
Oh Dear God

Friday May 21, 2010 at 7:41 PM

Hey all!

I went shopping today. Never a good sign.

But I got a job today that requires clothes other than jeans and t-shirt, so off to the store I go.

I spent WAY too much money.

But I NEEDED these:


I also bought 6 shirts, 4 dresses, and 2 pairs of pants =/

So, to make me feel better, what clothing item did you last buy?

When was your last major shopping trip? (I hate trying on clothes, so I got about 3 times a year and buy a lot at once...)

What do you LUST over?

I myself want these, but cannot buy b/c they are not "practical" BOO:

Alternatively, tell me when you last cleaned out your closet. As I am coming back from college, I just cleaned out my clothes (see, it's ok that I went shopping!!!) and gave away 3 trash bags full of clothes to the Salvation Army.




Friday May 21, 2010 at 7:38 PM


YES! I'm asking for MORE completed fics. But I have SPECIFICS this time!

A nice Edward. And I don't mean "oh he's sort of a douche at first"...unless it's like Bare or..you know...Twilighty situation where he thinks it's for her own good to be a douche.

No manwhores. I want nice men who I would consider dating. He can have snark, just not be a douche. He can be depressed, he can even be angry (hey, I like that)....just not a douche. The Port Angeles Players was an awesome rec and an awesome example. 

I can handle some angst, but at the moment I'm just...yea. Angst is OK if the characters stick together. I don't want a billion different misunderstandings on top of whatever angst already exist.

Did I give you a good challenge? Probably, since I will have probably read  half the stuff you give me. Which, if you guys want rec's for this sort of thing, I'm good at rec's...or if you want rec's for other things. I read a lot.


MTV Movie Awards

Friday May 21, 2010 at 7:36 PM

so i dont know who has talked about this yet, but im sure you all have at least heard about them. the mtv movie awards.

the twilight stars are up for many categorys, including best kiss, and best movie.



so who are you voting for?

to be honest. i only voted for a twilight related item once. and that was kstew for Global superstar.


Okay last time I am going to bring this up I swear

Friday May 21, 2010 at 7:12 PM

Okay ladies I promise this is the last campfire I will post about this...woohoo one more week!!! Anyway...so the guestlist so far for Saturday evening on the Warf/Pier is Chicklette and another fellow twi-girl and friend Trisha will be joining the ranks, and possibly muffnbutter for Sunday afternoon...we have found out the jist of what we want to accomplish while in San Francisco...

On Saturday we will most likely be meeting up at the Pier around 3 or 4 PM...again if anyone is interested in joining in the fun PM me...so I know who I will be looking for...ohh and its supposed to rain so dress warm and bring an umbrella

We were thinking of Ripleys Believe it or Not(15$) and there is this new attraction called Magowan's Infinite Mirror Maze(5$) and dinner at the Rainforest Cafe..and of course shopping is in the agenda somewhere...we were also thinking of going to Haight and Ashbury earlier that day...cuz we all have never been so yeah if you know of other things we could do while on the pier feel free to tell us...Sunday is still up in the air but we will most likely be going to the Exploritorium(15$) and possibly the zoo(15$) not sure yet though

Anyways it would be cool to meet some of the ADF chicks from that area..and I cant wait to get out of the mountains for a few days...lord knows my brain needs a mental reprieve from this place...haha...so yeah Cali girls where are you!?!?!?

Oh and some pretty for your time



Friday May 21, 2010 at 6:58 PM

I may be a little late on this topic....but hey, im new here......i just finished Dead with the family (the 10th Sookie Stackhouse book) i am kind of stuck on how i feel about it....

i always say i wish there was more eric...thats just a given but i felt kind of lost....like with the whole indian borders and erics makers kid....

i like this "new sookie" and i love that eric is so open with the relationship...but there is somthing that bothered me about it!





Fics I've Loved the F**k Out Of Recently

Friday May 21, 2010 at 6:56 PM

We've all read good fics. And i'm not talking classics like Wide Awake or Submissive/Dominant.  I consider myself quite discerning. I read A LOT of fan fiction.

I'm talking recent, fantabulous ones that have made your toes curl or your eyebrows twitch. I hope my links work! 

1. The Workshop a Tale of Edible Delights    http://theworkshopstory.blogspot.com/2010/03/chapter-one.html

2. Son of a Preacher Man  http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5058174/1/bSon_b_of_ba_b_bPreacher_b_bMan_b

3. How To Save A Life  http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5454169/1/bHow_b_To_bSave_b_ba_b_bLife_b

4. The Lost Boys  http://www.twilighted.net/viewstory.php?sid=4516

5. And With Thee Fade Away  http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5304342/1/And_with_bThee_b_bFade_b_bAway_b

Share yours.......


