
Recs, Please

Monday May 31, 2010 at 2:25 PM

I'm about to copy and paste a longass list of my bookmarked 'to-reads' for all of you to see. Why? Because I can't remember what half of them are about, or what compelled me to save them for my future reading pleasure. I would very much like for you guys to tell me which ones I should read first and why. Please and Thank you, in advance. And if you feel that I haven't listed something that I must read, then do tell.

With Teeth

Devil’s Pitchfork

Someone To Watch Over Me


 All Cried Out

Sing For Me Sweet

Just One Night

Shades of Green


Buried Amongst the Begonias

Texts From Last Night

The Ex Factor : Edward & Bella

Hide and Drink

Burning The Edges

Cullen, Unscripted

Sold, Sight Unseen

We Used to Be a Love Story

How To Save a Life

Set in Stone

Pursuit of Gaiety

Deadly Whispers

Hot Landing Zone

You Get Me Closer To God

Edward Cullen, Dick For Hire

The Lost Boys


FF Sneak Peek

Monday May 31, 2010 at 2:19 PM

Do you write fan fiction?

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

Don't forget to include a link!


Productive Day

Monday May 31, 2010 at 1:43 PM

So, I guess Memorial Day has been productive, right? I received several update alerts today, including:

Cullen, Unscripted byFL95

Confessions of a Nanny by Melissa228

This is not my Life by Isakassees

Late Night Encounters by Kyla713

Thanks to all the authors. You made my day! ;-)



I set my DVR today...

Monday May 31, 2010 at 1:12 PM

Hello, ADF! Happy Memorial Day!

So, I set my DVR today to record the MTV Movie Awards. (yay!) Hubby was in the room, and he said "So, honey..... Why are you recording the MTV Movie Awards?" (He said 'MTV' like it was a curse word.)

ME "So I can see who wins." *shifts eyes*

Hubby "Uh huh. You're going to ffwrd through 80% of it, and only watch anything having to do with Twilight or Robert Patterson."

Me "Pattinson."

Hubby "........"

HA! He thinks I'm nuts, but he knew that before he married me.

Don't forget to set that DVR!

So....... Who do you think will win best kiss? Hhmmm........


jensen-ackles-jensen-ackles-6505537.jpg jensen image by violetpearls


What if Renesmee had been a boy?

Monday May 31, 2010 at 1:10 PM

And human and named after Bella's Dad? And had a British accent (er, like Robert Pattinson)?  Would he have looked like this? Hey! Edward has a mole on his neck too! It could happen.  Or maybe Rhett Miller could be a distant cousin in the AH world.  Er, I'd worry that I was reaching too far for the Twi-link, but please notice that young Charlie has Mum & Dad's picture tacked to the wall behind him. 

Anyway, I've had much family drama this weekend and I've been feeling more than a little glum.  For some reason, Charlie cheers me up (and  he does truly remind me of a younger Rob -- maybe it's the accent).  Fellow campers, what cheers you up when it all gets to be a bit too much??

 Oh poo, I can't make the YouTube embed work, drat --

And look, Charlie sings too!  Um, like his Dadward.


Fan Fiction & The Law 101: Articles of Interest

Monday May 31, 2010 at 12:28 PM

The issue of the legality of fan fiction and related fan endeavors has been a frequent topic of discussion here in the forest (notable instances here and here).  And it's clear that there's still a lot of confusion about the subject.  When I started researching the subject this year, I was amazed at just how many legal articles had actually explored the subject of fan fiction and Internet law.  I figured that I'd share some links with you guys, so anyone interested in the topic could continue to explore it.  And don't worry, the articles are all fairly easy reads - no legal knowledge is required ;)

Legal Fictions: Copyright, Fan Fiction, and a New Common Law by Rebecca Tushnet.

This was written in 1998, and is considered to be one of the earliest, and most comprehensive looks at fan fiction, and the legal issues surrounding it.  Some of the links are hilarious in their obscurity, linking back to webrings and Geocities sites (remember those days).  Tushnet continued writing on the subjects of Internet law and copyright, and is now considered to be one of the most knowledgeable attorneys in the field.

Fan Fiction, Fandom, and Fan Fare: What's All The Fuss? by Merideth McCardle

This is a more modern article, published in 2003.  McCardle has a very humorous style of writing (as far as law reviews articles go, which doesn't say much).  The article is actually aimed at giving fandom members a better understanding of the legal concepts they're dealing with, and the possible defenses they might have available to them.  It's something of a legal "How To" guide for members of fandom, and it also touches on how trademark law can get involved.

