
KStew & Taytay interview

Monday May 31, 2010 at 3:04 AM

This is the interview with KStew & Taytay from tonights ep of 7pm Project. Kristen is too adorable as usual & I loved her little "confession" & Taytay makes me giggle like a little schoolgirl every time.

Just the link because it's not a youtube vid. Hope it works for everyone

Ryan Ninea

I Lurve the CREEPER!

Monday May 31, 2010 at 12:02 AM

Disappear Here updated my friends go read and we will discuss. I do not have words to describe how much I adore this fic. And we thinks times are a changin. If you are not reading this you are missing outbig time.

The Novella

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 11:37 PM

So I was thinking about this again tonight, why does Leah get the shaft again and again and again?!?!  Everything that can go wrong DOES go wrong for Leah. I know SM wrote a novela for Bree which is all fine and dandy, but I would LOVE for her to write a HEA for Leah!  Girl was just left hanging! Nothing good happened to her! I want a HEA for Leah!



What character would YOU like to see SM make a story about? (Midnight Sun does not count as we would all love to see that make print fo' sho')


Bad mothers handbook

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 11:20 PM

Does anyone know how I can download/buy this. I have no idea & I've seen all the gifs & references to the movie in here lately that I am now desperate to see it.

FYT KStew & Taytay in Sydney


what is this shit?

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 9:18 PM

I spend way too much time at CVS...



As you can see, the Bella razors were more expensive than the Twilight razors. And lmao - lavender scented? You know SM's all about strawberries. I don't know who tweeted me back when I tweeted this, but she said we'd def see these razors make an appearance when Bella's shaving her legs on Isle Esme - before Edward finally gives it to her. Heh.


This shit just reminded me of Professor Masen and his Precious Little Lamb. Obviously, I wanted to buy a packet and send it to Ranger Lillybellis.

Oh, and because you sat through this nonsense, here's some RPattz yumminess. And you know I'm not that into the RPattz yumminess, so if I say it's yummy, dude - it's yummy.




Yeah Robert, we know... Cats don't even live very long.

Diana Wolfskill

Twilight Zodiac Campfire

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 9:06 PM

Bella: I don’t care who’s a vampire and who’s a werewolf. That’s irrelevant. You are Jacob and he’s Edward, and I’m Bella. And nothing else matters.

Jacob: But I’m a werewolf… And he’s a vampire…

Bella: And I’m a Virgo!
We all know Bella was born on September 13th, so she's a Virgo.

Does Bella seem like a typical Virgo to you?

What do you think the Zodiac signs of the different characters would be?

Edward is a Gemini, but I sort of see him as a Scorpio.

Carlisle is a Capricorn.

Esme is obviously a nurturing Cancer, right?

Does YOUR Zodiac sign suit YOU?

For descriptions of the various sgns :



Sunday May 30, 2010 at 7:25 PM



Hide and Drink by Savage...

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 7:07 PM


What's Wrong with Edward?

I would just like to get your thoughts because after reading the latest chapter, I'm just as lost.

And if you haven't read it yet you should its awesome




The What if....

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 7:01 PM

So me and the sister were talking today about how much it sucked that our favorite store for dvds and cds had closed down, it sucked because that store was awesome and it was the closest thing I had to home, so I'm all pissed and sad.

But this got me thinking what we do if ADF closed down? or or twilighted?  I would cry and I don't do that, ever. I'm trying hard to remember what I did before I joined the fandom and I can't remember and that makes me all kinds of sad, I honestly think I would go thru the five stages of grief before finally killing myself.

So campers, what would you do afterwards? or try to imagine a world without the fandom.... or twilight.


How to make a GIF.?

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 6:08 PM

 I am soooo confuzzled on how to make a gif. Any suggestions or how to out there? Please help...



Let's Play Five Things

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 4:28 PM




Name or post pictures of five things that make you incredibly happy.





Sunday May 30, 2010 at 4:19 PM

 Fic, it´s twoshot, bella has a sex dream about jasper in a jacuzzy

she´s married to edward and then he accidently over hears her telling angela about it in a family gettogether

there´s baklava and your name is bella cullen, not swan and definitely not whitlock!


its sorta awesome



Sunday May 30, 2010 at 3:32 PM

I believe the last chapter is up.

Go. Read, then come discuss.


Harry Potter

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 2:19 PM


James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Severus Snape in Harry Potter are all the wrong age in the films. who would you cast as the actors if anyone actually cared?!




Sunday May 30, 2010 at 1:11 PM

Hola Chicas!

Pinballwizard92 and myself are in search of a WONDERFUL beta for our CRACK!FIC "Lord of HIS Ring" that started HERE on ADF not too long ago. It's no more than 6,000 words, M rated, Edward/Gollum pairing, completed one-shot, and requires of you to have a strong stomach, besides a love of disgusting humor.

Let me know.

Thanks everyone.


For you littlesecret84

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 10:59 AM

Because you are fierce and fabulous always.


Trailer Trash Cullen Contest

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 9:25 AM

There needs to be a Trailer Trash Cullen!


Need A Little Pick-Me-UP

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 2:39 AM

 Dear Pastiche Pen , I have been terribly depressed lately.  But reading Psychotic SuperPowered Vampirism made me giggle.  Thank you.


Anybody out there have any really good humor stories?  I have no character/pairing preference.  Just make me laugh.  Please.


I have a theory

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 2:36 AM

It has occurred to me that blondes and redheads don't fare very well in the Twilight saga.

On one hand we have:

  • Rosalie
  • Tanya
  • Lauren
  • Victoria

All are portrayed as either outright antagonist towards Bella (i.e. wanting to kill her), or just plain bitchy.  Even after we find out that Rosalie was gang-raped and left for dead, she doesn't become anymore sympathetic as a character.  We only see Tanya a handful of times, she's never anything less than nice to Bella and she offers to die alongside the Cullens, but Bella still doesn't really see her as a friend.

Then we have:

  • Bella
  • Angela
  • Emily
  • Leah
  • Esme

The brunettes are all shown to be quite warm and sympathetic characters.  Even Leah's bitchy exterior is something we warm to because of the situation she's in (and yet, compare it to Rosalie's).

Does anybody else agree/disagree with this?  Have I oversimplified this?

For what it's worth, I suspect Stephenie projected her own issues regarding image onto characters like Rosalie.  People have said previously that Bella isn't a reliable narrator, which I would agree with, but it's not because SM deliberately chose to make her this way like some authors would.  Bella is little more than a Mary Sue character which means SM's own opinions and issues (for instance, she may not like blonde goddesses because they make her feel inferior) were unconsciously passed onto her.


Aww KStew-what's wrong?

Saturday May 29, 2010 at 11:50 PM

Robert and Reese got you down?

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