
What Happened?

Monday May 24, 2010 at 6:43 PM

Does anyone know what happened to the temptation twilight podcast?


Eclipse Clip to Premiere at MTV Movie Awards

Monday May 24, 2010 at 6:20 PM

In case people haven't seen this from Twi-Crack Addict:

Rob, Kristen and Taylor will be presenting an exclusive new clip of Eclipse at the MTV Movie Awards, June 6th:

Giving fans worldwide more of the beloved vampire film franchise they adore and vote tirelessly for each year, MTV today announced that Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are confirmed to present an exclusive scene from the highly anticipated summer blockbuster “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” (in theaters June 30, 2010) at the “2010 MTV Movie Awards.”

I hope we get another memorable moment like this one:



Monday May 24, 2010 at 5:35 PM

Hit by Destiny is updated.. Go read then come back and chat about it's brilliance :)


That can't be comfortable...

Monday May 24, 2010 at 5:13 PM

Anyone else ever read a sex scene in a fic and wondered if the person writing it has ever actually had sex. 

The one i was just reading contained

Position A - I'm almost 99.9% sure is not physically possible I don't care how much yoga you do.

Position B - Possible, I give you that but bloody uncomfortable.

Also you thrust something that size repeatedly and forcefully down a girls throat she will throw up on it! (unless she has a gag reflex to end all gag reflexes).

Am i alone in my wonderings?  

A little something pretty to look at

EDIT: Or not, lol. why didn't it work??? Ohh well.



Monday May 24, 2010 at 3:37 PM

I love reading Fan Fiction. I'm always reading a new story, I re-read and check every day for new updates.

But there is one thing that seems so popular: Jerkward. I want to understand why people like that Edward? A manwhore- with no respect for anyone. A jerk who only cares about himself and even in some cases he does, and he is still a pig.

I avoid those stories like the plague. For me even for OOC is not possible, that is not Edward.

So, please let me know what you think about this Edward?

Thank you :)


Pics from HP Epilogue Filming

Monday May 24, 2010 at 3:15 PM

 These pics were tweeted earlier

Harry and Ginny

Ginny and Albus Severus

Ginny, Harry and Albus Severus

Ginny and Lily Luna






New pic from David Slade

Monday May 24, 2010 at 2:50 PM

David Slade tweeted this pic taken of Ashley during pre-production. What do you think? I myself think that it is beautiful and more like Alice than anything I have seen on screen yet (Still think her hair would be shorter like in the graphic novel.)


Complete "Perfect" Fic

Monday May 24, 2010 at 2:45 PM

Hi - it is becoming so difficult to invest in really good and long fan fics that are incomplete. I also have way too many in progress fics to follow.  But, I am so in the mood for a good, sweet fic I can get lost in for a little while. 

Can anyone recommend a completed fan fic that is:

sweet, fun, lemony, (angst okay in moderation), witty, not too long and just perfect?

I will love you if you can recommend one, or two or a few! 



Want More?

Monday May 24, 2010 at 2:06 PM

Let us talk about the latest batch of True Blood Promos.

Six hours!!! Match that Alcide!

That should give us  plenty to talk about. Sorry video quality is not better.

Edit: First Picture of the Royal couple. King Russell and his boytoy

%26hl=en%26fs=1%26rel=0" height="344" width="425">



Monday May 24, 2010 at 1:05 PM

So, I am feeling like a total braindead tool right now.  There is a fic I read some time ago, that I would like to rec to a friend and hell if I can remember the name of it.  I hate when I do this.  Anyway, can someone with some actual memory recall help me out.  What I remember most about this fic was a scene where E took B to this secret warehouse type of place that he and the boys would go to to hang and play games and such. No girls were ever allowed there. Had furniture and was pretty stocked.  E was a major Transformers fan and got into a tiff with B about whether Bumblebee was a VW Beetle or a Camaro.  Does this sound familiar to anyone?  I remember it being a pretty popular fic.


For your time.....



the biggest sorry on the world of sorry!!!!!!

