

Friday May 28, 2010 at 12:20 PM

Since its FFAF still i thought id post a funny campfire! In the fanfic world you often come across clits & cocks having been named by their owners :P 


What have you named (or has someone else named) your Clit/Vajayjay?

In turn have you named your guys Cock? What are some of the funniest ones you have been witness to?

haha i have named my clit Noddy (hehehe) 

Lets see how dirty all your minds are, and what pet names you have for your ladybits!





Pimpin your rides

Friday May 28, 2010 at 12:04 PM

Earlier on I was watching re-runs of Top Gear and this made me curious and as it's friday: What do you all drive? 
(If you drive, that is)

This is exactly the same as mine, but I have orange seats inside (yes, I know that sounds weird, but it doesn't look that bad).

Even the steering wheel's on the same side too ;)


The Passing of an Icon

Friday May 28, 2010 at 11:57 AM

The former child star was admitted to Utah Regional Medical Center after suffering an “intracranial hemorrhage.”

His condition has worsened since being admitted to a Utah hospital on Thursday after a fall at his home in Santaquin, 55 miles south of Salt Lake City. Lucid upon arrival, Coleman later slipped into a coma.

He died this afternoon.  He was 42.



You guys, this makes me really sad.  Gary Coleman had such a bizarre life and it seemed like he just couldn't catch a break in recent years.

But what I remember as a child was that for the first time, I saw someone on TV that looked like ME.

I'm biracial and grew up in an ALL WHITE town.  I knew I was different, but never understood why or how (until it was so eloquently pointed out to me by some little bastard in 2nd grade).  But then DIFFERENT STROKES came along and I saw a little kid who looked like me (kinda) who was smart and funny and loved....suddenly, I felt a little less lonely.  A little less different.


you'll be missed.


You: Zombie Killer

Friday May 28, 2010 at 11:54 AM

 Bella Swan: Zombie Killer updated today!!!  Hooray!!!!!  

Read it here-->  www.fanfiction.net/s/5491016/10/

Now tell me, fellow campers, what do you plan to do when there's a zombie apocalypse? 

Where will you go?

(^My local mall, which was used in the old '78 version of "Dawn of the Dead")

What weapons will you have on hand?

Which camper or Ranger would you like to be stuck with and why?

(If you're feeling lazy and don't feel like saying 'why', you may format your answers in the manner of the board game "Clue".  'Cause that stuff amuses me.)  



I think I feel a song coming on...

Friday May 28, 2010 at 11:09 AM

I love Twilight. I love Harry Potter. I love chocolate and pretty men.

But my ONE true love?


Musical Theatre.

I love this

And I LOVE this

This is the funniest thing I've ever seen...


I love the music, I love the costumes, I love the performers. Anyone else share this minor obsession? What shows have you seen?

I've done: Phantom (x2), Wicked (x5), Avenue Q, We Will Rock You (x4), Beauty and the Beast.


Give me your waffles!

Friday May 28, 2010 at 10:51 AM

About 2 weeks ago wtvoc posted this picture


Well, I sent it to a co-worker that loves to bake and she told me she loves making homemade waffles. I had no idea there were other types of waffles besides the leggo my eggo frozen kind. One thing lead to another and we agreed to host a waffle bar for the our office next friday.

She will be bringing in 3 waffle irons and the batter and I am responsible for the toppings. 

This is where I need your help. Campers please give me your topping ideas.

I want to know the best, worst, never again and wtf of waffle toppings!

I also want to know how to prepare the strawberries, do I just chop them up? 




have an addiction. a book buying addiction.

