

Monday July 2, 2012 at 1:38 PM

ask a ranger

ever wondered something about ADF?

have a burning tech question that you need answered?

uhh just wanna know something in general? need advice?  anything.

i cannot guarantee if other rangers will answer because they all have their homing devices turned off, but maybe the others will put in an appearance~

one of my all-time favorite recording artists fyt:


Can't remember the name of this fic!

Monday July 2, 2012 at 1:19 PM

I was reading a story about Bella having worked for the Volturi and being put in Witness protection. Emmett is the marshall for her case and she winds up in Edwards care as his fiance. Anyone know what I'm talking about?


My rec: Coming Home by Sarges Girls. Its on FFn and Twilighted :)

(Still haven't figured out how to post it as a l ink. sorry!)


The fact is, I'm a lurker

Monday July 2, 2012 at 12:15 PM

In honor of Anderson Cooper,  I'm officially outing myself as a ADF lurker! Hello, Rangers and Campers!  While I have randomly commented here and frequently reviewed my favorite fics on ffn, I've never had the nerve to start a campfire.  Today I've been inspired by the wonderful Mr. Cooper in all of his giggly goodness. My name is Alli, so glad to officially meet you!

I'd like to ask for you to share your top three (or five, or eleventy hundred) most RE-READABLE twi-fics.

Mine are:

1. Tropic of Virgo. If there is further explanation required, please feel free to ask. I could go on and on about the perfection of this story. I've re-read enought times that I am not even sure how many times it's been. "Hello Spark" should be it's own secret password to identify other fandom peeps, maybe. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4901517/1/Tropic_of_Virgo


2. Paper Cutouts. While this one was very popular in it's day, I'm not sure if people were quite as taken with it after completion. I will never tire of the characters in this story. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5993964/1/Paper_CutOuts


3. The Blessing and The Curse: It's like sepia toned imagery set to lyrical prose. Just one of the most  beautiful peices of literature out there in the fandom. Every time I read it I notice another little facet of brillance. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5100876/1/The_Blessing_and_the_Curse


And we'll all float on okay

Monday July 2, 2012 at 9:10 AM


Look, I didn't forget :D

Okay, so... it's peek time!

And while you're at it, maybe gimme the tunes you listen to when writing

~Don't forget to include the link to your fic~


Happy Monday

Monday July 2, 2012 at 8:09 AM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.

So come on in and see who won the crown this week!


What the Fic?!

Monday July 2, 2012 at 7:45 AM


What is this fic?

Monday July 2, 2012 at 7:27 AM

I know I should know the answer to this question because I'm pretty sure this fic is a WIP and has popped up in discussion in several campfires here in the Forest.  But I don't remember.  Blame it on mommy brain, if you will.

In short, all I know is that Bella is a florist and Edward is a tattoo artist...


My rec: Under These Lights by Jaxington. 



The Reading List

Sunday July 1, 2012 at 8:32 PM

WTVOC said this sounded good to her.

I've always been a list maker, ever since I was a little girl.  I learned later this is what I unconsciously did to compensate for an undiagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder.  (We didn't even have ADD in those days.  I was called a "day dreamer," "distractable," "disorganized," and "lazy" among other things.)  As a consequence, though, I learned to LOVE lists.  Lists combatted all the things in me that people didn't like.  Now adays, add forgetful to all of that and you'd have me in my middle age.

But, like all good compensators, I'd like to share my madness.  Let's share our own lists, okay?

What is YOUR fanfic WIP reading list?

You don't even have to post a link or a summary, just the name of the piece and its author.

Mine will be posted under the cut.


Birthday gifts?

Sunday July 1, 2012 at 7:34 PM

Its still free for all right? My computer is telling me it is still Sunday over here on the east coast :)

SO anyways, its my two best friends birthdays coming up next week. One is a guy and the other a girl. I got them cards (the girl a nice card, the guy a funny one) and then my girl friend I got a 20 dollar gift card and some oreos. I need something else to buy her and I need to buy the guy something too. I want to get my girl friend an actual gift, something small though. The problem is that I am awful at getting gifts. 

And generic gift ideas?

And to make this more fun…what was the best or oddest gift you ever got?

For me, It was a pair of socks from my mom on my 18th birthday. Yep, just a comfy pair of socks.


Spain v Italy

Sunday July 1, 2012 at 12:26 PM

Let's watch it together!! Buffon v Casillas, a battle of gods. 

Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club

Sunday July 1, 2012 at 10:01 AM


Howdy my lovely campers!  How is everyone doing!  

Homework:  Any new music, recipes, workouts?  Since our 60 day challege is over is there a challenge you would like to try?  

Also its never too late to join in. ; )


What the Fic?!

Sunday July 1, 2012 at 8:38 AM


how's it going, eh?