Self Lovin'

Friday May 21, 2010 at 6:46 PM

I sooooo can't believe I'm starting a campfire about this, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I'm taking full advantage of FFAF, since you ladies could help more than anyone.

I haven't had sex in 16 months. Before then, I was married to a guy who apparently thought women should get off without being touched, even after some frank "talks". (One of the many reasons he's now my ex!)

I hope you now realize my problem. The nearest "toy store" is about 1 hour away, and is pretty skeevy looking, even for a sex shop.  What are some of your favorite and trusted sites to get vibrators from? Any recommendations that will blow my mind?

I did have a vibrator that I bought online, but it ended up being cheap and flimsy, and broke after about a month. :(


Let's Talk Books

Friday May 21, 2010 at 6:25 PM

 With Book Expo America next week - http://www.bookexpoamerica.com/ I thought now would be a great time to talk about books.

So tell me do you read regular, tactile, traditional book or are you an ebook lady?

If you have an ebook, what device do you use?

Do you plan to buy Bree Tanner or read it online for free?

So back to Book Expo America - lots of hot topics this year including a DIY author conference, digital publishing and lots of authors and publishers exhibiting their wares. Big headline, sorry kids no Stephenie Meyer, but its Babs. Yes Barbara Streisand is headlining.

(her nails are like buttah)

So here are the exhibitors: http://bea10.mapyourshow.com/3_0/search.cfm?search_letter=&search_term=omni&search_name=Search I noticed Omnibus but no Omnific. Interesting. 

Oh and FYI next week will also be NY Book Week with lots of events. http://www.bookexpoamerica.com/en/New-York-Book-Week/

What fun to celebrate the written word!

Now the Rob Peen pic:


Cry Baby

Friday May 21, 2010 at 5:50 PM

So I finished Jandco and WTVOC's collab of Dear Isabella and I cried through the ENTIRE thing-all twelve chapters and I was balling.  Now, I don't know if it's just me, but some of my most favorite/memorable fics are the ones that make me cry (cough Best Man cough).  Does anyone else feel this way? Or I've talked to some people who try to stay away from such emotional fics.  Are there any particular fics (maybe less known) that had you blubbering throughout that still stick out in your mind?


How Long Is Too Long?

Friday May 21, 2010 at 4:11 PM

I'm currently reading a fic that is now over 40 chapters and doesn't look like the end is anywhere in sight. As much as I love this story, it's just starting to get tiring! So my question to you all is...how long is too long for a fic? When do you think enough is enough?


Enlighten Me

Friday May 21, 2010 at 3:27 PM

Ok, so I've been AWOL from FF for a while now. Well, not totally...but I've definitely been less involved than I used to be. Blame it on a busy life and a kid who doesn't take afternoon naps anymore :P Anyways...I haven't been reading a lot of FF lately either, which means I have no idea what the deal is out there anymore.


What are the trends in the Twi-fic world right now? 

What are you sick of seeing? 

What would you like to see more of? 

What have you never seen before but would love for someone to write?

I'm genuinely curious, so please come and give me your thoughts, opinions, rec's, whatever! 




Friday May 21, 2010 at 2:57 PM


Here’s to the beers we’ll drink, the parties we’ll crash, and the riots we’ll start. CHEERS TO CANADIANS.


Friday May 21, 2010 at 2:27 PM

so, a few weeks ago, wtvoc had a campfire for recycling.


I GOT MY PACKAGE!  Thanks gabriel!


to make this post interactive:  has anyone got their stuff yet?  did you send it out?  and if you didn't participate then... what was one of your favourite gifts!


thanks!  i'm on cloud 9!


To all the beautiful ADF members :-)

Friday May 21, 2010 at 2:24 PM

 I have been super busy taking on camera acting classes, getting my headshots done and helping family and friends. I have missed you all. 

I will be visiting NYC for the first time in a few weeks. Please give me your recommendations, best places to have desserts, pizza or food in general. Best places to shop, visit and best places for kids. I’m really excited; maybe I can meet some of you while I’m there as well. 
Here is some eye candy for your lovely time ;-)



Kellan Lutz p/ calvin klein by lulu_Henrique.   View Image 



Friday May 21, 2010 at 1:55 PM

We've had campfires before about musicians - usually which ones we find hot.  

