
OTP in fandoms?

Friday May 28, 2010 at 7:51 PM

In Twilight canon pairing seems to be favorite- Team Jacob aside.

I was curious what are people's favorite ships in other fandoms? The ships that to you are canon and everyone else is in denial.

I love Draco/Hermione in Harry Potter- they were my first fanfic reads!, or Hermione/Fred or Hermione/Cedric.... (I have Ron issues) 

Alias- love Sark/Sydney! Sark was always my favorite character and loved the banter.

What is OTP to you?   OTP- One true pairing.

*First campfire and its FFAF, so hope this is fine*



Piercing the Soul...or just my face.

Friday May 28, 2010 at 7:46 PM

Hey all!!! How was your day?

I went to town for groceries and came back with my 2nd holes pierced.

I love piercing, but I'm pretty particular about what I do to my own body.

I wanna see your piercings!!!!

Ears, nose, viper, belly button, whatever.

If you disagree like my grandfather LOL, tell us why!

I'll go first. I have two holes in my ears.

I have my nose pierced

not me btdubs...

And I'm DYING to get my tragus pierced, but I'm put off by the fact people who have them say they can't wear earbuds. I CANNOT live without my music.

My job won't let me get an industrial, or I would have it tomorrow. Boo.




Friday May 28, 2010 at 7:18 PM

I have a tendency to get really obsessed with things.  Currently, much like many people here, I'm obsessed with Twilight... and Rob... and Edward... and Twific.  

But I had many obsessions that led up to this one.  I won't mention all of them, because it would take forever.  But here are a few of the things that I loved before Twilight.

Christian Bale                                                            Gerard Butler


Red Hot Chili Peppers

An obsession is defined as the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc. 

So tell me... what dominated your thoughts and feelings before Twilight?

Sorry if this has been asked before.  But I don't search the pages of this ish on a regular basis.


Parallel Fanfic Universe

Friday May 28, 2010 at 6:57 PM

So, I've slowly been coming out of the fanfic closet with my boyfriend and right now we're doing a nighttime reading of Canzone -- he's an opera lover.  As I was explaining to him the reason why I found fanfic in the first place -- Breaking Dawn fail -- it occured to me that he might enjoy fanfic for the same reason -- Lost fail.

So, is there anyone out there who could recommend a good Lost fic?  I'm sure they exist, but I have no idea where to start.


I've got nothing to share except, watch that MTV Movie Awards video VVV down there.  It's hilarious!!


Twilight Fever

Friday May 28, 2010 at 6:48 PM

This is going to get RPattz attention?

This is for you non-glee lovers. enjoy.

For those glee lovers, tell me your favorite singing moments on the show or dance numbers.



Adopt A Plot Bunny...

Friday May 28, 2010 at 5:38 PM


~In Need of Good Author~

What does one do when they have plot bunnies running around in their head but have no writing skillz?

Is there someplace where we can get these ideas out there?

Maybe there is an author looking for a fresh idea or an innovative prompt.

So for all of you creative non-writers out there, what homeless plot bunnies you have running around in your head?

Or is there just a plot that you haven't seen done yet that you would like to put out there.


Plot Bunny for Adoption
 Edward and Tanya are married but Tanya is unable to have a child. Desperate, they turn to a surrogate mother.
Enter Bella Swan, broke college student who receives an offer she can't refuse. 





I didn't see this on here yet...

Friday May 28, 2010 at 5:29 PM

I wasn't sure if this was post yet! I only like when he seems afraid... Hope I can post this!

*Note Language


Angry Panda

Friday May 28, 2010 at 5:25 PM


Wow. I'm an angry Panda this morning & I've had my coffee & everything.


Reading the campfire about Kristen has pissed me off somewhat. I've commented on it, so I won't even go into it now.


Anyway..... Please make me a happy Panda. I don't want to end up swearing like a sailor & threatening inanimate objects.


So spam us with gifs, pics, vids, jokes. Whatever makes you happy :)



From "Hate to Love" Fanfics

Friday May 28, 2010 at 4:31 PM

Hello lovely ladies!  How has your friday been so far??

This is my first campfire, and to be honest I'm taking a little advantage of the FFFA, 'cause normally I'm way too shy to post or comment on anything, but I decided today was a good day to take a risk and come out of my hiding for a change...So, after reading the latest chapter of "Breaking News" by the amazing WriteOnTime, a friend and I were talking about how much we love the whole hate/love dynamic and the constant bantering between Edward and Bella, and started remembering  fics like "Frenemies" or "The Office" that were full of awkward moments, banter and especially, unresolved sexual tension... After that conversation I've been craving stories with that kind of strained or "hate to love" relationships, so, what do you recommend me campers?


Before they were movies

Friday May 28, 2010 at 3:29 PM

Happy Friday!

I have always been a firm believer that the book will always be better than the movie. Until today I had no idea that Up In the Air was a book first.

What other movies out there are actually based on a book that many people don't know about? and what did you like better the movie or the book?



Greatest fan fic of all time.

Friday May 28, 2010 at 2:45 PM

Hey guys and girls,

I wanna know what you think is the greatest fan fic of all time?

You can have more than one just link it so people can look it up if they haven't discovered it yet.

I'll do a tally at the end to determine the winner!

