as a lot of the ff smut I've read.)  Afterward, Edward/Rob left and was replaced by a naked Emmett/Kellen who wanted to snuggle/gab.  I was extremely worried in the dream that Edward/Rob may return and become enraged by the site of Bella/Me in bed w/ his brother/coworker - you know how jealous/possessive he is - but that didn't stop me from giving Emmett/Kellen a sponge bath.  Yes, wet muscles are very nice.

So tell me ladies, what books/movies/ff related Twilight dreams have you to share???


Wonkeytales from the Orient

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 6:09 PM

I missed FFF :( I was a sad panda. I had a tale of perpetual rain, an 11 hour stint on a bus, bamboo forests and an indicent with a Korean potty, but that will have to wait till next time...

I do however have this.

Yes, my inner fangirl visciously grabbed my credit card from my handbag I am now the proud owner of a Hangul edition of Twilight (I did have a picture for inside but somebody - WonksJr I suspect -  has been messing with my camera and the USB port is now broken on it. Repair costs will be coming out of his future allowance)

How much of a dork am I?

I'm not an anime manga (anime/manga type pieces of art) fan, but this book is so much prettier than the US edition, though they did rob Edward of his jawline.


What dorky things do you own?


love, love, love, love.

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 3:18 PM

so, the twilight books are all about romance.

and love.

so... what's romance to you?  how would you define love?


how do you know when you're in love with someone?

what's the most romantic thing someone's ever done for you?



Sunday May 23, 2010 at 3:17 PM

omg I don't even know what to say about this chapter...

What did you guys think?

Pemberly Rose

Oh Hai

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 3:06 PM

 Hey everyone. I posted earlier for my first post but I wanted to say hello to everyone here! So hi! I'm Pemberly Rose. I write fanfiction! I've been in several fandoms since 1998. I started out with BTVS fanfiction, moved to RPF - BSB fic for years and finally moved to Twific a lil over a year ago. I'm excited to be here and make some new friends! =)


MoTU Ending?!

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 2:53 PM

I just read the author's note on the latest chapter of Master of the Universe, and can this be??? It's ending? Her exact phrase:

The next chapter will be the final one from MOTU.

Ok, yea, that sounds like we are wrapping it up here. What are your thoughts? I know many of you are so over marathon of the universe as I have heard it referred to, but I sorta think I'm going to miss it. If nothing else, she updates pretty consistently and has created a delicious 50. Shameless shots of Rob in a suit. Are you going to miss it???



Of Squalor And Ashes

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 2:15 PM


We Updated.

CandySourSuckerPUNCH! Part 2: Is There Anybody Listening?

You're Welcome.


Kansas City Vicinity 'Eclipse' Premiere

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 1:22 PM

I am definitely more of lurker here, although I have posted a few times.  But, I am just trying to get the word out there about an event I'm doing for the 'Eclipse' premiere.  If you live in or around Kansas City, I promise you will not regret signing up for this.  Seats are going fast, so please fill out the form soon.  Please spread the word, especially to anyone you may know in or around Kansas City.

KC event

Please fill out this form -  if you are interested in purchasing the ticket package to all three movies (Twilight, New Moon, & Eclipse) on premiere night, June 29, 2010, at the AMC Mainstreet 6 Theater, in Downtown Kansas City, MO. The cost for each ticket will be $52.00. This covers the ticket price, gives you a $15.00 food voucher for the in-theatre dining, and a donation to ALSF through FGBEclipse.

If you have never experienced watching a movie in the Cinema Suites, I can promise you, every last extra penny is worth it, and enjoying it the first time with 6 glorious hours watching "The Twilight Saga" is icing on the cake. Here is what the Cinema Suites have to offer that is different from a regular movie theater:

Cinema Suites
It's the ultimate in luxury moviegoing at an affordable price. AMC guests age 21 and over can experience the Cinema Suites auditorium featuring luxury recliners. Cinema Suites' premium, upscale in-theatre dining and entertainment experience also includes swivel tables and eight-foot row spacing.

The seating is limited and tickets will be reserved according to who signs up first. I will email you with further details, along with how to remit payment, which I will need by Thursday, May 27th.

If you have any questions, please email me at

I can't wait to party with you!!!!