Friday May 28, 2010 at 10:44 AM

so finals are over and instead of going to find a summer job insead of living off left over aid and my parents generosity i have decided i would rather read books all day. i also discovered that if you use your barnes and noble membership number online you get a 15% discount plus free express shipping. now i'm unstoppable.

this week i read this....

and it was AMAZING. i highly recommend it!

today i'm starting this....

i have three more books coming in the mail next week. i have issues. i love books!

now since i love to add more on my "to read" list... what are you guys reading????


prom season approaches, campers

Friday May 28, 2010 at 10:37 AM

it's ADF prom time

who are you taking as your date?

what're you wearing?

what song do you wanna slow dance to with me?

what song are you gonna show us your ~dancin' skillz~ to?

are you getting a limo?  a hotel room for after?

you're all invited to the jandcoandwtvoc cabin for an afterparty!


pictures, please.  and lots of 'em.

dj tor, please get this prom started.

my date, duh: 

Image and video hosting by TinyPic 

my afterparty:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic



Twitter fucks me over every day of my life!!11

Friday May 28, 2010 at 9:43 AM

Thrust into the position as one of the most sought after photo opportunities wherever in the world she might be at the time, Kristen Stewart vented about the pressures that come along with being one of the biggest names in Hollywood.

Candidly talking with Gregg La Gambina for Bebe's X Flaunt magazine Issue # 109 (The Fashion Issue), the "Twilight" hottie was fresh off of having a friendly chat with Sean Penn invaded by a surge of paparazzi before the sitdown - which clearly influenced the course of the conversation.

Kristen frustratingly said, “If I could go to work every day and not have to be followed around by f**king fifteen gangsters trying to take my picture, willing to do anything for one… It’s not normal. It’s funny how in America fame is placed so f**king high—above wealth, above happiness, above everything. It’s so not true. And I knew that before [I was famous]. It was so obvious to me. I don’t know how people can’t see that from an outsider’s perspective. My perspective is the same: it’s exactly what I thought it would be.”

As the interview continued on, Kristen was greeted inside of a local eatery by a fan who said his hellos before letting her get back to the interview, of which the Bella Swan babe offered a compliment prior to leading into another pet peeve - the social networking takeover.

"He was nice,” she tells of the betaken fan. “He didn’t ask for a picture. That’s good, because then they go and Twitter them and then the paparazzi know where I am and they drive to my location and it gets crazy. Twitter f**ks me over every day of my life. Because people go, ‘I’m sitting next to Kristen Stewart right now’ and then they show up. I see people on their phones and I just want to take these cookies and throw them. It’s like ‘Get off your f**king phone and get a life!’ I get so mad. It’s like you’re trampling on someone’s life without any regard. And it’s rampant. Everyone can do it now. Buy a camera and you’re paparazzi; get a Twitter account and you’re an informant. It’s so annoying.”

Clearly noting her temper, La Gambina then asked, “Have you ever punched anyone in the face?”

Getting a smile from the usually-serious star, K-Stew laughingly answered, “No! I’ve hit people, but I’ve never clocked someone."





Summer TV

Friday May 28, 2010 at 9:28 AM

Since all my Favorite shows have ended for the summer i.e Grey's Anatomy, One Tree Hill, Vampire Diaries, Desperate HouseWives... I'll have nothing to keep me busy and out of the Hot Texas sun. What are you guys watching for the Summer?

These are some of mine that will be playing, but I like to have a show for everyday of the week.

Secret Life of the American Teenager- June 7

Make it Or break it- June 28

I'm going to check out Pretty Little Liars on June 8

So you think you can dance on thursdays.

Give me some ideas people.



Friday May 28, 2010 at 8:52 AM

Right. I post a sentence, you add onto that sentence, then someone else adds onto the new bit, and so on.

(It doesn't have to be the Twilight characters, but if you want, it can. But that decision is up to the person who says the characters' names first.)

It ends up being a nice and weird story. Short story.


The first sentence/quote: They say Rainbow Fish will enchant even the oldest man with his silver scales and heart of gold, but I never liked that book.

idk this just came off the top of my head, it probably doesn't make much sense. ANYWAY, ELABORATE! ADD SOME BITS.



Friday May 28, 2010 at 8:44 AM

^^I dunno what this means^^

Hey campers! How are y'all doing? I'm not feeling that great right

now. Let's just say there's a throng of people standing outside my window and pointing and laughing mercilessly at me for no good reason. I can't take their cruel mirth anymore. It's like the sound of Victoria's nails clawing a chalkboard *goosebumps*.