Search for Original Expression: Fan Fiction & The Fair Use Defense by Mollie E. Nolan

Nolan does a great job of thoroughly summarizing how modern US copyright law came about, pretty much by condensing 200 years of history into three pages of really relevant points, then breaking Fair Use down into manageable pieces.  If you've ever had an interest in the subject, like how Disney has retained their copyrights for so long, or how come Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was allowed to be published, this is a really good, basic introduction.

Complimentary Creation: Protecting Fan Fiction as Fair Use by Rachel Stroude

Stroude actually takes the time to differentiate between the two different types of fan fiction that are out there, and makes a serious argument for less restrictive copyright laws in order to further creativity and grant fic authors some legal protections (within certain boundaries). 

To make this interactive - what do you think the law should be regarding fan fiction?  And (if you haven't already) do you think that opinion would change if/when you actually published an original work? Also, how many of these authors do you think were secretly involved in fandom themselves?


virtual gifts

Monday May 31, 2010 at 10:26 AM

make someone a mixtape

the americans are all off today, yes?

let's make mixtapes for each other.  i'll do it when i get home from shopping.

list 3-5 songs you love and someone will make you a mixtape.  or list your genre or if you decide you wanna get into 90s britpop or something idk idk

alternately, if you're in the know-how, make someone a mixtape!

itunes has a neato mosquito feature where you play one song and hit the "genius" button, and it makes you an automatic mixtape based off of what you've already got in your itunes.  shiny!

the last 5 songs i listened to, if anyone wants to make me one:

-kandi by one eskimo (incidentally, i will send anyone that entire album if they want it.  it's incredible, and i'm obsessed with it right now)

-why do you let me stay here? by she & him

-rudi, a message to you by the specials

-the golden age by beck

-the way you look tonight by billie holliday

ooh and norwegian wood (beatles, obvs) is up next

also, if you've got mixtapes already created, give us links!

i hope this idea works omg


Can we please discuss...

Monday May 31, 2010 at 8:40 AM freakin' HOT she looks!

God, I'm so jealous of Rob right now.


Laughter and Orgasms are great bedfellows

Monday May 31, 2010 at 7:43 AM

because laughter is the cure for greif.

It has recently dawned on me that craploads of campers have been feeling very down lately, myself included. Remember the pick-me-up post from yesterday? Or my music rec post? Yes, bluesy indeed. This morning I woke up and aimlessly pondered about how important laughter actually was. This was the conversation I had with my roomie when I stumbled into our kitche, wide-eyed and saw her grumbling grouchily and making pancakes:

Me: Denise, don't you just love to laugh?

Roomie: No. Now, zip it and shove these pancakes down your piehole.

Me: Denise, I was just wondering how some people don't laugh at all.... like you...

Roomie: I swear, I have work to get to. I don't have time for this crap.

Me: Denise, why don't you ever laugh? Not even a chuckle?

Roomie: *eye roll* hahaha, there. I laughed. Eat. And in silence.

Me: Denise, do you ever wonder why I laugh so much?

Roomie: no, Electra, I don't wonder why you laugh so fucking much...

Me: Denise, I laugh because I'm happy. You should laugh because your happy, too.

Roomie: That's it. I'm taking my breakfast to the living room now. You're full of shit.

She's meaaaan. Anyway, so being the mentally deranged idiot who sees the world through rainbow-hued glasses that I am, I demand a laughterspam! (See? I'm so lame that I just created a fucktarded excuse of a word.) To make this twi-related, I want you to post your favorite FUNNY passages to your favorite twilight can be any story. Any passage. Especially one that made you fall off your chair and laugh until your stomach started hurting. It doesn't matter. Just post it here. Post as many as you like. It doesn't matter. Just feel appeased to know that you're making someone else's day worthwhile by making them laugh. I'll post mines in the comments, here's one: 

I was screwed.

I walked a little further away from the mystery woman with the lovely ass. I ducked behind a blue, red and white column, watching her as she stopped in front of the book store.

I moved quickly and hid behind another column; for some reason the song from Mission Impossible was in my head, and I couldn't help but hum along.

I looked behind me to see to make sure that no one was aware of what I was about to do. I looked for anyone of the typical "neighborhood watchman" type and didn't spot anyone. Good thing that I was new in town, because if my mother got wind of what I was about to do…

I shuddered and quickly ran behind a big purple mailbox. The mystery woman tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and suddenly started to bite her lip.

I wanted to bite that lip.

Damn, this was not the time to be fantasizing!

Two old bats gave me the stink-eye as they passed me. I sighed and took a few deep, cleansing breaths.