Pemberly Rose


Sunday May 23, 2010 at 12:44 PM

 Hey everyone, this is my first post here on ADF! I wanted to bring awareness to all you authors/readers out there about a lil problem called plagiarism. I know ya'll know the definition as such but I wanted to also spread awareness about this fic that's been nominated for a Twilight All Human award (the author deleted her stories off FF and twilighted) and is a stolen fic. The author still has the story posted on my vamp fiction and it has been reported. However I wanted to get everyone to know about this author, this story and that to look out for each other because she has a habit of taking super popular fics from any fandom and stealing their plot, dialogue and descriptions nearly down to the word. The original fic she stole can be found here --

Her MVF page with the stolen fic is here:

This author also works with PTB as a beta (or so she says on her profile on twilighted) if any of the admins of PTB are on here please be aware that this author: Brandy_D is a plagiarizer and should not be trusted. I have evidence of this treachery here:


The original story Ugly Ducklings by Brenda was written around 2004-2005. This author, Brandy_D is a former bsb fandom reader/writer has changed the names and changed it from Third person pov to first person pov. What don't believe me? Well I have proof. Enough proof that this story was removed from While she changed descriptions the plot is nearly exact and so are the characterizations and some of the dialogue. Here are my examples of proof.

Brandy's version: From her Chapter two

“Please don’t jump.”

I said the words as softly as possible from behind her. The last thing I wanted to do was startle her into jumping. Her arms wrapped around her now half-naked body and she shook her head despondence.

“Go away.”

I stepped around in front of her, but she didn’t move to look up at me. “Don’t,” I said again, my voice still a whisper.

“This is none of your business.” Her voice shook with anguish, yet I could barely hear her.

“It is now,” I said with determination in my voice. If this girl thought I was going to stand here and allow her to kill herself, she had another thing coming.

A whimper escaped her. “No,” she said in a tiny voice.

I wasn’t going to argue with her, but I also wasn’t going away. I stood in front of her, affectively blocking her from the icy water.

“Please,” she begged. The pain in her voice was visceral. It cut through me, but I stood my ground, not moving and not saying anything.

Finally, she looked up at me. “Do you have any idea how much courage it took for me to get here?” she said defiantly.

“None,” I said honestly. She blinked in astonishment. “The courage comes,” I continued, “when you turn around and walk away from this.”

She winced at my words and slowly shook her head.

“Just suck it up and go on.” I wasn’t trying to be cruel. I was trying to break through to her. “What could be so bad that you can’t get over it?” I asked. I hadn’t actually meant to say it aloud and really didn’t expect an answer. It was a rhetorical question.

She, however, didn’t treat it that way. Her face was a mask of pain as she said, “My parents tried to hire someone to marry me.”

Now here's the same scene from the award winning original story Ugly Ducklings from Chapter Five:

The word came softly from behind her. Her hands became still. She clutched the blouse tight in her fists.

“Go away.” 

He stepped around in front of her. She didn’t look up at him. “Don’t,” he said again, his voice still a whisper.

“This is none of your business.” Her voice shook with anguish. He could barely hear her.

“It is now,” he said with determination in his voice.

A whimper escaped her. “No,” she said in a tiny voice.

He wasn’t going to argue with her, but he also wasn’t going away. He stood in front of her, between her and the icy water. 

“Please,” she begged. The pain in her voice was visceral. It cut through him, but he stood his ground, not moving and not saying anything.

Finally, she looked up. “Do you have any idea how much courage it took for me to get here?” she said defiantly.

“None,” he said. She blinked in astonishment. “The courage comes,” he continued, “when you turn around and walk away from this.”

She winced at his words and slowly shook her head.

“Just suck it up and go on,” he said. He wasn’t trying to be cruel. He was trying to break through to her. “What could be so bad that you can’t get over it?” he asked. He hadn’t actually meant to say it out loud, and he wasn’t asking for specifics. It was a rhetorical question.

She didn’t treat it that way. Her face was a mask of pain as she said, “My parents tried to hire someone to marry me.”

Funny how nearly exact they are in wording but just changes the pov from third to first huh? Well there you have it. This story: Your Ugly Duckling My Bella Swan is a stolen version of Ugly Ducklings a Nick Carter fic that was loved in the fandom. If you want to read the real story that is complete please go to the URL above. This story has been reported to the admin of Twilighted and has been pulled by the admin of 

Plagiarism is a foul and dirty thing whether from stealing the main plot, dialogue or literally copy and pasting the story. I'm truly saddened to have to report this kind of thing in this fandom especially on someone who I used to call a friend in the BSB fandom. All you readers have been sadly duped by a thief and an imposter. I apologize to be the bearer of such bad news but there is a reason that plagiarism is illegal.

