Lexicon reviews Eclipse

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 5:12 PM

"Let me reassure those of you who still doubt the romance of the film that it is there.  It is so totally there!  Every kiss you expect to see is there.  Every moment of longing and confusion is there.  From marriage proposals to leg hitches, it’s all there… and then some.  The chemistry is hotter than ever.  No need to worry about this side of the film."

She also mentions that they are digitally fixing the problems with Bella's wig.

This is all I needed to hear.


Cullen Family Fan Fics?

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 5:03 PM

Hi everyone!

One of the things that attracted me to the Twilight story is the idea of "family" that the Cullens represent and try to live out. I find their loyalty and devotion to one another fascinating. And I think it's interesting that one of the reasons Bella is so destroyed when Edward leaves is because he took away his family from her and her hopes of joining that family.


Does anyone have any fan fic recommendations that explore this Cullen concept of family? I think Ithaca is Gorges does this, but are there any others?


Also, I guess this makes me a nerd, but I'm only interested in stories that are canon. I'm okay with AU, though.  Being obsessed with canon is another campfire in iteself. :)



Read alongs (and the rest!)

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 3:17 PM





do you like hot men-- i mean discounts?

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 3:09 PM

Look! it's a coupon thing. If you're in the Yoo Ess Aay and you want to buy People magazine with either Taylor or Robert on the cover (no love for Kristen? WTF!) then you can clicky click & you'll be whisked away to a coupon page that you can print.


I've srsly got nothing done today. No writing, no reading (I haven't even read the Breaking News update, and I live for that story). I've done nothing but obsessively tend to fires all day, which is self-serving and not technically procrastination, but STILL.

AND WTF is up with People not giving Kristen any face time? I guess they're all about pandering to their demographic and putting beefcake all over the cover. Harumph. We at the Forest would NEVER stoop so low as to post gratuitous male flesh just to pander to our predominately female audience.


Bloody Alice!!

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 3:08 PM

Doesn't it piss everyone off that Alice can predict the weather when her pre-cognition she admits is based on people making decisions?! And I'm going and basing this from canaon people, SM's own work.  Please give me your opinions.



I'm gonna marry her...

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 3:02 PM

I want to make an official-unofficial announcement.

K-Stew is gonna be my future Wifey.

Though she doesn't know it yet.

I found these Pics and decided to put a ring on it. Even if she is with Rob, he can join us. I can get into the Polygamy thing. I call weekends, Wednesdays and every other Friday. I'm thinking a fall wedding? Yes?

You all are invited to the wedding. ;-D

As an engagement present I want you all to spam me with your fav K-stew Gifs, pics, interviews,videos...Watever.

I haven't decided if she'll take my last name. Probably not as she's a trademark and I'm just an indecisive student. She's got more going for her.



Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 2:47 PM

 What are you doing this fine evening oh Forest Critters?

 Are you joining moi on the TWITTAH for one of the BEST READALONGS YET!

(says I because I've hosted.. i think four of these now)


or one of...

Glitter Text Generator at;

That's right, tonight at 7pm EST, 4pm PST and 9am in EST for those of you where I am in Oz

We'll be GUSHING all over the place (well the twitterverse really) on one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL TWIFICS

The Elite by Fate.of.Gabriel

Summary - Doing what rich people do is easy." Same old story, Twilight twist. St. Olaf's is a prestigious boarding school, dripping with money, sex, and social hierarchy. But there's only one question to ask yourself: are you one of Them or one or The Elite?

Length - 31 COMPLETE!!

Non Canon Pairings .. be brave COME ON!! I'll give you all a cookie!! **

The Clubs are officially taking on new pledges,

do hit up @Fate_of_Gabriel to join 

and follow along on either @miztrezboo or @TwiReadAlong by using the #readalong tag and JOIN IN THE FUN!

and to make THIS post all the more fun, Which Club were you a member of if you've previously read, and who would you be now if you're joining us tonight?

ie. Picture and gifspam AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

Read it on and Twilighted for those who have left review love in one place and need to leave it again in another.