I could do this.

I had to do this.

This was for all those kids that had to put up with bullies.

This was for all those younger siblings that always got blamed for everything.

This was for all the dares that were left undone.

The theme song from Rocky started running through my head as I made a grab for this fuck ass big blue purse, when I realized my mistake.





The Cullen Campaign

Monday May 31, 2010 at 7:00 AM

Just discovered this story, great read.

 The Cullen Campaign

Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan both have parents who are powerful on Capitol Hill. Problem is, their families are political enemies. What happens when Democrat!Edward and Republican!Bella bump into each other at Union Station in D.C.? AU/AH. ExB




Monday May 31, 2010 at 3:41 AM

Anyone know of any Fics where Bella works behind a bar?

Just started a new job and I feel as though I don't know what the f**k I'm doing, lol. Thought I could get some inspiration not to quit with some good E/B fics.

I hate starting new jobs!!!!!!




KStew & Taytay interview

Monday May 31, 2010 at 3:04 AM

This is the interview with KStew & Taytay from tonights ep of 7pm Project. Kristen is too adorable as usual & I loved her little "confession" & Taytay makes me giggle like a little schoolgirl every time.

Just the link because it's not a youtube vid. Hope it works for everyone

Ryan Ninea

I Lurve the CREEPER!

Monday May 31, 2010 at 12:02 AM

Disappear Here updated my friends go read and we will discuss. I do not have words to describe how much I adore this fic. And we thinks times are a changin. If you are not reading this you are missing outbig time.

The Novella

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 11:37 PM

So I was thinking about this again tonight, why does Leah get the shaft again and again and again?!?!  Everything that can go wrong DOES go wrong for Leah. I know SM wrote a novela for Bree which is all fine and dandy, but I would LOVE for her to write a HEA for Leah!  Girl was just left hanging! Nothing good happened to her! I want a HEA for Leah!



What character would YOU like to see SM make a story about? (Midnight Sun does not count as we would all love to see that make print fo' sho')


Bad mothers handbook

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 11:20 PM

Does anyone know how I can download/buy this. I have no idea & I've seen all the gifs & references to the movie in here lately that I am now desperate to see it.

FYT KStew & Taytay in Sydney


what is this shit?

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 9:18 PM

I spend way too much time at CVS...



As you can see, the Bella razors were more expensive than the Twilight razors. And lmao - lavender scented? You know SM's all about strawberries. I don't know who tweeted me back when I tweeted this, but she said we'd def see these razors make an appearance when Bella's shaving her legs on Isle Esme - before Edward finally gives it to her. Heh.


This shit just reminded me of Professor Masen and his Precious Little Lamb. Obviously, I wanted to buy a packet and send it to Ranger Lillybellis.

Oh, and because you sat through this nonsense, here's some RPattz yumminess. And you know I'm not that into the RPattz yumminess, so if I say it's yummy, dude - it's yummy.




Yeah Robert, we know... Cats don't even live very long.

Diana Wolfskill

Twilight Zodiac Campfire

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 9:06 PM

Bella: I don’t care who’s a vampire and who’s a werewolf. That’s irrelevant. You are Jacob and he’s Edward, and I’m Bella. And nothing else matters.

Jacob: But I’m a werewolf… And he’s a vampire…

Bella: And I’m a Virgo!
We all know Bella was born on September 13th, so she's a Virgo.

Does Bella seem like a typical Virgo to you?

What do you think the Zodiac signs of the different characters would be?

Edward is a Gemini, but I sort of see him as a Scorpio.

Carlisle is a Capricorn.

Esme is obviously a nurturing Cancer, right?

Does YOUR Zodiac sign suit YOU?

For descriptions of the various sgns :



Sunday May 30, 2010 at 7:25 PM



Hide and Drink by Savage...

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 7:07 PM


What's Wrong with Edward?

I would just like to get your thoughts because after reading the latest chapter, I'm just as lost.

And if you haven't read it yet you should its awesome




The What if....

Sunday May 30, 2010 at 7:01 PM

So me and the sister were talking today about how much it sucked that our favorite store for dvds and cds had closed down, it sucked because that store was awesome and it was the closest thing I had to home, so I'm all pissed and sad.

But this got me thinking what we do if ADF closed down? or or twilighted?  I would cry and I don't do that, ever. I'm trying hard to remember what I did before I joined the fandom and I can't remember and that makes me all kinds of sad, I honestly think I would go thru the five stages of grief before finally killing myself.

So campers, what would you do afterwards? or try to imagine a world without the fandom.... or twilight.

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