Want more proof here it is!!

From the original story Chapter 6:
John Fremont furrowed his brow. “It wasn’t a big deal. He said…um…oh yeah, I remember…we were talking about tennis…and he said that he missed playing…and I said that Abigail played…” 

Abby groaned. “Oh, Daddy, you didn’t.”

“Sure I did. He doesn’t know many people in town. What could it hurt you to invite him to the club for a tennis match?”

“But what did he say about her?” demanded Sharon.

“When I said that Abigail played, he said, ‘yes, that’s right, she was just coming in from tennis the day I was at your house.’ And then he asked if you had recovered from the Bishop trade?’”

Abby laughed and so did her father. Her mother was clueless about baseball, however, and didn’t have any idea what they were talking about. “What? What’s that? What’s a Bishop trade?”

Abby and her father shared a smile. Abby’s faded immediately at her father’s next words.

“I think I’ll invite him to the Club on Sunday for tennis and brunch.”

Abby’s heart sank. She knew what would happen. Her mother would fuss around and say embarrassing things to try and make Abby more palatable, talk about her work with this Committee at the Art Gallery or that one with the Symphony or her volunteer work with underprivileged children. They’re not underprivileged, Abby would respond, they’re deaf. Her mother would wave her protest away and continue her quest to help Abigail land a man.

“Daddy…” she said, nodding her head at her mother. 

John Fremont nodded. He understood exactly what she meant. “Okay, then, you call him up and invite him for tennis during the week, then. He’s staying at the Renaissance.”

“He hasn’t found an apartment yet?” asked Abby, wondering why this question wasn’t coming from her mother.

“No, he wants to get established in business first,” said her father. “You’ll call him?”

Abigail nodded. Thanks, Daddy for putting me between the rock and the hard place. Either I call him on my own, or you’ll send Mother after him! Not much of a choice there!

So she called him.

From Brandy's chapter two:
My dad furrowed his brow. “It wasn’t a big deal. He said…um…oh yeah, I remember…we were talking about tennis…and he said that he missed playing…and I said that Isabella played…”

I groaned. “Oh, Daddy, you didn’t.”

“Sure I did. He doesn’t know many people in town. What could it hurt you to invite him to the club for a tennis match?”

“But what did he say about her?” demanded my mom.

“When I said that Isabella played, he said, ‘yes, that’s right, she was just coming in from tennis the day I was at your house.’ Then he asked if you had recovered from the Bishop trade?’”

I laughed and so did my father. My mother was clueless about baseball, however, and didn’t have any idea what they were discussing. “What? What’s that? What’s a Bishop trade?”

I shared a smile with my dad; however, it faded immediately at my father’s next words.

“I think I’ll invite him to the Club on Sunday for tennis and brunch.”

My heart sank. I knew what would happen. My mother would fuss around and say embarrassing things to try to make me more palatable, talk about my work with this Committee at the Art Gallery or that one with the Symphony or my volunteer work with underprivileged children. They’re not underprivileged, I would respond, they’re deaf. My mother would wave my protest away and continue her quest to help me land a man. However, you’d never once her hear talk about my being in the Peace Corps for three years….that was beneath us.

“Daddy…” I said, nodding my head at my mother.

He simply nodded. He understood exactly what I meant. “Okay, then, you call him up and invite him for tennis during the week, then. He’s staying at the Renaissance.”

“He hasn’t found an apartment yet?” I asked, wondering why this question wasn’t coming from my mother.

“No, he wants to get established in business first,” he replied. “You’ll call him?”

I nodded. Thanks, Daddy for putting me between the rock and the hard place. Either I call him on my own, or you’ll send Mother after him! Not much of a choice there!

So, I called him….biggest mistake of my life!

Still not convinced it's plagiarism and transposition? Here's even MORE proof:

Lauren - Veronica Howell
Bella Swan - Abigail Fremont
Edward - Nick Carter


Clearly this is an open and shut case of plagiarism. The dialogue and descriptions are so similar as is the plot (just changing character names and povs from 1st to 3rd). I'm really saddened that Brandy - a former friend of mine - has stooped this low. She has deleted her fics off of twilighted and because she says "I have a literary agent and they don't want me to write fanfic to be taken seriously in the publishing community". She emailed me after I told her she'd been reported that she'd only taken them down because she was sick of fanfiction and I gave her the excuse to get out of it. If any of the admin for MVF are on here I've emailed the site administrator and also emailed the administrator for the Twilight All Human awards for which this plagiarized fic has been nominated. 

