
The animals went in two by two HURRAH HURRAH

Friday May 28, 2010 at 1:02 AM

So I love animals, as I suppose alot of us do. Tell me. What are your favourite animals? You are free to include your pets too :)


How could you not love this cute thing? I absolutely LOVE Koala's. They're becoming extinct so can only mostly be found in animal sanctuaries

I also really love turtles. It's amazing how long they can live.


Girl Crush

Friday May 28, 2010 at 12:16 AM



aka Heather Morris


Yep my girl crush this week. I love her stupid, crazy, funny comments. She makes Glee for me. Who's your favorite 'er? Pics please.

Love's to Blame

your name

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 11:55 PM

Penname, screenname, I don't care what you call it, I just want to know how you came up with it. Mine is simple- love is to blame. For heartache and pain but also happiness. Its to blame for the good, the bad and the ugly. (also there's a song called love's to blame by Joel and Luke amd I think it sums up my penname) On that note, tell me how did you become who you are.


Thursday May 27, 2010 at 11:23 PM

Look at me campfire crazy (last one promise).

Just a couple quick questions . . . has anyone purchased the iPad or are planning on it?

I have bad luck with laptops so I was thinking of purchasing an iPad, but I REALLY don't like to read on something that I can't review from. I know with my iTouch I can't review stories on Twilighted or post comments on ADF. Does anyone know if with the iPad you're able to review stories on FFN, Twilighted and able to reply to campfires?

This would be a great help. Thanks!!


I hate Ron Artest.

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 11:03 PM

Yeah. I said it.

Been waiting for that Free For ALL campfire since the end of the Suns/Lakers game all night.

That from the back board, buzzer beater tonight against the Suns when THEY CLEARLY could have made it to overtime had me fuming. GAH. It was SUCH a good game.

This is a sports post chicas. Come in here and talk sports! Who do you love? Who do you hate? Who's your team? Show some support for your team! What sport did you ever play? What sport is your kryptonite? College vs Professional? Football vs Futbol? What the hell is cricket? World Cup anyone (yeah, yeah, like I WASN'T going there)?

All sports, all fans, all nations welcome!


iWrite Contest?

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 10:40 PM

So, I've been thinking about hosting this contest for a while, but I'm not very social in the fandom, so I wouldn't have many helpers.

Who would be interested in an iWrite Contest?

We do these all the time on dA. There's a list of around thirty numbers, and you get to pick a number, and I'll have a list of songs, and whichever number you pick is the song you'll get from my list. I'll provide you with a link to the song if you don't know it. They're extremely fun. I love participating in them, and people get super creative while doing them.

ANYWAY, I was thinking about introducing them to the Twilight fandom, and it's so weird 'cause jandco and wtvoc just started their Song from a Hat story, which would be the same basic concept.


You're appreciated by ladyinblue6. And Sidney Crosby.



Thursday May 27, 2010 at 10:38 PM


oh hai

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 10:37 PM

it's your random ranger checking in.


i hear it's free for all friday (it's been friday here forever btw).



this is mine:

it is my favourite song because, well, listen to it. jeff buckley is my favourite musician in the world.


Vampire Weekend

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 10:33 PM

You can hear their track from the Eclipse soundtrack, "Jonathan Low", in the video below. =D

Well? thoughts?


Melissa Cullen

Tweet, Tweet

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 10:10 PM


I swear I am always the last one in on the Twitter posts, so I'm starting my own this time.  Come in and post your Twitter and also any celebs you think are worth following!

I'm @MelissaCullen01  (I'll post how to make it a link in comments, because "find people" isn't always working)  My tweets are locked, but I always follow back!  =)

Some celebrities I follow @iansomerhalder, @ActuallyNPH, @ladygaga, and @GLEEonFOX  ( can find all the characters/actors Twitters here, too.)



Approved by the loverly Pixievamp.  For her.





Cupcake Tattoos

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 9:53 PM

I just had to post this - does this make anyone else think of Clipped Wings & Inked Armor?

tattoos1.jpg The Good and Evil Cupcake Tattoos image by findstuff22

Can't you just picture Edward with a cupcake tattoo? I mean, he obsesses about them loves them enough, he might as well have one permanently, right? lol

BTW, those are not my feet - I don't know whose they are. I was just randomly searching Photobucket. 

: /


Dear Jandco & Wt?oC

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 9:44 PM

Please stop keeping me awake with your new foray into writing. Some of us do have to get up and go to work in the morning.

SONGS FROM A HAT  Title Summary: We pull a song from a hat and each of us writes the first thing that comes to mind until we come to some stopping point. Enjoy, and do not judge what pops up.



The Accidental Doodle

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 8:21 PM

So I was browsing through my e-mails regarding my obsession fan-love for Robert Pattinson and came across this auction being held by PACT (Parents and Abducted Children Together) in the UK. It seems to be legit and for a good cause. Basically, the universal sign for PACT is a balloon so they had a bunch of celebrities doodle on balloons or something and now they're being auctioned off. They're signed and certified.

Mr. Robert Pattinson doodled.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the doodle...

Is it just my perverted mind?

Does anyone else see it?