I want to know who your favourite girl musicians are.  They don't have to be singers.  They don't even have to play popular music.

Who are your female musical idols?

She inspired this campfire:

Yeah she's a mess but the new Hole album rocks.


I wish I had a minute amount of the talent or attitude that these women have.

And this woman was my first idol.  She inspired me to learn guitar (even though she's not a guitarist...) and one of my stories is named after one of her songs :)


cant get over it or maybe i wont???

Friday May 21, 2010 at 1:43 PM

ok so basically on wednesday here in england i was watching the season finale of gossip girl and i cried in it - i seriously cried - because CHUCK'S DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!

well im not sure if its that hes going to come back to life thingy - i SUPER hope he does because without chuck gossip girl isnt gossip girl no more and WAY more importantly - CHUCK AND BLAIR WERE SUPPOSED TO BE TOGETHER FORVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn you jenny - anyhoo im rambling now soooo i was wondering if any of you nice amerians can tell me what's going to happen since you know the season has already started there -

and i wouls totally LOVE  to get your views on that episode - i cry every damn time i see chuck saying "Dont take the ring....." and then the gun shot and then him on the floor while blair and serena are all happy go lucky on the way to paris !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

aaahhhh i must not cry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  anyhoo i dont have any super hot pics of rob or any of the cast cuz im dank like that - well i do but well i dunno there old so wat eva

oh yeah does anyone have any SUPER GOOD ff's bout bella getting revenge from edward for leaving her - if you LOVE those then you should totally read DIRTY DANCING WITH THE DEVIL HERSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanx everyone who would post a comment

ps- well today was hot for once in birmingham , so was yesterday but wat eva and i was wondering do you guys in other contries like get water bottles and throe ater at each other even when theres like a BILLION teachers telling you not to??????????? well i did today and the teacher was like going to every single little cluster of peope and telling them not to throw water and shes like my geography teacher soooo like she came to me and my friends on thre big field and siad "Girls i know you woulnt do such a a stupid thing as throwing water but can you tell me if anyone does?" LIKE WAT THE HELL WOMEN?????????? anyhoo as soon as she was about 2 meters away from us i squirted water all over my friends head and the bottle was full when i started and by the time i was finished she was drenched and my bottle was empty!!!!!! hahah its not funny - its a you had to be there thing - i just thought id share that bit of random with you ;]

anyhoo REMEBER - TELL ME IF CHUCK COMES BACK BY SOME MIRICLE AND ABOUT WATER FIGHTS AT SCHOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THANX a load of blood - that was my attempt at being funny - your probably laffing at how dunb that is but yeah thats me RANDOM!!!!!!!

i'll sill stop rambling now xoxooxoxoox


One shot fic search

Friday May 21, 2010 at 1:24 PM

I am looking for a fic oneshot I read.  I think it might have been a contest entry.  It was about Bella meeting Edward in the line up at the Driver's License department.  They are there for a long time.  Any one recall what this is or something similar?  I thought I had saved it in my favourites, but alas I did not.  Sigh.

For your trouble, this pretty boy.



Chris Klein Audition

Friday May 21, 2010 at 1:13 PM

Not sure if someone has already posted this.

Chris Klein auditions for Mama Mia no one seems to know if it's genuine or meant as a joke. I truly hope it's the latter but think it may well be genuine as the film company has removed all the vids from youtube and this was the only one I could find.

You want to watch this, trust me!


It wouldn't let me attach the video so just click the link.


Fanfics searching!

Friday May 21, 2010 at 12:43 PM

Hello campers! This is my first campfire so be gentle ;)

 I need some fanfics where bella and edward get together in some way and starts a family! i just love dadward (a) and i would appreciate if the plot was good to. you know a story you can't stop reading until it's over ;D

And i have another demand to. I want fanfics when bella and edward are friends since they were children, and they grow up and it develops into something more

and to say thank you, here you go....

and you get something special 'cause i think is hawt when he's mad ... ;)


Rec a fic

Friday May 21, 2010 at 12:35 PM

Hey there!

Just finished Boy in the Red Sweater (thanks to all of you that gave me the push to do so this week). The romance between E and B was just so sweet, and I loved the innocence.

So now, I've got me a hankering for FIRST TIMES! 

I'd prefer longer stories (really excellent one shots ok) with E and B BOTH being virgins. There's something very sweet about it being both of them, not having one have more experience than the other.

And completed preferably too! 


First --- | >> | 1148 | 1149 | 1150 | 1151 | 1152 | 1153 | 1154 | 1155 | 1156 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
