
How to make a GIF.?

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 6:08 PM

 I am soooo confuzzled on how to make a gif. Any suggestions or how to out there? Please help...



Let's Play Five Things

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 4:28 PM




Name or post pictures of five things that make you incredibly happy.





Sunday May 30, 2010 at 4:19 PM

 Fic, it´s twoshot, bella has a sex dream about jasper in a jacuzzy

she´s married to edward and then he accidently over hears her telling angela about it in a family gettogether

there´s baklava and your name is bella cullen, not swan and definitely not whitlock!


its sorta awesome



Sunday May 30, 2010 at 3:32 PM

I believe the last chapter is up.

Go. Read, then come discuss.


Harry Potter

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 2:19 PM


James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Severus Snape in Harry Potter are all the wrong age in the films. who would you cast as the actors if anyone actually cared?!




Sunday May 30, 2010 at 1:11 PM

Hola Chicas!

Pinballwizard92 and myself are in search of a WONDERFUL beta for our CRACK!FIC "Lord of HIS Ring" that started HERE on ADF not too long ago. It's no more than 6,000 words, M rated, Edward/Gollum pairing, completed one-shot, and requires of you to have a strong stomach, besides a love of disgusting humor.

Let me know.

Thanks everyone.


For you littlesecret84

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 10:59 AM

Because you are fierce and fabulous always.


Trailer Trash Cullen Contest

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 9:25 AM

There needs to be a Trailer Trash Cullen Contest....like...NOW!


Need A Little Pick-Me-UP

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 2:39 AM

 Dear Pastiche Pen , I have been terribly depressed lately.  But reading Psychotic SuperPowered Vampirism made me giggle.  Thank you.


Anybody out there have any really good humor stories?  I have no character/pairing preference.  Just make me laugh.  Please.


I have a theory

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 2:36 AM

It has occurred to me that blondes and redheads don't fare very well in the Twilight saga.

On one hand we have:

  • Rosalie
  • Tanya
  • Lauren
  • Victoria

All are portrayed as either outright antagonist towards Bella (i.e. wanting to kill her), or just plain bitchy.  Even after we find out that Rosalie was gang-raped and left for dead, she doesn't become anymore sympathetic as a character.  We only see Tanya a handful of times, she's never anything less than nice to Bella and she offers to die alongside the Cullens, but Bella still doesn't really see her as a friend.

Then we have:

  • Bella
  • Angela
  • Emily
  • Leah
  • Esme

The brunettes are all shown to be quite warm and sympathetic characters.  Even Leah's bitchy exterior is something we warm to because of the situation she's in (and yet, compare it to Rosalie's).

Does anybody else agree/disagree with this?  Have I oversimplified this?

For what it's worth, I suspect Stephenie projected her own issues regarding image onto characters like Rosalie.  People have said previously that Bella isn't a reliable narrator, which I would agree with, but it's not because SM deliberately chose to make her this way like some authors would.  Bella is little more than a Mary Sue character which means SM's own opinions and issues (for instance, she may not like blonde goddesses because they make her feel inferior) were unconsciously passed onto her.


Aww KStew-what's wrong?

Saturday May 29, 2010 at 11:50 PM

Robert and Reese got you down?


Anyone Wanna Cheer Me Up?

Saturday May 29, 2010 at 8:40 PM

So today has been just completely crappy. I've cried about a bazillion times. Blah.

So I'm asking for recommendations, please?


  • E/B or other Canon (I feel like I'm cheating if I stray...)
  • Rated M ( I like smut but not too much like every chapter./ every other.)
  • Angsty  I'll take any degree.(but with cute moments like the studying/ eating oreos on the bed from How To Save A life or the breakfast scene from Intersection)

That's it.. Give me something good to read.. I'm begging.

If you rec thank YOU!


Favorite Movie

Saturday May 29, 2010 at 7:17 PM

What is your favorite movie to watch over and over again.


You know...that one movie that never gets old, that you can recite all the words too...


Use this campfire to persuade the rest of us to see your favorite movie!


My favorite?? Romeo & Juliet (Leo and Claire version)

I'm actually watching it right now. I think i've seen this movie well over 200 times and it never gets old. It came out when i was 13 years old, and I have loved it from the first time I saw it. It has incredible cinematography, and it stays true to the real story, but puts a modern twist on it. Plus it has Leonardo Dicaprio, and yeah...you can't go wrong with a Leo movie.


Plus it had one of the most beautiful love songs ever.




BD in Michigan?

Saturday May 29, 2010 at 7:08 PM


anyone else see this?

I think it would be awsome. that may be because I live in michigan

 EDIT: apparently I have no skill cause i tryed to source it and can't.


Robert's Ringtones

Saturday May 29, 2010 at 6:41 PM

This is my first campfire. I'm brazillian and english is not my native language. So be nice and help me out you see any mistakes. ;-) 

So, I'm bored and checking a bunch of stuff on line. I was looking for some ringtones for my cell phone and I found some of Robert Pattinson. I coudn't upload the file here, so I'll just put the link here. Have fun!