 **disclaimer - all afore mentioned cookies will be recognized as purely web based and no matter how  many times the owner of said cookies tries to feed them through the screen of her computer they will NOT send so web based pictures will have to suffice.


Carlisle Accepts Award in London

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 2:28 PM

When the Volturi see that he's blown his cover, the Cullens are gonna be in deep shit.

I personally love his obligatory mention of Rob. Pause for screams. Aaaaaaand finish. Exit.

please help me before i go mad !

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 2:12 PM

ok so basically im going mad because im trying to find this fan fic about bella who has a perfect life or something and then edward cullen comes and she hates him but for some weird reason they have to go on the run together or something???????

ring a bell anyone?????????

thank you sooooo much if you help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and obviously stop me from going mad - actually i alkready half wat there so it wont take much !!!!!!!!!!

hey can some really nice person explain to me a normal high school day for you americans ??? cuz i find it really confusing !!!!!!!!!!! like in england my school just has maths not algebra and al that stuff and we only have science not biology and all those - we just cover all those in one subject but you americans or maybe canadians do it too - im not sure ...............

please dont htink too lowly of me and try to answer my retarded questions !!!!!!!!!!! thanks !!!!!!!!!!1



Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 2:09 PM

Hey guys, I'm new here and just wondering how everything works.

I'm not sure how to get a picture that's like a moving thingy one, if anyone would like to give one of rose or emmett Ill be very greatful. ALSO, sorry to bug, I can't find any very good Rose Emmett fanfics at the mo, if you link me up I'll love you for a very long time.

If someone could just show me the ropes that would be great.

MAD LOVE, my new fellow campers!

P.S grammar nazis, i hope i did you happy :)


I'm Dead

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 2:06 PM

I really have no words to describe how flippin' awful they have made my Harry Potter BB's look for this trainwreck that will be the Epilogue for "Deathly Hallows, Part Two."

First shot of the 37 year old Ron Weasley...

I think we should discuss this.  Many of us are also lovers of all things Potter.  I have been a HP fan for 10 years.  What the hell are they doing with these movies?  

I can see making them look older but they all look like hobos.  Seriously, my brother is 37 and he doesn't look this bad.  Hell, none of my friends that are in their late 30's look this bad.  They look youthful!  These kids are dressed up to look like they are in the late 50's.  WTF MAN!

Makeup in movie productions has come a long way now...but this is taking it back to some crap out of the 1980's. 

Sorry, rant for the day.  Lettuce discuss.



Red Eyed Eddie

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 1:40 PM


A new movie still?


And the People Mag Spread  ( )

Robert Pattinson is one of the cover stars for People’s upcoming Twilight special issue, on stands now.


guh guh guh

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 1:37 PM

Stick with it... for Rob's speech from the Water for Elephants Set.  At 2:00   He's utterly delish.


Devil's Pitchfork

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 1:30 PM

Is anyone here reading Devil's Pitchfork by 1Blue25?

This is my all time favorite story right now and I want to talk about how much I love it.

So is anyone reading it? Did you read the latest chapter?(it updated today!) What did you think?

Here's a link for the story for those that want to read it:

Devil's Pitchfork » reviews

Bella had always been warned to stay away from Forks. So when she finds herself stranded there, she expects a very unfriendly welcome. Instead, she finds an opportunity to become the person she's always wanted to be. BxE, AU-AH
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Suspense - Chapters: 27 - Words: 137,960 - Reviews: 1880 - Updated: 5-26-10 - Published: 7-15-09 - Bella & Edward

This story is different, the plotline is original, the characters are interesting,and it grabs your attention from the first chapter.

Go read it now you won't regret it!



new Eclipse TV spot

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 12:15 PM

not Rachelle :(

in case the above video is no longer working wherever you are, this one is a consolation. i guess.


Happy only please!!

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 11:32 AM

I'm sure that I am not the only one noticing that things have been a little tense around here lately, and I hate it when the forest is tense. So I want to start a HAPPY post.

