A Class Act...

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 2:28 PM

Will Former Twi-Star Rachelle Lefevre See Eclipse?

Talk about a classy gal.

Even though Rachelle Lefevre has plenty reason to gripe about being replaced in the Twilight franchise by Bryce Dallas Howard, she's not gonna go there.

In fact…

The ginger beauty tells us she plans to check out Eclipse when it hits theaters next month. "Why wouldn't I see the movie?" she said yesterday at the Environmental Media Association's Yes to Carrots Garden Challenge luncheon in L.A. "I support my cast.

"They're amazing people and they're great kids and they're doing awesome work. Why shouldn't they be supported? And Stephenie Meyer is an incredible writer, as is [screenwriter] Melissa Rosenberg, and I think both of them should be celebrated."

Plus, she added, she keeps in touch with some of the cast, especially Elizabeth Reaser: "We were like a family."

Read full article HERE
Found via THIS

Sigh... I freaking LOVE her.  So hot.


Fridge Notes - Travel Edition

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 2:12 PM


Hello and welcome to another installment of Fridge Notes: A Love Story, brought to you by Ciaobella27, littlesecret84, and yours truly.  We share these with you so that you can get an exclusive, behind-the-scenes peek at what goes on when Rob and Kris leave each other notes on their refrigerator of love somewhere in a house which doesn't really exist.  Maybe.

Now, as the rest of us do, Rob and Kris often grab note pads from the hotel rooms they find themselves camped out in and shove those notepads into their shared backpack, because even though they're gazillionaires, free stationery is free stationery, and they need to save their money for important stuff like pot and guitars.  This week, they made good use of all that free stationery.











Thursday May 27, 2010 at 2:10 PM

My recent excitement over adding the Eclipse Collector's Edition book to my Twilight collection (Yes, collection. It's on display in a glass cabinet in my bedroom. Freals.) made me think about all the other incredibly nerdy things I do. (I don't apologize for my nerdiness, but I am aware of it . Fully :P) For example, I fold my underwear. I also organize my drawers and closet by color and hanger-type. I have a mad crush on Dr. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds. Oh, and I'm a 30 year old woman who is completely obsessed with a Young Adult book series.

Yep. :)

Now I know I can't be the only one out there with a few "geek-rets". So come on, people, fess up!!


Why Twilight is Popular

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 2:06 PM

OMG, I love the Fight Club Tyler Durden-esque subconcious blips of the lego brick.


~Story Banners~

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 1:52 PM

Have you ever been inspired by a fic and created a story banner for it?

Have you let anyone see it?

There are some incredibly talented manipulators out there. (Pun intended.)

Now it's time to show us your work!

Relax, take a deep breath and......

Post the banners you've made and the name of the fic that inspired it.




What does "bronze" look like?

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 1:47 PM

I am getting conflicting information.  I don't even remember what the original books said about Edward's hair color - I imagine it was "bronze'.  I imagine bronze to be basically brown with hints of auburn, red and even some deep blonde.  A lot of fanfics essentially say that Edward is a red head - I am not into that.  Redheads make me think of Ron Howard. 

Any thoughts?


Where's Renesmee?

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 1:21 PM

Now that Breaking Dawn is greenlit (was there ever any doubt?) the search is on.

Any contenders, Campers?

Post photos of your ideal Nessie.


The Stuff A SM Vampire Is Made Of

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 1:00 PM

So, they're really heavy, they're ice cold, and hard as rock.

Well, how cold are they? I seem to remember a part where Emmett was able to hold a snowball in his hand and keep it cold inside. That's  pretty damn cold.

How hard are they? They sparkle like a rock and it's insinuated that they're rock hard in general. That's pretty damn hard.

And I've seen it shown somewhere where they're also very heavy but I can't remember if that's Canon....granted with the rockness.

Am I the only one who hears this and imagines frost bite in uncomfortable places and a very chaffed vagina? And if they're really that heavy, how do they end up in cars and all that without weighing them down?

Vampires and frost bite in your vagina....discuss.

ATTENTION!: If Edward is really that cold, then wouldn't Bella on Isle Esme have gotten stuck to him? Isn't that what happens when you take something really really cold and put it to something really hot and......wet.





Thursday May 27, 2010 at 12:26 PM


Don't Hate, Masturbate!

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 12:23 PM

Before anyone responds to this post with "everyone masturbates" I would like to argue with you now. I knew plenty who didn't start until they were 18 or above. And no they weren't lying.

I personally started at a young age....yea TMI whatever.

Edward, Bella, the Cullens....everyone! Is there masturbating in that house? I mean, Edward's always at Bella's and could smell it on her hands....when would she? And if you had a boyfriend like him would you if you knew he could probably smell it days later? The way those two are, I'm not sure.

And Edward, lack of privacy in the Cullen house may make it alright to sex each other up, what about having fun with yourself? In general, didn't people of Edward's time believe masturbation was literally bad and wasting sperm...or something. Would Edward care after a while? 

I don't know, opinions, do they? And the other Cullens and such, for all you who are convinced of Carlisle's virginity before he was with Esme....did he?

And if you want to tell your own stories go for it, I don't get embarassed by much. Or if you want to give an story that somehow goes with this, that's cool too.

<--Couldn't help myself. Anything fun like this is always welcome.


ADF Postcard Project - Team USA

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 12:06 PM

I am back with more postcards that need claiming!! Just like with the INTERNATIONAL EDITION, please go to ADF Project Postcard to claim your postcard so we at ADF know who sent it.

