
unpopular opinions

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 9:42 AM

i'm a bit scared of no one answering but i really want to do this...

what are your unpopular opinions in regards to the twilight fandom? example... i hate jasper, i'm team jacob, etc.

my unpopular opinion.... 

i dont really like leah, or blackwater. i would elaborate but i dont want to get in trouble.

please someone answer... or else i'll start cryingg. XD



Kristen's fashion

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 9:34 AM


Most of us love fashion, yes? Most of us love Kristen Stewart, yes? Most of us love Kristen Stewart's fashion, yes?

Let us combine those together and form a WE LOVE KRISTEN STEWART'S FASHION! post.

Here are some of my favourites.


 She looks so pretty


Post your favourite Kristen outfit and say why you like if ya wanna (or if you don't, why not? but why wouldn't you?)


Sanctuary by JennyFly

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 7:35 AM

Just started reading it and it is awsome.

But there are 30+ chapters in twilighted, yet 40+ chapters in ADF. so,

Is Sanctuary complete or WIP? when was the last update? and how frequent are the updates?



Rob Went Shopping...

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 6:57 AM

The 1% of me that has a conscience feels bad that this is even newsworthy...I mean, dude should be able to BUY something without it being all over the internet.  BUT.... WHAT he bought is pretty freaking cool.  Plus he looks hot in that white v-neck.  So whatevs.

Today we had somebody really special that came in the store, Robert Pattinson. Rob bought a 1962 ES335 and a Rare Dobro 30’s Double Cyclops. Thanks Rob for your support and you are always welcome at Norman’s Rare Guitars.

-from Norma's Rare Guitars Facebook page



Sunday May 23, 2010 at 6:54 AM

No, it really isn't intentionally linked to Twilight.


I'm gonna sniff it next time I go down the deodorant aisle.

And I might get away with swapping his deodorant out with this one.  Then he'll be linked to Twilight and not even know it.  MWHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAA.


RP's Handwriting Font

Sunday May 23, 2010 at 2:52 AM

I don't know what else to say except...Rangers, please delete if inappropriate.  I mean the post, not the product.  LOL  Well, maybe the product too.  This is seriously wrong.


Ever dreamed of getting a love letter from your "Twilight: Eclipse" crush Robert Pattinson?

Well, now you can. And the best part is you can make him write every word you are dying to read. Because you can write it to yourself in his handwriting. OK, it's a little creepy but it's also too awesome for words.

The clever folks at Twilight Poison have painstakingly developed a font based on Pattinson's handwriting, taken from all the autographs he's signed.

Go to their Website to download it and be sure to follow all the instructions, including crediting the creator.

Twilight Poison also promises to make Taylor Lautner, Kellan Lutz, etc., fonts if you supply them with enough photos of their handwriting.

So anyone with an "Twilight" star's autograph, send a snap and let the mash note writing begin.



Hot for Teacher

Saturday May 22, 2010 at 11:25 PM

Soooo I just finished Seducing Ms Swan.  The story intrigued me about a year ago, and have been keeping up with it since then.  Sad it's come to an end, but at least it is a good one! So that prompted me to think, and I'm too lazy to search...


Anyone know of another "hot for teacher" type fic, where Bella's a teacher and Edward or even Jasper are her student?? And maybe there's even some naughty classroom time sweet teaching moments??




What have you survived?

Saturday May 22, 2010 at 11:12 PM



What was that one?

Saturday May 22, 2010 at 8:56 PM

Okay, I know this must get old, but I've been thinking about it for a little while now and it's been bugging me. In this fic, Bella is a server full-time and Edward is a piano player for the city's orchestra, I think. They get involved but have to deal with the whole class-differences thing, and I don't remember much more than that. I think there's a creepy James and the rest of the crew is in it, too. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and can link me? Thanks! 

Diana Wolfskill

WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?: Canon, Fifty, bb, and Beyond

Saturday May 22, 2010 at 8:56 PM

For anyone new, it could appear that fanfic talk is some strange language only slightly related to English. What terms have you run across that made you wonder "What does that frickin' mean?" I'll start with some basics that everyone probably knows already:

A Twific Lover's Addendum to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary

AH: all-human, a story in which the characters are human, no vampires or shapeshifters

AU: alternate universe, SM's world but with a twist. These stories include vamps and shapeshifters.

bb: baby, a term of endearment

canon: a canon story is faithful to Stephenie Meyer's original Twilight books in plot, setting, and character. "Cannon" refers  to a military weapon popular during the Napoleonic wars.

Fifty: the Edward character in Snowqueens Icedragon's Master of the Universe (MOTU), so called because he's fifty shades of effed up

HEA: happily ever after

MOTU (or MotU): Master of the Universe, a fanfic

OOC: out of character, generally as compared to canon (see above)

Contribute to the glossary or ask about some reference that made you wonder what the eff someone was referring to. I know that once in a while I still come across something that I need to ask about. Don't be shy!