Sunday July 1, 2012 at 7:22 AM


to my fellow canuck campers and ranger!



what are your plans for today?


i'm probably going to stop off at Timmies

then eat a poutine

maybe watch some hockey

drink some maple syrup

you know, just some of the things canadians do.


but really, I'm going to see MAGIC MIKE


some canadian music fyt:


2 requests...

Saturday June 30, 2012 at 9:50 PM

Since this is still free for all....

1) Does anybody have a pdf copy of Angel in the Attic? PLease comment in teh campfire if you do and I'll send you my e-mail.

NEW REQUEST: Wckdqueen was so kind as to give me the pdf story. Does anyone have copies of the outtakes?

2)  I'm still looking  for this AU twilight fic that used to be posted on twilighted.net. My original request was posted in a help campfire about a week ago, but no one responded. Here's what I remember:

Edward survives the influenza and ends up joining the American military. He is stationed in Italy, where he meets Bella, from Britain, who was sent to there by her protective father to escape the possible fighting that may break out. They have one initial meeting with each other where sparks fly, before Aro, still a Volturi leader, decides to turn Edward because he thinks he has the potential to become an excellent addition to the guard. His theory proves to be correct. Bella is taken to Edward sometime later as a meal but Edward recoils at the thought of killing her. It is then that Aro realizes that the two are mates and subsequently changes Bella.

There was a a weird chapter where Remus Lupin from the Harry Potter series made an appearance, so I guess that makes it a crossover story...

Anyone know what I'm talking about? Besides the Lupin thing, the story was really good.

AND just in case:

REC: As Children after Play, by Cris


Anyone recognize this fic?

Saturday June 30, 2012 at 3:23 PM

Someone is looking for this fic on another forum, and I thought I'd ask here:

Edward fell off a cliff and into the ocean while out hiking with Emmett. His body was never found and Bella never accepted that he was dead. A year later, Bella returns to the town near the spot where Edward fell from the cliff and almost immediately runs into Edward at a local store. Edward goes by a different name and doesn't recognize Bella. He is engaged to the Tanya (I think), the store owner's daughter. The store owner and Tanya seem to hate Bella immediately. .......


My rec: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6324659/1/Judging_Books

Judging Books by Savage:  Summary: Bella's on the debutante track to life in the financial world, just as her Dad has always planned. A chance meeting at a stop light with a beautiful boy on a bicycle gives her a new outlook on life. Can she forego the family dynasty and live life to the fullest with this fascinating, but damaged, young man? M for language/lemons.



Happier Post

Saturday June 30, 2012 at 1:07 PM


Too much of a downer post, so I made it happier, lol.


Happy Saturday, everyone.


Good to be back from vacation.

Sent all offspring to alternate locations last night so I could recover from my vacation.

 This is what I'm up to tonight:

What's everyone up to?

High Noon.  It's here in the forest.


What the Fic?!

Saturday June 30, 2012 at 10:55 AM



Nursing Humor

Saturday June 30, 2012 at 10:01 AM

I know there's a number of nurses here in the forest. I thought I'd give you some nursing humor for your weekend. I'll be working this weekend as usual and most likely will experience most of these situations. Yes, EVERY ONE OF THEM. To make this interactive tell us something about your nursing experience, or if you find something equally misunderstood by the public about your job (teachers?) that could be seen as humorous come and share. And funny pics are always appreciated.


Help me, Italians

Friday June 29, 2012 at 11:55 PM

Camilla, Raum, others, you up yet? We just now decided that we may go to Venice in like a couple of weeks because that's how not organized we are (we actually found out my 8 yo had been bullied at school and want to help her forget). We'll be flying with two kids to the Treviso airport, but should we stay in Venice? I remember going there in the middle of July, and it didn't smell that good, it was full of tourists, and the prices are way up high (and insomniac me can't have all four of us stay together in one room). Then again is there another place we could stay at and easily visit Venice from there? We'd prefer to stay at a place where there's actually sth to do you know? Sb told me about some lakes you swim in and are beautiful but I can't remember which ones.



Baby alert

Friday June 29, 2012 at 6:27 PM

So, since hubby and I have found out we are pregnant, we have been panicking a bit.  It's been seven years and a lot has changed.  SO I'm looking to y'all to swing me some advice and stuff.


BPA - Bottles:

Glass or Dr. Brown? 


Cloth or regular?

We want to make our own baby food rather than buy it...

Is it worth it? If so, what is the best product to use ? (target has this complete set and Bed, bath, and beyond has one similar to it)


When would be a good time to start buying baby items? I ask, because we are often short in funds and I'd like to know what to save and so on.  If I'm lucky and graced with a boy, my neighbor is willing to give me her baby stuff.

I haven't my doctor yet, because the person I want was gone on leave.  I already know what I want this pregnancy and need to know how far I can take it.  I def. want a vbac, even though I know many docs won't support it.   I also only want to see just one doc, not a dozen others in place. 


I can't think of anything else right now...

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