

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 5:10 PM

So I know Im getting annoying with my rec requests but I have another one.

I want sad. Not like horribly sad but enough to have me in tears. No deaths. B/E. Short. One-shot or no longer then 10 chaps. I have read Best Man. Amazing. Ive read all Jandco. But pretty much anything else would be great. Please and thank you and I promise to not ask for another rec for like a week or something. . .maybe. I know Im only funny in my head.



Entertain me - lets play a game

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 4:59 PM

I'm stuck at home with a viscious cold  and bored out of my brain, so lets write a fanfic.


 It has to be canon

No original characters

Keep it clean so everyone can join in

Hilarity/snark is very much appreciated but so long as it's PG13 anything goes

How to play

I'll start with an opening sentence and then you reply with one. One sentence at a time and the sentence must progress the plot or reveal something about the character.





Night Humper (or something like that)

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 4:56 PM

Does anyone know a FF that is about a night humper or something like that?  I don't know the details, but someone recommended a story like that to me once - I thought i looked at it and it seemed cute, but i didn't favorite it and can't find it now.  Any ideas?


I'm New Here...

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 4:18 PM

Where do I go first...

I feel like a kid in a candy store....




Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 3:54 PM

I seem to be easily irritated today.

Authors taking down stories claiming it's because of plagiarism and then in the very next sentence telling you their plans for publication.

Now don't get me wrong, writers have the right to take down their stories for whatever reason they want (makes me sad sometimes but they wrote it, they can do what they like with it).

If they want to get it published (I personally wouldn't pay to read this particular story) totally their choice. But at least be honest and say that's why you're taking it down. Does this bug anyone else?????

Maybe I'm just hormonal, like i said I seem to be easily irritated today. My boyfriend is so loving me right now, lol.



Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 3:25 PM


Gay Fanfics

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 2:38 PM

Does anyone know any good completed fanfics that have either gay or lesbian couples in it? Please tell me and if you can include a link to the fic! TY!


Life as a Donut

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 2:33 PM

So I was inspired by a post a few ones down from here to do a donut post.

Apparently there is a fic called Life as a Jelly Donut in which Bella likens herself to a  jelly donut. 

I find this both hilarious and thought provoking.

Personally I see myself as a bear claw. Don't know why but I do. 

So I wanna know campers,

What donut do you see yourself as???


i was approved by jennyfuckenfly



Vamps and Periods

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 2:01 PM

This is really embarassing, but I just thought of something.  I'm on my period and was wondering, how do women on period impact vampires?  Has anyone thought about this?  Hypothetically, are vamps more outta control when a woman is menstrating?  Gross I know - but, hey - something has to have thought about it? 


celebrities !!!

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 1:33 PM

does anyone ahve any recs like faking it or the upper east side jungle [ i think that's what it's called ]

sooo does anyone ????????????? i dont mind one's where edward is a man-whore and bella can chat back toy people and is fun but not a slut though.

thanks !!!!!!!!!!

and ones where there all vampires and they ahve to be GOOD !!!!!!!!!


a super sexed up fan fic

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 1:21 PM

ok so basically can someone tell me exeactly waht happens in master of the universe ????????????

because i really want know what happens but i cant be bothered to read - well i can but i have some MAJOR homework and essays im writing now sooo i dont have any tie to read like 82 chapters

oh and can someone gimme some recs that are REALLY good with a nice sweet feeling to them - like pink fluffly pencil case or this is not my life - something like that and if you havent read these you are MENTAL !!!!!!!!

oh and one morw thing - i read a summary DONKEY'S YEARS AGO  and im pretty sure the title ahd something to do with doghnuts - i think it was the secret life of a jelly doghnut or something ????????? ring a bell anyone ???????? im pretty sure bella and edward are meant to hate each other.

thanks in advance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Consistent Oddities in FanFics

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 12:08 PM

Has anyone noticed any incorrect grammar, usages, etc. that are consistent in multiple fanfics, regardless of author, country, etc. 

I don't mean stuff like saying "arse" instead of "ass" (which has to do with the author's country of origin - I get that), but like other strange quirks.  I'm not a grammar nazi or anything, but just noticed some oddities.

The most common one I consistently see - using the word "defiantly" instead of "definitely" where the context clearly calls for the use of a word indicating certainty of action (definitely) and not rebelliousness (defiantly).  For example "One thing was certain in Bella's mind.  She was defiantly falling in love with Edward."

Anyone else notice this?  Anything else?

GreenEyed Vamp

What Do You Suggest ?

