It has occurred to me that blondes and redheads don't fare very well in the Twilight saga.
On one hand we have:
- Rosalie
- Tanya
- Lauren
- Victoria
All are portrayed as either outright antagonist towards Bella (i.e. wanting to kill her), or just plain bitchy. Even after we find out that Rosalie was gang-raped and left for dead, she doesn't become anymore sympathetic as a character. We only see Tanya a handful of times, she's never anything less than nice to Bella and she offers to die alongside the Cullens, but Bella still doesn't really see her as a friend.
Then we have:
- Bella
- Angela
- Emily
- Leah
- Esme
The brunettes are all shown to be quite warm and sympathetic characters. Even Leah's bitchy exterior is something we warm to because of the situation she's in (and yet, compare it to Rosalie's).
Does anybody else agree/disagree with this? Have I oversimplified this?
For what it's worth, I suspect Stephenie projected her own issues regarding image onto characters like Rosalie. People have said previously that Bella isn't a reliable narrator, which I would agree with, but it's not because SM deliberately chose to make her this way like some authors would. Bella is little more than a Mary Sue character which means SM's own opinions and issues (for instance, she may not like blonde goddesses because they make her feel inferior) were unconsciously passed onto her.