
FF back on track

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 11:00 PM stats are up and running again. 

At least for me.   Go and check, if you haven't in a few days.  I was beginning to think the ff crazy squad had found my fic and were just trying to nudge me off rather than pull my fic.

Anyone still stat-less?

For your time:


nobody's perfect...

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 10:13 PM mom said something stupid once, but I don't hate her, either.

I'm not here to defend anything Kristen Stewart said. I'm here to appreciate her hotness. If you're into her, appreciate with me.



(thanks to littlesecret, whose photobucket I raided for this shit)






the end


Favorite Characters

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 10:10 PM

Hi.  I just finished Type O Negative, which is absolutely adorable by the way.  I was thinking, does anyone have any favorite characterizations of they Twi characters?  A favorite Bella, Edward, Alice, Jacob, Jasper? I have an E and B that I can think of, off the top of my head . . . I might add some more later :)

Favorite Edward - And With Thee Fade Away

Favorite Bella - Tie - The Locker Next Door, Type O Negative (I also really like Bella and Edward in TNGUS - honorable mention)

Who are your faves?



Hi, my name is Jen and I am a grammar Nazi.

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 10:08 PM



As some of you already know poor spelling and grammar is a huge pet peeve of mine.  It is an honest to goodness sexual turnoff and will often times prevent me from reading a fic.  There are a few reasons I am the way I am.  Partly I blame Catholic school.  Yes, Catholic school.  Yard sticks and everything were involved.  Pretty much any horrendous humiliating thing you can think of we were probably on the receiving end of it.  But I've also always been a bookworm and have developed an extreme love of the written word so much so that it took years before I could bring myself to utilize any sort of net speak without feeling like I was somehow cheating on the English language.  And last but not least I am also an editor in real life and I think it's this last part that really shapes my reading habits.  It's almost impossible for me to read anything without using a critical eye.  Now mind you, I'm not saying that my writing is perfect but as a reader there are certain common mistakes that drive me up the wall.  Which brings me to the point of this post.  I would like to don my grammar Nazi uniform and shed some light on some of the common mistakes.

Let's start with the one that's REALLY been driving me bananas lately because I see it ALL the time.  Apostrophes.  Apparently they are very confusing?  So please allow me to try and help.  There are two ways that an apostrophe is used.  The most common mistake is when people are writing plural words meaning when you are indicating more than one of something.  For example trees instead of tree or cars instead of car.  Notice anything?  There is NO apostrophe.  Why?  Because you only use an apostrophe to indicate possession of something meaning when something is owned.  For example The Cullens' home or the Cullens' cars.  BUT if you are simply referring to the Cullens in general as a family you will note that there is no apostrophe.

The second instance is when a word is a contraction.  What's a contraction?  Well, I just used one right there.  It's when you put two words together and then shorten them.

it's = it is

don't = do not

hasn't = has not

won't = will not

let's = let us

Make sense?  Before I make this post insanely long with the other grammar/spelling mistakes I'll simply direct you to this:

It is a very funny handy dandy guide to commonly misspelled words.  And to make this post interactive I'm more than happy to answer any questions about editing/writing/publishing, etc.  Or, you know, just vent about your spelling/grammar pet peeves.  Just play nice please.


*I fully admit this post was inspired by one from earlier today and no plagiarism is intended whatsoever. 

*crosses fingers that the Rangers will allow this*


in need of a pain killer

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 9:36 PM

My neck and shoulder are in massive pain right now and I thought reading some ff would help. (cause I hate taking pills and well sleep isn't going to happen) I have a favor, I am looking for an old story I read some time ago. Jasper and Bella grew up together started off as friends..turned lovers. He left for the civil war and when he returned, he found out he had a child by Bella and the she had married Edward.  His world is basically upside down, but thanks to a job from Jacob and befriending Alice..things work out.

Does anyone remember that story???  Oh and any ideas on how to get rid of the pain would be great too! :)



Son of a Preacher Man

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 9:07 PM


Does anyone know if "Son of a Preacher Man" is a J/B, R/E fic?  It seems that way in the first 2 chapters.  I don't want to invest if it is - B/E is my thing.  I'm typical that way.  Thanks in advance :)


Posting from Twatlight w/ permission

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 8:33 PM

The ultra fabulous Vulva posted this on Twatlight and I wanted to give it the full ADF examination. I completely agree with her. Stop bitching& whining &making comparisons that you have no clue about Kristen.

Hey Kristen-I have a few places that you need to visit/people you need to speak with.

The below post is directly from Twatlight


«   »
"What you don't see is are the cameras shoved in my face and the bizarre intrusive questions being asked, or people falling over themselves, screaming and taunting to get a reaction. All you see is an actor or a celebrity lit up by a flash. Its so," she searches for the words one hand on the wheel, "the photos are so...i feel like i'm looking at someone being raped."

-Kristen Stewart, moron since 1990

You guys know me.

You know how I react to shit like this. Well at least, some of you know how I react to shit like this.

Can we please, please, please, for the love of God, of all that is Holy, and for the love of Mike and Ike's, STOP COMPARING SHIT THAT ISN'T RAPE TO RAPE?