Monday May 24, 2010 at 12:58 PM


lol, i don't even know what to say

Monday May 24, 2010 at 12:46 PM

John Stamos had a Birthday party for Bob Saget....




and Robert Pattinson was there, lmfao.


i don't know why this is so funny.



i hope he sang this:



we need to get him an ADF gym bag

Monday May 24, 2010 at 11:32 AM



Monday May 24, 2010 at 10:29 AM


Week of May 17-May 23 2010


(This includes pictures and gifs but not banners, videos and avis)


Robert Pattinson- 163 total pictures for the week- last week 111 pictures


Kirsten Stewart- 78 total pictures for the week- last week 104 pictures


Taylor Lautner- 25 total pictures for the week- last week 20 pictures


Kellan Lutz- 21 pictures for this week- last week less then 15 pictures


Nikki Reed- 32 pictures for the week- last week less then 15 pictures


(Other people like Dakota Fanning, Ashley Green, etc. did not make due to the lack of pictures, less than 15, yes this includes DB)


Campfires with the most comments


  1. Come oot, come oot- Started by John- 163 comments in total

  2. Pimp+Rec=Fic+Book- Started by Emibella- 127 comments total

  3. Do you have a tattoo?- Started by Rosette- 114 comments in total


There were 12 pages of past campfires for the week.


Campfires started on Monday- 31

Campfires started on Tuesday- 33

Campfires started on Wednesday-33

Campfires started on Thursday-29

Campfires started on Friday-48

Campfires started on Saturday-27

Campfires started on Sunday-27


Total number of campfires for the week- 228


The followed word of the week- Fuck-106 uses counting abbreviations such as WTF, STFU, etc. (courtesy of Natasha, Yasmina2005)


IDK but I'm still following all the rangers and how many posts they make.


So instead of telling everyone the rangers individual number I will just tell you who had the most.

Emibella- who had 46 comments in total.



Suggestions would be great, what kind of words would you like to me follow? Would you like me to follow you? Please tell me what you think. I have a gift of sounding like a stalker.


Disclaimer- please remember that I am subject to making mistakes and not all these numbers might be to its specific number.


Roll Call.

Monday May 24, 2010 at 9:08 AM

Head Count time for the forest!

I've noticed not everyone is accounted for...and I've noticed a few of you missing.

I've noticed new names, and I want to see all the regulars, too.

Come in, say HERE. 

And, if you're feeling chatty, tell us about how you came to join the fandom.

 jimmy, you're supposed to warn me when we're off counting head.


May 2-4

Monday May 24, 2010 at 7:05 AM

For those that are not Canadian, this weekend was our long weekend. Today is Victoria day, and it's a national holiday.

So, calling all Canadians..




I'm going here:


well, not exactly there, but I'll be on Lake Simcoe on my step-dad's boat. that is if my sister ever shows up to pick up my nephew.

and then I have to work. gross.


I don't usually do this, but...

Monday May 24, 2010 at 5:08 AM

I wanna rec a one-shot. Its a quick read, only 1500 words. Someone tweeted about it, so I checked it out.

It's slash, and I don't normally read slash but there's nothing graphic there. It's written by a guy and it is one of the most touching, beautiful, and heartbreaking things I've read.


New Moon Bunnies

Monday May 24, 2010 at 4:37 AM

So, a while back someone posted the link to the 30-second bunny Theatre's version of Twilight. (Which is where my lovely, albeit low-tech icon came from) Well, they finally got around to doing New Moon, which I think is pretty great. :)




PS: Here's the Twilight one if you didn't see it the first time around, or want to see it again:



Vent your frustrations here!

Monday May 24, 2010 at 3:41 AM

Yes, I know that we've had a lot of these lately, and I'm sorry to bring you another one. But I really needed to have somewhere to talk about this with someone who doesn't know this situation, and because you guys are so good at giving advice, I hope we can all vent our frustrations in this campfire and support eachother.

So, feel free to vent your frustrations here! Mine will be inside.

Approved by the woman with the purple font.

Love's to Blame


Monday May 24, 2010 at 12:29 AM

So i just wrote my second crackfic here's a link if you want to read it 

Before you get to thinking that this is a pimp campfire, I'm going to let you know that it is, in fact, not one of those. I want to know what is it about crackfics? I love 'em. sofa king much. My favorite is Lemony Squickets: A Series of Unfortunate Attempts and if you haven't read it, it's a must. I lol'ed the whole time. Edward comes in Bella's eye, she cuts off the circulation in his penis, it's just all around hilarious.

I want to know what's your favorite crackfic and what makes them so great???

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