My whole purpose in writing this isn't to black ball a writer from the twilight fandom. Its to raise awareness that plagiarism is wrong and should be punished. She has been reported to and Twilighted. Her profiles have not been suspended because she took down her work that she plagiarized. She said in her email that the plagiarism was not intentional and that she was planning on making the stories very different from each other. You can tell from the evidence above that she had no such intention. 

If anyone from PTB knows that if she is in fact a beta can you tell me how to contact the admins of PTB? I think this makes a black mark upon them to have a plagiarizer beta-ing other people's work. 

I'm sorry for the VERY longwinded post for my first post. I'm really excited to be here, but I figured since there are so many great authors and readers here that this would be the best place to spread awareness! Thank you so much for your time and help!


Searching for a FanFic

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 12:34 PM

Hi!  I read a really sweet and endearing fanfic a while ago and cannot find it now.  I think it was rated T and very innocent (not my usual preference, but it was very good).  Bella is a high school student and is trying to figure out the deal with a boy in her school - why he acts strange, does he like her, etc.  She starts a blog and refers to Edward as "Norman" and she has a lot of followers. 

Does this sound familiar to anyone?


ff prob...again

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 12:04 PM

 my FF traffic report has been down for 10 days...usually its only 3 or 4.  Anyone in the same boat?  I try not to get too hung up on the numbers, but let's be's really nice to know people are reading, right?


Mean Reviews

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 11:25 AM

So....I am used to having reviews that are not so nice....The topics in my fics are very 'taboo' and sometimes not accepted....

I can handle crticism but i can not handle people being mean and hurtful....

So maybe you can answer this....and this may be a totally stupid topic....

But what makes people leave hurtful revews....have you ever left a review that you felt bad after you sent it?


hola chicas

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 11:12 AM

 I´m looking for a UNFINDABLE fic!

It´s T rated and its only on if I remember correctly! 

What I remember ; It´s the end of the world and Bella is all alone.  Vampires are attacking everything and everyone and Charlie is gone and René is dead.  Bella encounters a man in the woods and he so eloquently says ´ I´ll settle for a scew´.  Edward come to the rescue and takes care of her with the rest of the Cullens (this includes Alice making the Cullens recreate movies)

Edward and Bella become close and a lot of stuff happens and then Bella gets kidnapped by Aro and co (this includes a Teddy with a mysterious talent).  Bella get´s saved.  Volturi comes back and kills Carlisle and everything goes crazy and everybody gets killed AND THEN Teddy comes and tells Bella he´ll give her a chance to save everything and TURN BACK TIME and Bella goes to Carlisle and tells him all she knows and that she needs a sword made of werewolf bone.  They go to see Sam and they agree that Bella is telling the truth ´Cos those are not the eyes of a child - she has been through things´

(oh yeah I think Charlie has also come back as a new born and saved Bella somewhere inbetween)

Edward accidently changes Bella and teaches her to fight.  She´s devastated cos they were inlove and gonna get married but she loves him and will save him no matter what and all that ..

and in the preface someone broke the sword.


help please !!!


Fan Fic & Real Life

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 10:12 AM

Ok, so over the past several months, fan fiction has become a huge part of my life.  I've been in the general Twilight fandom for a little over a year now, but have only been around fan fiction since January. 

Since discovering fan fiction, I've started reading more fic than RL books, I have really gotten into Twitter more (I used to only use it to follow celebreties and get updates from some Twilight fan sites, but never really tweeted), I have become a beta and I'm leading a team for the FGB Auction.

Luckily, I have a co-worker that shares my love for Twilight and fan fiction so I have at least one person in RL along on this ride.  My boyfriend knows that I read fic, beta and whatnot, but he doesn't really understand it and sometimes I think he thinks I'm crazy.  No one else in my real life knows anything about this part of my life.

So... tell me campers, how many people in your real life know about this part of your life? How do you explain this crazy world to them, especially if they've never read Twilight.  Do you even try to explain it or even mention that this is a part of your life?  Also, if you know someone you has read Twilight but would like to introduce them to fan fiction, what would be your top 3 choices for them to read?

I'm interested in what you all have to say about this... LOL.

For your time....

I'm in love with this picture...

  and because I love any picture of him with the piano... and I love his hands



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