I seriously think Rob drew a penis on his balloon!

Okay, it could have just been a doodle of lines and such, and he may not have even been paying attention, which makes this possible The Best Accidental Doodle Ever.


For those wanting to check out the auction, it's on EBay UK HERE.



I stole this

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 7:57 PM

From Pattinsonlife. It was too cute to pass up. Sigh...I luff him.


What Tree Are You?

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 7:46 PM

I found this & thought it would be perfect for the forest campers!

Find out what tree you are!

I'll post the descriptions of the trees inside the comments.

Find your birthday in the chart then look in the comments for info about your tree!!!

Dec 23 to Jan 01 Jun 25 to Jul 04 Apple Tree
Jan 02 to Jan 11 Jul 05 to Jul 14 Fir Tree
Jan 12 to Jan 24 Jul 15 to Jul 25 Elm Tree
Jan 25 to Feb 03 Jul 26 to Aug 04 Cypress Tree
Feb 04 to Feb 08 Aug 05 to Aug 13 Poplar Tree
Feb 09 to Feb 18 Aug 14 to Aug 23 Cedar Tree
Feb 19 to Feb 28 Aug 24 to Sep 02 Pine Tree
Mar 01 to Mar 10 Sep 03 to Sep 12 Weeping Willow Tree
Mar 11 to Mar 20 Sep 13 to Sep 22 Lime Tree
*Mar 21 - Oak Tree* *Sep 23 - Olive Tree* *Jun 24 - Birch Tree*
Mar 22 to Mar 31 Sep 24 to Oct 03 Hazelnut Tree
Apr 01 to Apr 10 Oct 04 to Oct 13 Rowan Tree
Apr 11 to Apr 20 Oct 14 to Oct 23 Maple Tree
Apr 21 to Apr 30 Oct 24 to Nov 11 Walnut Tree
May 01 to May 14 Poplar Tree *Dec 22 - Beech Tree*
May 15 to May 24 Nov 12 to Nov 21 Chestnut Tree
May 25 to Jun 03 Nov 22 to Dec 01 Ash Tree
Jun 04 to Jun 13 Dec 02 to Dec 11 Hornbeam Tree
Jun 14 to Jun 23 Dec 12 to Dec 21 Fig Tree

I think everyone should reply with a picture of their tree +plus+ a picture that describes themselves.

How accurate would you say the tree descriptions are?

Have fun!!


id rather see them naked but this will do.

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 4:53 PM

So i know we have had campfires about this before, but it is only recently i found out that...

Im obsessed with Nikki Reed

shes a talented beautiful girl and while her casting for rosalie is very controversial, i would love her even if she wasnt in my favorite saga.

so i want to know.....

Who out of the the whole twilight cast is your style icon. who do you think has the best fashion? red carpet vs everyday?


i and love and you.

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 4:07 PM

lookingforhoofprints sent me a care package for no reason other than she's amazing


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

lol the steak sauce and pats of butter and wolfgang puck soup were not in the package

but the romance novel was.

and please notice the original art from the man who created Kool-Aid Man.  even kool-aid knows red is better.

time to love up on someone in this fandom, especially if it's a camper.

i love you for your sweetness, both literal and figurative, dear lookingforhoofprints.

i love the campers at a different forest for (mostly) keeping it classy.

and i will love anyone who can make me a giffy icon of sweets mewling or hodgins falling from the bones season finale.


[Insert mildly amusing title about fic updates]

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 3:50 PM


I'm a little bored and none of alerts are updating, So I was thinking...

If you could choose ONE fic to update this very minute, which fic would you choose? Why?




Chat With Bella~~

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 2:53 PM

Gah!  I’ve been so busy with my RL these past couple of weeks that I haven’t had much time to help Jessica with her interviews.

Sorry Jessica!!

But she did pretty well on her own anyway.  This week she had a chat with the newest student to enroll in Forks High, Bella Swan, from MIDNIGHT SON OF A BITCH, by the lovely greeen goldfish.

If you’re not reading this story, you’re missing out.  It’s HILARIOUS and totally what Midnight Sun should have been.  And it’s been updated TODAY!  It’s here in the Forest… check it out in Storytelling!)


OK,Seriously...why all the Breaking Dawn hate?

Thursday May 27, 2010 at 2:44 PM

As someone who actually liked BD, I am genuinely curious as to why people hate it so much.

Yeah, I know the fade to black sucked, but it is a YA book and SM is a Mormon, what did you expect?

Yeah, vamps and humans procreating is impossible, but were talking about a story where vamps and shapeshifters's a work of fiction, anything is possible.

Ok...I'll give you the whole birth of Reneesme. That was a bit graphic and gross. And I could've done without the chewing through the belly and breaking bones. BUT, I liked that they had a baby together even though her name sucks.

AND...the imprinting was a little weird.

But I am glad that there was an anti-climatic climax, I would have hated it if any of the Cullens were killed trying to fight the Volturi.

So tell what specifically did you hate about BD?

No smartass comments saying "Everything."

If you hated it, I really wanna know why and how you would have liked to see the saga end. Don't refer back to a fic, I want your take on it.



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