So consider this the ultimate twilight fan fiction poll. 

Rob says what are you waiting for get linking. Ready, steady, GO!




RacketGhost, I Love You!!!!!!

Friday May 28, 2010 at 2:40 PM



(I looked and didn't see this posted yet....)

Sorry for the yell but I am so excited that I can't stand it...



Here is the link:


So Go And Read It Already!!!!


EDIT:  She is in our lovely ADF village of VIP authors as Nightshade



Friday May 28, 2010 at 2:07 PM

Welp, considering how it's FFFA and I still have 20 minutes before I need to leave the library, I thought I'd ask a question.

As of right now I have a few ongoing stories, but all of them are coming to a close.... So what should I write next?

--AU based on the book "blood and chocolate" but focusing more on vampires than werewolves

--AH dark comedy about Bella being into organized crime and wanting to put Edward's heart up on the black market before she falls for him

--AU about Bella being like... a few thousand years old and pretty much forest gump'ing her way through history as she tries to avoid Edward... unsuccessfully.

--an X-Men type of crossover where the Cullens and other vamp characters attend "Carlisle's school for gifted youngsters" to learn to control their special powers (while not actually being vampires)

--or an AH romp through the 80's, Bella following around her favorite hair metal band, featuring a couple musicians in the form on Twilight characters we all know and love.

Which sounds best? Cast your vote for me before I leave for the day :)


What makes you think of fics?

Friday May 28, 2010 at 2:04 PM

Hello all, Happy Friday!

I'm sure this has been discussed before, but do you ever see/hear something that has nothing to do with Twilight, but your mind immediately goes there, or to a fic? It happens to me a lot. lol

The other day, I was doing a crossword puzzle, and the clue was 'a beaver's work'. I couldn't help myself - I immediately thought of The MAofBS by hunterhunting.

On Tues episode of General Hospital, Carly told Sonny that he could "stew in his own juices". Again, I couldn't help myself; my mind went to any M rated fic.

Last week, when I was in Wal Mart, I saw this book on an end cap, and thought of none other than Edward:


What have you heard/seen that made you think of Twilight/fics?


27.jpg Robert Pattinson image by buttercup11224

^ ^ ^ FUUUUUCK ^ ^ ^  That's all I have to say about that.



Friday May 28, 2010 at 1:59 PM

so did ya know that when you use facebook chat...you can make letters bold by placing them in the middle of two *

example: *bold* would show up bold when i sent the message. oooookay just letting you know. lolz

to make this twilight related...I am mid twilighted version of Master Of the Universe.....I am scared everytime I hit 'Next'...

love love


Guten Tag, sexy campers!

Friday May 28, 2010 at 1:48 PM

Hey y'all!

I should be revising for exams that my life pretty much depends on, but as we all know, cramming night before is the best way forward. So I'm kinda new here and just fancied a chat.

SO, I want to know how far we all have gone to stalk our favourite sexy people, who have graced our screens as the awsome Cullens.

Me? Well nothing crazy. Scoped out pretty much the whole of London to see if I could catch Rob while filming Bell Ami.

Oh and I joined Twitter because Kellan did, and I tweet him incesantly hoping one day I'll 'bump into him' and we'll fall in love.

ENOUGH ABOUT ME, I want to know about you and your stalker like tendancys.



Twilight Credit Card

Friday May 28, 2010 at 1:27 PM

It will be available in only one bank in France on June 1st and it's targeted towards the 12-18 and the 18-25.

I think it's pretty but I won't go changing banks just to have it.

Does a version exist in your countries?


Need help for complete fics

Friday May 28, 2010 at 12:53 PM

Hey, can anyone help me with this fic list? I usually only read complete fics because I don’t have patience for incomplete ones, since I am a quick reader and finish fics really fast. I read the summary, if I like it, I put it on my Story Alert list. When the story is updated, I check through my email if it's completed. Now I saw the list recently, and it’s very long. Some of the stories haven’t been updated in a while, I heard some stories end up finished but the author forgets to press the complete button. Now I don’t know from this list which one I finished. If someone can help me, it will be a big help.

Truth Or Dare




A Present For Bella


House Call




Alone No Longer


Runaway love


The Switch Of An Eternity


The Beautiful Love


love is truly something






Dusk Descending




Keys to Life


Blue Moon Over Manka's


Life long Lessons


Blue Topaz


My Best Friend's Girl


Alternate New Moon


Life as Bella Cullen


A Different Kind Of Twilight


A Work Of Art


Simple Kind of Life


Escaping Dusk




The father in law daughter dance


My Hand hurts!


The Adventures of Silly Bella



taking advantage

Friday May 28, 2010 at 12:41 PM

Is anybody going this year???

I just got my tickets this morning and I am very excited :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

For those who don't know what EDC is, here is a trailer for this years event in June.

Yes, its a rave :)

To make this interactive (and me just not being nosy) DO ANY OF MY FELLOW CAMPERS RAVE???


Whose the best DJ you've ever seen? Weirdest Hours? Weirdest theme?

My best DJ was Deadmau5 at Haunted Mansion back in 08 and the weirdest rave I went to was a Waldo themed rave that went from 3am to 10 am. 




of the many shades of wrong...

Friday May 28, 2010 at 12:33 PM


I have no words.



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