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 11:55 AM

hello people I totally love and I am asking if you would please send me some suggestions of fanficts ( human or vamp ) were bella is a bad ass, romantic ones anything ... but I am dying to read a really good vamp one I haven't read one in forever.

xoxoxo please send some and I have some really awesome favorites on my profile on heres the link ...


love you all <3



The games

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 10:20 AM

 Obviously insanity struck me because I just found myself buying these from Amazon:

Is there anyone here who have these and tried them? Are they any good/playable at all? Or should I just hide them in my closed as I plan to do?


[Insert Super Duper Sexy Title Here]

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 10:19 AM

*sips wine* hello, campers. It's my day off - not from work, but from everything in general. I just woke up and showered a bowl of whole milk with cocoa puffs and Reese's mixed together. I was fashioning a banner for a certain story (not saying which!) for, like, half an hour or something, read through the HDB update (SPOILER: did you hear? she's gonna be emancipated! I'm so excited!) and watched re-runs.

Anyway,  I was on twilighted just now and I was looking for a thread on this story and came across someone reccing a fic to someone. Basically, I read the title and it was 'You Belong to Me', and I chuckled in an instant. Because, see, when I was really new to the fandom, I read a story that I think was called You Belong To Me and I liked it, a lot. It updated very infrequently, but I loved it regardless.

I haven't read it in ages, so I decided to search for it on twilighted. A couple of stories came with that title but it wasn't the same plot. Now, I'd never thought I'd do this, but if you're in the mood - I need to play a round of 'find-that-fic'.

It's not really that popular, so I'm not sure if you've heard of it. I remember quite a bit of it, so that make this game a little easier.

Bella and Edward are like, the bestest friends and their in senior year of high school. The plot's pretty simple. Uh, Edward is in a serious relationship though, with Tanya but Bella's, like, in love with him. So, the whole story is in her point of view I think, at least up till where I read, and by accident - at a part, Bella and Edward kiss. They immediately apoligize for it, but long story short, they make out quite a bit for the next few weeks. And even though they don't say it aloud, they've both become friends with benefits. Note that Tanya and Edward are still in a relationship.

Uh, in the first scene we see Bella lying on her stomach on the bed, pretending to read Moby Dick but she's actually listening to Edward talk on the phone with Tanya. I remember this one chapter where she tries to send a letter to him, saying that she doesn't want do this anymore. She founds out later that Tanya and Edward were never really together throughout the whole 'friends with benefits' thing, and I don't know what happens next.

The story's snarky, fluffy, funny, a little angsty, from what I can recall - so if any of you could remember who the author was or the title, I'd be very grateful. Thanks.

Eye candy, anyone?




Uncle Jesse is smitten with Rob, too

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 9:52 AM

Shhhhh. I'm playing hooky from work today. From midnight til 2am I worked on removing malware from my PC. Then from 8-11am this morning I spent part of my time on the phone with tech support for my internet provider and the majority of time installing anti-virus/security software junk and cleaning out my system.

And ohmygod why is my computer running so much slooooowwweerrrr now that it has been cleaned out? Jeez!!!

So if I can't be productive at work, at least I can be productive here and start a campfire. I'm sure we all saw the pics and G.A.W.'s post about Rob visiting with John Stamos at Bob Saget's birthday party. This goes along with that.

Do you think this will help jump-start John's career now???


X marks the spot to 'Disappear Here'

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 9:31 AM

So I just rushed through "Disappear Here" at an alarming rate. It is expertly written, beautiful sad and hysterical all mooshed into one.

Anyhow, seeing as I just started and finished it whats been written in a day, I see that the last update was 5/13/2010 anyone know how regularly she tends to update on this? Or if it's sporadic? I followed the authors link to her blog and see she is surviving cancer, so one can forgive her if she has other things on her mind.



Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 9:29 AM


What You Thought You Knew

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 7:45 AM

Hi! Me again...another annoying question.

I'm wondering what "What You Thought You Knew" is about?

hmonster has only a description of the history of the story in her summary, not what it's about. Thanks! 

Oh, also, "Gravity" by Nightshade...what's that about?


What do you think?

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 7:30 AM

So i just read a couple of interviews with this lady and I have come to the conclusion that she irritates the crap out of me.

Maybe what I read is a one of and didn't paint her in a good light.

I liked twilight don't get me wrong it's how i discovered Fan Fiction. 

But she's not a great writer, she didn't invent the vampire genre and by writing a book/sequel she isn't doing anybody a favour, which was the impression she was giving in the interview. But like I said maybe she just comes across badly in interviews.

So what are your views? Do you love Miss Meyer? Hate her? Or are you completely indifferent to her?

Not looking to offend any Stephenie Meyer lovers out there, different strokes for different folks and all that. Just curious what others think of her.

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