I am fully aware that is probably the least inventive or original campfire-topic you can come up with on Free For All Friday (and a complete crime against the words, 'use it wisely'), but I have to do this.

Campers, I need drown out the horrible noise and somehow overcome the silence in my apartment. I need music. I need your music. I need GOOD music. I am dead right now. There's practically nothing left on my TBR list, no one is really online, nothing is updating (as far as I'm concerned, anyway) and I need a distraction. A loud, fun, bouncy distraction. It doesn't necassarily have to fit that catergory, just give me anything. Do you think I fucking care if it sounds broody and shit? I beg of you!

Not to mention, my ipod has been displeasing me lately. I mean, she's actually my girlfriend. I've named her Titania and one day we're going to get married and have little ipod/human babies. But I think the passion is being sucked out of our relationship. I mean, if she can't sing to me properly then what is the fucking point? Yes, she's my portable ficster, my twitter, my love. Yet I need something fresh inside of her....like a new musical reccomendation, you know. 

Help meeeeeee! 

Oh and don't forget to tell me about your day, too! And how you're doing and stuff! 

As for eye candy, I'm going to allow some ladies to please you tonight -- 

-(she needs more love) 


you know you want to.

Friday May 28, 2010 at 8:18 AM

i have seen these littered all over different capfires

but it would be great to have them all in one spot


Hot, Sexy, Dirty Men!!



FFAF so I can

Friday May 28, 2010 at 7:45 AM

 I'm procrastinating like you wouldn't beleive, also avoiding twitter due to SaTC2 coming out today and I won't see it till next week where the bf is taking me to see it for our 3 year thing (y).

I have ONE exam left and instead of revising I'm looking at The Writers Coffee Shop and trying to use it, but it's effing hard!

So, does anyone know how this works? I've managed to upload the first three chaps of my new story but otherwise I'm kind of stuck...help?

Also any good stories out there for me to read? I'm after something funny - think Midnight Son of a Bitch or Falling For the First Time - although they don't have to be with a vamp-ward.

Anything good happening? 

Sigh...FYT isn't he just mmmmm :D


Attention TwiMoms: Swagger Wagon!

Friday May 28, 2010 at 7:44 AM

Share your favorite wacky videos!!


What do you do?

Friday May 28, 2010 at 7:22 AM

Hello all!

We all have different jobs in RL, there are parts that we love and parts that we hate. I work as an STNA at a nursing home; so yes I wipe butt all day. 


I should also mention that I work on a  rehabilitation hall so they are all very with it. There are the few that have plans to stay there permanently and i get very attached to the people I take care of.


So I want to know.... what do you love most about your job? What do you hate about it?



LOVE: Hearing stories from my residents

HATE: Seeing someone that I have grown attached to pass away.




Friday May 28, 2010 at 7:14 AM


Did you watch it?? Did you like it?? What did you like about it?? Have you watched the series?? Do you think that all this show of glamour is "inappropriate" in a time when the economics are for shit? Or do you think it is nice to forget just for a little while all the shit that's going on by watching such a film?? Or do you think it's just freaking movie??

 Beware of minor spoilers!!


some more epilogue

Friday May 28, 2010 at 7:08 AM

There have been photos circulating of Ron, Harry, Ginny, and Draco but this is the first I've seen of adult!Hermione... she's around the 30 second mark


Baruka Athena

Pat on the back

Friday May 28, 2010 at 5:28 AM

Since it's FFAF:

I'm so happy!!! I finally managed to write and update another chapter of my J/B fic Who Are You? I feel so accomplished :) So I'm giving myself a pat on the back...

So, what have you done today/this week that makes you proud? If you have written fanfic, don't forget to link it.

FYT (and because he's my main character):


Show me your work

Friday May 28, 2010 at 3:56 AM

Mine is inside the comments (as well as the results of the ducky naming vote).

First --- | >> | 1137 | 1138 | 1139 | 1140 | 1141 | 1142 | 1143 | 1144 | 1145 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