Thats right I want you all to come in here AND SHOW ME WHAT MAKES YOU ALL HAPPY!!!! And why it makes you happy.

(and I want no negativity, please)

Ed Macfarlane the lead singer of Friendly Fires makes me happy especially when he dances, I wish I had the courage to dance like this in a club, I would have a much better time.

Another thing that makes me happy is anything Rocky Road. Muffins, cookies, cakes, ice cream ANYTHING. If you have not tried Rocky road do it!!

Last but not least this man really and I mean REALLY makes me happy, I am not going to go into why he makes me so happy cos it would be utterly inappropriate  I am just letting you know that he does. I know he is not RPatz but he floats my boat.

(yes that is the guy that played Felix and yes I am crushing on him)

So these things make me happy, now it is your turn!!!!


approved by pixievamp


If I had money, I would.

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 11:14 AM

Look. Robert made purchases.


Here. I copypasta the pertinent text from the sauce.

Robert Pattinson ROCKS Out with NEW Guitar

As most people know, Robert Pattinson is not only a great actor, he is also a gifted musician. Rob can play the guitar and the piano, and in this NEW photo Pattinson stopped by Norman's Rare Guitars to buy two guitars: a 1962 ES335 and a Rare Dobro 30's Double Cyclops.

Rob also took a quick photo with the owner and employees. You have got to love that silly expression and gesture Jordan Harris is doing (on the bottom, next to the dog.).



Twi FF Terminology

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 11:14 AM

There might be some similar posts out there already, so forgive me from the outset.  I am relatively new to the FF community, and am having a hard time figuring out some of the terminology.  If anyone can help - I'd sure appreciate it :)  Okay - so, I think I get OOC and Canon.  I just learned Slash.  Here are some of the others IDK:


HEA (I think that happily ever after, I think)

Are there any other terms that are common and would be useful to know? Please share.

Sir Rachel

Because ADF told me to!

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 10:39 AM

Today...all gross and just out of bed...I went and got myself a donut. An amazing, delicious, heavenly Boston creme donut from the local bakery. Thank you, whoever posted that campfire yesterday.

 donut.jpg picture by personwiththeface

(That's me, minus makeup or contacts or brushed clean hair. Lucky you, getting to see it.)


So I want to know...what have you done because of ADF? What has a campfire or comment by someone you've never even met made you done, because that's what we do here in the forest?

Lettuce share.

Because we need no excuse to post eye candy, have these:

eric-northman-in-chair.jpg picture by personwiththeface

DavidBoreanaz01.jpg picture by personwiththeface


(approved by Ms Big-ass purple font) For you, my dear:


American Idol

Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 10:27 AM

(Okay, I know it's not Friday Free For All yet but if you take the number of hours ahead we are on Greenwich Mean Time and divide it by the number of day's I'm behind on results, I think you'll find that makes it Friday right now. That's logic.)

Hi! I'm one of only about four people in the UK who is following American Idol right now; it's shown on a back end of nowhere channel on a weird as f*ck time but I'm in LOVE with this programme. And I know it was the final last night, but I need to wait two more days until it gets shown here and I really, really don't want to be spoiled! I've already seen both #crystalbowersox and #leedewyze trending on Twitter, but that hasn't told me who won because they keep leapfrogging each other on the leaderboard. And I'm not sure how accurate that is anyway.

So I can't go on YouTube, because that will spoil it for me for sure, I'm avoiding all news sites, I'm trying to avoid Twitter now and I'm really scared the Forest won't be safe for long... I need recs! Things to do! Stories to read which are going to sufficiently distract me until it's safe for me to browse the internet again. I read all of Just Wait last week and fell madly in love with it. I like B/E but it needs to be sufficiently original, or just about any slash you can come up with.

I really do need help. I fear for my sanity right now.

As far as my hopes for the winner- I'm conflicted. I sort of think Lee would do more with the title of "American Idol", he would benefit from it more, but I really do prefer Crystal's style and voice.

This made me want to cry, then marry her:

  #girlcrush . Bigger than my Kristen girlcrush? Maybe. And that's saying a lot.

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