The ultra fabulous Vulva posted this on Twatlight and I wanted to give it the full ADF examination. I completely agree with her. Stop bitching& whining &making comparisons that you have no clue about Kristen.
Hey Kristen-I have a few places that you need to visit/people you need to speak with.
The below post is directly from Twatlight
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"What you don't see is are the cameras shoved in my face and the bizarre intrusive questions being asked, or people falling over themselves, screaming and taunting to get a reaction. All you see is an actor or a celebrity lit up by a flash. Its so," she searches for the words one hand on the wheel, "the photos are so...i feel like i'm looking at someone being raped."
-Kristen Stewart, moron since 1990
You guys know me.
You know how I react to shit like this. Well at least, some of you know how I react to shit like this.
Can we please, please, please, for the love of God, of all that is Holy, and for the love of Mike and Ike's, STOP COMPARING SHIT THAT ISN'T RAPE TO RAPE?
I'm so angry I am crying.
I hope that she understands that her message in this, essentially, is that being photographed, which is prompted by her own personal decision to, you know, be in the spotlight, is on par with rape.
So.... you chose this profession, and you chose to be in the limelight. You chose this.
You know who didn't choose this?
Rape victims.
People whose lives have actually been affected, destroyed, turned upside down by rape. And by abuse.
I'm not saying that it doesn't suck that you get photographed like crazy and shit. I'm sure it super mega blows that you can't smoke a joint on your front porch anymore (because everyone else in the world does that, clearly), but hey, I don't like dealing with art snobs, but I have to. You know, because I chose to go into that profession. I'm sure a lot of teachers hate dealing with stupid insolent kids. But you know. They wanted and decided and made the conscious choice to become teachers.
Deal with the consequences of your actions, but DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE compare your boohoo top of the world problems to REAL tragedies and REAL horrendous acts that innocent people have to suffer through.
I hope someone makes her apologize. Moron. /rage
RANGER WARNING: This is a sensitive post and we assume that our campers are mature enough to handle it in a dignified way. We want to be able to post these topics without drama. If we see name-calling or personal attacks, you will be banned. No judge-no jury-JUST BANNED.