I'm so angry I am crying.
I hope that she understands that her message in this, essentially, is that being photographed, which is prompted by her own personal decision to, you know, be in the spotlight, is on par with rape.

So.... you chose this profession, and you chose to be in the limelight. You chose this.
You know who didn't choose this?

Rape victims.

People whose lives have actually been affected, destroyed, turned upside down by rape. And by abuse.


I'm not saying that it doesn't suck that you get photographed like crazy and shit. I'm sure it super mega blows that you can't smoke a joint on your front porch anymore (because everyone else in the world does that, clearly), but hey, I don't like dealing with art snobs, but I have to. You know, because I chose to go into that profession. I'm sure a lot of teachers hate dealing with stupid insolent kids. But you know. They wanted and decided and made the conscious choice to become teachers.

Deal with the consequences of your actions, but DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE compare your boohoo top of the world problems to REAL tragedies and REAL horrendous acts that innocent people have to suffer through.

I hope someone makes her apologize. Moron. /rage

 RANGER WARNING: This is a sensitive post and we assume that our campers are mature enough to handle it in a dignified way. We want to be able to post these topics without drama. If we see name-calling or personal attacks, you will be banned. No judge-no jury-JUST BANNED. 


Fanfiction on IPOD Touch?

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 8:31 PM

Hopefully you guys can help me out.. I'm flying back home to Louisiana Thursday and I will unfortunately be stuck in the Houston airport for 7 hours. Does anyone know if there is a way I can get some fanfiction stories downloaded onto my ipod touch? I know of PDF my URL but wouldn't that just pdf one chapter at a time? Any help would be appreciated.. I'm in for a looong day thursday! 


Do U think I should continue?

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 6:39 PM

Hey ladies:) This is my first time posting ( I'm really nerveous if you haven't noticed yet:D). I just wrote a story, and I wanna know what you guys think should I continue or does it suck, and I should just give up:D

My story's name is Letters to Edward --->


it's really short, please read it and let me know if i should just forget about it:)

Thank you,




Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 6:08 PM

Is everyone watching the Gaga (GaGa?) episode of 'Glee' tonight? I hope so, because in the first 3 minutes they called out Twilight, Rob, and crazy fans!!!


fry like bacon, you little freshman piggies

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 5:56 PM

welcome to the forest hazing ritual

consider the rangers the benevolent seniors who are initiating you into the forest

whether you've been here since the beginning or just joined today



if you respond to a camper, respond in gif/picture form

and here is a link on how to post pictures in the forest.




Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 5:10 PM

So I know Im getting annoying with my rec requests but I have another one.

I want sad. Not like horribly sad but enough to have me in tears. No deaths. B/E. Short. One-shot or no longer then 10 chaps. I have read Best Man. Amazing. Ive read all Jandco. But pretty much anything else would be great. Please and thank you and I promise to not ask for another rec for like a week or something. . .maybe. I know Im only funny in my head.



Entertain me - lets play a game

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 4:59 PM

I'm stuck at home with a viscious cold  and bored out of my brain, so lets write a fanfic.


 It has to be canon

No original characters

Keep it clean so everyone can join in

Hilarity/snark is very much appreciated but so long as it's PG13 anything goes

How to play

I'll start with an opening sentence and then you reply with one. One sentence at a time and the sentence must progress the plot or reveal something about the character.





Night Humper (or something like that)

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 4:56 PM

Does anyone know a FF that is about a night humper or something like that?  I don't know the details, but someone recommended a story like that to me once - I thought i looked at it and it seemed cute, but i didn't favorite it and can't find it now.  Any ideas?


I'm New Here...

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 4:18 PM

Where do I go first...

I feel like a kid in a candy store....




Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 3:54 PM

I seem to be easily irritated today.

Authors taking down stories claiming it's because of plagiarism and then in the very next sentence telling you their plans for publication.

Now don't get me wrong, writers have the right to take down their stories for whatever reason they want (makes me sad sometimes but they wrote it, they can do what they like with it).

If they want to get it published (I personally wouldn't pay to read this particular story) totally their choice. But at least be honest and say that's why you're taking it down. Does this bug anyone else?????

Maybe I'm just hormonal, like i said I seem to be easily irritated today. My boyfriend is so loving me right now, lol.



Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 3:25 PM


Gay Fanfics

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 2:38 PM

Does anyone know any good completed fanfics that have either gay or lesbian couples in it? Please tell me and if you can include a link to the fic! TY!


Life as a Donut

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 2:33 PM

So I was inspired by a post a few ones down from here to do a donut post.

Apparently there is a fic called Life as a Jelly Donut in which Bella likens herself to a  jelly donut. 

I find this both hilarious and thought provoking.

Personally I see myself as a bear claw. Don't know why but I do. 

So I wanna know campers,

What donut do you see yourself as???


i was approved by jennyfuckenfly



Vamps and Periods

Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 2:01 PM

This is really embarassing, but I just thought of something.  I'm on my period and was wondering, how do women on period impact vampires?  Has anyone thought about this?  Hypothetically, are vamps more outta control when a woman is menstrating?  Gross I know - but, hey - something has to have thought about it? 

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