I personally tested those links, downloading to my computer. They are all free and you don't need to subscribe or anything.

http://www.mytinyphone.com/ringtone/1024062 - He's introducing himself

http://www.mytinyphone.com/ringtone/418935 - It's the part of the movie where Edwars says: What if I'm not the superhero...

http://www.mytinyphone.com/ringtone/747594 - Movie Line. Proposal of New Moon

http://www.mytinyphone.com/ringtone/1109727 - Movie line - Lion lamb

http://www.mytinyphone.com/ringtone/747582 - Edward quoting Shaskepeare

http://www.mytinyphone.com/ringtone/865944 - Singing I'll be your love too

http://www.mytinyphone.com/ringtone/436337 - Here he's singing Never Think

http://www.mytinyphone.com/ringtone/992934 - Here he's singing Let me Sign

http://www.bongotones.com/ringtones/Robbert-Pattinson-I-was-broken_6838 - Here he's singing I was broken






Whatcha Waiting For?

Saturday May 29, 2010 at 6:26 PM

We all know a good fic is worth the wait.  I want to know what updates you guys are patiently waiting for.  To make this a bit current, I'm only including fics who's last update was within the last 3 or 4 months.

Here's my list:

The Blessing and The Curse

Company Loves Misery

Expectations and Other Moving Pieces

Lukewarm Alphabet

Rhapsody in B



Lets play "Name that Fic"

Saturday May 29, 2010 at 5:51 PM

What was the name of the  fic  where Emmett was a US Marshal and Bella was in the witness protection program? They pretended that Bella was Edwards Fiance but then something happened and she ran away?

 Now if you know the name of it-- can you help me find it?


I am not sure why this is driving me insane!



Cardinal Cullens.

Saturday May 29, 2010 at 4:51 PM

Reading the seven deadly sins campfire earlier got me thinking.

Lust - Bella - A craving for sexual intimacy, sometimes to the point of assuming a self-indulgent character. A desire for the flesh of another.

Bella's sexually repressed and tries on various occasions to convince Edward to have sex with her. He unfairly deny's her and she has to go to extremes to get him to notice her as a woman *cough* leg hitch *cough*. She literally craves whatever intimacy he will give her. The longer she waits the more impatient she becomes (because she's never heard of masturbation). These are extreme feelings of LUST.

Sloth - Edward - Spiritual or emotional apathy, neglecting what god has spoken, and being physically and emotionally inactive.

Edward is an emotional dead weight (imo) he shows a constant disregard for the feelings of others. He is manipulative and insensitive to other people. Showing no interest in anything that isn't called Bella Swan and acting like a bitch in heat.

Greed - Alice - Very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of wealth, status and power.

Alice is a very extravagant and over-indulgent character. She spends excessive money on unnecessary things and surrounds herself in luxury. Regardless of the already large amount of money the Cullens have she still actively seeks out the future looking at the stock market and where they will be able to make even more money.

Gluttony - Jasper - To gulp down or swallow, means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink or intoxicants.

Jasper according to Smeyer was changed to be a soldier in a vampire war of EPIC proportions. Rewarded with the blood of people Jasper unnecessarily fed every night, even though in the books Edward goes hunting about once a week.

Envy - Rosalie - An insatiable desire. Those who commit the sin of envy resent that another person has something that they perceive themselves as lacking.

This is self explanatory, no?

Pride - Carlisle - unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem, a feeling of self-respect and personal worth. Satisfaction with your own (or somebody close to you) achievements.

Carlisle is a very proud character, he's very self righteous (Imo) and smug in his own ability to abstain from human blood. He carry's himself with an air of superiority and has dictated an unnatural lifestyle to more than one vampire.

Wrath - Emmett - Uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. Anger in it's purest form, presents with self destructiveness, violence, and hate that may provoke feuds that can go on for centuries.

Emmett always over eager when confrontation is involved. He is a very angry individual who prides himself on being able to beat (almost) anybody in a fight. Plus he obviously holds a grudge against grizzly bears showing complete sadism when hunting them, preferring to toy with his food before he actually just eats it.

Your thoughts?


GOLWARD.png picture by PBW92

Recognize the hair??


Eclipse Premiere

Saturday May 29, 2010 at 4:16 PM







 It's 1 am here which means that its officially one month until the premiere of Eclipse.

Are you excited?



Tell me, do you have any plans for this movie?
Are your cinema showing all three movies in a row on June 29?
Are you planning on seeing it at all?

I actually have a Twilight-friend over from England that very week, and my friends and I are planning on taking him to Stockholm, go to the amusement park there, eat some nice food and then watch all three movies at one of the cinemas in Stockholm.


I need smut!

Saturday May 29, 2010 at 2:11 PM

So i don't have too much going on this holiday weekend, and would like to check out some new fics. I need some recs from you lovelies..,

I'm in the mood for smut - but not just any smut. I like my smut in full length stories with some actual plot line that interests me. Something like The Office, which was amazing. Anyone reading anything like that? No one shots, must have E/B, can be all human or just AU...and something funny is also a plus. 



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