Plot Bunnies are Taking Over

Saturday May 22, 2010 at 8:13 PM

Its official...I've lost my mind to plot bunnies. It comes as no surprise that we all have plot bunnies sometimes, but I swear they are swarming in seriously high numbers around me. I'm already in the middle of writing a story yet I keep coming up with more and more ideas. Just wish I had the time to write them all...

However, I do have a question regarding said plot bunnies- When it comes to a setting in a story like whether they work in a hotel, bar, specific company or store - is it better to make a place up, or is it ok to use real places? I've read stories where they make up the place of employment or school and I've read ones where they use real legit places. What's your preference as both a reader or a writer? Real or fake?


come oot, come oot

Saturday May 22, 2010 at 7:41 PM

*Tor made me the banner.

Are you too afraid to comment?

Don't know what to do?

Log in all the time, but never comment.

Then come in here and tell us aboot yourselves.

I'm John, Ranger Tor's better half. I don't comment very often, but I'm always watching.

Plus, I run this here, forest.



Saturday May 22, 2010 at 7:01 PM





Wolvesnvamps edit: Post pictures of you when you were young or pics of the ones you love when they were young (kids, Sig others, celebrities, whomever)



Saturday May 22, 2010 at 6:37 PM






Love's to Blame

Kristen tortures Rob?

Saturday May 22, 2010 at 6:30 PM

According to US weekly magazine


So do you think this is true? which it probably isn't. but how else docyou think Kristen tortures Rob???



Saturday May 22, 2010 at 2:14 PM


You know exactly what I’m talking about.  The never-ending fics filled with smut and drama and angst, where every wrench and plot device is used to keep our two star-crossed lovers apart.  These fics have dozens of chapters and thousands of reviews, and no foreseeable conclusion.

Half the time, I'm waiting for the EVIL TWIN to show up....or for a character to die and then suddenly come back to life!


There are certain fics out there that seem to have taken on a life of their own.  A handful even seem to have a life beyond what the author originally planned!

There are those who LOVE them (hence the review count in the thousands…or tens of thousands) and those who hate them.  But they are popular for a reason, so what’s the appeal?

I can see why they are popular.  Some have latched on to certain trends in fanfic, some are controversial in content, and some are just…different.  Some are light and fluffy and just plain entertaining.  An added factor to some of these fics is that they are updated frequently and regularly, keeping any popular momentum it has going strong.


But what’s the deal?  When is enough…enough?  How many chapters are too many (there was a recent campfire about this)?  At which point does an author allow the sudden popularity of his/her fic to take over where the original outline becomes abandoned and they just keep the thing going and going and going? 


Authors: would you be offended if someone compared your fic to a soap opera?

Readers: when you’re reading one of these epic fics, at what point do you just give up?


Let’s keep things respectful.  I think we can talk about this without naming names….but if you do choose to name a specific story, please play nicely.  


Black Dagger Brotherhood

Saturday May 22, 2010 at 2:01 PM

To all those who recommended last free for all friday I get the set rather than just the first book,  you were right!!!

One week later and I'm already on book 4, they're as addictive as crack!

Thanks for the advice ladies : )



One hit wonders...

Saturday May 22, 2010 at 1:33 PM

What are your favorites?

LJ Summers


Saturday May 22, 2010 at 12:59 PM

 No, not necessarily talking about the campfire goodness of chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers (though they're decadent!)



In my experience, there are things (or experiences!) that leave us wanting just a little more when we're finished with them.  For example, a single-scoop ice cream cone or a date with the Significant Other or the stillness of the morning before the responsibilities of the day must begin.  Or a good book!

For me, almost anything with dark chocolate qualifies as a "s'more."  Finishing some fanfics are like that, too.  (The Tutor, before ItzMegan73 added her epilogue, for example.) 

What makes you want s'more?  

Oh, look! Here's Kellan bringing us some firewood for the campfire.  We can make s'mores now. ;-)


(Still got one hour left of FFAF... Mwahahaha!)


I'm going to Washington (DC)!

Saturday May 22, 2010 at 11:49 AM

I'm going to live in Washington DC for a year starting in September. I'm going to be a TA in an elementary school. I'm super excited because of all the things to do and the museums (the Smithsonian!). For the story of my life, I was going to be in Maine but they changed their minds so now I'm going to DC.

Do any of you live there?

What can you tell me about Washington? Is it safe? The subway? The buses? Any chance I might meet Obama? ^^

What are the things that I must absolutely do while I'm there?

Any good restaurants/cafés/bars/pubs/nice place to recommend me?

Any area to avoid?

Tell me everything!

Not approved because it's still Friday Free For All.

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