All together we recieved 110 postcards from the US, the state that sent the most was California, the city that sent the most was New York and the state that sent the biggest was TEXAS. This shouldn't surprise anyone!

Now ALL of the postcards are up HERE at ADF PROJECT POSTCARD but I am hoping to have them up for a prettier display once most are claimed. But please, check them out, some are just amazing!!

Here is a taste:


chirp chirp

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 10:27 AM


lol, i'm one to talk, I haven't been around much.




What have you all been up to?


Are there any new "big" fics? You know the ones that everyone reads, and loves? I haven't seen that happen in awhile.




What did you think of Tuesday nights epi?

I thought it was pretty funny.



Basically, come talk to me, please.





Do you believe??

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 9:43 AM

So I like to watch the History Channel before I go to bed at night because I like having a bunch of random facts that I can pull out at the drop of a dime.

Anyway, last night there was a show on werewolves

think more like this:

and less like:


And the night before had a show on aliens:


And of course there were the people who have claimed to have seen werewolves, or UFOs or have been abducted by aliens and then returned to Earth.

And it got me thinking about whether or I not I believe in the existence of these creatures.

(yes for aliens, no for werewolves)


So I want to know if you guys believe, or don't believe in the super natural whether it be aliens, werewolves, vampires, elves, fairies, etc. Is there a possibility that these creatures could actually exist?? Tell me what you think!!!




team garlic

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 9:40 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

if you don't know angry little asian girls, well.  get on it.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

angry little girls comics

lol i also want this tote that says "can i copy your notes?" "kiss my nerdy ass."


Have you noticed this thing?

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 9:08 AM

Fanfiction.NET is now available for cell phone use!


May 25th, 2010 -- For all the cell surfers, mobile poets, and all the creative minds stuck in a terribly exciting lecture/corporate meeting, we are very happy to fill your voids with FanFiction.Net Mobile at Please help us spread the word and test the new service. Email feedback/issues

Are you going to use that new feature? For those who are already using it, is it good?



Thursday May 27, 2010 at 9:08 AM

The following are excerpts from about the set of Water for Elephants.





And what about Pattinson's rumored girlfriend Kristin Stewart? It turns out, that may have just been a rumor after all.


"Rob is not dating anyone. There are no plans for Kristin Stewart to visit the set and he tells everyone he is single," the insider said. "Rob is smarter than anyone gives him credit for, he reads the Internet and pays attention to what people are saying.


Does he now?   If you're paying attention and reading this: Hey.  Call me.

here's the link for the entire article:

"They joke a lot and Rob has her blushing and laughing all the time. He's very charming," the source said. "He went on about how she is this beautiful, super-famous Academy Award winner, and Reese loved it. She was flattered and giggling while he teased. It's cute and it makes for a great movie set. Everyone is excited because they fit so well together."


This Blows!

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 8:03 AM

Hey There Campers!

I have a ton of work that I desperately need to do, but I'm a MASTER PROCRASTINATOR and I just end up BLOWING it off.

However, it's to the point now where I can no longer blow this crap off and I actually have to WORK! 

(So what do I so?  I start a campfire!!  LOL)

Tell Me Campers~~


I was blowing off creating a photo book for one of my clients.  But once I click "start campfire!" I'm actually going to do it. *sigh*

I WANT to be blowing off this...

I think he wants it too.

You wanna know ONE of my favorite time wasters?  GOOGLE IMAGES.

I googled "blow Robert Pattinson" and found this....

seriously people? RPatz blow-up dolls?  That's just a little too creepy, even for me!

Even Rob is like WTF?!

So I google PROCRASTINATION and found this...

omg this is sooo me!

And this...


So I figure the bigger I make this campfire, the more time it'll take and I won't have to do my freaking work.

So I google "Procrastinate + Robert Pattinson" and I got this~~

...not bad, he looks a little lazy there.

Then I google "Blow-off + Robert Pattinson".  got this...






What is this fic?

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 4:52 AM

I know totally random first post guys but I was looking through a couple of sites looking for good completed fic recs and had done most of my searchs here so hopefully you guys can help.


I found a fic which I thought would be good and from memory the vibe I got from it was High School, friends, maybe hijinks.

It's posted on FFn.

I had a quick scroll through it's chapters menu and I distinctly remember two chapters (one at chapter 5ish the other chapter 10ish) about Ben Cheney (I know WTF).  The first was something like SO YOUR BEN CHENEY and the second one was, I think, I HATE BEN CHENEY.

I'm pretty sure it's a WIP

It had between 20-30 chapters posted


Anyway I found this, opened it in a tab then my computer froze and I had to restart it.  When I did any reference to this fic had disapeared from my history, so I have no idea where I got the original link from or what the fic is named, I can't even remember what the summary was about.

I know my clues aren't the most helpful, but I'm pretty sure I found it rec'd somewhere on this site (I'm still working my way back through posts to see if I can find it but really I have no idea where to look).  The random Ben Cheney chapters I hoping will jog someones memory.


Can someone please help me (this fic better be good!)




Rec me baby, rec me

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 2:23 AM

Hello campers.

I would LOVE if anyone could rec me some funny, awkward, lemony O/S. Any pairing will satsify me.

FYT because Glee is on tonight :D



ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 2:09 AM

OMG I SUCK.  I completely forgot to post this yesterday and now I'm posting it insanely early b/c I won't be able to post it later.  *le sigh*







"With A Kiss" by bexi21



"Undisclosed Desires II Edward, Bella" by Vera

First --- | >> | 1139 | 1140 | 1141 | 1142 | 1143 | 1144 | 1145 | 1146 | 1147 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
